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This she-wolf cannot be serious. Dinner was over, and she dared to question my authority of whether or not I was fit to be Luna.

I should kill her with kindness.

'Or kill her?' Daphne said, showing off her sharp teeth.

Kill. Her. With. Kindness.

Keyword... kill?

I wish Azrael, Coco, and all the pack members didn't just leave right after dinner. It was getting late, and pack training was tomorrow. Of course, everyone wants to go to bed sooner rather than later.

I think it's too late to deal with drama like this. I want to sleep. I can resolve the issue in the morning or whenever she wants to see me.

"If you have something to say to me, make an appointment in the morning. I do not have time for your bullshit."

Macy, not having it, tried to protest. Ignoring her, I rolled my eyes and decided to go outside for a walk. Macy followed me, grabbing my wrist harshly, which caused me to turn around.

My eye twitched, wanting to give her a piece of my mind. I shook her off me and placed my hand on one side of my hip, smiling at her.

"First of all, do not touch me again. Secondly, I don't know what you're talking about, Macy. However, dinner is over, and it's late. I want to go to bed. I suggest you do the same." I said before continuing. "I also would suggest you stop following me and being my stalker. It's not cute."

My tone of voice was nice, but my words indeed were not.

Her face turned beet red, embarrassed as she stomped her foot to the ground. "I am not a stalker! You need to hear what I'm going to tell you."

"Did anyone tell you that no one needs to hear what you tell them? I think you're under the impression that everyone's opinions deserve to be heard." I said, chuckling.

She scrunched her nose, irritated. "Shut up! You know exactly what I mean. First, you come here after ten years, then walk around like you own the place." She paused, scoffing at me. "Do you even know what happened these past almost ten years?"

Not this again.

I knew something like this would happen.

Seeing the hesitation on my face caused Macy to snicker like a hyena. "Oh, wow. You don't know? I knew it as expected of someone gone for almost ten years. I can't believe you're Alpha's mate. It's unfortunate."

Controlling my temper, I reminded myself that all she wanted was a reaction from me. People like her want to project their insecurities to make them feel better about themselves. They were one of the saddest people on the planet, and I couldn't help but pity them.

However, regardless of what they were going through, it doesn't excuse them to be a piece of shit.

"One last time, Macy... I suggest you go to bed. I think you'd regret messing with me." I said once more, my tone laced with venom.

I could see a slight sweat trickle down her forehead.

"You wouldn't dare. I'm Alpha's mistress. He would be distraught if you touched a strand of my hair." She sounded confident as she stood in defiance.

Mistress? I've never heard of this from anyone.

Why is she lying so severely?

Thinking about Kronos with another woman angered me and my wolf, but I remained quiet. I took another deep breath, still exhausted from all the socializing from the pack.

Breathe, Rhea.

Just breathe.

"I should've been his mate, not you. You don't deserve to be Luna because you weren't there for him when he needed you most! Where were you when he needed you? When he took all the abuse from his mother and the pack?! Oh, right, you were crying about your dead parents! Well, guess what? They're not coming back, and they're dead!" She hissed.

I tried to breathe more to calm down... but it didn't work.

Ignoring her comments about my parents, I couldn't believe what else I had heard.

His mother abused him?

Well, there goes the thought of calming down.

My eyes swirled with black before I grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her onto the dirty ground. She struggled against my grip, but I stared deeply into her eyes.

I flashed my fangs in annoyance, "I am your Luna. Soon to be... and I expect you to behave. I don't care what you are, who you are, but I've done nothing to you. If you want to dual it out, I will accept. But know I won't go easy on someone like you. And you will know defeat."

"I wasn't there back then, but I'm here now. I don't want to hurt you, Macy. But if you so much as continue to disrespect me, I will touch every single strand of hair you claim that I cannot touch." I said, squeezing her shoulders tighter by the minute.

I saw fear in her eyes for the first time that evening, but it quickly disappeared as a twig snapping behind me took my attention.

Not loosening my grip, I slowly turned my head, and my eyes soon met a pair of beautiful blue hues.


He stared as if he was in disbelief before he shook his head. He pointed at me to stop and let go of Macy. This only further enraged me as to why he was taking her side. He didn't even hear the whole story.

Or maybe he did?

How long was he standing there for?

Frowning, I refused to let go of my grip on Macy.

"I'm not letting her go. She disrespected me, your mate. You're not going to reprimand her?" I asked.

He stood there and shook his head.


I scoffed, disappointed, as I squeezed her shoulder one last time before letting her go. Macy lay pathetically on the dirt, crying out that I hurt her. This brought me great satisfaction, but I should've known better. My pitch-black eyes looked at him again.

Angry would have been an understatement.

"You claim that I'm your mate. That you wouldn't throw me away. Yet you let a mere she-wolf get in the way of that..." I muttered. "You've done more for her than ever for me."

For a moment, I could see his pain. His eyes grew sad before it was replaced with nothing.

He turned his head to the side, not even typing on his phone to explain himself.

At least I know where I stood in his life.

Chuckling bitterly, I walked away and back into the pack house.

I really should've known better than to be patient with him.

Mainly because he prioritizes someone else over me.

A she-wolf at that.

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