Chapter 23: (Y/N) and Lilith

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Setting: unknown location??
3rd PoV
(Y/N): You know Lilith, at first I was skeptical about me and you living together, I mean after I was knocked out you found me. I'm sorry you had to get dragged in my messes.

Lilith: Of course dear. You know I want to get in your messes. Because that's how much I love you. Can you turn on the TV?

(Y/N): Sure.
TV: And for $19.99, you can get...AAAH!
?: Hello all you fools watching!

I changed it to a sports channel but everyone was slaughtered. Blood and guts were everywhere, and it showed two girls in a baseball uniform looking dead into the camera.

?: Don't even bother changing the channel (Y/N!)

I changed it again and it was showing Law and Order SVU!
*music stops*
Lilith: Oh! don't change it, I love this show!

(Y/N): OK, I really love this show too.

But the TV automatically changes

Lilith: (Y/N!)

(Y/N): That wasn't me. Oh great now we're at the fucking news.

TV: Good morning, Dynamo City, it is a beautiful day today and wait is that a girl coming out of the wall? And oh shit, SHE HAS A WEAPON!  SECURITY RESTRAIN HER! *music plays again*

The girl went up to the news reporter and grabbed him by the throat.

Amaya: The following program contains violence, language, very sexual innuendos, and adult situations not suitable for minors! Viewer discretion is advised!

Amaya ripped off his head and turned to the camera.

Amaya: Hello you all including the many people who are pissing their pants right now in this room, My name is Amaya Tsukiko! , but that's not why I'm here! Today I'm making an important announcement! I will be hosting an event that will change the world forever! One of sacrifices, one of life and death, and the winner will be claimed the harem king! That is if you all can beat me which will never happen! I call it the battle of the harem throne! Be part of the conversation on Wattpad.

Y/N: And She's already trending!

Amaya: The event will be happening a month from now. That should you some time to prepare! But for those not participating I suggest you reconnect with your love ones, call in sick, or maybe beat the fuck out of your boss, get a purge going! Because you see this ball inside my hand? *incinerates it* Your world will be long gone.. So get this inside your thick little skulls and I will see you next month, also Take this time to pray to your Gods! But spoilers, none of them now you tell me will be listening!

NR: Just what are you planning?

Amaya: The extinction of this reality, and to spend the rest of eternity with the one I love! But if I'm gonna do that, i'm going to need to take some lives! *stabs him*
Amaya's PoV

Jamboree Ryken, You'll soon find out how much affection I have for you, even if I have to use more force! It's only a matter of time before I destroy this reality, and create a new one, with you beside me! We will be together forever and there's nothing no one can do about it!


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*Toby Fox-Sans Plays*

(Y/N): This is a prank. this is a fucking joke!! NO WAY! HELL NO!

Lilith: Calm Down Babe!

(Y/N): You don't seem to understand that we're all going to die! It's all my fault! I helped summon her and now she's going to wipe out this reality and I won't be able to go back home! I'm sorry, WE won't be able to go back home!

Lilith: Why would you ever want to go back to that place? In case you haven't realized you are on the run! Shiva and her goons will come and look for you and they will imprison you again!! I cannot and WILL not risk you getting captured.

?: Then you better protect him because I'm taking him back!

(Y/N)/Lilith: What?!

The tv glitches and it was shown Shiva rebuilding Laguna to her original state. Wait rebuilding? Laguna, was a robot?! That's crazy!! The plot thickens more and more...

Shiva: (Y/N) you sly little bastard. You're watching me aren't you? WELL WATCH THIS! *destroys camera and shows Laguna coming out of chains*

Laguna: I'm coming, (L/N)!

And the tv explodes. Just what's going on with today.

(Y/N): Lilith we gotta go now!

I grabbed her and we ran out of the hallway but then I heard a slashing sound, I looked back and saw nothing. Or at least that's what I thought..

Jaylin's PoV
From what I've heard, (Y/N) lives in a apartment right next to a bowling alley. I walked to the entrance but kept my blades hidden that way I won't attract attention. The hallway reminded me of that scene from The Shining.
I kicked down every single doorway and knocked out the people inside the rooms.

Jaylin: Where are you (Y/N?)

That's when I went into the final room at the center, and he wasn't there! DAMN IT!!! I started slashing everything Inside the room getting angry as shit! Then I saw the busted tv and It flashed Amaya.

Amaya: Looking for me are you? Well too bad! You'Lil never find me! *made everything shake around her while she was laughing* Give it up Shed Junkie!

Shed Junkie?! SHED JUNKIE?!! Oh she is asking to die!! I can't wait to cut her ass up!

(Y/N)'s PoV

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Mob Psycho ost)
(Y/N): Lilith I think we're being followed! Look back.

Lilith: *Looks behind her* Not a thing in sight. Why are you so paranoid?

(Y/N): Just. I feel bad about knocking him out.

Lilith: But I thought this is what you wanted? Didn't you plan this? So you can finally become the harem king? And you can bring back the people you've killed?

(Y/N): Yea..But I didn't think I'd go to the extent of killing the poor dense kid.  And with Amaya back in action, I'd say that I dug a few graves.

Jaylin: That's all I need to hear out of your mouth. So which one of you goes first?

(Y/N): Nice to see you again miss Voorhees. Tell me has he enjoyed his little nap?

Jaylin: You bastard! You killed him along the rest of them!

Lilith: Is it true?

(Y/N): No it's not Lilith and you know it! Now then. None of them are dead the sources I have them I waking up and they need their help!

Jaylin: If that's true... then you're safe... However I still can't forgive you!

She rush him and try to stab him with a machete but was stopped by Lilith.

Jaylin: Aren't you like a novice at this?

Lilith: Quite the opposite! *stabs Jaylin with a knife*

Jaylin: *giggles*

Lilith: Heh... Hehehehe! *laughs*

Jaylin: *laughed psychotically*

Lilith: *did the same*

And their laughter grew louder and louder!

Jaylin: *sighs* That was a good laugh..

Lilith: Yea...

Jaylin: You do realize you're fucked right?!

Lilith: Oh...Oh... Oooooohhh shit...

Jaylin: Yea and just for that..*punches her in the face*

Lilith: Oh you've done it now! PREPARE FOR THE CARNAGE!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*Nathan Sharp-Heroes never die*
Lilith readied her chainsaw and Jaylin slid her mask on. And I can see the fury and rage in her eyes, so was Lilith. Lilith ran with her chainsaw trying to slice her but she dodged every single attempt she made which made me feel uncomfortable. Say what you want about how I feel right now, I just don't want to die. Jaylin grabbed her axe and stated swinging at her. Lilith did a backflip and smacked her with the chainsaw blade. Jaylin's mask was cracked and half her face was showing, alone with blood and a crazy smile...

Jaylin: MY MASK! I ONLY HAD THE ONE! AWW JASON IS GONNA KILL ME! HEHE HAHAHA! OH YOU'RE GONNA PAY! *licked her mask and tossed her weapons aside*

Lilith: Whatever, I'm still gonna make you bleed, you slutty shed junkie/cunt!
My jaw dropped when I heard that...and there was nothing but pure silence..

Jaylin: *sighs* Yep. *rushed at her and punched her*

Lilith: A cheap trick! *punched her*

Jaylin: *punched faster*
Lilith: *did the same*

(Y/N): This cannot get any dumber... Lilith doesn't know about Jaylin's abilities, she has zero chance of winning if this keeps up.

Lilith: Fuck!
Jaylin: You!
Both: BITCH!

They both kicked each other in their hurts... imagining if it was balls...oh god now I felt that. *holds mine*

(Y/N): I was wrong... This got so much dumber!!

Jaylin: WAIT STOP! I'm suggesting a compromise.

Lilith: I'm listening

2nd PoV
Jaylin whispers something in Lilith's ear and when she heard it she smiled then after they finished talking they looked at you!

Lilith: Hey (Y/N~)

Y/N: Please no...

Jaylin: You lied to us...

Y/N: What are you talking-


And they walked to you but then it turned into a run!

(Y/N): Author get me out of here! RIGHT NOW I'M SERIOUS! HELP ME!

Jaylin: Shut up! *held him down*

Y/N: Aren't you dating Ryken?!

Jaylin: Yes I am! But it's not what I want, it's what she wants! I'm just making sure you don't scream when Lilith has her way with you..

Lilith: Jaylin. Use this! *throws chains*

Jaylin: Thank you! *wraps you up* Have fun you two! Hehe!

Lilith: No.. stay. I want him to know true terror!

They both laughed and I've hopped threw enough dimensions to know where this leading to.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


<-To be continued
(A/N: Finally finished! But what will happen next? Find out next time. Until then, see ya!

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