Chapter 10: Full Recovery! (UPDATED)

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Back at the campsite!

Everyone started to wake up.

Dan: I can't believe we got our butts whooped.

Lazuli/Niko: Are we dead?

Spiral/Rocky: Nope. We are alive!


Everyone ran outside only to see me in pain!

Me: Guys... help me... *coughs up blood!


Everyone ran to pick me up from of the ground.


Janai: Don't worry, we'll heal your wounds! Just hang in there!

Lazuli laid him on my bed. Everyone grabbed first aid kits and stitched the scar on his stomach, then put bandages on his neck to cover the bite marks. Niko made the initials and the scars on my body go away by giving him a skin remedy. Apparently, because of her cat ears, she was not exactly human, which would make since because she did turn into a beast during the battle with Raven and Crow. I don't know what she did but that helped a lot.


Niko: There's a lot of things you don't know about me.

Jamboree started to open his eyes

Lazuli: Shut up! He's waking up!


Me: Guys? Is that you? Huh, I FEEL GREAT!


They all ran up to me for a hug!


ME: I don't know what you guys did but thank you. I legit thought I was gonna die..

Janai: Of course. We love you, Jamboree! I love you.

Janai kissed me on the lips.

Lazuli: Well, someone pick up the phone.

Niko: Why?


Lazuli: Damn it! NOW I WANT IN! Move!

Now LAZULI started to kiss me.

The boys started covering their noses because they're face is turning red. I watched a lot of anime to know what happens next.

Lazuli: Hey Niko. You want in on this?

DAN: Keep it together!

Niko: Is that even a QUESTION?!

And she started to pounce on me while kissing me wildly!




Everyone got a nose bleed, even me!

GIRLS: Be ours, Jamboree! WE LOVE YOU!
Jamboree: And if I refuse...
Janai held a gun at my head, lazuli started holding my arm back, Niko scratched me...
All 3: We'll use what you taught us to make you....
Me: 0_0 Ok...
Spiral: I said it once. I'll say it again. YOU'VE GOT THE JUICE! THE JUICE!
Dan/Rocky!: That's why you're my best friend!
I heard cheering. It seems his friends helped him make a full recovery! Ok the boys are hugging him. I better hope they're not gay. What is this I'm seeing? The girls are kissing him like crazy! Other girls kissing my love! That makes me so angry!!! That's it! I tried being nice, I tried being humble , I tried letting them live, and now I'm going to kill them, all of them. That boy will be the only one kept alive! I'll make sure of that! Don't worry my love! You'll be mine soon enough! I laughed wildly while sharpening my blades...Time to put on my mask. . it's time for a blood bath. But first I need to make a phone call.
Phone call
Jayline: Hey Freida.
Frieda: Hey! Did you find a boy!
Jayline: Yeah and he's real cute! But there's one problem.
Frieda: There's girls with him and They kissed him?
Jayline: They kissed him!
Frieda: So what are you gonna do?
Jayline: Is that even a question? I'm going to kill them of course. Even the boys. I mean they deserve to die. They were knocked out by a psychotic chick and I saved that cute boy from getting raped!!! How dare they have the right to say that they save him when I was the one who killed his psychotic bully sex offender!!
Frieda: OK calm down. Did you at least get a picture of the boy before he was attacked?
Jayline: here?

Frieda: wow. Call me whenever you want have a threesome with him!
Jayline: Ha ha ha ha ,say that again and I'll kill you.
Frieda: *laughs
Jayline: I am serious. I will take you away from this earth.
Frieda: OK I get the picture.
Jayline: Then again... Yeah let's have a threesome, but I get first dibs
Frieda: Obsessive much.
Jayline: but that's not why I called you, I actually need your help.
Frieda: What do you need?
Jayline: I need for you to manipulate some people. I want you lead them to the cafeteria at Camp Crystal Lake, where I'm at now.
Frieda: Manipulating is my middle name.
Jayline: Yeah right.
Frieda: Here's my certificate "Frieda "Manipulating" Krueger."
Jayline: Oh.
Frieda: Can we just get this over with. This is filler.
Jayline: You're the one who brought it up. So you in?
Frieda: The bloodier, the better. Oh just thinking about killing makes me wet!!
Jayline: Me too. But we'll play with ourselves later. We got a job to do...
We both liked our lips.
Jayline: No need to fret my love. You'll be thinking of me soon!

As things were already crazy enough, Jayline Voorhees has now asked The child killer of elm street Frieda Krueger, to join in on the killing! Next time: Frieda' manipulation and Jayline's love.
Don't miss it!

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