Chapter 18: The Three Silhouetts!

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Haru's PoV
At first when I thought my ways of getting revenge on Sakura, for stealing Ryken away from me, and to finish what Tsukiko started! I had to get a little bit of help. I was walking around and I saw a huge building.

The broken down riveting gates, the huge colossal building in front of me, it was none other than the Dynamo East mental institution for the criminally insane.

Rosetta: Perfect! This is just the place I needed to go!

I went inside the gates and I knocked on the door.. And a man a lab coat came out and saw me.

Doctor: Oh welcome little one. You seem loss. What's a girl like you doing out here?

Rosetta: I came to visit someone here. I figured this might be the place.

Doctor: Well.. I can't just give you tours here little girl. You have to be an adult. Now where is your mom and dad? Your safety is the main priority. It would break their little heart to see if their daughter was hurt...

Rosetta: As far as I'm concerned I am an adult!

*Death by Glamour: Composed by Toby Fox Plays*(VG Cover)

Now you are going to let me in! *pulls out butcher knife and aimed it at his neck*

Doctor: OK little girl... let's not do anything crazy.... if you want a tour I'll give you it...

Rosetta: *smiled crazily* I knew you'd listen to reason!

The doctor walked inside and then we saw the office

Office lady: Good morning Hank. Why is that girl with you...

Hank: Um...This... is...*felt the blade go into his skin...* This is my daughter!
I'm just showing her around...Something you would never know about Beth!

Beth: Can't argue with that!

The doctor lied just so I can go in. He must really value his life that much. I bet his pride this is as little as his dick! He'll do nicely... He'll be the first to control! I will put one of the two syringes I have in his neck.... and when it kicks in to his system he'll be completely at my mercy! When He opened the big doors and through the main hall we saw all kinds of figures!

Hank: Over there is the 80s horror movies criminals. Krueger, all the way down to leather face! We were planning a special capture for a man called Jason Voorhees. We immediately gave up on the case because we realize we couldn't stop him. I mean even if we were able to catch him he would teleport out of there and go back to murdering. And his sister is no better. In a lot of ways she's just like him, except her body is a temple and her cleavage is. Oh my God.. I hope no one cheats on her..

Rosetta: Wow what an amazing story if it was all true... which isn't!

Chucky: I know This Bitch did not just-*got held back by Ghostface*

Ghostface: Let it go man... Let it go..

Chucky: No, because he disrespected my friend, this bitch is about to die!

Hank: Let's move on. Over there on the left is the creepy pasta section. We had to let one of them go because he had a movie to make this year.

Rosetta: You let a violent criminal out on the streets just so you can see his film that's coming out this year? How dense are you all?

Hank: Very... now let's go over to the the big boys..

Another set of big doors open to reveal even more dangerous people.

This girl over there with the half shaved red hair, I would not go anywhere near her...we have her strapped up and everything...

?!: *muffled screaming as she tried breaking the glass*

Hank: This guy isn't as bad as the other one but damn is he insane.This one was caught stealing juice...

Rosetta: That's a bit excessive don't you think?

Hank: He strangled my kid just so he can steal Orange juice... of course he needs to be in here....

Rosetta: ..o-ok? *whispers to kid* I'll get you out of here little one...

Hank: This one is public enemy number one... He goes by, (Y/N)(L/N)! He was part of the Ryken massacre... And he's wanted for a number of other things..

(Y/N): I don't see the point in locking me in here... and I wasn't part of that massacre! She did it! I was only trying to protect her!

Hank: Would you like me to get Marris? Or Emma? (Stories by @war_gamer)

(y/N): I'm sorry...

Hank: I don't wanna hear it. now I want to see this girl out. So all of you need to shut up!

Hank showed me the way out but as soon as he open the door I stabbed him as his life decide to fade away from him.

Rosetta: Now then...*runs to main hallway slicing away the doctors while drinking the blood* Hmm tasty! I haven't felt a rush like this in ages! You!

I then pointed to the redhaired girl.. I  used a spell to get her to speak!

?: Why... Why have you allowed me to speak?  Aren't you afraid of me?

Rosetta: *shakes head no* Not at all. Tell me, are you familiar with a woman named Amaya Tsukiko?!

?: Amaya? You mean mistress Amaya?! Where is she?!

Rosetta: She's dead unfortunately. Jamboree Ryken killed her...

?: ' so my little boy has grown up...' OK I'll gladly help you but we need to get out of here. your name?

Rosetta: My name is Rosetta Haru..yours...

?:....*smiled as the bonds broke* Etsuko Chinatsu...

Rosetta: Nice... come on! Let's get out of this heap..*opened a large vortex*

Etsuko: By all means! *jumped inside of it*

Rosetta: Little boy.. you're coming with me! *grabbed him and threw him inside it* Who else? *looks at (Y/N) Who is begging to be let out..* Nah...
*saw a girl running and threw her in portal* Nothing personal (Y/N)!

I jumped inside and closed it leaving that poor kid to rot inside that cell.

(Y/N): You stupid bitch! I'll kill you! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOOOU!

?: Oh (Y/N)~.

(Y/N): No!

*timeskip to car, Jamboree's PoV*

This is my van. Yea...

Jamboree: 🎶1. 2. 3.4.-Hanging out! Down the street! 🎶

Dan: 🎶The same old thing, We did last week! 🎶

Rocky: 🎶Not a thing to do!🎶

Spiral: 🎶But to talk to you! 🎶

All: 🎶Woah, yeah! 🎶

Jamboree: 🎶Hello Wisconsin!!🎶

I missed that 70's show! Anyway when we were finishing up our singing we sawwe saw a parking lot up a head. I did not feel like parking at myself so I should ask a valet.

Valet: Sup.

Jamboree: can you park this car for me and my friends?

Valet: Sure that'll be $1.50.

I paid the man my money so she can park but I swear if one thing goes missing I'm about to somebody..

We went inside the mall and we had to stick together as a group because, reasons.

Jamboree: OK so what do you want to do first?! I was thinking maybe Dave and busters?

Dan: Let's go to hot topic.

All: N-No!

Dan: Joking! How about we eat some pizza. Gotta wash out Spiral's breakfast.

Dan: *screamed in pain* KRAKATOA!

Spiral: Oh come on, it wasn't that bad...

Dan: You tried to freaking kill me! My anus was bleeding, i couldn't sit right for 3 fuckin weeks!

Jamboree: Calm Down, both of you!

Dan/Spiral: *mutters something under his breath*

Jamboree: I'm sorry, what?! *eyes turned blue and pupils were black*

Rocky: OH YOU DON GOOFED! *high fives me*

Dan: Try me..*had red aura around him*

Jamboree: When we get home, meet me at the arena, in the basement. That sounds so wrong...

After challenging Dan I saw a huge poster on the wall

Jamboree: Hey there's a poster here!

Dan: What's it for?

Rocky: A band called "the three silhouettes." They were the best band in Dynamo.

Jamboree: Why does that name sound familiar?

?: The stage should be in the food court, but where is it? This is oh so troubling!

?: Hey Sis, doesn't that boy look familiar?

She looked over at him while he was talking to his friends.

?: Yea. 'Come to think of it, is that who I think it is?'

Suddenly they accidentally bumped into each other. And like in any other cliche movie, book, thing, they looked into each other's eyes.

?: Jamboree Ryken?! 'That IS him! OMG OMG OMG!'

Jamboree: Melody Hajime?

Jamboree: Everyone this is Melody Nocturne and Requiem! I used to be in their band until I moved away! It's so good to see you, Melody!

Dan: That's good to know but the real question is how come we never heard of them until now?

Spiral/Rocky: Yeah how do you know him?

Melody: Well, it's a long stor-

?: We are going to castrate you three!

And what I saw scared the shit out of us! It was the girls, and they were pissed... all except Janai because I already told her where we were going...

Jamboree: How the hell did you find us?

Niko: We followed you here but we had to make a few...Detours...


Niko: I have to go to the pet store to take care of something...

She went inside and she ate all the cat food she saw...

Clerk: Bish why?!

Niko: Because I'm Natalie Suzu-fuking-Miya! *turns into cat and walks out of there*

?: A real life Neko, that can turn into a cat! AWESOME! I must find out more about her. I wouldn't be called a weaboo for nothing. I'm coming my fellow Otakus!

*Later on*
While they were driving the car, they were stopped by the most disgraceful group of people on the planet...Social Justice Warriors. The ugly side of Tumblr!

All: Social Justice, 1-2-3! (Woo Woo) I wanna be PC! (Woo Woo) It's just the way to be for me... And you! (Woo Woo) Your hateful slurs are through!
(Woo Woo) (I call woo woo on you!) (Woo Woo) We'll fight until you're PC black and blue! (Woo Woo). We are language police! Fighting bigotry! Hurtful words can suck our turds! 'Cause it's PC for me... And you!
(Woo Woo)

Lazuli: Oh my god...

Jaylin: The hell are those guys!

Lazuli: They're Social Justice Warriors, they try their best to uphold the status quo on things like, equality, respect towards women, or anything that they consider hurtful or mean.

Janai: T-That doesn't sound so bad..

Lazuli: They they're helping to "Persevere the world" when all they do is getting into pissing matches on tumblr. Just bringing up random facts of info to win some petty stupid arguments aren't really beneficial to the people who need them.

Jaylin: Sounds ugly. Disgusting...

?: Excuse me miss would you mind signing this petition? And is this man disrespecting you three?

Janai: A-Actually There's 4 girls in this car...

?: Nope that's a dude!

Lazuli: Did you just assume my fucking gender?!

?: You are a boy because you have on that attire! With your blue messed up jeans, your big coat and your hat!

'This woman must want a death wish!'
Lazuli: Jaylin.. bat me!

Jaylin: *gives her metal bat*

Lazuli: *got out of the car and beats them up*  Stupid bimbos! *got back in car* Done....

Jaylin: Not bad!

*At parking lot*

Janai: Well, There's his car.

Random Dick: Hey little baby... You single?

Janai: T-Taken..*slaps him in the face*

Lazuli: Same.. *slapped harder than her*

Niko: Do I have to say it? *scratched his face*

Jaylin: *looked at him and snapped his neck*

*Present day*
Jamboree: WOW... And uh Melody, You should probably get on stage...

Melody: Why?

Jamboree: *got hugged by them*  Because...

Dan: Those are his girlfriends, he has a little harem going...

Melody: Wow, what a player! I didn't think you had it in you! *winks and nudges him*

All girls: *Slapped her hand* No touch!

Melody: Aw...

Spiral/Rocky: Yeah, But they are crazy...

Girls: With a butter knife and then we're going to sell your dick on Amazon!

Dan/Spiral/Rocky: Now would be a good time to...

Jamboree: Run perhaps?

All: Yup!

Jamboree: Girls, can i go to the arcade now?

Janai: Sure.

Lazuli: Don't get your ass kicked. We'll be waiting at home for you!

Niko: So go and have fun. You earned it!

Jaylin: Well, You three can go home..But I'll stay with him. *hugged him*

Other 3(Girls): That doesn't mean we won't beat you three up still!

The three boys ran out of the mall and the other three girls followed them, leaving me and Jaylin alone at the entrance.

Jaylin: Let's have some fun baby.

Jamboree: Your move.

We walked from the entrance to the food court unaware that we were being watched...

?: What amazing power! I could see it inside that boy! Time for a little test..*warps to food court*

<-To be continued

(A/N: Thank y'all for being patient. And thanks to Highclub I got more followers, thanks bro! You should check out the links I referenced! And follow the guy who makes them. Anyway, New characters have entered the scene. What are there goals? Who are they really. But more importantly, will (Y/N) get out of jail?! Find out in the next chapter!)

2261 words: Nailed it!

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