Chapter 4 Adrien Meets Marinette

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    Marinette sits back to see if the pink formula works or not. She wonders what side effects she will experience from it if any.  She shakes her shoulders a bit then goes about her day.

     Dear Journal,

       Imagine me a hero?  Why I can not speak, but I have some earrings that turn me into Ladybug.  I work with Chat Noir who is cute and sweet as ever.  I also have a new friend named Tikki.  She helps me to be Ladybug.

    Then, I met a nice old man, Master Fu who gave me some solution to take. It supposedly will give me the gift to speak.  I am not sure if it will or not.  I guess this kind of thing takes time to figure out.

     -Marinette Dupain-Cheng

 Marinette finishes her notation in her journal for the day. She smiles.  

  Tikki smiles back at her and thinks, I hope the stuff works.

    Adrien thinks, what is Ladybug up to right now?  He decides to go to the park for a bit.

   Marinette goes to the park as well. She sees Adrien, smiles, and thinks, who is he?

     Adrien turns around sees her and says,  "Hi, I am Adrien!  Who are you?"

     Marinette opens her mouth, but no words come out. She feels embarrassed and holds up a paper that reads, I am Marinette!

    "Let me guess, you can not talk, am I right?"  This is what the paper holds in his hand says on it.

  "Yes, but how did you know?"  She has written on the paper she holds now.

   Adrien thinks I can not tell her about Ladybug not yet anyway.  

"Lucky guess, I suppose," Adrien says.

    Marinette laughs. 

   "What is so funny?"  Adrien asks.

     "Nothing, chase you!" Marinette speaks for a change as the formula begins to work.  She does not even notice though.

  Adrien looks at her in amazement. He thinks, she just spoke, but how? He chases her for a while, but before he can catch her a loud Boom! is heard.

   "Sorry, but I have to go!" Adrien says. He hides. 

"Plagg claws out!" He says and transforms.

  Chat Noir grins, "I am on my way, m' lady!" He says.

Marinette stops she notices Adrien is nowhere in sight.  "Where did he go?" She says. 

   The formula has not worn off yet.  Marinette runs to her house, and whispers, "Tikki spots on!"

    "Ok, sure thing!"  Tikki thinks wait Marinette spoke to me. She realizes then the formula works.

    Marinette transforms then goes out to find Chat Noir. 

Ladybug smiles when she sees Chat Noir and thinks, why is he so cute?

 "Ladybug, Chat Noir hand over the miraculous right now."  The villain says.

  The villain who spoke is  El Peon.

  "I would do what she says if I were you," The Bubbler scoffs.

  The Bubbler throws some bubbles at them.

  "We will not do such a thing, right m' lady?" Chat Noir says.

Ladybug tries to speak, but nothing happens. She thinks, hmm, the solution only works for me as Marinette.

    "Oh, Bugaboo, I am sorry I forgot you can not talk." Chat Noir says. He thinks, first Marinette could not speak, but somehow did later.

    Ladybug let's get them!  Chat writes on a paper and holds it up.

Ladybug smiles and winks at him. She thinks, great now both Adrien and Chat Noir are cute to me.

 Ladybug and Chat Noir fight as a team and defeat both The Bubbler and El Peon.

   Ladybug catches the akumas and purifies them. She thinks, Miraculous Ladybug!  as she throws the lucky charm into the air and everything turns back to normal.

     Ladybug does a silent pound it with Chat Noir. She thinks I wish I could talk to you.

  Ladybug leaves upset because now she knows she can never talk to Chat.  Now home she detransforms.

   "Tikki, that was amazing was it?  Yes, I can speak now, but only for me.  I still have to be mute as Ladybug." Marinette says.

"Sounds like the stuff only partially works," Tikki says.  She thinks Marinette must be someone's love this how it typically works.

  Tikki wonders, who loves Marinette?

   Chat who is in his civilian form now, thinks I do not get it. Marinette was somehow able to speak even though she is mute, but Ladybug still can not.

   Adrien's  POV:
  What could it all mean?

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