Blue is a Sad Color

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Warning- Violence 😂

Shit.Shit.Shit I grab my phone and call 911. "Hello, 911, what is your emergency?" "Hi, my friend is highly allergic to blue dye and he fell into a baby pool with blue dyed water, I pulled him out but he's not moving." I say very fast, worried Sam would not live.

I tell my address and wait for the ambelance, once it arives, I go inside, not wanting to see if Sam will not live. As the ambelance leaves, Justin arrives at his house. Justin... I haven't spoken to him in a while. Maybe he hates me? Nah, I'm just stressing out... I hope.

After an hour of being stressful, I sit on the couch, Turning on the tv, trying to clear my head. As my head finally clears, I get a call. I pick it up, thinking of the worst. "Hello?" "Hi, is this Jessica Wells?" Uh oh... "Yeaaaaa..." "I'm sorry to informed you but," This ain't got... "your friend passed away." Sam... I don't say a word but wanting to know it was him, I ask. "Can you tell me the name of the person who passed? Just so I know it's the same person I'm thinking it is.. "

The lady was quiet then spoke. "Um... It was two people, not one...." Who else did I kill?! "It was your parents." My parents?..... No...... The were in Cuba... They promised they would be back in a month.... I hold in a cry to say. "Who?" Then I start to cry, letting all my tears fall. "I'm so sorry honey, it must be hard for you, they were poisoned by a drink they had. It was like a smoothie, but it had gone wrong aparently..." Shit... I made them a smoothie..... each... to take... I KILLED MY PARENTS!!!! "Thank you for letting me know of their passing..." I hang up and start to pack.

I panick and I think, what if Sam dies? Im still a murderer. I guess I'll be on the run. Wait... since I'm a murderer... maybe I can kill Alexis.... No, don't think like that. Maybe... She will be my next victum...

As I finishing packing one suitcase, my phone rings. "Hello?" "Is this Jessica Wells?" "Yep" "I'm sorry to say but your friend Sam had passed away." I hang up on them.

Welp, let's kill Alexis now. And her group of snobs too. I grab a knife, hachtet, and a pocket knife as weapons. I'm happy it's Saturday, and Alexis and her snobs always go to the park on Saturday to 'freshen up'.

I am get to the park and place my suitcase in a tree and put my pocket knife in my pocket, my knife in my belt loop, and the hachtet in my hand behind my back.

I see them, and see no one around them. I run up and slice one of the girls heads with the hachtet and another ones too, just two more. I throw my hachtet at the mini snob and it hits her hand, she tries to get the hachtet out of her hand, but I stab her behind she could do anything.

I stand up, ready, to face the final boss. Pocket knife in my left hand, and a bloody knife in my right hand. I grin, relizing my life is Turing upside down, it's almost impossible, it's like almost a dream.

After she pleads for her life I stab the life outta her. I look at the bloody scene. I escape before the police find me. I run up my tree, and grab my things, as I run to the creek to wash the blood.

After I'm blood-free, I go to the bus station. Good thing I brought some cash with me. As I get on the bus, I see Justin on it, crying... I avoid his gaze and go to the back with my things.

I stay on the bus for 4 hours, and Justin is still on. I decide to man up and see why he's acting strange. I go and sit next to him, he jumps not noticing me at first. "Justin, what's wrong?" He doesn't speak, he looks depressed almost. "Justin, I know somethings wrong, you can tell me." He looked at me, and finally spoke.

"Alexis broke up with me, cause I didn't beat you up." Seriously?! Hm... What about an 8th death? "Aw, you poor thing, come on, follow me." The bus stops and I grab my stuff, and Justin follows.

I walk into a dark alley, smiling. "Uh, why are we in a dark alley?" I smirk. I corner him. "I shall rid you of your soul!" Da hell, am I a demon? I pull out my knife and stab him. After he's dead I turn around to leave. As I walk by a light, I see a blue zebra, standing, reading a newspaper.


Am I dreaming or something?

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