Chapter Fourty One

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Fizz's POV:

A few weeks have passed since Danny made me beat Veronica. I felt horrible and I haven't spoken since. Veronica said she forgave me, and said that it wasn't my fault. But it was.

. . .

About three weeks after the incident, we all were allowed to come upstairs, but only at certain times of the day.

"Danny only lets you out at certain times because that's when people start to come."

Veronica whispers to us. I've met the other girl too, the one that came.

Her name was Lucy and she was nine years old, had beautiful features and long hair, all the way down to her elbows.

Lucy was quiet. But.... Not as quiet as me.


Danny opened the door to the top of the stairway and told us to come upstairs loudly. We hurried up and he ordered us to sit at the dining room table, where we rushed over, sitting quickly.

"Now then ladies,"

He said as we all got "comfortable."

"I'd like to try something new."

He said. The other girls, along with myself, looked at each other. A look that said,

Oh no..

And I could tell we were all terrified. Danny looked us all and laughed.

"You all are acting like you already know."

He choked out between giggles.

"You all are gonna have your own bedrooms."

He said once he had finished.  We looked at each other in surprise.

"A-A bedroom?"

Lucy asked, barely above a whisper.

He chuckled.

"Yup. And since your the first to speak up, your gonna have a sleepover with me tonight."

He smiled, as if it were good news. She looked terrified. She glanced at me for a split second, and mouthed something to me.

Help me...

Pony boy's POV:

I slammed my bedroom door shut and ran to my bed, throwing myself onto it.

"It's not FAIR!"

I screamed into my pillow. I felt tears pour out of my eyes as I slammed my hands down on the mattress over, and over again. I don't want to die. Not now. I can't die.. I can't.

If finding Fizz means death, it's worth it. We need to find her soon.. Before it's too late.

I continued screaming and hitting my mattress, eventually becoming tired and not even wanting to lift my finger. I sobbed and sobbed, harder than I ever have before.

"Please Fizz.. Please.."

I whimpered.

"Come home!"

I yelled.

Jacobs POV: (first one ever 😝)

It's been a few weeks since Fizz has come to school.. I'm kind of worried about her. I haven't been able to hang out with my friends since she stopped coming. I've eaten a lot less too.

"Hey mommy?"

I called.

"Yes dear?"

"Can I go to Elizabeth's house.. Just to see if she's okay?"

I asked. I gave my best puppy eyes and fake tears, and she rolled her eyes, laughing at me.

"Okay, but be safe, and be home before six, were going to see my boyfriend tonight."

She said. I nodded as I walked out the door, yelling a quick, "thanks mom."


As I walked up to Elizabeth's house, I noticed all the lights were off. I knocked lightly on the door and waited a few moments when a young man opened the door.

It was one of her brothers, the one I met at school.

"Hi! Sodapop, right?"

I asked quickly. The older boy smiled down at me and stepped out, closing the door behind him.

"Sure is buddy, Jacob right?"

"Yes sir."

I said, smiling. He returned the favor and stared at me for a second.

"What can I help you with honey?"

He asked me.

"Well, I just wanted to know if Fizz is okay, she hasn't been at school in a few weeks and I'm kind of worried about her.. Is she sick or something?"

I asked. I saw his smile fall and he looked nervous.  He looked down at his feet and back up at me, sighing loudly.

"Yeah little buddy.. She's sick.."



SOOOooOo I was gonna update WAAYyyayYy earlier today but NoOoOoO lol.

I came home and I had like four pages of history so my dads all like


And I'm here all like

"Geez don't get your balls in a twist God Jesus.."

lolololol but I hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

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