Chapter Twenty Five

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Sodapop's POV:

"So... Sodapop,"

Said the man. He had pulled me into Darry's room to interview me only minutes ago.

"How is your relationship with your younger brother and sister?"

"Well, we get along very well. I love all my siblings and we get along just fine. With all do respect, sir, I wouldn't say there's a problem with where or who we live with."

I responded. He nodded and wrote it down on his clipboard.

"Who were those drunken teenagers?"


I didn't know what to say. I didn't know how to say, "there just our friends, it's normal."

But then they'd assume it was a bad environment to live in. If I said it wasn't, they'd ask why they all of a sudden started that habit.

"Well... Uh... It was our friends Dallas and Two-Bit. Their really good friends, they usually don't do these sort of things, and if they do we have a method of keeping Elizabeth away so she doesn't assume it's okay for her to do it."

He nodded.

"You seem to be very responsible, Sodapop. How old are you again?"

"I'm sixteen, going on seventeen sir."

He smiled as he wrote that down. He wasn't big or mean, but maybe a little... Weird.

"Where do you go to school?"

He asked. I knew that was coming. I dreaded the answer to that question.

"Um... I dropped out of school sir... I had to get a job to help Darry pay the bills and take care of Pony and Elizabeth. I couldn't handle both school and a responsibility of work, and besides, I was only passing auto-mechanics and gym. So I decided to take care of my family, rather than to waste my time not doing anything to help."

He looked at me. He didn't say or do anything for a second. He then raised his eyebrows and scratched the top of one.

"Uh... Well... Alright then..."

He said.

"How do you like living here? Is it... Unmanageable?"

"Oh, no sir. It's very manageable. We have no problem telling our friends the boundaries in our house, and we make sure they listen to us."

"Alrighty... I have one final question for you before you can leave."

He looked up at me and I looked away. I've always had trouble keeping eye contact with people who were... Somewhat intimidating.

"How are you only seventeen and having all these responsibilities? Is your older brother making you?"

"No sir, he's never made us do something we didn't want to do. Besides chores of course, Fizz hasn't really had a problem with them before, but only for a short period of time. Otherwise, he allows us to make our own choices, and if their not the right ones, he always explains it to us, and helps us go down the right path."

He nodded.

"Thank you for your cooperation Sodapop. I appreciate it."

He said. The man stood and shook my hand as I led him out of Darry's bedroom. I took a sigh of relief when I was back into the living room.

Steve and Johnny looked worried though.

"Hey guys, what's happening?"

I asked. Johnny looked up at me and began biting his nails, something he only did when nervous.


He looked up.

"She made Fizz freak out and run out here, she was chasing her man, she was crying too. She said she'd feel more comfortable if Fizz was living in a better environment..."

He looked down. Ponyboy had just come out of our room, looking worried.

"Guys, what was that crying sound? Was it Fizz?"

I looked at him.

"Yeah... Don't worry about it little buddy... It'll be okay..."

I hugged him. I felt tears prick my eyes as my chin rested on his shoulder.

"It'll be okay..."

I repeated.

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