Ms. Yuunda

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In the Khandi house. Grandpa Rampy is in his room reading the last page of the book before finishing.

Grandpa Ramps: And so the hero of Ankansa has defeated the king of evil and saved the world as it goes in peace.  The end

He then sigh in Relaxation as he lays back on the chair he's sitting while closing his eyes. But Suddenly  his eyes wide open.

Grandpa Ramps: Oh crap...

Meanwhile Cam, Chum and Isabelle are playing a board game Monopoly in Isabelle's room.

Cam: Dang Isabelle, You're in prison?

Lil Isabella: Well I wouldn't be in Jail if someone didn't snitch on me!

She said while glaring at Chum. While being in the cardboard jail cell.

Lil Chum: It's not my fault, you stole my Coppers so you deserve it!

The door was slammed open causing the three jump.

Cam: What was tha-

He was cutted off when a bunch of books was thrown at his face.

Grandpa Ramps: No time to talk! I need one of you guys to return these to Ms. Yuunda!

Lil Chum: Wait! Why don't you return them?

Grandpa Ramps: You know dang well I can't carry all those books at once, you know I'm getting old plus I gotta Cook dinner for tonight!

Lil Chum: But how did y- you know what never mind...

Cam moves the books out of his body.

Cam: who do you want to take them back...?

Grandpa Ramps: welp I believe that one of you kids will do it!

Lil Chum: No can do. I need flex my Coppers in front of Isabelle while she's in prison.

Lil Isabella: *Growl*

Cam: Well I guess that leaves it to me then.

He then stacked the books before picking them up.

Cam: Ok I'll take them back

Grandpa Ramps: Thank you!

Lil Chum: Mm yes~ coppers! Haha!

He laughs while Flexing in front of her.

Lil Isabella:

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


Cam is now standing at Ms. Yuunda's house at her front door.

Cam: I guess this is her house.

He knocks on the door and waited before it was open revealing The adult female mouse. She was wearing a long skirt with a Sweater.

Ms. Yuunda: And who you might be?

Cam: Uh...are you Ms. Yuunda?

Ms. Yuunda: Why yes I am.

Cam: Well..uh.. Grandpa Rampy sent me here to give back the books back to you.

Ms Yuunda: My my, Well come on in look different from the other people...are you the creature that everyone is talking about?

Cam: Yea...?

He said while carrying the books inside. Cam looks around seeing her living room being decent. They then walked downstairs to the basement and everything around them was Books in shelves.

Ms. Yuunda: Put them down right here.

Cam: Ok

He set the books on the table before speaking.

Cam: So you kept your books in the basement?

Ms Yuunda: Why yes. My living room doesn't have enough space so the basement was the right one.

She said while Cam picked one book from the shelf.

Cam: 3 girls and 1 blind boy was transported to a world where Frogs, Newts and Toads exist...the whole new adventures awaits them...

The front cover shows the image of a mouse girl with a Bush hair and a blind mouse boy running along with a Frog creature, With a title named The Frog world.

Cam: That seems interesting

Ms. Yuunda: Ah yes. That book you're holding right now is one of my favorite ones!

Later on. We see the two of them looking down at the pot that was filled with Green glowing stuff. Cam took a sniff before gagging in disgust covering his nose

Cam: it smells horrible! What's in this!

Ms Yuunda: Rabbit's foot, Swamp Water, Maggots, Dead worms and a Bird's eye

Cam's face turn green while listening.

Cam: I feel like throwing up!

Ms. Yuunda: Ah! Yes! Please put it in the pot that'll make it more great!

Cam was grossed out at this and nodded. He took a step forward but unfortunately he tripped causing the pot to spill over the ground.

Ms Yuunda: Oh no!

Cam: Crap! I-Im so sorry Ms. Yu-

He was about to throw up again due to the smell but he holds it in. As Ms. Yuunda she was looking down before laughing evilishly

Ms. Yuunda: If you're really sorry. Then you gonna help me Redo it again! And you know what that means right?


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

And so they went out and collect the stuff that Ms. Yuunda needed, For worms they were all over Cam's body as he was trying to shaking them off while Ms.Yuunda is happily killing them.

At the Swamp, Cam was being chased by a bunch of bees before falling down while Ms. Yuunda is Scooping up Swamp water.

Cam was looking down at a Bunny looking adorable.

Cam: Aww! Aren't you cute!

But then the bunny's eyes turned red and roar with sharp teeth.


He screams as the Rabbit jumped on his face.  While Ms. Yuunda watches before Giggling


For a bird's eye. Cam was crawling away from the Big bird, he closed his eyes.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The big bird fell down, Ms. Yuunda was on top of it holding a big hammer.

Ms. Yuunda: Hmph! Too easy!

Right now We see Cam who look Wrecked after all that, He was sitting in the Rock inhaling and Exhaling.

Ms. Yuunda: come on get up! There's no time to rest!

Cam: *Pant* Are you serious? I *Pant* just got chased by a bunch of bees!, Covered by Worms and I fight against a Crazy Bunny!?

Ms. Yuunda: you know none of this wouldn't happen if you didn't trip. Right?

Cam then looked down to the ground

Cam: Right...

Ms. Yuunda: Mhm now come on we got one more to go!

She said while walking. Cam then got up and went with her. And now they are at the place where the maggots are, They were everywhere and Cam's face went pale.

Cam: Oh no...

Ms. Yuunda: Now come on you know what to do.

She then handed him a Jar to collect them before he gulped.

Cam: goes nothing...god this is gonna be so disgusting...

(Timeskip because I am to lazy to write him collecting Maggots one by one)

In Ms. Yuunda's basement She was putting them in the pot before mixing them with a Spoon, Cam who is still looking wrecked with bee stings and Bunny bites is watching her do it.

Ms. Yuunda: Aaand it is done!

She then scooped the Green Juice before bringing it over to Cam.

Ms. Yuunda: Sip this

Cam: What...?

Ms. Yuunda: I wanna see you try the Sip this and see how it taste!

Cam: Uh...when you told me what's in it I think I refuse, even with the

He gagged before covering his nose.

Cam: Smell..

Ms. Yuunda: Welp You snooze you lose!

She then sips it, and then all of the sudden her body start feeling better.

Ms. Yuunda: Huh? It seems that I don't feel hurt any more.

Cam: Wait what?

He got up from his chair, took the spoon from her and took a sip. The bee stings and the bunny bites start disappearing from his body.

Cam: they're gone? Ms. Yuunda! The things that you mix with can actually heal but how?

She puts her hand on her Chin, Thinking.

Ms. Yuunda: I believe it's the Rabbit's foot

Cam: Rabbit's foot?

Ms. Yuunda: Yes...with that...the energy of good luck must've spread everywhere in the pot I think.

(Does it make sense to you? Im just asking)

Cam: oh...

After sipping the green juice, he walked back to the Khandi house, opened the door seeing Isabelle Strangling Chum


Cam: What happened?

Lil Isabella: Oh cam! Your back!

She stop strangling Chum as he was Catching his breath while rubbing his neck.

Lil Isabella: Well Chum was stole my coppers on Monopoly. He thought I wouldn't notice but he is super wrong!

Lil Chum: Hey you stole my coppers in the first pla- what the heck happened to you?

Cam then looked at his clothes that was dirty, he chuckles before rubbing the back of his head.

Cam: Oh's a long story...

Lil Isabella: it's Ms.Yuunda isn't it?

It was Silence with the three.

Cam: Yes...

End of Ms. Yuunda

Oh and this is what Grandpa Rampy looks like

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