Hunting (part 1)

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3rd person

"Why not Bobby?" Brook asked.

"This is your case, you three should go." He said. Brook glanced at the two brothers waiting by the door. She looked back at Bobby. He gave a slight nod as if saying it was ok. Brook nodded back. The three young hunters made their way to the cars.


They reached their location. A basement. Yes a basement. The basement of bookstore to be exact. Now all they needed was how to get into the basement. The three got out of the cars. All they needed were their machetes so the hunters hid those in their jackets. Sam, Dean, and Brook made their way to the entrance in silence. Once they got in they all leaned together.

"Ok we just look for a way into the basement and then call the others when we're in." Brook told the brothers. Dean looked at her.

"You know I'm usually the one in charge." He said. Sam looked at Dean.

"No you're not!" He exclaimed.

"Guys we don't have time for this! Let's just go!" Brook whispered loudly.

"Ok fine!" Dean said raising his arms in exaggeration. The three split up. Brook went over to the nicest looking lady she could find.

"Excuse me..." She said. The lady turned around.

"Yes? How can I help you?" She asked.

"I was looking for..." Brook quickly tried to think of a book title "um... any books in the paranormal section." She decided.

"Oh, well the paranormal section is right over there." The lady said pointing in a direction. Brook nodded as a thank you and walked away.

Ok, first attempt didn't work now I have to think of a new plan. She thought to herself. Once she was at the paranormal section a book caught her eye. Or more like some books caught her eye. She picked two of them up.

"Supernatural by Carver Edlund." She read out loud. "Route 666." Brook looked at the other book. (Try saying that ten times fast). The other one also was said supernatural and was written by the same guy. "Scarecrow." Read the other title.

"Oh my god! I love those books! They are amazing! Ahhh!!" Someone screamed behind Brook. She quickly turned around. The girl was around 16, had long wavy red hair, and brown eyes. The girl stepped closer to the book shelves.

"I have the entire series except the first book, which I of course already read but I need to own it, and I want to get the first one so badly but it's not here! I'm going to go as the lady that works here." She said rapidly and she was gone. That gave Brook an idea. She went up to someone else.

"Hey, sorry to bother you but do you guys happen to have the first books of the supernatural series?" Brook asked.

"You a fan?" Asked the worker.

"Oh no, I just need to get it for my... um... sister. Yeah for my sister."

"Well if we don't have any on the shelves your welcome to look in the basement." The lady offered.

"Really?!" Brook asked excited. She nodded. The two made their way to the basement.

"I'm sorry I have to do this." Brook said once she had opened the basement door. The lady turned around confused.

"What do yo-" she was cut off mid sentence. Brook hit her temple. Her head snapped to the side causing her to black out.

Yes that is a way to knock someone out. Also sorry this was a late update (and so were my other books) but as you know my school work has been pilling (?) up and I'm trying to catch up. So sorry my updating schedule will be all over the place. Sorry.

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