Chapter VIII: Dance of the Dead

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Note: I'm not a medical professional, so some medical things may not be exact.

TW: Graphic Descriptions of a Character Death.

And then...she couldn't breathe.


"Hey! Omega! It's okay! Just breathe," Mariam said.

"I can't!" Omega chocked out.

"Yes you can. Tell yourself you can," Mariam said.

Just then, Crosshair came through the door, wearing a mask and hugged Omega tightly. In response to his embrace, Omega remembered how to breathe and gasped for air.

"She has panic attacks regularly," Crosshair explained to the worried nurse.

The nurse nodded as Omega slowly walked up to Hunter. She sniffled, looking his ghostly pale face. Her reached forward, touching his ice cold cheek with her previously burnt hand. Suddenly a pulse of heat shot through her hand. She winced silently, looking, wide eyed as her veins turn the colour of Malice, before returning to normal.

He's poisoned, she thought. With Malice.

"Are you okay Omega?" Mariam asked.

"Y-yes," Omega replied.

Thankfully, her phone rang, saving her from the awkwardness.

"Oh. Sorry. Hang on," Okega said. "Hello?"

"Oh, hey Bestie!" Lilly answered over the phone. "So...I rang Gleena, she wants to meet you at 4:30 today!"

"4:30?! That's in 30 minutes!" Omega exclaimed. "I'm at the hospital!"

"She's really close to where you are!" Lilly said. "You see that big mansion?"

Omega looked out the window and saw the big house Lilly was talking about. "Yeah."

"Meet me there!" Lilly said, before hanging up.

This is my chance. I have to take it, Omega thought.

"I'll be back!" Omega called. "Meet me at the fancy mansion you can see from the window when you wanna go to Day of the Dead, K?"

Mariam nodded, extremely confused.

"AROUND 6!" Omega called from the down hall.


Omega barley made it in time, but when she arrived, her and Lilly walked through the elegant halls, following the maid.

"Are you Omega?" A woman asked.

The woman had silky black hair, slender legs and arms and she had piercing blue eyes.

"Yes," Omega said.

"Good...I'm Gleena Mika!" Gleena said, a huge grin on her face. "It's nice to meet you!"

"It's nice to meet you too," Omega said.

"That's a pretty photo in your locket!" Gleena said, pointing to Omega's open locket.

Omega quickly shut it. "I'm sorry. I didn't know it was open."

"Don't apologise. If he your father?" Gleena asked.

"No. He's my brother," Omega said. "Was my brother."

"I'd love to meet him!" Gleena said.

"You can't," Omega said. "He's dead."

"Oh. I'm so sorry for your loss," Gleena said.

"His name was Tech. He was so nice," Omega said, tears brimming in her eyes.

"Did he...go in peace?" Gleena asked.

"No. He sacrificed himself for us. I guess you could call it a murder," Omega said. "He fell from a hight of four kilometres...and I wasn't strong enough to save him."

"Oh..." Gleena said.

"But that's not the worst thing! He didn't die from the fall. Hemlock lied to us! He told us he was dead, and yet Tech was in his custody. They tortured him, used him as leverage, and I wasn't fast enough save him from the dagger that was slit across his throat. He was murdered right in front of me and I did nothing!" Omega cried.

Gleena knelt next to her. "I know how you feel. When my brother was killed by a Lynel, I felt so sad. The only thing that helped me was music and dancing. Every time I'd perform, I'd imagine him standing there smiling at me, but no matter how hard I searched, he was never there. So maybe, let music guide you."

"How old were you?" Omega asked.

"Sixteen," Gleena said. "You?"

"Thirteen," Omega said.

"So young..." Gleena said. "Alright. I'll teach you. But you enter the Song Off, okay?"

"Really?" Omega asked.

Gleena nodded.

"Thank you so much! And okay! I'll go!" Omega said.

"Go...I'll see at the Day of the Dead celebration," Gleena said, eyeing the clock. It was 5:30.

Omega waved and ran out, hugging Lilly.


"Here we are," Mariam said, opening the car door for Omega.

Omega stepped out, looking around. Mariam led her through the graveyard, past people, and to a table. It represented Tech. The one next to Tech's table was Marian's brother's.

Mariam put something on her brother's table and she stared at the photo. Omega opened her handbag. She pulled out he photo the Steward Construct had given her. She placed it on the table and knelt down, resting her head on the table. Tech's smiling face looked at her from the photo. She looked at the Silent Princess that rested in a vase. It glowed in the dark, illuminating the photo.

She only then noticed a man standing behind her. She turned around, eyeing the sword that rested on the man's back.

"Hello," the man said. "You must be Omega?"

"Yes," Omega cautiously said, unsure as to how this guy knew her name.

"I am pleased to meet you," he said, his piercing blue eyes looking gently at her.

"Link?" Omega asked.

"Omega! You've grown," the man said.

"Well, it's been a few years," Omega said.

Link saw the photo Omega had put on the table.

"I remember that being taken. He left soon after it was taken. It was the last time I ever saw him," Link said.

Omega put her head down.

"I really must be going now. It was nice meeting you. I wish the best of luck for life. I'm sure our paths will cross again," Link said.

"I'm sure," Omega said, bowing her head.

Link chuckled and left. She looked at Tech's photo again. She didn't realise he knew so many people here. She hated waking up every night from a nightmare. She hated seeing his bloodied body fall to the floor, after failing to be able to breathe. She hated having trauma...maybe Gleena was right. Maybe she should let the music guide her.

"Hello Omega," a voice said.

She turned around to see Jessie staring at her.

Um...I wrote the last 700 words in record time.

Wow! It's been a hot minute since I updated this! I hope you enjoyed this! I hope to update this more regularly, but we'll see.

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