Chapter XI: What Died Didn't Stay Dead

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Omega, thanks to the help of Link, had gotten the first piece of Tech's sceptre. It was the first half of the handle. They also had the Tear Stone, which powered the sceptre. The handle was an elegant design. There were drawings or pictures to describe some of the powers. She guessed the rest of the powers were described on the second half of the handle. There was a metal ring that looked like it held the tear slightly inside of the handle, the top of the ring poking out.

Omega felt a tinge of sadness wash over her as she held the handle in her hand. She knew that Tech...her late brother...had held this very same handle and used it to conjure up powerful spells. Of course one piece of it was utterly useless without its other pieces, but Omega could still feel with touch within it. They had found another riddle that was less obvious than the last.

I am buried in the lake that stares at you.

What the hell was that supposed to mean? She had to figure it out though.

When Omega had walked into science, she spotted a new girl in her class. Her name was Montarna and she seemed pretty lonely.

Omega decided to sit with her at lunch. When she approached, her gaze went to the book Montarna was reading. It was a literature book.

"Good book?" Omega asked.

Montarna jumped, obviously startled by Omega's intrusion. "Oh! Hi!" She said, putting her book down and looking at Omega. "Omega right?!"

"Yeah," Omega replied, shaking Montarna's hand before sitting down at the table.

"I'm Mariam's adoptive sister!" Montarna said.

"Oh really?!" Omega asked, interested.

"Yeah! I heard she's marrying your brother!" Montarna said.

"Yeah! Hunter!" Omega said. "Hey, can I pick your brain about something?"

"Hit me," Montarna said, slapping the table.

"Do you know of the lake that 'stares at you'? I'm kinda looking for it," Omega said.

"Oh! You mean Skull Lake? Yeah! I can take you there!" Montarna said.

"Really? Thanks? Would the weekend work?" Omega asked.

"Sure!" Montarna said.

"Great!" Omega exclaimed.


After school, Omega went to visit Hunter. She breathed in deeply as she entered the room her brother was in. He was still unconscious and was on the ventilator still. What's more was that the hospital still had no idea what was wrong with Hunter. It was scary. Very scary.

Omega felt sad and tired. She just wanted her brother back. The one who she saw as a father. She missed him so much. She missed Tech too.


🎶Never be so kind, you forget to be clever. Never be so clever, you forget to be kind. And if I didn't know better, I'd think you were talking to me now. If I didn't know better, I'd think you were still around.

What died didn't stay dead. What died didn't stay dead. You're alive, you're alive in my head. What died dusky stay dead. What died didn't stay dead. You're alive, so alive.

Never be so polite, you forget your power. Never wield such power, you forget to be polite. And if I didn't know better, I'd think you were listening to me now. If I didn't know better, I'd think you were still around.

What died didn't stay dead. What died didn't stay dead. You're alive, you're alive in my head. What died dusky stay dead. What died didn't stay dead. You're alive, so alive.

The autumn chill that wakes me up. You loved the amber skies so much. Long limbs and frozen swims. You'd always go past where our feet could touch. And I complained the whole way there, the car ride back and up the stairs. I should've asked you questions. I should've asked you how to be. Asked you to write it down for me. Should've kept every grocery store receipt. 'Cause every scrap of you would be taken from me. Watched as you signed your name Marjorie. All your closets and backlogged dreams. And how you left them all to me.

What died didn't stay dead. What died didn't stay dead. You're alive, you're alive in my head. What died dusky stay dead. What died didn't stay dead. You're alive, so alive.

And if I didn't know better, I'd think you were singing to me now. If I didn't know better, I'd think you were still around. I know better, but I feel you all around. I know better, but you're still around.🎶

(Marjorie - Taylor Swift [Evermore - 2020] - Sung by Omega)

Gleena clapped. "If I didn't know better, I'd think you were singing that song for your brother."

Omega laughed quietly. "Thank you."

"You have a beautiful voice, but you need to project more. If you are performing, you need to project. Pretend the microphone isn't there, because the people way at the back have to hear you loud and clear. The microphone will help you, but you can't rely on it, okay?" Gleena said.

"Got it," Omega said.

"We'll work on it next session," Gleena said.

Omega nodded and left. That night she laid in bed and waited for sleep. As she slept, her memories came to her.


The new Marauder touched down on Hyrule's grassy fields. Zelda and Link awaited outside the ship. Omega sat in her room...or what would have been her room if they weren't moving into an actual house. She had watched her old home burst into flames. She had watched her brother get thrown like a rag doll into the water from the impact of the explosion. She had watched the residents of Pabu carry his bruised and bloodied form away on a stretcher, him clinging onto life by a thread.

She had hoped Hunter wouldn't blame Crosshair for letting her turn herself in. He had, however and they fought...until Phee had to drag Hunter away from Crosshair. She had listened as Zelda stepped into the ship and she had eavesdropped upon Hunter and Zelda's conversation.

"Everything ready for you all," Zelda's soft voice spoke.

"She's not ready," Hunter's voice sounded. "She's traumatised."

"Stability will do her good," Zelda said.

"Fine," Hunter said.

"Omega needs stability and something certain in her life. Once she's settled, we can start to try and help her...perhaps therapy will help her," Zelda suggested.

"Therapy? She's not injured," Hunter said.

"Not physical therapy...mental therapy. Psychology, we call it," Zelda said. "And she is injured. Not physically, no...but mentally."

"Alright. I'll get her," Hunter said.


Omega opened her eyes. She had never met Zelda, but she hoped to one day. Sleep failed eluded her once more.

To Be Continued soon! I had to get something out. Sorry.

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