Hateful Love

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This story is about a child who tried to escape from the clutches of his/her evil parents but failed and died but in the end he admitted that even if they were evil he still loved his parents...

I gasped for air

As I aimlessly ran nowhere

I'm wounded and lost

And my life is the cost

My vision was blurry

My wound aches in pain

Blood sluggishly drops in the cold soil

My body trembled in recoil

The thought of escaping my twisted fate was silly

For the consequences were a fiery boil

But still I took the risk

To be happy and be free

I slowly rested my head

For my body was tired dead

I sighed in deep relief

Because now I won and am free

A cold hand suddenly grabbed my arm!

A monster! A monster had come!

I screamed in horror

I see the dark image of torture

My eyes widened with disbelief

My body froze like a dead leaf

Covered with cold air

I embraced myself in despair

My freedom! Freedom!

Why am I chained away from you?

A sharp wood suddenly stab my heart

Its the end, farewell to the cruel world...

Indeed, my hardship were all in vain,

If my body is fated to be enslaved,

Then please at least, set my soul free...

Now, Father and mother, I bid farewell to thee...

And with a last glimpse of the light,

I saw the reflection of my parent's wicked smile,

Although, they caused me my death,

But I still love them with all of my strength.


Created on January 26, 2014. Finally found the website where I was saving my works so I'll just save it here. 

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