Chapter 13

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Kenta's POV:
"Kenta!" Once we arrived at the hospital, Chizuru notice us and ran towards us. She soon noticed Hideo who is right beside me.

"Ummm Kenta...who's the-"

"He's just a friend of mine." I assured her as Hideo grinned warmly at her.

"Names Hideo. Nice to meet ya." He casually greeted as Chizuru smiled softly at him before she turns back to me.

"Thanks for coming here Kenta." She thanked him.

"No problem, but enough of that. Where's Tristan?" I asked curiously.

"He's at the room right now, I'll show you." She stated as we followed Chizuru through the hallway until we get to the fourth room when I open the curtains to see Tristan lying in bed with a stern yet injured expression.

"Y-You're here......" He feebly stuttered as my heart sank when I saw how bruised up he is. We both went up to my half brother where I sat next to him along with Hideo. I gently cupped his swollen left cheek along with a small cut near his left eye.

"...That bitch has no right to treat you like that......" I stated while stroking his cheek gently with Tristan glancing down at the white sheets.

"I've been enduring my mom's abuse for many years way before you were born, but....this just left me to scars and it hurts like sharp knives." He muttered but I gently grab his hand and close my eyes.

"You're not the only one who's enduring pain and suffering. Even after I was born, I still get treated like shit from those fuckers." I bluntly but genuinely reassured him. Tristan shut his eyes closed and clench his teeth with his face filled with guilt, pain, sadness, and anger.

"I'm sorry Kenta! I should've helped you back then! I should've ignored you! I-I was scared....and I-" I cupped both of his cheeks with a serious gaze.

"Hey it's not your fault. I told you before, I have nothing against you. You we're just a fearful child and I understand that. So don't beat yourself up cuz I forgive you." I reassured him as he widen his eyes and immediately embraces me.

"Thank god I'm out of that hellhole....." He stated with a relieved smile.

"So that's why you've been wandering around the city injured..." Chizuru acknowledged as she feels guilty for not knowing, but Tristan lightly shook his head at her.

"'s not your fault, I didn't tell you before you drag me to the hospital." He assured her while laying his head on my shoulder which I find it pretty adorable since he's snuggling me like a shy little kid.

"Speaking of which, why are you here?" Hideo asked curiously.

"I agree with Hideo, grim reapers aren't supposed to teleport to the human world unless they have a scythe with them." Kenta agreed with Hideo.

"That's because I used this..." Tristan rummage something from his pocket and pull out a small circular black ring.

"My mom took my scythe away for killing Dad, so I used a ring portal to teleport here....." He explained as I took the ring where me, Hideo, Chizuru examine it with curiosity.

"That's so cool! I never seen a ring done that before!" Chizuru exclaimed with fascinated eyes.

"It's kinda common in the grim reaper realm but I secretly kept it in my pocket without my mom or my brothers noticing." Tristan explained.

"That make sense." Hideo understood clearly.

"Even without your scythe, you still have that you-know-what ability that you're always born with right?" I asked curiously as Tristan smirks slightly and took off his black glove from his right hand where he emits black flames from his hand that scared the shit out of Chizuru and Hideo except me.

"Holy shit! That some badass dark flames ya got there!" Hideo exclaimed.

"Tristan careful with that! You're going to burn the whole hospital with that!!" Chizuru warns him as the flames stops once Tristan puts his glove back on.

"Sorry, I can't help it. I was born with this ability..." He explained with a guilty look. I knew his curse since the moment me and my mother moved in. He was really quiet and distant, but I can understand why he's pushing me away. He is born with the ability to control dark flames with his right hand. That's what makes him different from the other Taniguchi family members.

He was ignored and bullied throughout his childhood due to his curse. Hell even my half family shuns him for his dark flame ability. Now he's being pushed to do things that he doesn't want to do by my stepmom, that bastard, and my half brothers against his will. I can't help but feel bad for him. They shunned and belittled him all because of his curse....

Feeling sorry for my half brother, I gently hold his hand with a stern look.

"Don't let everyone judge you for who you are no matter what. You're not alone in this world, and you're not a monster. Why? Because you are a worthy and valuable person. And I will not give up on you or leave you alone Tristan." I reassured him as I grip his hand to indicate him that he's not alone. Just like how my mother told me before she died. She was the sweetest mother I ever had. She would always give me confidence and love despite in a troubled situation. She always told me to ignore my stepmom and half brothers' harsh insults because I'm a worthy and valuable person that she loves. It just made my heart skip a beat when I look back at the memories of my mother.

Moved by my kind words, Tristan pull me into a strong embrace and I hug him back while Hideo and Chizuru watched us with warm smiles.

"T-Thank you have my word....." He muttered with a gentle grin while starting to tear up but I didn't care and kept on hugging him until he gently broke apart.

"Better?" I asked with a genuine smile as Tristan nods with a slight grin.

"Yeah thanks Kenta, but there's a reason why I come here and this might sound familiar to you, but you know this man named Isaiah right?" He asked.

"We know who he is, he's been stalking Blake for decades." Hideo bluntly told him.

"But do you know EXACTLY why he wants her?" He asked seriously as I grip my brown jeans with stern green orbs. I need to get to the bottom of this.

"What's Isaiah actually planning Tristan?" I asked curiously where I want to know what that bastard's planning so we can stop him. As Tristan sat silently and breathing and exhaling deeply before he glances at Hideo with dead serious yellow orbs.

"...Hideo, that man....he's trying to obtain his ex girlfriend's tears so my family can resurrect your father." He explained to him which left us dumbfounded and shock by the reveal.

The devil lord?!....For what reason?!?

I thought astonishingly as I turn to Hideo who has no words to say other than showing disbelief and he's SOOOO pissed.....

"Oh I'm SO going to kick that psycho's ass when I get home!" Hideo snarled as me and Chizuru sweatdrop at his raging demonic aura.

"Oh no....." Chizuru gulped while sweatdropping at his raging aura and I couldn't help but sigh. not going to end well.....

Ooooohhhhh booooy....things are going DOWNHILL....but I'll see you guys in the next chapter of-


Nqchristine18: Wait What?



Isaiah: yes YOU! The one who writes the chapters! When the hell are you going to make a chapter of myself! I want to have my sweet Cassia now!

Nqchristine18: Well you see Isaiah, I've been busy.

Isaiah: BUSY WITH WHAT?! I've been waiting for a chapter about me and how I'm going to win over my beloved Cassia back!

Nqchristine18: FOR F**KS SAKES ISAIAH! I am not your maid or a servant! I am getting there! I've been studying for college and I need to take couple of breaks! Because studying for the placement test 24/7 is NOT fun and I would appreciate it if you STOP F**KING PUSHING MY LIMITS!!!

Isaiah: soooo I'll be in the next chapter then?

Nqchristine18: *groans* yes.

Isaiah: and will I be swooning over Cassia?~

Nqchristine18: *twitches my brow with a fake smile* Eventually....

Isaiah: Then we'll all good then! *grins happily* I just wanna know if I'm going to be in the next chapter so I can win over my dear sweet Cassia back!

Nqchristine18: *whispers* in your dreams psycho....

Isaiah: What? *darkly glares at her*

Nqchristine18: Nothing! *smiles innocently like an angel with a halo above my head*

Isaiah: that's what I thought now like I said, now get to the next chapter before I'll PUT YOU INTO CHAINS AND SPANK YOUR ASIAN ASS TO THE GROUND! *smiles angelically* Till then BYE!

Nqchristine18: UGHHH! *sighs* sorry about that, but anyway I'll see you guys in the next chapter of the Mysterious Four! Bye bye!

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