Chapter 7 Allergy Cured at Last

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        Master Fu thinks, the formula is still inside her body and is slowly hurting her.

      "Oh, no! I sense something is very wrong," Wayzz says.

    "Same here, Wayzz.  It seems the solution never left her body fully.  It attacks her now form the inside out."Master Fu says.

     Marinette notices her arm feels like it is on fire along with her face. Adrien feels her forehead, he frowns as he says, "Marinette you are burning up!"

Adrien, help me! Marinette thinks.

Marinette goes unconscious as the fever kicks in, her lips turn blue along with her cheeks.

"No, Marinette! Do not leave me!" Adrien screams.

"Marinette, I love you!" Adrien says with tears that flow down his cheeks.

"Marinette, please be okay. I love you!" Adrien says.

 "Young man, perhaps I can help."  Master Fu says.

   "Here, pour this on her arms, face, and chest areas."  Master Fu says as he hands Adrien a bottle with blue liquid inside it.

     Adrien opens the bottle, pours some liquid on her arms, then her face, and he carefully lifts her shirt. He pours some fluid on her chest area.  Then, he steps back. 

      Marinette's cheeks turn pink. 

   "I   assure you she will be fine in no time." Master Fu says.

   "Are you sure?" Adrien asks.

  "Yes, because I have seen this before, young man." Master Fu replies.

"I only recently found a cure for her allergy."  Master Fu explains.

In  Marinette's mind, as she coughs up pink and blue fluid is this the end?  Do I die now?

   Will I die a slow death or will I have to suffer first?

   Marinette's eyes glow as she coughs up more and more gooey stuff.   

Adrien sees her color  return to her, and says, "Marinette you are alive, thank goodness."

  Adrien kisses her slowly on the lips. He thinks, I almost lost you but now you are back.

     "Yes, my ship Adrienette is beautiful indeed!" Master Fu says.

    "Awe, they look like a lovely couple,"  Wayzz says.

     BOOM!  A loud noise is heard.

  "Mari, it is time for me to help.  Plagg claws out!"  Adrien says, then transforms into Chat Noir.

"Princess time to get you to safety,"  Chat says. He carries her in his arms to a special shelter area.  He sets her down and leaves.

    "Chloe must pay for firing me!"  Despair Bear says.

  Marinette nods her head, and Tikki jumps into her earrings.  She transforms.

Ladybug shows up and helps Chat Noir fight against Despair Bear.   They win, the akuma is caught, purified, and the lucky charm is thrown into the air.

  "Thank you so much, Ladybug and Chat Noir,"  The servant says.

       "You are welcome, you can always count on us," Chat Noir replies. Ladybug smiles. She waves at him. 


 Chat Noir and Ladybug bump fists. Chat Noir leaves. 

    Ladybug leaves next. She turns back to Marinette. She sobs because she almost died. She is also sad because she can't speak. Will anyone ever love her?

      Chat Noir panics when he does not see Marinette. Where is she?  He detransforms and searches for her. He smiles when he sees her.

     "Marinette!"  Adrien runs to her. He hugs her.

    Marinette feels someone hug her, she hugs them, then steps back. She is surprised when she sees it is Adrien.

    The story continues in Chapter 8,

 Until then,


little owlets!

Summer out! 


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