Chapter Twenty Two

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I assumed the scar was from the window or something. I never even noticed it until now. Johnny never saw it, I hid it before he could turn around, and I took the medicine with no problem.

After a while, Dally came back, along with Two-Bit, and as you could guess, they were both drunk. I had a method of keeping them safe while their intoxicated. And yes I know what that word means, I read it in a dictionary once.

I took Dally and Two-Bit's fingers and tugged them, indicating we needed to go. Two-Bit snatched his hand away and almost yelled at me and Johnny.

"Woah, back up!"

He said. He pulled something from his pocket, which I knew couldn't be a switchblade. I knew he'd never hurt me or Johnny. When he pulled the object out, it appeared to be a large stick, or ruler.

It was weird how Dally stayed calm while drunk, yet Two-Bit went all out insane.

"Easy Two-Bit, it's me and Fizz."

Johnny spoke softly. Two-Bit looked at Johnny and back at me, lifting the ruler over his shoulder. It couldn't hurt, other than the metal edges.

He started freaking out, and Johnny stood in front of me the whole time.

He leaned down and whispered to me as Two-Bit turned around for a split second, taking off his clothes as he mumbled stuff under his breath, appearing to be imagining someone.

"Go take Dally upstairs, I'll be there with Two-Bit soon, but don't come out until I say so, okay?"

He asked. I nodded. I grabbed a glass of water and Dally's hand, and led him to my room, where we sat on the bed and waited. Dally looked around and I just sat there, listening to whatever was happening downstairs.

Dally looked at me weirdly and I gave a questioning look.


He muttered. I didn't understand, but whatever. Johnny came in a few minutes later with Two-Bit, so we both left them in my room until they were sober enough to come out.

Me and Johnny just laid around the house doing nothing all day, until Darry came home with Soda and Steve.

"Hey kiddo, how was your day?"

Soda asked. He hugged me and I smiled up at him.


I signed. He chuckled. Darry came over and kneeled down to me.

"Lizzie," he started. I knew this was serious if he was calling me Lizzie.

"When Ponyboy called the police last night, the cops came after you passed out. They want to do an investigation, so that means you have to be on your best behavior, understand?"

He asked. I nodded. Even though my brothers may aggravate me sometimes and make me want to pull my hair out, I still love them, and I'd never want to be away from them.

"If they see your not on your best behavior, their going to have to take you, Ponyboy, and Soda away for a while... I won't... Get to..."

He trailed off. I saw him tear up a bit and I frowned. I've never seen Darry cry before. Tears seemed to slowly trail down his cheeks, so I wiped them away and hugged him.

He buried his face into my back as I felt his hot tears spill.

"I'm sorry Fizz..."

He said.

"I'm sorry I let that happen to you... I should've been a better brother..."

He said. Soda came in and gave me a confusing look, and I signed to him.


I said. He frowned and came up behind Darry, putting his hand on his shoulder.

"Darry? You alright?"

He asked. Darry didn't let go of me. He picked me up and hugged me for a few more seconds before letting me go, and pulled Soda to the side. I couldn't hear their conversation because Soda was pulled into Darry's room.

Soda's POV:

"What's the matter?"

I asked. Darry's been through some pretty harsh stuff lately, but I never thought I'd live to see the day he cries.

He pulled me into his room and sat on the bed. His face was stained and red. His nose was stuffy too. He covered his face with his hands as I heard him sob quietly.


I asked, I sat next to him and put my arm around his shoulder.

"Soda, the states coming by to investigate the crime scene... They might take you away from me!"

He exclaimed.

"I wouldn't be able to live with myself... I can't do it, I can't trust anybody with you guys! I know you better than anyone! I can't let them take you away..."

He said.

His hands fell from his face and he looked up at me, his eyes shined because of his tears.

"Soda... You remember when mom and dad brought Ponyboy and Fizz home from the hospital? We promised to protect them and take care of them... And now... I feel like I've let you guys down..."

He said. I was just about to say something, when all of a sudden.

There was a knock on the front door.


Hey guys! Sorry for the late chapter, I've been really busy and really stressed out lately. Hope you enjoy this chapter ⭐️

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