Chapter 17

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Nobody's POV:
Right after Blake killed Isaiah and Kenta sends his soul to the afterlife, the Sakamakis, the four friends, and Yui clean up the mess in the mansion. It was a rough roller coaster ride for all of them but thank god that fucked up nightmare is finally over.

Then hours later after they're done cleaning up, it's dinner time. But Cyrus, Kenta, and Hideo didn't eat dinner with them because they didn't see Blake in the dining room. So they skipped eating dinner and stroll through the hallway to find their fallen angel friend.

Cyrus's POV:
While we're walking through the hallway, my friends and I were trying to find Blake. None of us haven't seen her ever since Isaiah's defeated. Which makes me worried, I hope she doesn't hurt herself.....speaking of which....

"Yo Blake hasn't been with us since she killed that sick bastard, I wonder what she's up to?" Hideo curiosity assumed.

"Don't worry about it, I'm sure she'll be fine Hideo." Kenta assured him.

"Anyway Cyrus, have picked up her scent yet?" Kenta asked.

"I'm working on it Kenta." I told him while tracking down Blake, but luckily we heard and recognized that soft melodic voice nearby.

"The world is not the same...
though I know nothing has changed....."

As soon as I heard that song from the dreamscape, I sniff the air when I finally pick up her scent and turn to my friends.

"She's outside, come on." I told them as they nod at me and rushed down the halls. Once we ran outside, we find Blake sitting on top of the tree branch singing that lovely song that we heard from the dreamscape of her past.

"Have to try
To break from the thoughts in my mind,
Use the time that I have,
I can't say goodbye,
have to make it right...." She sang beautifully where I smiled warmly at her while watching her.

"That's the song that we heard back from your past..." I said as Blake paused and turned to see us, but formed a sweet smile.

"Hey guys." She greeted casually.

"Hey." We all greeted back as Blake gets down from the branch and landed on the ground gracefully.

"Sorry for killing the mood there Blake, we were just looking for you until we heard you singing outside." I apologized but she shakes her head and grins.

"It's fine, I don't mind." She told them.

"So do you always sing like this outside?" Hideo asked curiously.

"Well...sometimes I feel like doing it....I use to sing it to my little brother before I started dating that psychotic bastard." She sadly told us while looking down at the ground before she lets out a sigh and forms a slight grin.

"Yeah...those were the good times. It's been a long time that I haven't sang this song for a takes me back to my old life in heaven...." She sadly sighed while gripping her hands to her arms where we all can tell she's in pain. That's when I felt my heart strings pulled to see her like this. She had a bright future ahead of her until Isaiah enters her life and ruined it. He took everything away from her...her friends, her family, and most of all her happiness. Just thinking about him makes my skin crawl and he irks me a lot. Hell even Hideo and Kenta feels the same way as I am.

"Tch I'm glad that you killed him Blake cuz I would've tore his dick off and shove it into his ass if you didn't have the guts to kill him." Hideo bluntly stated which got me and Kenta chuckling from it. To be honest, he's actually right. Hell even Blake took a giggle from his blunt but funny remark.

"You got a point there Hideo." I chuckled.

"Pfft okay that I can agree on." Kenta snickered.

"Heheh you guys are savages." She giggled but forms a soft grin at them.

" all are my savage friends and I'm so glad that I met you guys." She kindly said as we smiled warmly at her, we all approach her where I pat her head gently with a tender smile.

"And we're glad to meet and be friends with a badass and sarcastic woman like you Blake." I told her with a genuine grin as Kenta nods at me with a warm smile and lightly patted her shoulder.

"He's right, you deserve a better life than being with that twisted piece of shit. No matter what happens, we'll always be by your side." He assured her where Blake grins at his kind words.

"Thanks Kenta." She replied sweetly. Then Hideo wrapped his arm around her shoulders and playfully ruffled her hair with a huge jovial grin.

"Yeah Blake! We all got your back so don't cha worry a thing Kay?" He cheerfully exclaimed with Blake giggled loudly and lightly smack his arm away.

"Alright, Alright, I get it now stop messing up my hair!" She shouted while laughing at Hideo's silly antics as we both chuckled at his wittiness. However things slowly went down hill quickly when I took a whiff of a foul scent as I sniff the air to sense someone there. Then my friends turned to me and noticed my sense of smell.

"Lemme guess? Someone's watching us?" Hideo asked curiously as he senses their presence far away from the mansion.

"Yup and it's a group of people this time...." I told them as I can detect their scent from afar. Kenta on the other hand, can sense their souls nearby as well.

"Oh it's a group of people alright, and it's going to be a pain in the ass...." Kenta agreed with me where Blake looks at the dark blue sky intently.

"No shit...cuz this ain't over yet guys." Blake stated.

"Agreed." We all replied as we look over the mountains where we saw three ominous men and this is going to be a long day tomorrow....

Jasper's POV:
As we watched down at Kenta and his three freaky friends whom they noticed us immediately. My snarky brother Adriano let out a tsk.

"Man how boring, and here I thought it would be entertaining to see Isaiah torturing the hell out of Kenta and his stupid buddies." Adriano harshly spat.

"Hmph I knew that dumbass would fail, mother would not be pleased by this." Ciaran coldly stated, but I crept a smirk at my twin brothers.

"Don't worry boys, she'll won't be disappointed once I show her our new ally. Yo Saburō." I called him out when a large and intimidating muscular man with dark hair and bright yellow eyes approached us. Oh and let's not forget about that scar has on his right eye, but it looked pretty badass (No homo).

*** Saburō Toyama^***

I then formed a bold smirk and point my thumb at that black haired mutt that he's searching for.

"I believe this is the guy that you've been looking for right?" I asked slyly as Saburō glance at the serious male ravenette who shooting a serious glare. He then lets out a low chuckle with his eyes glowing yellow matches his menacing nature.

"Oh I know him well...." He chuckled lowly as she cracks his knuckles with a brutish grin.

"And this time I'll tear his limbs piece by piece until there's nothing left of him just like the rest of them!" He shouted with a cruel smirk plastered on his face. Which Adriano and Ciaran became skeptical at the brute's barbaric attitude, but I didn't care cuz it got me amused as hell.

Oh this is going to be interesting.....

I thought amusingly where I'm definitely looking forward to our new plan.

Ohhhh boy Cyrus ain't gonna be happy about this....but at least Isaiah is dead. But that doesn't mean it's over....

So what's going to happened with the gang?

What are Kenta's half brothers planning?

Who is that intimidating sexy muscular man?

And what does he want with Cyrus?

I'll see you guys in the next chapter of the Mysterious Four bye bye!!

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