Infinite Y/N

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Vortex:Alright time to bring out the second version of Y/N which might be union's greasiest fear and Aizen greatest master piece

Ichigo:Yeah I've been meaning to ask why is Aizen in that world are we also in that world

Vortex:No it's just him why well you Ichigo do you remember your last battle with Aizen when you hit him with the full force of Muigetsu

Ichigo:Yes I remember and probably never gonna use that move ever again

Rukia:Please I rather not live through what happened next again


Naruto:What are you all talking

Vegeta:Yeah don't keep us in the dark here

Vortex:Well you see the Muigetsu is one of Ichigo most powerful attacks has he becomes the attack itself

This got the attention of everyone has they we're intrigued of the attack

Vortex:But there's a draw back is that the Muigetsu actually uses all of Ichigo's power so after the attack is done all his powers go with it

Hawkgirl:Well that sucks and it seem so powerful

Ichigo:Yep I'll only uses now if it's for emergency

Vortex:Yes so in that universe the Muigetsu actually killed Aizen


Renji:Well good job Ichigo of that world

Ichigo:Nice work me

Aizen:I do not consent to this

Vortex:Oh you won't be saying that after I show you what you made

Aizen:What do you mean by that

Vortex:Just look at the screen

Everyone then looks up at the screen has shows a count down




We find ourselves in a dark place with nothing around well there something a being has in closer it shows a man with white skin,brown hair and white clothing has he opens his eyes

???:What has happened

Has the man moves his upper body up revealing to them the man is


Has he regain full view of his surroundings he fond himself in place we're everything is darkness this confused him

Aizen:Where has Ichigo send me too

Has he is recalling the big fight he had with Ichigo has the last thing he remembers is that big black wall that engulfed him and now he's here

Aizen:Da*m you Ichigo Kurosaki I was so close*sight*well I can't think of the past now my goal is far gone now let us see what we can find here

???:Do not worry you are safe

Aizen brings out his sword and turns around sees this

Y/N a.k.a Infinite

???:and just so you know you will not find anything all that is here is just darkness

Back on the theater

People seeing this man starting shivering out of fear well all except the villains who are looking at this man with interest has even if there behind the screen they could feel his presence

Jaune:*scared*Wh-Who is that

Goten:*scared*Mom I'm scared of that man

Has Goten his hugging his mother only his not the only one with the same thoughts has a lot the people watching feel fear looking at this Y/N

Vortex:Oh him that's is this universes Y/N L/N or has he calls himself Infinite


Akeno:That's impossible! that can't be Y/N his not an animal

Irina:More importantly his not even that scary actually his not scary at all

Vortex:Well that's just your Y/N remember this a different Y/N so let us see a bit more of this scene

Back on the screen

Aizen is pointing his blade at this version of Y/N

Aizen:Who are you

Infinite:You'll find out you always find out *quietly*father

Has infinite then points his finger to the left which is in Aizen view the right has he looks to the right he sees

Verse city but destroyed

In the theater room

The people of Union look at Verse city destroyed right in front of them has they all have shocked faces

Kiba:*shocked*The ci-city i-is destroyed

Yumi:*shocked*Who could have done so much destruction

Azazel:Could this have been Trihexa

Vortex:Oh no that b****h is long dead this was done by someone else someone far more powerful

The bleach cast look at Aizen

Vortex:Oh he was apart of the destruction but the one who started it is far worse

Back on screen

Aizen looks in shocked at the destroyed city he turns towards infinite only to see his disappeared has then he heirs the sound of an explosion has he ran towards the commotion he sees eleven people fighting one man with mask has he takes a closer look he spotted the same guy who he saw before has he is surrounded by Cubs

Has one of those eleven people charge towards him Aizen looks closer to see the one attacking


In the theater room

Homura gets hype up with her arms in the air and cocky smile to add

Homura:Yeah go get him me show him his places

Some did not take to kindly to her words has they then look back at the screen

Homura was about to strike at Infinite only for him to simply catch her blade and break which shocks that worlds Homura*and it also shocks the one in the theater*Infinite then grabs the sharp part of the blade and stabs Homura in the chest with it has this shocked one of the only heroes left in the world has two of the ninjas does being



Both look in horror that there friend just died


Infinite then let's go of both things has Homura falls dead to ground

In the theater

Homura:I died!!

Asuka:*sob*No Homura

Crimson squad:*sob*Homura

Everyone(that's not part of Union):Shouldn't have jinx yourself idiot

Back on the screen

Infinite:And another one bites the dust so

He extends his hand forward and prepares his Cubs

Infinite:So now who's next to die

Has the cubs then started manifesting something has it finished it made two weird long body creatures

Both creatures then started charging up a blast has then the same explosion Aizen heard happens again has a yellow spiky hair teen lunches at Infinite that being

Katsuki Bakugo

Katsuki:I'm going to kill you loser!!!!

Has he charges at Infinite with his hands starting small explosion one of his allies looks in shock at this that being

Izuku Midoriya

???:Katchann No!!!

Has both the two creatures and Katsuki blast collided with each other making a giant explosion blinding everyone especially Aizen who watch the hole thing has he uses one arm to cover himself has when he look back he saw something very different something breath taking has he move his arm down he looks at the nice view in front of him

Aizen:*confused*Wh-What is happening now

Has he then heirs the sound of children screaming out of happiness he turns around and sees women having a picnic with kids running around and having fun

???:Beautiful isn't

He turns to his left and sees

A human form of Y/N a.k.a Infinite

Aizen:*surprised*Its you and Your human?

Y/N:Well I was first human than animal then with some time I returned back to human but answer the question isn't this beautiful

Has Aizen turns towards the view

Aizen:Yes it is

Silence until Aizen decided to ask

Aizen:but answer me this who are?

Y/N:Well my name Y/N Aizen and I'm basically your adopted son

Aizen:*shocked*What impossible I don't remember ever adopting a son

Y/N:Well is gonna happen but not yet at least

A moment a silence passes

Aizen:You did all this didn't you this beautiful world

Y/N:Yes to have peace I needed to make the heroes of Union extinct and I succeeded now look at this

He points at the beautiful view

Y/N:There's peace and only peace but before you disappear.............look after the younger me would ya

Y/N turns around and goes towards his group of women with the children

Aizen:Wait! how do I know that I fond you!

Y/N:Look for the for kid that's jumping of a building!!

Has then everything went to black has back in the theater room

The ninjas of Union are confronting each other and rest of Union is surprised and the villains are smiling like maniacs

Vortex:Well time to explain this Y/N

Mash:Has much has this one scares me I want know what cause him to turn dark

Max:I won't lie he look cool but dang he was scary

Brock:Agreed but like the pink hair girl said what made him turn to this path of evil

Vortex:well Mash Brock in this Universe everyone was literally against Y/N

18:What do you mean by everyone was against him like what the world hated him seen's the beginning

Vortex:Yep you see this Y/N was an abandoned by his parents seen birth his pathetic parents of this world we're very obsessed with power,there reputation,fame, money and other things so when they find out there son was going to be someone without power they abandoned the boy and left him to in the woods to be eaten by Grimm

Flash:Now that just not right

Vegeta:I may he prideful of me children and expect great things from them but even I wouldn't even leave to die I'd they die they'll die in battle

Trunks:Thanks for that Dad

Naruto:That's a worse beginning then me and Gaara's


Asia:That's so sad poor Y/N

Velvet:Yeah couldn't even have the love of a family

Vortex:Sad indeed so has he was about to be attack by Grimm villagers that we're near by saved the boy and brought them to there village has there they raised him has a part of there village but it all went to dust until the white fang attack and killed everyone except Y/N who escape thanks to his adopted family Y/N he ran and he bowed to become strong and one day destroy the white fang but sadly that dream would take awhile has when he went Union the same treatment happened bullies decided to mess with him every day people that didn't care about him ignored him and does who we're to scared to help ignored him the teachers made his live hard and the headmaster didn't do anything

Dabi:Whoa and you guys call us the villains

Mercury:Yeah what the heck wrong with you guys I thought you wanted to be heroes not bullies

Miki:I'm rethinking of making any of you my puppets I'm just gonna kill you all

Hyoki:I wonder if father and mother made a good choice in trusting you dear sister seen you can't even help little Y/N

Vortex:Right well one day Katsuki and the other bullies beat him up after they beat him up he said and I quote "maybe you should take a swan dive down a building and kill your self and maybe in the next life you'll have powers hahahaha" and that's what he said

Batman:*angry*You know I should beat you to bloody pulp for that

Nightwing:*serious*I'll help

Iron man:*sarcasm*You guy's are really showing that you want to be heroes you know that

Ino:You guys are just the worse

Sakura:We can agree on that Naruto

Roshi:All of you are just children with no morality or kindness

Bonnie:To me you guys are the real villains here!!

Clemont:Yeah you tell'em Bonnie

Oak:Disappointing all of you

Aizen:You know I I'm quite happy I made this version of Y/N

Isshin:On that we can agree

Emiya:You guys aren't even heroes here your just monsters

Basically everyone was against the ones who that hurt Y/N has the ones that are his friends look down sad that this versions of themselves weren't there for him

Vortex:Alright that's enough you'll have plenty of time to smack talk them for while let's go back to the story

Has they look back on the screen it shows a boy with long silver hair and burn mark on his right eye who is on top of building this boy is Y/N has he was about to take the fall to his death

Y/N:Good bye cruel world

Has he was gonna jump something stop him someone hug him before he jump

???:Do not this

That someone is Aizen has he hugs the boy who was about to kill himself

Y/N:*with tears*Please sir let me go I must do this I can't live in this worthless world anymore

Aizen:Then let us fix this world

This got Y/N attention has he stop trying to break free from his hug has he turn around to look at him

Y/N:What do you mean

Aizen:Let's make this world better let us eliminate does who ruined the peace this world ones had and let's make something that will last for all eternity

Y/N:*surprise*We-We can do that

Aizen:Yes and your the key

Y/N:Me but how I'm just a powerless nobody

Has he looks down sad only to then feel a hand on his shoulder

Aizen:Then let us change that too

Y/N:Wait you can give me power

Aizen:Yes do you want it?

This made Y/N think

Back in the theater

Union:Say no! Say no! Say no!

Villains:Say yes! Say yes! Say yes!

Aizen:Accept my gift son

The bleach characters look at Aizen weirdly

Yoruichi:I don't like where this is going

Byakuya:I don't like it either let's just keep an eye on him

Back on the screen

Y/N:Yes I want to be strong I want to fix this world from how corrupt it's become

Aizen:Then let us do that*puts his right hand on his hear* kuroguri open a portal

A purple and black portal appears beside the two has they walk towards it has he goes through they find themselves in a lab then they see a man sitting in a chair has it revealed to be

Kyudai Garaki

Kyudai:Is this the boy

Aizen:Yes is it ready

Kyudai:*nods*Follow me

Y/N and Aizen follow the doctor to room in the room has two pods one empty the other was holding something weird has he look closely he fond something intriguing

Y/N:Is that a humanoid jackal

Kyudai:Yes we fond him near here two month ago with researched we have done on him the stone in his chest is very powerful object

Y/N walks towards the pod and gets a good view on the creature and the Ruby on it's chest

Y/N:What is it

Kyudai:I do not know it's name but we have analyzed it the scales we're of the charts whatever that stone is it could be very dangerous and very useful

Has then Aizen decided to add something to that

Aizen:And you are possessing it

Y/N Looks at Aizen confused

Y/N:What do you mean possessing it

Aizen:We are basically putting your soul in this creature so are you ready to bring peace to this world Y/N

Y/N looks Aizen and then smiles has the screen then turn black

Y/N voice:.........When do we start

Back on the theater

Vortex:So what you think of that one

Salem:He was incredible

Shigaraki:I liked him

AOF:A perfect example that even if we do evil things are goal is peace

Aizen:I have the best son ever

Ichigo:Of course you would say that

Asuka:He was terrifying

Ruby:I hope our Y/N doesn't become him

Kaminari/Mineta/Shitsei:*mind*We s***t ourselves

Rias:Very powerful

Ironwood:One that deserve to be arrested

Nezu:We'll I don't think no of us can do that

Vortex:The principle right he actually killed you and without even breaking a sweat he just shoot you and destroyed your army

This made Ironwood very scared has then Hibari raised her hand

Vortex:Hmm yes Hibari

Hibari:Who we're Y/N love ones here

This shocked a few people that know Hibari has they we're confused why she ask that

Vortex:Well if you mean his girlfriends well here he had Toga,Cinder,Enerald,Salem, Neo,Sienna khan,New team Hebijo,Hyoki and her team, Kuroka,Ophis,Morgan las fey and Raynare and has for the loved ones of Moon knight Y/N it is Blake,Velvet,Coco,Neo, Cinder,Hibari,Yagyu,Minori,Murasaki,Senkishu,Asia,Koneko,Irina,Ophis,Kuroka, Miruko,Ryukyu,Bubble girl,Spidergwen and Kamala

Has the people that we're mention that are in the theater started blushing fantasizing about there live with the two versions of Y/N that have appeared so far

Vortex:Alright next up is*looks to see who's next and has a surprised look*Oh already well this one should be nice because up next is

Y/N Kamen rider Decade

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