Chapter 10 (1st Draft)

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Penn and the children didn't head out of the cabin until the very last child was cleaned up and ready to go. The cabin was practically bursting with excited chatter and pups crazily jumping all over each other. It was like they were on a sugar high, but Penn knew this was more than the effect of boxed cereal in their tummies. She smiled at them despite the deafening chaotic noise. It felt good to see them so happy - to see their high spirits return. 

Anex, Jenna and Drummond were waiting patiently for them outside the cabin. The children quieted right down as soon as they caught sight of the rather intimidating wolves. Jenna and Drummond, whom had very little interactions with the pups since meeting them, made the pups a little nervous.  However, their nerves settled down the moment Penn stepped out of the cabin and shut the door. They knew they could trust her. They knew she'd watch over them and protect them from every kind of danger until they were officially adopted into the Orthos Pack. 

Penn, for her part, noticed right away that both Jenna and Drummond were more relaxed in her presence. She could only attribute it to Anex. He must have shared his morning revelations with them regarding her. And, it seemed to Penn that being an exiled wolf might, for once, help her rather than hinder her.

She acknowledge Anex with a nod and then the other two wolves. While she couldn't be sure how far she could trust any of them, it was important to establish small gestures of mutual respect now that the general atmosphere had lightened up. She'd like to keep the friendly momentum going as long as possible because it wasn't going to last forever. Penn had been a rogue too long not to understand a fight was coming. It was simply too much to hope that she could slip in and out of Orthos territory without a battle whether she was a legitimate rogue or not.

Penn could only hope and pray that the pups would not be harmed when someone less reasonable than Anex encountered her. She didn't bring them this far and through countless dangers and hardships just for them to get injured in some scuffle in their new home.

Mia stood at her feet tugging at her pant leg and bringing her back to the present moment. Penn scooped her up and gave the little tyke a genuine smile, which Mia responded to by wrapping her arms affectionately around Penn's neck. Penn was grateful for the child.

There was nothing like the needs and wants of a two and a half year old pup to keep Penn focused in the here and now. The future was yet unknown and worrying about it wasn't going to do her or the pups any good. Penn gave Mia a little affectionate squeeze and felt herself relax a little. She'd just have to worry about the fight when it came.

It took a few hours of slow trudging through the thick and sometimes treacherous woods before Anex put up his hand and signalled to everyone that they had finally arrived at the meeting spot.

Just ahead, through the woods, was Orthos' Beta and his team. Penn could smell them long before she saw them. There were six new scents and a seventh, which was familiar. She detected the scent of three females and four males. Penn could tell that one of the females with the group was the hidden wolf that had been shadowing Anex and his group the previous day. 

Penn didn't smell any aggression in the air, which surprised her. She supposed that the shadow wolf had gone ahead and shared with the Beta that Penn was an exiled wolf and not a rogue. Though just speculation, it seemed reasonable to Penn. It certainly explained why she couldn't sense any overt hostility as she and the pups came into view. 

As they broke through the woods and into a small clearing in the dense forest, Penn watched Anex and his group greet their Beta with great respect while she and pups hung back. She eyed the Beta carefully. He looked a great deal like Lara. The family resemblance was uncanny and Penn's heart softened a little towards the Beta before she'd even had a chance to speak to him.

Penn looked down at the bent heads of Cassidy and Jackson. All of the children stood slightly behind her with their heads bowed respectfully before their new Beta. She could see Cassidy reach for Jackson's hand and squeeze it tightly. The two of them could hardly wait to be reunited with their uncle.

Penn's heart filled with long forgotten emotions as the realization that she'd fulfilled her promise to Lara suddenly struck her.   She smiled tenderly at the pups. They had survived their ordeal and were on the cusp of building a new life in the Orthos pack. It was a truly remarkable moment. Lara would be so pleased. All their dead loved ones back in Griffin territory would be.

Beta Lucas came forward and Penn turned her full attention to him. He appeared relaxed and undisturbed by her presence, which gave Penn hope that the meeting would be peaceful. And, unlike Anex, he actually address Penn and not  Cassidy when he spoke.

"I am Beta Lucas of the Orthos pack," he said in a deep and respectful voice.

Penn gave him a little nod and replied, "I'm Penn, a friend of your sister. Please accept my condolences," she added sincerely.

She couldn't be certain but she thought she saw surprise in his eyes and they went a little glassy for a moment. Penn's heart softened even more toward the man who looked so much like the only friend she'd ever really had in her whole life.

He cleared his throat and said with genuine warmth, "And to you. I understand our loss is your loss too."

Penn gave a brief nod of acceptance and left it at that. She had never been treated so courteously and thoughtfully by an adult male ever. For him to recognize that his own loss was hers too touched her deeply, and she felt the sting of tears at the back of her eyes. She blinked quickly to make sure she didn't cry. It was the first time in a long time that she felt that she was on the edge of tears.

After her little nod he continued, now speaking to her and all the children, saying "We welcome the orphans of Griffin. You will find a home with us and you will be safe with us children. Your enemies are our enemies and your friends," he said while looking directly at Penn, "are our friends."

It was the most extraordinary thing. The children broke out in cheers and in sobs and they swarmed Penn trying to hug her and touch her and kiss her cheeks. They managed to drag her down to her knees as they cried and laughed with great relief and even greater joy. Their nightmare was over. Finally, they were well and truly safe.

Penn never scolded them. She never told them to quit it or to behave or pipe down. She let them celebrate however they liked in that moment. Even if it meant being hugged and kissed a hundred times. The truth was, despite his friendly speech, she knew that this might be the end of the journey for her. It was likely she would have to separate from the children here. It pained her physically to even think of it. So, instead, she pushed those thoughts away, embraced them back and was happy to take what she could get in that moment. It would be a warm memory in the times ahead, when she was back on her own again.

The Orthos wolves stood back and watched the joyous explosion with great fascination and curiosity. Clearly the children were happy, but what was even more apparent was how much they loved their guardian – the rogue she-wolf. They poured over her again and again hugging and kissing her and smiling at her and for her. In these few minutes they had eyes only for her.

Beta Lucas and his group could clearly see she was Alpha, Luna, mother, big sister and stalwart guardian to them all at once and they could not hide it or even wished too. They wanted to celebrate their triumphant victory with her and none but her. They did not spare a glance or a thought for the Orthos wolves – their new pack - in that moment. They thought only of their beloved savior.

It was a truly touching and bewildering sight. Some of the Orthos wolves, even the males, may have experienced a misty eye or two. Though they'd never admit it. This woman, who they understood had been a total stranger to the children before the day of the attack, had risked life and limb to get them across the pass and to the safety of a pack that could have easily torn her to shreds on sight (or so they imagined).

She was strong, courageous and selfless. She was very much like an Alpha in that respect. No Alpha could have done better. It was impossible not to feel a wave of respect and admiration for the rogue. She wasn't like any rogue they had ever encountered or were likely to ever encounter again.

When the children finally began to settle down, Beta Lucas and his mate Jules singled out Cassidy and Jackson. They embraced them and many tears were shed – mostly by the pups and Jules. It was a bitter sweet reunion, but ultimately a very satisfying one.

Penn watched them and smiled. She was happy for Cassidy and Jackson. It was clear as day that the Beta and his mate would take the children in with open arms. This small insight came as a great relief to Penn. She had hope now that all the children might be welcomed with loving arms by other Orthos families.

Finally, feeling a semblance of peace about leaving the children, Penn took off her backpack with a sigh and set it down on the ground beside her. She stretched and flexed the muscles in her back. The pack was heavy and cumbersome. It had really restricted her movements these past six weeks. She was glad to be rid of it. Though, part of her was also a little reluctant to give it up so easily.

Delivering the knapsack full of important Griffin pack documents to the Orthos Beta was her second promise to Lara. Once she handed it over to Beta Lucas her promises would be fulfilled and there would be no reason for her to linger with the pups. The documents were her last official tie to them. She stared down at the dusty and warn pack with a frown.

It was going to be time to say farewell and the truth was, she dreaded it. The pups had become her pack in the six weeks since they'd been thrust into her care. Penn had no idea, when she made the rash promise to get them to safety, how her heart would break when this moment came.  Letting them go was even more painful than being kicked out of her own pack.

But, it was a sweet pain. The children would have no future with her, but with Orthos they would likely grow up well-loved and cherished. The thought brought her comfort as she looked around at them.

And, in time, the pain would fade. She'd eventually get use to her old solitary life again. Six weeks with the pups could hardly erase ten years of isolation. But, it would be six weeks she would never forget. Six weeks she would always cherish in her heart.

Cassidy caught her eye and gave her  bright smile. Penn couldn't return the smile. She merely nodded at the girl. Penn could feel it in her very bones that Cassidy and little Mia would be the hardest two to walk away from.

She couldn't stand all these miserable and conflicting emotions. She'd never felt so much or so deeply since she was a teen. It was almost more than she could bare.

Penn knew she had to leave soon or she risked being split asunder by her desire to stay with the children and her duty to leave them with the Orthos pack. She had to remind herself over and over again that this is what Lara wanted.

Penn knew that when she headed back to her old life she was never going to be able to go back to her old self.  The Griffin pack orphans had seen to that. They had changed her heart irrevocably. They'd resurrected every good feeling she'd ever had about pack-life, family and loved ones. It wasn't possible for her to kill those emotions off again. Not this time around. In order to kill her feelings she'd have to bury every sweet memory she had of the Griffin orphans. She would never do it. Not even to preserve her sanity. 

She loved the pups too much to do it.

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