Chapter Thirty Three

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Ponyboy's POV:

I felt cold liquid run down the side of my head as I barely opened my eyes, revealing Sodapop and Darry hovering over me, dabbing my head with a washcloth.

"You okay kiddo?"

Soda asked. I opened my eyes even wider and stood up.

"The police."

I mumbled. I ran to the landline and picked it up, frantically dialing 911.

I heard nothing but a monotone beep.

"He cut the landlines!"

I yelled, throwing the phone to the ground.

"All the power too.."

Darry said quietly.

"W-Wait.. Where's Dally? Johnny? Steve?"

I asked frantically.

"Haven't talked to none of them all day. Must be out at work or at the movies or somethin'"

Soda said. I sighed and felt myself tear up as I made my way back to the couch. I sat down and my put head between my knees and my hands behind my head, letting out a quivering sigh.

I looked down and saw a tear hit the hardwood floor beneath me, and soon enough, a couple dozen.

"Ponyboy, it's okay baby.."

Soda mumbled. I looked at him and laid my head in his lap, hugging his knees as I cried even more. My tears stained his jeans as he brushed my tangled hair with his fingers.

"Soda what're we supposed to do.."

I whispered.

"Fizz is in trouble!"

I almost yelled. Darry and Soda looked down at their feet, and I swear I almost thought I saw Darry let a tear slip.

"We know little buddy.."

He said.

"We know.."

Fizz's POV:

I waited for what seemed like forever for Ponyboy. Jacob had to leave and everyone else was already home. I was at school all by myself.

It's already been an hour and a half since schools been let out, and Ponyboy's still not here. That's weird. I walked my way to the front office and saw a middle aged looking woman smile at me.

"What do you need dear?"

She asked. I pointed to the phone on her desk and she nodded her head at me.

"Go ahead."

She said. I picked it up and dialed the house phone number. A woman's voice came on the other end and I became even more confused.

We're sorry, but the number you have dialed no longer exists or is no longer in service.

It said. I put the phone down and walked out of the office and back to my spot in front of the school. I stared up at the dark clouds in the sky, signaling it was about to rain.

I sighed and looked down at my dirty converse.

Where the heck is Ponyboy?

I thought. I thought I should start walking home, but Ponyboy told me never to walk alone. Maybe I could call the DX and see if Soda or Steve is working today.

I walked back to the office and picked up the phone, dialing the DX.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

"Hello, this is Steve how may I help you?"

I heard. I made a little mumble like I always did when on the phone. I guess he didn't hear me because I heard the line go dead, as if he hung up on me. I sighed again and just decided to walk home.

It'll be a short trip there. I walked out into the front of the school and began walking on the sidewalk, stumbling over rocks and kicking pinecones.

I thought I heard something behind me, and thinking it was only the wind, I continued on my way.

I was almost off school property when all of a sudden, a pair of big hands covered my eyes and mouth, dragging me away to only who knows where.

Oh no...

I thought.

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