Chapter 2

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A man came into my line of sight, and he was the most stunning creature I'd ever seen. He was tall, at least 6'4" and his face was angular and sharp, with strong cheekbones and a jaw line that nearly had me drooling. His shoulder length black hair was lightly wavy and hung loose. He had a strong build, lean, yet muscular. His suit was tailored well and clung to his shoulders and chest, but It was his piercing golden eyes with flecks of emerald green that really drew me in. They also tipped me off to what he was. My mate, was a vampire. And a sexy one at that.

Rieka POV.

'Rieka, he's our mate, walk over there' Asena whined, and yet I just stood there in awe. Watching him as he walked closer with each slow and calculated step, a smile curling at his lips. Even his smile made me feel a little warmer. Then my mood shifted.

A girl, someone better looking and much more confident swooped in and caught his attention. Standing in front of him and placing a hand on his chest. I fought back the growl that was rumbling lowly in my throat. I stopped the tears that were welling in my eyes from falling.

Instead, I turned to the vamp who'd asked me to dance and I took his hand, offering yet another forced smile. My mate didn't even want me did he?

Together the vampire who'd asked me to dance and I went out onto the dance floor, where he introduced himself as Claus. As the music began to play, he placed a hand on my hip and and pulled me against him in a slow dance.

"So, Gorgeous. What's your name?" He asked.

I chuckled, amused. "Names hold power Claus, even you should know that" I replied sweetly.

He smirked. "That only works on a vampire my dear. And you're a wolf, last I checked"

I shook my head with an amused smile. "Why should I give you the honour of my name?" I teased.

"Because I could make your night wonderful..."

A low snarl rippled the air behind me and Claus seemed to stiffen. His hands dropped from my body and he stepped back. "M-my King... please pardon me" he begged, Bowing his head. I turned and felt my stomach stir with butterflies. Here stood my mate, looking both handsome and threatening.

"Move away, Miklaus. Before I throw you into the sunlight tomorrow morning"

I shuddered at the tone. The power in his voice, gave me chills. And yet, I wasn't afraid. I was intrigued. I watched as Claus scurried away into the crowd, while my mate looked down at me with a gorgeous smile. "Hello, My sweet little Mate. My name is Dimitri Valatieri"

I bowed my head with respect, and curtsied. "Good Evening, King Valatieri, it's an honour" My voice was polite, yet still airy. Was it warm in here or is it just me?

"What's your Name My Sweet?" He asked, placing a finger under my chin as I stood up and lifting my head that was previously looking downwards.

"Rieka Fawn" I murmured, he smiled in response.

"Rieka, My Dear. Please just call me Dimitri. You are mine as I am yours, Little Mate" he said sweetly. I simply nodded.

Dimitri held his hand out to me as another slow song began to play. "May I have this dance?"

I smiled at him, a true smile and took his hand in mine, feeling the wonderful tingling sparks that shot through my arm and around my body at the touch. "You may"

And then he drew me close and swept me across the dance floor. His arm around my waist, and hand in my lower back, with the other hand up, holding my hand, while my other arm was around the back of his neck. I smiled up at him and moved with the music, to a slow and steady beat that matched the rhythm of my heart beat.

Dimitri's eyes never wandered from my own, his smile was bright and it made my heart flutter in my chest. I loved his eyes, swirling pools of gold, with the flecks of green that never ceased to bore me. I found my mate, and I wasn't displeased.

As the night progressed, Dimitri and I went to greet my Parents. I stood beside him when they stood up and bowed.
"Rieka, curtsy to the king, show him some respect" My mother hissed, eyes holding anger.

I bowed my head and curtsied, only for Dimitri to wave at me to stand up. "Little Mate, you don't need to bow or crusty, we've been over this"

I blushed and stood. "Sorry" I murmured sheepishly. He simply smiled and wrapped his arm around my waist. "Mum, Dad. Please meet King Valatieri. My mate" I introduced.

Both my parents stood and gaped. "Please forgive me for such disrespect" my mother gasped out, only causing Dimitri to chuckle.

"It's quite alright Mrs Fawn. Your daughter is a fine young wolf, and I'm honoured to be her mate. It's my pleasure to meet both of you"

Dimitri grasps my mothers hand and kissed the back of it, like a gentleman and then turned to my father and inclined his head, holding his hand out to shake. My father grasped Dimitri's hand and gave it a firm shake, like all Father's would. He smiled. "Treat her right, and don't make me come after you"

Dimitri chuckled. "I intend to keep her safe and to treat her like the queen she is, and to give her as much love and respect which she deserves"

I smiled up at my mate, his words made me feel warm and tingly inside.

"Will you be leaving tonight or can she stay a few days to say goodbye?" My mother asked suddenly.

My heart sank, he has a kingdom to run, I would have to pack and leave tonight.

"I will have to return tonight, but Rieka May stay to say her goodbyes, I'll pick her up in 3 days, that is, if she is alright with that" he stated, before looking down at me with his golden orbs.

"3 days is fine, I don't have many friends here" I commented and he gave me a small smile, drawing me a little closer to his body, and kissing the crown of my head.

"It's settled then" he said kindly and I nodded.

Im gonna cut it there guys,

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