Chapter 11

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Hideo's POV:
"What's going on here?!?" Yui shrilled as we saw Yui, Runa, and Kou standing near the doorway when I groan in annoyance since I don't have time to deal with them.

"What the fuck do y'all want?" I asked irritably.

"Excuse me, but I do not appreciate that tone of yours." Runa criticized with a frown, but I didn't give a damn about what she said.

"Does it look like I give a damn?" I asked agitatedly.

"Hideo, enough." Cyrus reassured me.

"Back off!" I snarled at Cyrus.

"Ugh will you just shut up? You're making my ears bleed with your goddamn voice." Kou asked with an irritated face, but I don't give a shit and glare at him.

"You shut up you stupid two faced jackass! This has nothing to do with y'all!" I scold at them as I'm getting more irritated with these two. Just then I felt Blake bonking me in the head.

"Chill the fuck down will you? Besides you're making Yui worried about you." Blake assured me as I turn to see Yui looking concern.

"Hideo....." Seeing how worried she got, I sighed softly and calm myself down.

"Sorry Yui, I didn't mean to make you worry. I was feeling pissed just now....I'm sorry." I apologized feeling guilty for doing that, but she doesn't mind and shook her head with a sweet grin.

"It's alright Hideo, I forgive you. But...." Yui then peered her head to see the unconscious Isaiah being held by Cyrus.

"What about him?...Is he going to be okay?" She asked curiously.

"Don't worry about it, we'll deal with him." Blake assured her with a gentle grin.

"Yeah and possibly we can kill him once he's woken up....." I muttered but Blake nudged me in rib so hard.

"We can do it after he spits out the details." She whispered to my ear as I sighed reluctantly.

"Fine...." I grumbled.

"So this is why you're after Blake and Kou correct?" Runa asked curiously.

"Yup, unfortunately we have to bring him back to the mansion cuz SOMEONE knocked him out cold." Cyrus bluntly stated as I form a tick mark from my forehead and turn to him with a glare.

"Hey shut up! It ain't my fault! That bastard was pissing me the f**k off!!" I retort him.

"It doesn't matter we're taking him back to the mansion!" Blake scold at me.

"Ugh fine, but I'm not gonna let this slide cuz I'm keeping an eye on that bastard!" I bellowed as I glare hard at Isaiah's unconscious body. Kenta then pushed his glasses up and holds my hand.

"Actually Hideo, you're coming with me to see Chizuru and Tristan. You two can take that bastard and Yui home. Well let you guys later." He sternly informed which confuses me.

"Wha? Why me?" I baffled at his sudden request, but he ignore the question and create a black portal for Cyrus, Yui and Blake.

"Are you sure you want us to leave without you guys?" Blake asked curiously.

"Hold on! Why am I stay-"

"We'll be back for a few minutes, I need to talk things with Hideo while we're visiting Chizuru and Tristan." He told them.

Huh? Why would he talk to me privately?

I thought confusingly as they both nod while Cyrus is holding the unconscious Isaiah.

"Alright we'll see you guys later, come on Blake." Cyrus stated.

"Kay, oh and by the way Kou." Blake then turns to Kou with a warm grin.

"Thanks for cheering me up, the karaoke kinda helps but...I have fun." She thanked him with a tender smile with Kou smiling widely.

"No problem Blake, I'm so glad that I hang out with you despite this sorta disastrous date." He chuckled softly but Yui pouts and walk up to her as she pulls her arm close to her while glaring at Kou.

"Let's go Blake." Yui persuaded her while clinging onto her like a puppy.

"Oh right, see you tomorrow." She smiled sweetly as Cyrus, Blake, and Yui jump to the portal. We then to Runa and Kou as Kenta looks at them with a stoic look.

"Good go see you again Runa." He greeted her kindly despite his emotionless expression.

"Nice to meet you again as well Kenta." She grinned politely as I scratched my neck awkwardly since I took my anger out of her. I better apologized to her.

"Hey Runa, sorry for bursting out like that. I acted on impulse...I'll try to work on my temper...." I shyly apologized while feeling like a total idiot for yelling at her, but she didn't mind and grin sweetly.

"No worries Hideo, everything is all good now." She replied kindly as I grin at her. Kenta then turn to Kou with the same stoic expression.

"And you're lucky that I didn't shove this scythe up your ass Kou." He bluntly stated but Kou isn't fazed as he kept on smiling at him.

"Oh don't worry, I didn't lay a single hand on her." He nonchalantly replied with a grin which ticked me off a bit.

Kenta then sighs and grabs my hand.

"Come on Hideo, we're leaving."

"Huh? Gah!" As he drag me out of the bathroom, we said our goodbyes to Runa and Kou. Once we left the karaoke bar, we head off to meet Chizuru and Tristan at the hospital.

Hey guys sorry for not updating for a while I have been studying for college and I was taking a break from writing the next chapter on my phone cuz my eyes are getting worst so the eye doctor told me to play less on the phone or other electronics. But I will update the next chapter soon and I'll see you later bye bye!

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