Chapter 24

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Cyrus's POV:
Oh fuck...

I thought when we saw Runa and the Mukamis got out of the limo to see us fighting Kenta's half brothers and this is going to be a pain in the ass.

"What is the meaning of this?! I want answers from all of you right now!" Runa demanded with a disapproval glare.

"Well this is going to be a pain." Yuma stated with a blank stare.

"Not to mention exciting." Kou smirked amusingly.

"You got the "pain" right Yuma." Ruki calmly agrees with Yuma with a stoic face.

"So...much....pain....." Azusa softly said.

"Seriously?! Can't we not have so much idiots getting involved?! Things are starting to get good here!!!" Adriano snapped impatiently which causes the Mukamis and Runa to give that stupid asshole some death glares for his red remark.

"Who are you to call us idiots asshole?" Yuma asked harshly while holding Runa in his arms.

"I know right? This guy's literally getting on my nerves." Kou agrees with Yuma while trying to keep his kind face, but I can tell deep down that he seriously wants to kill him.

"Speaking of which...." Ruki then sweatdrops as Azusa hides behind Ruki and Kou and Yuma widen their eyes to see Runa emitting dark aura around her body with her long black hair flying in midair.

What the fuck?....

I thought while witnessing Runa giving out a fake grin, but I can tell deep down that she's going to beat the shit out of Adriano.

"This...ain't going to end well....." Hideo gulped with a sweatdrop.

"No shit." Me, Blake, and Kenta agreed with him while sweatdropping as well.

"Oh no..not th-"

"EVERYBODY GET DOWN!!!" Ayato shouted as the Sakamakis, The Mukamis, Yui, Chizuru, and the rest of the students ran towards the school building to find a safe place. Blake then leans her head towards my ear and whispered.

"I would get the fuck out of here if I were you, Cyrus." She whispered to me.

"Yeah I would do the same thing as well..." I agree with Blake while sweatdrop.

"I'm down for that, but I really want to know what's going to happen next." Kenta said calmly.

"Same! Let's get the fuck out of here first!" Hideo exclaimed as we dash to the bushes and watched Runa and the half brothers like were watching a dramatic action movie.

Runa's POV:
"Huh? The fuck is happen- uhhhh...." As soon as that disrespectful and obnoxious fool shuts his mouth, I giggled softly while dark aura is surrounding me.

"My~ aren't you an insolent moron...I believe someone earns a punishment~ don't you think?" I asked with a polite grin but with a darker tone.

"Gah!" Adriano flinched at my threats.

"Nice one Adriano." Jasper sarcastically remarked.

"What? I'm just being honest!" Adriano told him.

"You're an idiot...." Ciaran bluntly insults him.

"Oh shut up Ciar- ACK!" Suddenly I wrap both three ill-mannered fools tightly along with the large muscular man with my long hair when I drag them up to the air as I give them the most darkest sadistic evil smirk.

"Now I don't know who you men are, but let me give all of you a warning. Don't you EVER call me and the Mukamis idiots. Finally, don't you EVER dare to step foot into this school again, so do me a favor and GET THE HELL OUT!!!" I roared at them as I threw the men to the sky while they screamed far away until they hit the mountain.

My dark aura soon disappears and my long back hair went back to normal as I let out a sigh and adjust my glasses.

"Whew! That should learn their lesson...." I sighed while rubbing my forehead. Just then I heard Cyrus and his friends popping out of the bushes.

Cyrus's POV:
Right after we witnessed Runa throwing Saburo and Kenta's fuckhead half brothers out of the school, we're all stunned with no words to say.

"Well that was unexpected." I said with a shock look and honestly I didn't know Runa would have such an ability like that. It's pretty cool actually.

"Holy hell! I didn't know Runa can do that!!!" Hideo yelled with a dumbfounded look.

"Well you have to give her credit for kicking those assholes out for us." Blake said with a grin.

"Definitely." Kenta agreed with a smirk. Then the Mukamis, my brothers, Yui, and the rest of the students bolted from the doors with surprised looks(well except the Mukamis and my brothers).

"That was an entertaining battle you did there Runa." Kou compliment her with an amusing smirk.

"What do you expect? They're a bunch of punks who deserve to get their asses whooped." Yuma bluntly but earnestly told him.

"Usually I would ignore them, but seeing you getting rid of them so quickly just made my day." Ruki praised her.

"" Azusa said with a small grin.

"Oh my god! That was so awesome! You're like Golden Darkness from To Love Ru, but much more badass! Hahaha!!!" Chizuru lightheartedly laughed while gushing out.

"Hehehe yeah, that's Runa for you...." Yui giggled softly.

"Yeah lesson learned, don't ever mess with Runa or you'll get your ass beaten up." Shu calmly said.

"Agreed." We all replied and for once I agree with Shu here, she's really that strong.

"I'm always this strong Shu, but enough chat..." Runa turns her head towards us with a serious look.

"You four, come with me. I want all of you to give me an explanation for all this." She sternly told us as I let out a sigh and nod at her.

"Fine, come guys let's go." I told my friends where Blake and Kenta both nod their head and Hideo just groan in response.

"Alright then." Blake replied while rubbing her neck.

"Right...." Kenta replied, but I can tell that he's hiding something and I don't know why...I better talk to him after explaining this to Runa.

"Maaaan this is gonna be a pain...." Hideo groaned as we all went inside the school.

Hey guys I'm sorry for not updating for a while. I was busy with college, but yesterday I dropped out NOVA because it was too much pressure and I've been stressing out. So that's why I'm withdrawing college, but finding a career won't be too bad. I know it will be a rough start for me but I'm going to try what's next for me. Anyway thank you for reading the new chapter of the Mysterious Four and I'll update the next chapter soon or tomorrow. Till then, bye bye!

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