Chapter 5

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Accidentally published it. Sorry.

  I wake up from a dream of us being at Disney Land when I was like eight or so because of those stupid fu-freaking alarms that you have to wake up from for school when you just want to sleep. Sorry, projecting a bit too much. I roll over to get my phone to turn my alarm off. Once it's off, I stretch and get up to the boxes of clothes and grab out some blue jeans, the new all black shoes we bought, and a new long sleeve Queen shirt we bought at Hot Topic. I put on the heart shaped necklace I own as a good luck charm, and brush my hair. While doing that, Piper groggily walks into my room, mumbling how she needs socks. I snort as I whacked her in the face with some white socks for her to use. She glares at me, but thanks me for them as she goes to put them and her new red converse on. She has a new recent obsession with converse and it's hilarious how she feels like she needs them.

  I put on some plain white socks and shoes once I'm finished with my annoyingly way too long hair for my liking. I'd prefer it to be at the tops of my shoulders, but it's right at the bottom of my armpits. I sigh as I apply deodorant and finish putting on my clothes. I grab my backpack, phone, and headphones as my mom said she'd have dad make all of us lunch. When dad makes food, it's so good. I real quickly went through Wattpad, and found about 10 notifications, but will most likely get over 20 after school. I just sigh as I shake my head.

  I make sure I have everything as I grab a piece of toast, seeing as I can't really stomach food this early in the morning. I shove it in my mouth as I grab my lunch and shove my phone into my pocket. "Morning Kadence." Dad says, as I wave at him, mouth full of food. Landen walks in, hair looking like Jimmy Newtron. I snicker as he discards through it with his hands. He grabs two pieces of toast as he starts to chew on one. "Are the teachers aware of my disease?" Landen asks dad, who nods in confirmation. Landen nods as he ruffles my hair. I look at him with a 'really?' type of look.

Now, Landen has suffered from Crohn's disease for a few years now. He was about eleven or so when we found out. It's not too bad, but he can't do exercise unless he wants to puke. He can't have dairy either, like, at all. He's not lactose, but it's due to the disease. If y'all want a better explanation, don't look at me, ask my brother. He can describe it better than me.

Piper soon stumbles down, some foundation on to cover her zits. "Morning dad. Morning siblings." I snort at her as Landen, myself, and dad greet her too. She grabs her lunch and shoved it in her bag. She sets it down and goes to eat her toast and finish getting ready.

"You're taking us to school, right?" I yawned out. Dad nods as he goes to get on some more decent clothes to be outside in. Landen shrugs as he goes with me to go brush our teeth. Never go to school with morning breath. And since Piper has braces, it's harder for her due to the metal. Mom and dad had braces, so all three of us kids had them at one point. I had mine early on like Landen and mom. Dad and Pipy have had them later on, so that's why Piper still has them.

As soon as I finish, I Fish out (capital intended) the house keys since we'll be walking home, and we head outside. Mom and dad will be working today until after we're out of school, so we're walking home first day. It's not that bad, but Pipy will complain like usual.

Dad unlocks the car as we get in. Landen sits in the back with Piper, as I sit in the front so I don't get as sick. I'll get sick not even a minute of driving in. It sucks, but it's not as bad sometimes.

  I look outside so I can memorize the route to head home. We lived right next to the middle school, but not too far from the high school thank god.

  We soon arrived at the school, where there were a lot of cars. Landen has a car that he shares with the parents, so he was coming with us today. We get out as we wave goodbye to dad and head in.

  The halls were bustling with students. Not even one minute inside the building and a girl with what kinda looked like ginger hair but wasn't accidentally bumped into me. She looks at me and apologized profusely. Piper chuckles at my predicament.

  "I'm so, so, sorry!" The girl says, and I put a hand on her shoulder? Backpack strap? Both? Eh.

  "Hey, it's okay." I say as she looks at me. She nods as she sticks her hand out to me. "Uuuhhhh...?"

  "I'm Kaci." She says as I nod, shaking her hand. "I'm Kadence. These are my siblings Piper and Landen." I say as she nods. "I'll let you know, I ain't good with names." She snorts as she nods again.

  "That's fine. I'm the same way." Landen nods as he says to us a farewell and heads to class. Piper wraps an arm around me. "What grade are you guys in?" Kaci asks.

  "Landen is in his senior year, and we are in our sophomore year." Kaci smiles widely, and says she is too. Piper smiles widely as we follow her to our lockers. Turns out they are right next to each other, right next to the drama class. "What's your first class?" Kaci asks as we put in our combinations into the blue double lockers. Thankfully no one was at the one below me, or for the girls either.

  "I have art." Piper says as Kaci grins widely. "KaKa has peer tutor." Kaci looks at me in surprise.

  "Really?" She asks me as I nod. "Well, I'll take you to the class, but I'm in art as well." She says as we nod. We grab our time tables, a pencil, our phones and headphones, as well as a notebook too. Kaci helps us navigate through the crowded halls that could give anyone claustrophobia. People of different looks and heights, clothes and backpacks, all going this way and that just to find classes and lockers. Teachers making sure there are no fights as to help new students find classes as well.

  Eventually, we make it to my class, and I wave them off as I walk in. The second I walk in, I already see a teacher talking with another lady who must work here. A guy who looked like he was my age was sitting in his wheelchair next to a table, reading. I just look around, unsure what to do.

  The room wasn't anything special really. It had some tables with chairs, a projector with a screen, and two white boards. The walls were an off white like every other class in a school, with a blue-ish green-ish carpet.

  I step foot into the classroom, and one of the ladies looks over to me. "Well hello there. May I help you?" She asks me, smiling sweetly.

  "I'm here for peer tutor." I say, and see the kid look over at me as I say that. The lady smiles at me, and beckons me over.

  "Your name?" She asks me as I put my stuff down on a countertop.

  "Kadence Rain." I tell her as she looks through her papers.

"Alright. Here's your papers I need you to fill out." She says as she hands them to me. "You haven't filled them out, and they're just about what your strong suits are and what you feel and don't feel comfortable with helping with and doing. And please be honest on the paper, okay?" I nod as she smiles. She walks over to another student who entered the room with another teacher as I take a seat at the main teacher's work desk to fill my papers out.

  "Maybe school won't be so bad." I hopefully whisper.

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