Chapter 1

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It was a peaceful afternoon in Gotham city as an 8 year old child with a robotic arm was skipping through the forest

Zander "la la la" he continues skipping as he bumps into someone as he looks to see someone in a bat outfit

Zander "*gasp* a giant bat"

Batman "so you're the cause of the energy wave"

Zander "bye!" he skips as he bumps into Superman

Superman "we need you to come with us kid" Zander turns around and sees Wonder woman

Wonder woman "try to cooperate little one"

Zander "hmm, no!" he turns his hand into a long barrel cannon and aims it at the heroes

Zander "TRIDENT REVOLVER!!!" he blasts three bursts shots at the heroes creating a smokescreen as he jumps away

Superman "Superman to watch tower, energy signature detected, requesting full league response"


Zander "🎵going through the forest, going forest, hope I don't run into any meanies🎵" a huge gust of wind sends him back as he sees a red robot creating tornadoes

Red tornado "I'd advise you to surrender, it would be illogical to fight back"

Zander "but that's what makes it fun!" he takes out two fans and unfolds them

Zander "DARKNESS WAVE!" he spins in place sending waves of darkness blades sending Red tornado back

Zander "victory!" Black canary lands in front of him

Black canary "not quite" she let's out a sonic screech as Zander covers her his

Zander 'think, think, think, aha!' he uncovers his ears as he turns the fans into dual guns

Zander "BULLET SQUALL!!" he fires a barrage of bullets as Black canary gets sent back

Zatara "ERIF MROTS!" a blast of fire surrounds Zander as the rest of the league lands around Zander

Batman "give up kid"

Zander "never, MAMBA PISTOLS!!" the guns glow as they become viper headed pistols

Zander "VIPER DANCE!" the barrels extend as Zander swings them around as they strike the heroes

Wonder woman "great hera"

Zatara "it can't be, the Cardinal weapons"

Zander "LIGHTNING SHOT!" he blasts lightning bolts sending some of the heroes back

Zander "come on, I wanna play some more!"

Shazam "is he seriously thinking this as a game?"

Flash "he is a kid after all"

Martian manhunter "then I suggest we try a gentler approach"

Batman "hmm" he walks to Zander as he looks down

Zander "do you wanna play some more too?" Batman kneels down and holds out a butterscotch

Batman "Candy?"

Zander "ooh" he takes the butterscotch and pops it in his mouth as he squeals at the flavor

Batman "there, now think you'll come with us quietly?"

Zander "can I have more candy?"

Batman "if you cooperate"

Zander "ok Mr bat man person!" the scene changes to them at the watchtower as Zander was chasing a green lantern rabbit construct

Batman "so Zatara, Diana, mind telling us about those weapons he had?"

Wonder woman "those weapons aren't just any weapons, they're known as the Cardinal weapons, weapons filled with magic"

Zatara "they have been rumored to be lost or merely just legends"

Flash "not so much of a legend now" they hear gunshots as they see Zander shooting the construct while laughing

Black canary "but it is a little dangerous for a child to be holding 4 magic weapons"

Shazam "are we also going to ignore the fact he has a robot eye and arm?"

Green arrow "kid must've been experimented on"

Batman "no, I did a full diagnostic on him, there are no signs of cuts, stitches or experimentation"

Superman "you can't expect us to believe he was born with them"

Martian manhunter "it is illogical for a human to be born with technology attached to them"

Red tornado "perhaps the child is an android?"

Batman "no, aside from his cybernetics, the boy is 100% human, but he has also been alone for who knows how long"

Wonder woman "what are you suggesting Bruce?" Batman gives his signature scowl as the scene changes to Mt justice as Aqualad and Kid flash were playing holographic air hockey with Robin and M'gann watching

Computer "Recognized, Superboy, B, 0-4" Superboy exits the zeta tube and walks through the hologram

M'gann "hi Superboy, how was Metropolis?" he ignores her and continued walking

Black canary "*clears throat* ready for training everyone?" they turn their heads and see Black canary and Martian manhunter

M'gann "Black canary, uncle J'onn" M'gann walks to Martian manhunter and hugs him

Black canary "now before we begin your training, there's someone who we need you to meet" shuffling can be heard under Martian manhunter's cape as Zander emerges from it

M'gann "aw he's so cute"

Kid flash "so what's with the kid?"

Martian manhunter "for several weeks the league has been tracking an unknown energy signature, just last week we discovered this child was that signature"

Black canary "he was able to take on half the league and that's without training until we managed to calm him down"

Aqualad "so what is it the league plans to do with the child?"

Martian manhunter "Batman believes that socializing with others can help him improve his nature, we are trusting you all with teaching him what he needs to know while we will handle his training"

Robin "so, the kid's got a name?"

Black canary "yes, everyone, meet your new teammate, Zander"

Zander "hello new friends!"

M'gann "hi Zander, I'm M'gann, that's Aqualad, Robin, Kid flash, Superboy"

Zander "pretty"

M'gann "*squeal* you're just so cute I could eat you up"

Zander "am I tasty, num num" he bites on his arm and smacks his lips

Zander "mmm, I'm delicious" M'gann squeals again and hugs Zander tightly

Martian manhuner "as you can see, the child's intelligence isn't exactly what you call good"

Black canary "so that's why we're trusting you with his education"

M'gann "this is gonna be fun"

Black canary "we're glad, but nows the time to start your training" she takes off her jacket showing a bandaged arm as the floor under her activates

M'gann "what happened?"

Black canary "the job, now combat is about controlling conflict, putting the battle on your terms, you should always be acting, never reacting, I'll need a sparring partner"

Zander "ooh ooh me me me!"

Black canary "*giggle* sorry sweetie, you already faced me before"

Kid flash "right here" he finishes a banana and throws the peel away

Kid flash "after this I'll show ya my moves" Black canary smirks and strikes his arm as he blocks it as she sweep kicks his legs landing him on his back

Zander "*giggle* he fell on his butt"

Black canary "can anyone tell what he did wrong?"

Robin "he hit on teacher and got served?"

Kid flash "dude!"

Black canary "he allowed me to dictate the terms of-"

Superboy "oh please, with my powers the battles always on my terms, I'm a living weapon and this is a waste of my time"

Zander "*gasp* you're a walking gun?!"

Aqualad "that was an expression Zander"

Zander "oh, so a coffee" Aqualad sighs as M'gann giggles

Black canary "prove this is a waste of time" Superboy walks in the circle as the two stare at each other as Superboy throws a punch as Black canary grabs it and throws him to the ground

Robin "hahahaha" Aqualad hits Robin's chest as he stops laughing as Superboy growls

Black canary "you're angry, good, but don't react, channel that anger into" Superboy roars and charges at Black canary who flips over him and sweep kicks him on his back

Superboy "that's it I'm done"

Black canary "training is mandatory" the computer beeps as a large holoscreen of batman appears

Batman "batman to the cave, 5 hours ago before meeting Zander, a new menace attacked Green arrow and Black canary, the attacker was capable of studying them duplicating the powers and abilities of its opponents, Arrow called in reinforcements which nearly proved disastrous, as our foe gained more and more power with each new combatant"

Kid flash "woah a kid taking out half of the entire league and one guy with the powers of them"

Batman "in the end, it took eight leaguers 4 hours to defeat and dismantle the android"

Robin "an android, who made it, T.O Morrow?"

Batman "good guess Robin but Red tornado doesn't think so"

Martian manhunter "the technology bears the signature of professor ivo"

Aqualad "ivo but ivo's dead"

Zander "perhaps he is a ghost out for revenge, ooooh, or a zombie coming to eat our brains, num num" he nibbles M'gann's arm who giggles

Black canary "we all thought or hoped ivo is dead"

Batman "to make certain this treat is permanently neutralized, we're sending two trucks carrying the Androids parts to two separate star lab facilities in Boston and New York for immediate evaluation, every precaution is being taken, we'll have four additional decoy trucks to create confusion, in case ivo or anyone tries to recover remains, you will split into undercover teams to safeguard the two real trucks"

Kid flash "sweet, road trip"

Superboy "so now we're taking out your trash"

Batman "you had something better to do?" Superboy looks away as the scene changes to them at Litchfield County in bushes with the team on motorcycles and Zander wearing roller skates with the league and guards loading the Amazo pieces into the trucks

Kid flash "sure you'll be able to keep up on those skates kid?"

Zander "I'll be faster than you" the trucks start moving and split up as does the team with Zander going with Robin and Superboy

Robin "huh guess you can keep up, what's up with you Superboy?"

Superboy "canary, what business does she have teaching combat skills to a guy with super strength?"

Robin "taking down stronger guys is part of the gig, don't forget Zander took half the league out and he doesn't have strength" Superboy drives up closer to the truck as Robin sighs as Zander tugs his sleeves

Robin "what is it?"

Zander "are monkeys supposed to be green?"

Aqualad (coms) "Superboy, Robin, Zander, our truck is being attacked"

Robin "kinda figured"

Superboy "I hate monkeys"

Robin "robot monkeys, ha ha totally ivo's tweaked style" he pressed a button as his bike shrinks with one half becoming a drone

Robin "switch your ride to battle mode"

Superboy "no point" he jumps off his bike landing on the truck as Robin grapples to the back before his bike crashed as Zander brings out his pistols and starts shooting monkeys as Robin's drone blasts monkeys as Superboy gets knocked off

Zander "Superboy!" Superboy jumps after the trucks as Zander summons his energy claw and grips to the side of the truck

Robin "there's too many" the two jumps to the top as Robin brings out dual short staffs as strikes monkeys as Superboy lands next to them after crushing a monkey

Zander "they're going for the tires!" he used his grappling wire and grabs the driver and swings him out as the truck tumbles off the road as monkeys fly off with the pieces

Superboy "not getting away" he jumps after the monkeys as Robin calls his name but to no effect

Aqualad (coms) "Aqualad to Robin we lost our cargo, did you"

Robin "yeah, and so is mine and Zander's partner"

Aqualad (coms) "Aqualad to Superboy, what's your position we'll help"

Superboy (coms) "don't need help, don't want any"

Aqualad (coms) "Superboy"

Robin "I think he ditched his coms"

Zander "I think I know how we can find the parts before they're together again" he looks at a broken monkey as wires burst from his arm and latch to the monkey as his eye starts moving rapidly

Zander "the parts have GPS, that's how the monkeys knew what trucks to attack"

Robin "you may not have a good education but you're really smart little buddy, think you can figure out where their heading" Zander nods and shows a holomap from his eye with red dots moving

Robin "guys, they're heading to Gotham city"

Aqualad (coms) "that far south, M'gann and I won't get there anytime soon, I'm sending Kid on ahead to meet you two, Aqualad out"

Robin "let's go bud" he pressed a button on his wrist as his bike moves to him

Robin "definitely a disaster, heavy on the dis"


Zander and Robin arrived at Gotham with Robin in his hero costume as Kid flash catches up in his hero costume

Robin "you changed too?"

Kid flash "duh, I feel naked in civies, kid still tracking the parts?"

Zander "they were moving through Gotham but now they're at a place called Gotham city academy"

Robin "my school"

Kid flash "then let's go" the three move fast as they reach Gotham academy as Kid flash grabs Superboy from Amazo as Robin throws a few batarangs

Amazo "Martian manhunter" he turns intangible as the batarangs go through him and explode

Amazo "access Red tornado" a red tornado surrounds him as he charges to the 4 who get blown away

Zander "owie"

Amazo "access captain atom" he fires lasers from his hands a Kid flash dodges who runs around him

Amazo "access Black canary" he lets out a sonic screech at the ground sending Kid flash back as a bullet hits Amazon's head

Zander "leave him alone you metal meanie"

Ivo "what's this, the justice league is recruiting babies now, though the technology he's wearing is intriguing, Amazo capture him"

Amazo "Superman" he catches a punch from Superboy and throws him

Amazo "Martian manhunter" his arms extends and uses them as whips as Zander summons his scythe and blocks them

Amazo "superman" he grabs Kid flash and squeezes him tightly

Amazo "Martian manhunter" he turns intangible as an arrow goes through him also releasing Kid flash

Amazo "access black canary" Superboy charges at Amazo as he throws him to bleachers as Zander fires bullets as Robin throws batarangs as Amazo dodges

Amazo "superman" he blasts heat rays from his eyes as a plasma shield appares on Zander's arm blocking it

Zander 'we need to figure out something, I got it'

Zander "hey Superboy, you'll never be as strong as superman"

Kid flash "is the kid trying to get killed"

Robin "I know what he's doing"

Zander "you're a big grumpy grunperson who's always grumpy and angry"

Superboy "oh yeah, you wanna see me channel that anger" Zander jumps behind ivo as Superboy charges towards them as they dodge

Ivo "Amazo protect your master, priority alpha"

Amazo "Captain atom" he blasts a beam at Zander as Superboy throws him taking the hit

Robin "anybody wanna play keep away?" he kicks ivo away asid flash ru s around

Amazo "access superman" he stomps the ground sending a shockwave that sends Kid flash back as Robin throws batarangs

Amazo "Martian manhunter" he turns intangible as the batarangs go through him as Zander summons his gauntlet and throws a stone covered punch

Amazo "superman" his body becomes solid as Zander’s fist was in his head as spikes burst from it making it explode as the body falls

Robin "help me disassemble him now"

Kid flash "dude, the guy has no head"

Aqualad "don't take any chances" they see Aqualad and M'gann's in their hero costumes arrive as M'gann flies to Zander and Superboy

M'gann "are you two alright?"

Superboy "fine feeling the aster, hey kid, thanks" he ruffles Zander's hair as he giggles

Kid flash "where's ivo?" they look to see him gone as the scene changes to them at the cave with Batman, red tornado, Martian manhunter, black canary and Green arrow

Aqualad "the Amazo android is in pieces again, safely being analyzed at the two separate star labs, but ivo escaped and since he originated the tech, he's arguably more dangerous than the android"

Black canary "capturing the professor will be a league priority"

Martian manhunter "but we understand your mission encountered, other complications"

Batman "complications come with the job your ability to handle them has impressed the league"

Superboy "the whole league?"

Batman "given time, yes, kryptonians as you know have very hard heads" Superboy looks away smirking

Batman "of course there's no shame in asking for help, that's why the league exists, because there are some problems even we can't handle individually"

Robin "please if we needed help, we'd never get the chance to ask, look familiar?" he pulls out the arrow from the Amazo attack

Robin "you were following us, babysitting, you still don't trust us"

Batman "we didn't follow you" Green arrow pulls out one of his arrows and puts it next to the other one

Robin "and that's not your arrow but that means"

Kid flash "Speedy"

Aqualad "he has our backs" Kid flash grabs the arrow from Green arrow

Kid flash "souvenir"

Batman "now it's best you go home and get some rest, you're journey has begun"

Team "right"

M'gann "come on sweetie, you can sleep with me" she picks up Zander and flies off as the other members of the team either go through the zetatube or go deeper into the cave

Green arrow "she certainly took a liking to the kid"

Black canary "maybe she's taking on a motherly role, the kid needs one"

Martian manhunter "yes but M'gann is still new to earth, I believe she may be, speeding up the process"

Green arrow "we'll see"


We see M'gann morphing her clothes into nightwear as Zander puts on a bunny onesie

M'gann "you're too cute I can't stand it, you're gonna have tons of fun here"

Zander "ok mommy!" M'gann is shocked and covers her mouth

Zander "Did I say something wrong?"

M'gann "no no sweetie, you really think of me as a mommy?"

Zander "yeah black canary and wonder woman all about mommies, they love their kids very much and will always be there for them and you're so kind and pretty"

M'gann "ok sweetie, I'll be your mommy, now let's go to bed" she picks up Zander and lays down hugging him to her chest and kisses his head

M'gann "goodnight sweetie"

Zander "good night mommy" the two close their eyes and fall asleep

End of chapter

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