Rescuing Father (sort of)

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Brooklyn's POV
(Request an emoji as the little under thing)

"Brooks!" My father yelled as he held back the vampires.

"Go! Get mom and leave!" He yelled.

"No! I won't! I can't!" I yelled back.

"You know one of us won't make it." My father said. I couldn't see him but I heard a quiver in his voice. Then everything goes quiet and I hear something hit the ground with a thud. I run from around the corner and see a trail of blood leading outside the door. That's all. They took him.

"Brooks?!" My mother yelled, running down the stairs. She ran to the front door, 3 machetes in hand. Her eyes shifted from me to the trail of blood and back to me. She opened her mouth to speak and I nodded. She threw me my oversized knife and ran out the door. I followed shutting the front door behind me. I got into the car and she took off. Once we arrived at the nearest nest my mother busted in, interrupting an 'animal blood drinking' session. The vampires bared their fangs but their faces softened once they saw who it was. My mother and I stood there at the entrance of the barn. She ran and pinned a vampire to the wall. The machete pressed against her neck.

"Tell me where he is." My mother said through her teeth.

"Where who is?" asked the vampire. Mother pressed down harder on its neck and it hissed at her.

"Three town east, the only warehouse there is." The vampire said quickly, to save herself from getting killed. My mother ran out and I got back into the car. The car ride was silent. I knew my mother blamed herself.

"It wasn't you-"

"Yes it was!" She interrupted.

"Once we get your father back, were never hunting again." She said. My mother knew that once you were in the business there's no going back to your old life. We got to the town and busted through the warehouse doors. The warehouse was dark and you could hear the drip drop of water.

'Ready?' my mother mouthed. I nodded and we took a quick turn at the end of the hall. There he was. His wrists tied together with chain. He was limp and lifeless, hanging by only said wrists.

"D-dad?" I asked. He didn't respond. We took a couple steps closer and my father turned his head towards us and groaned in pain. My mother stood in front of him. She gently placed her hand on his cheek. My father snapped his head up and opened his mouth. A set of fangs grew from his gums. They had turned him. He was one of them.

"J-Jason ...." mother cried. Father retracted his fangs. His face told me he was holding something in.

"U-use the machetes." My father said.

"I-I can't." My mother choked. The last spec of kindness left in my fathers eyes was gone and he bared his fangs again. My mother went back to my side. Out stepped someone from the shadows. Another vampire I'm guessing. Details aren't important. He walked over to my father.

"I'm going to let him go. Either you kill him, or he'll kill one of you." The vamp walked over to me and used a small knife to cut my arm and did the same to my mother. My father went crazy, trying to escape his chain prison. The vamp went back over to him and let him go. In a blink of an eye the fresh vamp darted toward me. He pinned me again the wall.

"D-don't do this." I strained. His layer of fangs about to sink into my skin. I shut my eyes causing a tear to escape it. Then his grip on my neck loosened and his body dropped to the ground. His head detached and blood spilled out of what was left of his neck. My mother stood behind him bloody machete in hand. Tears rolled down her cheeks and she dropped the knife. She slowly made her way to the ground. She leaned over my father's body.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." She kept whispering.

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