Chapter Twenty Seven

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Ponyboy's POV:

Fizz slept with me and Soda last night. I made sure she was okay before she went to bed.

"Fizzie, I need to know if your okay, alright? I don't want you to go to bed if your hurt or feeling bad... I just want to make sure your okay."

I said. She looked at me with a blank stare and simply nodded, turning to go back to our room. I reached out and touched her shoulder turning her around.

"Fizz, I'm serious. I need to know if my baby sister is okay."

I said. She looked into my eyes and back down at the floor. She grabbed my hand and led me to me and Soda's bedroom, where she shut the door and locked it behind us.

Soda was still in the shower, he usually took longish ones so, I didn't think he'd mind. She sat on the bed and put her head in her hands. I heard little sniffles and realized she was crying.

"I'm not okay Pony..."

She said. I was surprised. She actually spoke again.

"Why baby? What's wrong?"

I asked. I pulled her into a hug and leaned her head on my chest, rocking her back and forth. She grabbed onto me and hugged me tight.

"I don't want to be taken away... I want to stay with you... And Darry... And S-Soda..." She sobbed. She hugged me tighter when she mentioned being taken away.

I shushed her quietly.

"I-I just want you to know I love you Pony... I'll always love you..."

She sobbed even harder now. Her breathing got faster and it wasn't good.

"Shhh Fizz, Fizz, Fizz, you gotta calm down honey, you can't breath like this."

I said. It only got worse. Her face was stained red from the crying, tears were pouring down her face like a waterfall, and she slowly fell back on the bed, gasping for air. I ran to the door and unlocked it.

"DARRY! Fizz isn't breathing, bring the inhaler!"

I yelled. I looked back at her, her face turning the slightest bit pale, meaning she was becoming unconscious.


I yelled. I went over and sat next to her on the bed. I cupped her face in my hands and slightly shook her.

"C'mon Fizz, wake up! Wake up wake up wake up!"

I panicked. I felt tears sting my eyes and fall off my face as Darry rushed through the door. He pulled the cap off of the inhaler and shoved it in her mouth, pushing the button down.

Her eyes were half opened, but her breathing slowly returned to normal. Darry took a sigh of relief as I wiped my tears away. I turned to him.


I choked out a sob.

He gave me a serious, yet comforting look. He pulled me into his arms as I stained his shirt with tears. I sobbed only for a little bit.

"I'm sorry Fizz... I'm so so sorry..."

I whispered.

I guess he heard me.

"Hey, it's alright Ponyboy. It's not your fault. Let's just get her to bed. Make sure you keep this on your nightstand just in case."

He said. He handed me the inhaler. I hated to have to keep it for Fizz. I wish she never had to use it. She's already having trouble getting along with other kids at school, and now she's got an inhaler to take with her to school.

I laid her down in the bed and held her close to me. I listened to her now soft breathing. I wrapped both my arms around her and closed my eyes.

I soon fell into a deep sleep, where it felt peaceful, and quiet.

"I love you Fizz."

I mumbled. I kissed her forehead and slowly drifted off.


Hey guys! Sorry the update took so long... I've been really stressed this week and haven't gotten to it. Buuuuttt I did know lol. I dont know when the next update will be, I now it'll be soon, but oh whale 🐳

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