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It didn't take too long for Tanyu to reach the beach. From the moment he'd seen it from the plane, he'd been itching to get a better look. To feel the sand under his feet as well as the chill of the water as he waded in, was somewhat of a stress reliever. Heaving a sigh of relief, Tanyu closed his eyes and focused.

"Yo, yo yo, what do we have here!?"

"Looks like the punk who dissed us a while back."

Tanyu let out an exasperated sigh, frustrated about having been interrupted while meditating.

"For real bro? This is the dude? He don't look like nothin'."

Tanyu shifted himself to face what appeared to be five members of Team Skull. Narrowing his eyes he fixed them with a threatening glare.

"What do you clowns want?" Tanyu quipped.

"Yo, you dissin' us again? Not cool homie!" The thug growled, clenching his fists and hitting his open palm, a sign he was prepared to get aggressive.

"Yeah, don't try to act all hard when you outnumbered. My bros and I have a score to settle with you. I told you we'd be back," another grunt snarled.

"By that did you mean back to talk smack, or to get your ass handed to you again?" Tanyu shot back, an amused look spreading onto his face.

"You should take a look around homie. We've got you outnumbered five to one. And we ain't here for no battle. We came to teach you a lesson on what happens when you mess with Team Skull," the grunt said flatly, cracking his knuckles as he advanced towards Tanyu, the others doing the same.


The Moon's Rising


"Let me get this straight. You're butthurt about your loss earlier, and now your idea of payback...is this?" Tanyu asked, remaining still as Team Skull closed in.

The thugs said nothing as they surrounded Tanyu. Shifting his feet slightly, Tanyu readied himself for the fight that was about to ensue. One of the thugs charged in, his arm extending in a straight punch while another moved on him from the right. Tanyu swerved away from the first of the attackers, causing the one in front of him to take a punch to the side of his ribs from his own teammate as he overextended.

"Yo, watch where you goin!" The thug shouted angrily after his own teammate struck him.

"Not my fault yo! You got in my way!" The other shouted back.

Tanyu quirked a brow as the thugs began arguing with each other while the other three watched.

"So...are we still gonna do this or-?" Tanyu's senses twitched, alerting him to duck as a leg was swept over his head, nearly knocking him over.

Tanyu whirled around to block an axe-kick that caused Tanyu's knees to buckle. As he regained his footing, Tanyu found himself staring up into a pair of fierce golden eyes.

Where did she come from? Tanyu thought, shoving his crossed arms upward to throw her back before getting some distance.

Plumeria narrowed her eyes at Tanyu, cracking her neck before refocusing on her target.

"Huh...I missed. That's new," said Plumeria as she lowered her stance. "I didn't realize my family had targeted someone who could actually fight."

"I didn't realize your family needed six people to target one person," Tanyu replied flatly, observing as Plumeria shifted her gaze towards the one's she'd called her family.

"We don't care about playing by the rules. But you are right, six is a bit excessive. And I'd be willing to overlook this if it weren't for one thing," she said with a frown. "You insulted Team Skull..."

"So that's what this is about? I thought it was because they got chewed up and spit out," Tanyu retorted, clearly uncaring of the glares he was receiving.

"Yo sis! Let's check this fool!" Another Team Skull thug shouted in irritation.

"Again with the tryhard gangster talk?" Tanyu said, rolling his eyes.

"Not to point out the obvious bro, but two of you just hit each other. Just let me handle this," Plumeria said, turning her face towards Tanyu who stood in wait.

"So...you defend your brothers by insulting them? Doesn't that seem a little...counterintuitive?" Tanyu questioned her.

"Counter-what now?" Said one thug in confusion.

"Arceus," Plumeria said with a sigh, palming her face and shaking her head. "Look, I don't have time for your little games. Stop confusing my comardes with big words and fight me already," she barked, glide-stepping into a roundhouse kick which Tanyu threw up his arm to block, the force causing him to skid a little.

"Looks like someone took some kickboxing," Tanyu said, rubbing his wrist a little to shake off the feeling. "That stung a little," he frowed, leaping away from a followup sweeping kick, blocking a straight punch that came from his right, the fist belonging to a thug.

Tanyu ducked down with a sweeping kick that put the thug flat on his back. Staying alert, his right arm came up to block a second axe kick that pressed down hard on his arm. Tanyu gritted his teeth, grunting from the pressure exherted on his arm once again. Launching his left arm upward, he took hold of the Plumeria's ankle and thrusted upward to force her back.

Tanyu scrambled to his feet and gripped his right arm, wincing slightly.

Sheesh, she hits pretty hard, Tanyu thought, his eyes remaining on the adversary as she recomposed herself. Whoever taught her was very thorough...

"Hey. What's the matter? Afraid to fight back?" She taunted, getting a chuckle out of Tanyu in return.

"It's not that," Tanyu laughed, excitement flashing in his amethyst hues as he shifted his stance. "It's just been a while since I've had a good fight," Tanyu grinned.

Plumeria tilted her head at his reaction. She could tell that Tanyu was no slouch. He was clearly trained well and was able to fend off her attacks. However, she couldn't help but wonder why he wasn't attacking back. Her eyes shifted to her teammate who was picking himself off the ground and backing away from the fight. A smile crossed her face as she saw he was okay. Turning her head, she fixed Tanyu with a critical stare. As she was about to continue, her back pocket vibrated. Cursing under her breath, she answered it.

"What?" She grunted, frowning as she listened to the voice on the other line. "I see...understood. We're heading back now," Plumeria muttered, closing her phone.

"Hey, we're heading back, boss's orders," Plumeria stated, getting a groan from the group of thugs.

"Don't give me that. Let's go," Plumeria snapped, turning to face a bewildered Tanyu. "As for you," she said with narrowed eyes, "we'll finish this later..."

Easing his stance, Tanyu took a deep breath and nodded. "Fine by me pinkie," Tanyu smirked, getting a frown from Plumeria.

"It's Plumeria. Remember that name," Plumeria shot back, turning tail and prompting her crew to follow.

"Don't worry," Tanyu mumbled under his breath as he watched her walk away, paying close attention to her bodily movements while she moved, "I doubt I'll forget," he finished, a smirk flashing across his face as he looked at his right arm, clenching and unclenching his fist as the feeling came back.

Turning towards the ocean, he walked to the water's edge closing his eyes to meditate, finally.

And them's the brakes! Tanyu got into a little scrap with Plumeria and her teammates! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Remember to comment and vote and leave some constructive feedback, because as you know,it really helps me out! Thanks for reading, and I'll see you in the nbext chapter! Ciao for now folks!

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