Time to go to the multiverse movie theater

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???:Mhmmm~ I believe it is time for there punishment


Has in a matter of seconds multiple people appear in the area

???1:What the?

???2:Where the heck are we

???3:Was it aliens?!!!

???4:Everyone calm down

???5:Who are he*l are you guys

???6:Thats what I was gonna ask


Has those people hear the voice everyone turns around and sees the one who brought them here

Vortex:Hello there everyone

Has he refers to the ones he summon which where characters of different worlds more specifically Union,Dragon ball,Naruto,Bleach,Fate,Marvel,Dc and Pokémon

Batman:Who are you?

Vortex:Well for starters Batman I I'm the one who brought you here

Gilgamesh:Yes we get that but he says why we're here mongrel

Has Gilgamesh mocked Vortex it was one of his biggest mistakes has everyone then started to feel pressure that made them all fall to ground

Wonder Woman:*weakly*What's is this

Rias:*weakly*So much power

Gudako:*weakly*Gilgamesh say your sorry!


Vortex:No no it's fine I just wanted to show a little of my power so no of you try anything especially the pervert who has one of the most dangerous weapons known in your universe

Vortex lowers his power so they could all get up has a lot of them started to breath heavily

Shitsei:Hey who *pats*are you talking about

Vortex:Who do you think dumba** you of course gosh why did draig even pick you

Draig:It's not that choose him is that the only one near by for me join he I would have know he was pervert I would have just chosen a girl

Vortex:Okay oh wait a forgot some people*snap*

Has he snap his fingers other people came in only it's people that Union find familiar

All might:All for one!!

All for one:Hello Toshi how's Nana



Behind Salem was Cinder and her two followers Emerald and Mercury


Hyoki:Oh hello dear sister so mind telling us why you've us here brought here

Leo:We didn't bring you here it was him

Has she points at Vortex the villains turn towards him looking at him confused

Cinder:And who is he

Vortex:Well miss Fall my name is Vortex I'm the one who brought you here and I'm also the god of the multiverse or to be specific one that watches over all of them making sure everything is in order

AFO:Mhmm interesting being you are mister Vortex

Vortex:Why thank you all for one and before you all start a massacre I took away your powers


Vortex:Well only the ones with powers seen there are some of you who don't have powers

Yang:Do you mean does guys

Has she points at the characters of Dragon ball, Naruto,Bleach,Pokémon,Marvel,Dc

Vortex:Well a lot of them have powers but some of them don't but enough about that let me tell you why your here

Sirezch:That is what I have been asking myself seen we got here

Vortex:Well to answer your question we are gonna see the multiverse

Vortex then sits in his throne

Vortex:I'm pretty sure you guys are used to that

He says that has he looks at the people of dbz,marvel and dc

Flash:You could say that

Miles:Probably the reason I'm with this guys

Bioma:It's pretty much a normal thing for us

Izuku:Wait you guys are saying the multiverse theory is real!!

Iron man:Yeah kid what you guys don't get to meet other versions of yourself's


Katsuki:Hey nerd what he talking about!!!??

Izuku towards the others of his group

Izuku:Well Katchann the multiverse theory is basically a what if you have chosen this like for example if you had to choose between being a hero and villain this version of you decided to be hero but what if there was another you that decided to use his quirk has villain

Kirishima:Bakubro has a villain hmmm you know I kinda see that happening somewhere else

Katsuki:Shut up shitty hair!!

The other groups that are not part union sweatshop at the kids attitude

Piccolo:Whoa I can't believe there someone worse then vegeta

Vegeta:Shut it Namekian!!

Bruce banner:This kids anger might just match the hulks


Has they talk Vortex just watch waiting for them to stop until he got bored


Has this scream got the attention of everyone they all shivered a little and shut up

Vortex:Finally my God do you guys ever shut up so are you gonna let me tell you why your here or are you gonna a make friends here

Kakashi:No please explain why you brought us here

Vortex:Well has I was saying we are gonna see the multiverse more specifically someone's multiverse

Salem:Really who are you gonna make us watch

Vortex:Well this is someone Union should know after all there here to be punished for what they did

Union:WHAT YOU MEAN!!!???

Vortex:Oh you know it's just your too dumb to figure it out but so I can bring back memory we are gonna see Y/N multiverse

When he said the boys name all Union did was laugh well only specific people those being the ones who bullied him has those who respect and liked Y/N glared at the bullies the ones that weren't in Union and the villains except cinder,emerald and Mercury look at them with confusion

Shitsei:Hahahaha why we talking about that weakling

Yang:Yeah why can't it be about us you real heroes

Vortex:Oh so you call yourself real heroes huh

Hinata:Excuse mister Vortex but why we're they laughing about this Y/N?

Vortex:I fine question Hinata you see Y/N is actually a student of Union his power which it's either quirk,semblance,ninja skill or sacred gear it's just a power he was born with is that all his senses and physical abilities are increased but sadly the poor boy was born blind

Captain:The boy reminds me a fellow friend of ours Daredevil or I should say Matt Murdock

Vortex:Yes that's what this Y/N and his dream was to become a hero but let's just say the world this guys come from is corrupt we're those with power dominate does who are weak and this

He points at the of Union or more specifically the ones that had a light on them which we're the headmasters,teachers and bullies

Vortex:Idiots thinking they are strong and overpowered that they deserve more bullied and hurt the boy and he couldn't even see it coming

This made the characters that are not of Union and the villains glare at the people Union

Green arrow:And you say you guys are heroes

Gohan:Just because the guy didn't have a strong power doesn't mean you can bully him

Thor:Are you sure you mortals are heroes because to me you act has villains

Shigaraki:We may be villains and we may enjoy making others suffer but even we have standards to not hurt those who can't even fight back

Miyabi:You shut it! you haven't even meet in fact if you did you would agree with us

Batman:No we wouldn't

Has Batman step up

Batman:Because even if his ability took his sight it didn't take his will or his senses which would have been useful to save someone and another thing you say does without power deserve too be under you well let me tell you that three of us in my group are without powers and with too beaten down people who can blow up plants and could be called gods

This shocked the ones of Union and the villains

Black widow:Same here so I suggest you shut it

Vortex:Oh and just so you guys know there are those who actually respect and like Y/N

Iron man:Well I'll say there the only real heroes there

Emiya:Indeed so how we gonna watch Y/N multiverse

Emiya says has Vortex snaps his fingers again and a movie theater room appears

Vortex:Alright everyone take sit

Has he said that they all take a sit in one of the movie theater chairs

Vortex:Alright before we continue I just want to say that some of this Y/N will resemble people of your own worlds

Hawkeye:That's sound interesting

Vortex:Right so let us begin with the first one which is

Vortex:Oh this one should be interesting

Asuka:What is it

Has then the screen turns on and it shows the tittle of what Y/N there seeing first

Moon knight Y/N

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