Chapter 1:Child of Hope-Jamboree Ryken

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Who's the guy you see in the black hoodie? That's me. My name is Jamboree Ryken, but my friends call me Jambo, girls call me Senpai, but my favorite one is the Mysterious J. I like being called that because I don't speak much, I'm special in every way, and I always where my black hoodie. I'm a 16 year old boy in high school, with a variety of many talents in music, academics, and athletics. Everyone loves me, everyone wanted me, everyone wanted to be me.
However my life isn't as perfect as any thinks. There were things that traumatized me when I was younger...

I had a very complex childhood... I had parents that loved me and everyone adored me... everything was just perfect. That was soon short lived when I saw something I'd never forget...

Dad: Come on Jambo, the movies watch themselves!

Mom: don't be late!

Young Me: Coming! My parents are amazing!

Dad: We know how much you like those Anime movies so we're taking you to the mall to not only watch then we are gonna be buying them!

Me: Awesome!

Mom: Anything for our little Jamby!

?:*over walkie-talkie... Have they left the building?

?: Affirmative... they are on the move... when should I strike?

?: Ever seen or heard of Batman...

?: Yes! Batman is the shit! Superman is a bitch!

?: Anyway... Eliminate the parents... but keep the boy alive!

?: Yes... Ma'am

Time-Skip Afterwards
Me(8 years old): That's a lot of stuff Dad, are you sure you can afford it?

Dad: Of course, whatever you want you get!

Mom: Just like you GOT that necklace for me when you forgot our wedding anniversary?

Dad: Not in front of our kid... don't make a scene!

Mom: I CAN MAKE A SCENE ANYTIME I WANT!! *everyone was looking at us

Me: Oh my god mom...

We were asked to leave... but they were going back to the question.
Mom: What your father meant to say is that we wanted to make u happy!

Me: Well you don't have to spoil me... I'm already happy... I appreciate you
both... I love you two.

Dad: Son we lo-

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*XXXTENTACION Jocelyn Flores Plays
Before he finished his sentence, we were hit by a car...

I woke up and saw fire around me.. but worse I saw something.. that I would never forget...

Me: N-No.... NOOOOOOO! *crying

I heard sirens... the police came
Cop: There's a child in the crime scene... get him out before he gets hurt!

The other cops pulled me away and I was in shock... my parents were dead... and that's wasn't even the worst of it.

?: Ma'am ... the mission was successful. The boy is alone

?: Good job... you've past my test you are now ready to join... ARMAGEDDON!

Tanya: My pleasure, Mistress! And please call me Tanya. Transmission over.

?: That little boy... just wait until we are 16... you belong to me now...

They both laughed wildly.
When I was walking back home after that incident, My day went from bad to worst when a girl with blonde hair was staring at me crazily.

Tanya Degurechaff

Tanya: Well, well... Looks like I found me a new toy.. Can I play with you, little boy?

Me: Um no... Stranger danger and all...

Tanya: I don't care... I always pick which toy I want... and I want you!
She rammed me to a wall and started groping me...

Tanya: Your abdomen is so tone.. and your hips are so tender...

Me: *crying* Stop it... STOP!

She then punches me in the eye... then kissed me.
Tanya: You can scream all you want... but I'm still gonna do what I want...You taste really good for an 8 year old...

Me: You nasty mean girl! A/N: 8 year old insults... Y/N can come up with others..)

Tanya: Nasty? *licks me... * Yes! Meanie... No! I think that is enough for now... I will see you again soon, my sweet little toy.

She left the dark alley. Then after some time, I was picked up by my aunt Joy and Uncle Bob...

Bob: Hey champ... I heard what happened to my brother... I'm sorry.

Joy: It'll be ok... we will take care of you...

Me: Thank you...

4 years later age 12
The years I spent with my aunt and uncle have been the worst years of my life...
When I was playing outside, uncle Bob called me to the front of the house

Bob: while you're frolicking in the fields, go frolic your ass to the store and get me some beer!

Joy: Yeah and while your at it... go buy us a cigarette!

They then started throwing beer bottles at me... making me run to the corner store.

Me: *tears up... I wish my parents were still alive...
I went back from the store but I saw my stuff thrown out the house...

Me: What are you doing?!

Joy: We're tired of you living here! We're kicking you out!

Bob: You're a freeloader and nothing more! Now take your shit and leave!

I grabbed my stuff and left the house crying...

Both: We're sorry and we love you...


I was walking to the bus stop and it came... I got up and went on the bus...
When it reached its stopped.. I found a hotel and checked in...

Hotel Attendant: Aren't you a little young to be checking into a hotel room?

Me: Yes, yes I am. (Whoever got that reference you are awesome!)

Hotel Attendant: I can't let you in without an- *sees a thousand 💵 *Well enjoy your stay here at Dragon inn!

Me: Gets em every-time...

Hotel Attendant: Wait, That's Jamboree Ryken.... THE Jamboree Ryken! The lost child of the deceased Elena and Walter Ryken! I got to alert the press! He's here! I ha- He was stabbed from behind...

?: If anyone is seeing that boy, it's me!

*Timeskip knock on the door*
Me: Who could tha- Aaaaaah!

?: Hi there... Looks like I found the right room... My sweetheart.

Me: Sweetheart? I barely know you!

?: But I know YOU! Jamboree Ryken, lost child of the deceased Elena and Walter Ryken! And soon to be my lover! But now that introductions are out of the way... THE REAL FUN CAN BEGIN! By the way my name is Raven.

She shoved me on the bed and started kissing me.

Raven whispered in my ear and said "Caw, Caw." She then bit my ear... then I was crying

Raven: I want you all to myself...

Me: No!

Raven: Every time you resist, I will make you feel like scum! But until then, just enjoy my sweet, tender, wet kisses... I love you. Well I have to go now... goodbye... *kisses me on the cheek*...

She left my room making me uncomfortable...
Tanya: How did he taste?

Raven: Twice as good as you described it 4 years ago... did you tell Mistress?

Tanya: No, she must never know!

Age: 14
I was accepted into Dragon Star High school. And I got my grandparents to sign me in... I can't believe I actually made it in! I heard great things about this place... nice! But when we left the registration office

... *gun shots*
They died...
I fell to the floor and began to cry...


I began running and crying in a dark alley and I encountered a girl with an evil intention!

?: Hello there! Aw you look sad, what if I can make it better for you?

Me: Hell no.... stranger danger...

?: You don't have a choice... I decide FOR you! Call me, CROW OSHIDA! Now come here!

Me: Get away!

Oshida: They always run, but this one is special....

I was running trying to find a way out.. but it was no use I was cornered...

Oshida: That wasn't a smart idea running from me, my sweet... but that doesn't mean I don't get to have my fun with you... you're not 16 but I'll make it work!

Me: Get away from me... GET AWAY!!!

I blasted her to a brick wall...
Oshida: Another day, Mr. Ryken!

I looked down on my hands and it looked like some sort of ki... raw energy of my latent abilities!

Me: Whoa... i need to learn how to channel this.

Age: 15
I have been training to channel that latent power I had... I was using just basic martial arts and white lotus kung fu! It took me months but I was able to master it... and I. Became. The SHIT!!

Present Day

But sometimes I often think to myself and I even have any real friends, because everyone knows how amazing I am but they don't know the real me. Hell, sometimes I don't even know. I really wish I did. And yet... I still feel lucky. However something is missing from my perfect little life. Oh well I'll figure it out when I get to school.

Everyone in town was so nice to me. From the bank tellers, to shop clerks, to cops. They don't see me as a thug because of my black hoodie, they see me as a perfectly normal human being. I decided to go to a grocery store with to pick up some snacks for the road. It's a long walk to school and I can get a little hungry so better save then sorry.
"That'll be $5.49. Hey, Jamboree!," Marty said. Marty's the shopkeep. He would always have my back no matter how deep in trouble I get in. "Hey, Marty," I replied. "Anything exciting going on?" "Nah. Aced my exam though," Jambo said. "Awesome! Good for you!," Marty said. "Here you go." "Nah, keep it it's on the house!" "Really?! thanks man!," I said gleefully. Look like things might go my way today. Alright then on my way to the zit-faced assworld that is high school.

If you liked this story the first time wait to you read it a second time but now it's uncut! More violence more background more sexual... The epic return of jamboree Ryken is upon us! In the next chapter: Enter Amaya Tsukiko!
Don't miss it! Story has been updated.

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