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'Wait a minute, where's Ouranos? Why is Kronos in front of us? If Kronos is our mate, then we're the mate of the Alpha's son, Daphne!'

'Oh, who cares? Our uterus is ready. Let's have a sexy time with our mate,' she purred out, rolling around in my head.

'You're horny as hell, listen to me!'

I sighed mentally. Daphne wasn't in a state to listen. She was too occupied with her lust for Kronos and, more importantly, his wolf.

Kronos, however, hasn't said a word since then. He kept staring at me as if he were admiring me from afar. I must admit that I appreciated how he looked from every angle of his body. Would this count as me pretending to strip him down? I don't think so... Ah, shit. In an actual world situation, that's sexual harassment.

He was wearing a white T-shirt that could make you easily see his bulging muscles beneath. His hair seemed fluffy brown, making me want to pet him. The moon goddess made my mate the hottest out of every male I've seen.

I may understand what Daphne meant about why Coco and Azrael couldn't take their hands off each other. I have a strong urge to squeeze his arms and caress his broad shoulders.

Clearing my throat, I snapped our daydreaming back into reality.

"Kronos, how have you been doing? It's been too long." I smiled, face flushed.

The tall male stood in front of me, not saying anything. Before I could have another chance to say another word, he shook his head, took a step backward, and slammed the office door in my face.

I stood there bewildered.

'...Did mate reject us? Are we lacking in his eyes? Is that why he didn't want to say anything?' Daphne whined, her ears dropped in sadness.

As much as I didn't want to admit to it, hearing Daphne sad hurt my being. It wasn't just her, but me as well. I felt a tight squeeze in my chest, making breathing hard. I was hurt by why he shut the door in my face.

Frowning, I refused to walk away without an answer. Gathering the courage to knock on the door, I knocked loudly. "Kronos, is there a reason why you closed the door without saying anything? You know what we are, right? Please tell me you felt what I felt, too."

'Human, leave mate be. He needs space.' Daphne scowled, shaking her head.

No way.

My words were answered with more silence. The concern slowly vanished, replaced with frustration. Just as I was about to prepare to force myself inside, a voice echoed behind me.

"Rhea, what are you doing here?"

I turned around swiftly, cheeks puffed in annoyance. "I'm glad you're here. Kronos closed the door in my face and refused to communicate. He's my mate, and I am about to break down this door."

Azrael's face showed pure shock before clasping his hands together. "You found your mate! Congratulations. But I see what is happening here..." he paused, pondering his words.

"Did Coco ever tell you what happened with Kronos? I know it's been hard because you've been purposely away for so long."

"No. Coco did not. She has not told me anything. Was there something I missed?" I asked, puzzled.

The door behind me swung open, and a speaker on a cell phone echoed. 'It is none of your concern of what happened to me.'

I stiffened, knowing it wasn't my mate's voice but a robot's. Why was a robot talking for him?

The conclusion wasn't obvious, but I slowly connected the dots. I've heard it happen in stories and to omegas, but this is the first time I've seen it happen with a pack member. Not only did he not acknowledge me right away as a mate should have, but he hasn't spoken once since I got here. Kronos was also using his cell phone to say his texts out loud.

Turning around, I made eye contact with his beautiful blue eyes. "Kronos, are you mute by chance?"

He stiffened before turning away and closing his eyes. A slight nod came before he motioned for Azrael and me to enter the office.

I sat across Kronos, my leg crossing over the other. "This does not explain your treatment towards me. Just what is going on here?" I demanded, finding the situation exhausting.

Kronos looked at Azrael and then looked down. It seems I won't be getting any answers from my mate. An awkward silence filled the room before Azrael tsked, sitting on the chair in the office's corner.

"Honestly, it's a long story. You should settle in first before you can hear about it." He pointed out.

I shook my head in disagreement. "I am more than settled into the pack house already. I can hear about it now. It involves my mate, so it involves me also."

Kronos shifted in his chair, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips before it quickly vanished. My heart skipped a beat, wanting to see his whole smile. "If it is not possible, at least give me a summary of what I should know. Otherwise, the other pack members who have been here will know more than I do."

"I'm no stranger," I added.

"Yes, but you've been gone, Rhea." Azrael pressed.

I bit my lip, knowing that I was too much of a coward to return to the pack house. It had been years, after all. You don't just rant and ramble to someone, regardless of their status, of all the drama that occurred.

Seeing my reaction, Azrael and Kronos exchanged glances, and all looked well since Azrael adjusted himself in his seat to make himself more comfortable. "Alright, fine. Don't say I didn't warn you..." he stopped before continuing. "For starters, Kronos is the Alpha. Not Ouranos."

Say what now?

'Mate is an Alpha?' Daphne said excitedly, jumping around in my head with excitement.

Ignoring her comments, I stared in disbelief. The shock was evident on my face. "That cannot be. Did Ouranos step down from his position of Alpha?"

"No, Rhea," Azrael said. "Ouranos is currently in a coma. He's been in one for the past nine, almost ten years."

Double shocker. It was one after another. Maybe he was right. I needed more time to settle into the pack.

"Just—what happened? While I was gone?" I was stunned.

More silence.

Throwing my hands up in the air, hurt and annoyed, I sat up from my chair. "Not only did Coco keep many things from me, but you guys refused to tell me what is going on. It's frustrating to be kept in the dark."

"It's just not my place to tell you, Rhea. Please understand. I know this is surprising, and it came out of nowhere, but there is more going on that you don't know. And we want to tell you we do. It's just not something you should hear from me." Azrael explained to me pleadingly.

It was my first day back, and I was already throwing a scene. Not a good impression, I'd say. Taking a few deep breaths, I nodded in defeat and sat back in the chair.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I must head back and wake my mate. I'm sure she's hungry after everything I did to her." Azrael snickered, getting out of his chair before walking to the door and closing the door behind him.

After Azrael left, it was just me and Kronos.

My mate stared at me silently, observing my movements.

I fidgeted in my seat, nervous. Minutes passed and the air grew suffocating. We had gotten nowhere as it was quiet the entire time.

Gathering whatever courage I had left, I asked, "Kronos, are you rejecting me?"

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