Chapter 3

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  Soon enough we finished eating. My parents payed and we headed out.

  Piper's eyes lit up. "Can we go to the book store and mall? We didn't really have that back in Utah!" She starts to jump up and down excitedly, and I couldn't help by slightly smile as I put my hands in my pockets. My parents laugh as they nod. Piper squeals as she drags Landen and I over to the book store-Barnes and Noble-to go see what to get. Landen was laughing with our parents at Piper's childish antics.

  We look both ways as we cross over to the book store from both parking lots. We enter through the two big glass doors into the foyer. The green doors opened with ease to show different genres of books. Horror, children's, teens, and coloring books. We push the next set of green glass doors to see so many books.

  Unlike the outside-which was made of brown bricks and had a bunch of glass windows-the inside was rather cozy. It had off-white painted walls, gray-ish carpets, some spots had light brown wood floors, brown bookshelves filled to the brim with books, light brown tables showing off books, little merchandise shelves to books and whatnot, to the left was a Starbucks area, and to the right were the registers. Piper immediately ran over to the teens section and Landen puts a hand on my shoulder. I look over my shoulder to him as our parents head in and gravitating over to some sections.

  Landen smiles as he pulls me into a hug out of no where, and I frown in confusion, but I still hug him back. Once we pull away, he smiles at me. "I heard there's a manga sections." I immediately widen my eyes at him as he chuckles. "Follow me." I nod as I follow my brother. We weave through a few shelves of books as we get to where we needed to be. There were even guides to video games too, but I immediately latch onto the different manga for anime.

  Attack on Titan, Naruto, Dragon Ball Z, Fairytale, Sailor Moon, Sword Art Online, Soul Eater, Dangarompa, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and many others I've never heard of. There were also mangas of video games like Legend of Zelda and Kingdom Hearts. "Grab whatever you want Kadence, I'll pay for ya." I finally smile widely-I haven't in so long-and I grab the last three books for Attack in Titan that I don't have, the five books for Evangelion, two limited editions for mangas of Legend of Zelda, and two books from Fairytale and Soul Eater. My brother bursts into laughter once he hears me grunt in frustration as I'm trying to grab a book. It was a limited addition guide to the entire franchise of The Legend of Zelda. I couldn't reach it due to me being short. My brother goes to grab it, but some guy I don't know grabs it for me.

  "Here." I look at him. He talked with a quietness to his voice, and it was kinda deep for someone who looks my age. He had short blond hair, blue eyes, caucasian skin, and some freckles. He was wearing a Zelda shirt, blue jeans, and gray sneakers. He hands me the book, and I slightly smile as I grab it.

  "Thank you..." I falter as I hadn't a clue who he was. He smiles at my confusion.

  "Conner. Conner Giacoletto." I smile.

  "Thank you Conner."

  He smiles a little as he asks me, "What's  your name? You look like my new neighbor." I chuckle slightly.

  "Kadence. Kadence Rain. And I think we might be new neighbors, but I was asleep the entire time." He laughs as my brother grabs my books.

  "I'll take this to go to the cashier." I look at him in concern.

  "You sure brother?" He nods.

  "That all you want?" I nod as he goes to pay. I look back at Conner as we shrug.

  "That's your brother?" He asks me as I nod, and he nods. A guy who looks very similar to Conner pokes his head into our direction. "Hi?" I quietly ask him as he waves to me smiling.

  "Hi!" He says happily. He looks almost exactly like Conner, except he has a different facial structure, and he was wearing a Mario shirt instead of Zelda. "My names Landon, I'm Conner's older brother." He sticks his hand out for me to shake. I snort when he said his name was Landon. Conner laughs because he knew why.

  "Kadence Rain." We shake hands and let go. "You have the same name as my older brother ya know?" He looks at me in surprise. "His is spelt L-a-n-d-e-n." He makes an 'ah' face.

  "Mine's L-a-n-d-o-n." I nod as I see my brother head over.

  "Kadence, say bye to your... friend? We're heading to the mall upon Piper's request." I nod as he leans against a shelf.

  I look at the Giacolettos. "Well, I guess I'll see you soon?" They nod as we bid each other farewell. Landen and I head out with him holding the bags. I grab one of them as he lets me. We see Piper holding a book. "What book's that?" I ask, forgetting completely that I wouldn't really want to talk much the first while of us being here in Colorado. Piper smiles widely as she shows me the cover for the book "Court of Thorns and Roses" by Sarah J Maas. I nod as we head out, our parents already at the car.

  "Put your stuff in the back so we can drive to the mall." Our dad informs as we nod and hop in. Once we got our seatbelts on- safety first children- we drive over to the mall across the street from the bookstore.

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