Chapter 14: Attack On Amaya

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Amaya: Welcome to your new home, My love!

Me: Oh good god what is that?
Amaya: That's where will be staying at honey.
Mind: I'm just waiting for Shrek to pop out of that house saying "what are you doing in my swamp?"
Me: My apologies ma'am.
Amaya: Good boy. So submissive. *kisses me on lips
Mind: * internal screaming!!!!!!!!!
Amaya: Now that we're alone, do you love me?

Me: That depends on your definition of love.

Amaya: There's no real definition to love than mine!

Mind: But what is it though you stupid cunt?!

Amaya: You see I only just kidnapped you because I want you here with me forever. Don't you want to get stronger?

Me: Not really I mean, I'm already a beast as it is!

Amaya: but do you want to have immortality?!
Me: Wait you're immortal?!

Amaya: Yup! And I'm just going to kill people just for the fun of it! I just want that rush that feeling of someone's life drifting away before my eyes!

Me: What the hell are you talking about?
Amaya: I want this world destroyed and I want to wipe out everything leaving only me and you to float around in limbo for all of eternity! But you have the power to help me! why else have I been bullying you? I was testing you measuring your abilities, you start off as too weak but I saw you fight! I know what you're capable of my love!  I want you to receive power with me! I want you to use that power for me to abuse making you into my slave!
Me: Your head swollen enough!
Amaya: But first let's do something about your obedience!
She looks at me with a creepy smile.

Me: Oh God no no no! stay back!
Amaya: Please extend your neck my love. No? Fine then, I'll do it for you!
She bites my neck.
Me: What did you do to me?
Amaya: The effects should be kicking in any minute now!
I started to feel different like I'm changing!
Me: Mistress Amaya how may I assist you.

Amaya: Stay with me forever.
Me: Yes Mistress.
Back at Camp site
Jaylin: OK here's what we got to- Excuse me! I got to go take care of something.
Everyone in the cabins heard screaming.
Jaylin: sorry about that . Now , we need a portal to enter their question is where do we go?
Niko: If you need to make portals I'm your girl.
Jaylin: Since when do you know how to make portals?
Niko: I'm sorry,  do you see another magical cat lady around here now OK good.
Jaylin: Don't test me little girl.
Niko: ! aperta portal! 

Jaylin: OK I take it back.
Niko: Now everyone hop in.
Jaylin: I'm coming Baby!
Rocky: I regret nothing! I take it back I regret everything!
Spiral: I think I'm going to be bleh!
Lazuli/Janai: We're coming Senpai!
Dan: You know we don't really have to go I mean I like my Jamboree and everything but I care about my life more than-
Niko(Beast mode): Get in the damn portal!
Dan: Ok
We all entered the portal. And made it to a deescalated shack!

Amaya: I'm going to kill everything! Everything shall fall!.
?: Surprise bitch!
Jaylin: Miss us?
Amaya: Oh you arrived sooner than I expected! But that doesn't matter now you're just in time oh and I have a surprise for you. Come on out babe.

Me: Hello there.
Jaylin: Jamboree?

Other Me: The person you know as Jamboree is not here right now, his mind has been sunken deep within the pain in his heart. This is what happens when you suppress your pain! it makes you turn in something you're not. I made him drop the whole goody two shoes act and I thought I go to look for a more mature setting.
Dan: He was fine the way he is.
Other me: You wish! he was a weakling. Always dependent on friendship and all that corny shit! He knew he didn't have a family to begin with but he did carry all the pain on others. It made me so weak that he didn't want people to fear him.  But that doesn't matter now! you're all about to die but not until you witness the beauty of Mistress Amaya's rampage! HAHAHAHA! What?!
Real Me: You guys got help me! I don't  care what you do, just stop this, please!
Other me: You shut your damn mouth!
Amaya: Enough! Now if you'll excuse me I've got people to kill!
Jaylin: You are really fucked up in the head you know that? I mean I kill people because I have a grudge that happened to me years ago, but you! you just cause carnage for the sake of carnage! I kill for a reason! You kill for no reason and for that you must die!
Amaya: You can try but all three of you girls come at me with the three of you boys can handle my man. Sweetie wiped them out for your mistress.
Other me: With pleasure!
Dan: Jamboree, the real you is in there man come on break out of it.
Other me: And that's the sort of sympathetic corny ass bullshit that makes jamboree so weak!
Me: help me please! 
Boys: Forgive us master!

Up next: Chapter 15: Immortal Battle: Jaylin vs Amaya!

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