Chapter 24: Worth Punishment (Lemon)

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A/N: Hi there! I would like to inform that the following chapter will be a lemon scene. That means SEX! But in this case forceful sex. So if you don't want to read i suggest you should wait until after the lemon is over. And as for the younger readers...If you didn't listen to us last time, you're not going to now. *shrugs* Thanks for your attention. Enjoy the chapter.

*Opening song plays, fades at 1:37*
*Title sequence*
Shows Lilith and (Y/N) crying in each other's arms, then the people from the mental hospital takes her away, and (Y/N) is all alone, that's when he met an angel and a demon. They ask him to join their cause to defeat a powerful foe, that's when a kid with an eyepatch came with a orange haired boy. As (y/n's) Bond grew and grew, he saw it come crumbling down when he saw the enemy and her servants killing them once again leaving him in solitude. And then the sequence where he was captured by the police and was sent to prison. With him breaking out, and then once again reunited with Lilith. And they then share a kiss. While blue flames appeared around them so dose the title.

"Forget the enemies you made, you're not a shadow you won't fade*

Your POV
I have been cornered by Jaylin and Lilith. They have both anger and lust surging from both of their eyes.

Jaylin: Here's how things are gonna work. You're gonna spill the beans of everything that you know about what happened! And if you disobey we punish you.

(Y/N): You fool! Even if I told you, that alone wouldn't be enough to save us! As far as I know Amaya is coming for your boyfriend and is going to attack him.

This made Jaylin so angry that she smashed her mask. Ehh it was already broken.

Jaylin: We have ways of making you talk little boy. And *slaps him* HOW DARE YOU THREATEN MY PRECIOUS BOY!

Lilith: I see your angry but we need to focus on the matter at hand. Making sure (Y/N) doesn't spout anymore lies! But first we got a question to ask you.

(Y/N): What?

Both girls: WHAT'S 1000 MINUS 7?!

Oh shit...They pulled a Tokyo Ghoul! 

(Y/N): No...You wouldn't...

Lilith went close to his face and kissed him.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*Play this along with the scene*

Lilith: But we intend to dear... Now answer it..or else you want your FINGERS GONE! *snapped his thumb*

(Y/N): AAAH! Shit! Why would you do that!

Jaylin: We can't hear you! Care to speak a little louder!!! *stepped on his knee*

(Y/N): You cunts don't know what's coming of you do this!

Jaylin: That's not nice, calling us names... I guess you couldn't hear us when we said you're gonna do what we want. Should I?

Lilith: Get the bucket!

Wait..What bucket?! What dose she mean!

(Y/N): Dear god in heaven please don't let them put a centipede in my ear!

Jaylin: I brought it!

Jaylin:*holds it and eats one of the centipedes* To be honest they don't taste as good as they are cooked.

This woman is a savage! I'm gonna die..

Lilith: ?

Jaylin: Hey I had to survive to get where I am now. I am the crystal lake killer you know. Sometimes you gotta live off of the land.

Lilith: Ok then...

(Y/N): Shit!

And as I predicted they held my ear in place and puts one inside it! I could feel it's dirty slimy little feet crawling in my cranium! This is so fucking disturbing. Now I know how Kaneki felt when he was tortured! It came out of my nose.

Jaylin/Lilith: Aww, how cute! You two are becoming friends. Isn't that nice!

(Y/N): (Your response, while crying a bit(unless you're a masochist and your into that))

Lilith: Why the tears baby? This is your punishment for lying to me... pwease understand. *kissed my cheek*

Jaylin: *did the same but licked it* Don't get any ideas. I'm not interested in you! Although this does give me one! *laughed and smiled creepily* now do me a favor. *turned me around* AND STAY STILL!

Jaylin was holding me from behind and Lilith got her chainsaw and aimed it between my legs!!!  Oh no.. she's gonna cut it! NO NO NO!
Explosion: 25-60%

Lilith: YOU'RE GONNA BECOME A WOMAN LOVE! *started her chainsaw*

Jaylin: This can stop any time you know!

(Y/N): No!

The blade was almost close and that's when he closed his eyes and that's when he realized, THE PANTS WERE CUT OFF!  And they saw my now erected buddy downstairs.

Jaylin: ADRENALINE GETS YOU HARD DOSEN't It?! Now I know what to use on Jamboree!

Lilith: You ready? Well too bad! Because I'm thinking of a number between one and 1000 what is it?

(Y/N): Uh..87?

Jaylin: Wrong, DEAD Wrong!

Lilith: Your gonna get raped bitch!

(Y/N): Don't tell me this is a-
(A/N: Yup!)

Lilith: I'm gonna jerk it for a bit, then the real fun starts! *grabs ahold of my member and starts jerking*

Jaylin: Go ahead and burst I dare you!

Lilith's hand was moving up and down and I tried to get her off but she kept going faster. Jaylin was carving something on my chest and covering my mouth!


Lilith started gripping it and still moving faster and faster.

Jaylin: Do you want me to stop? I suppose I could, IF YOU TOLD US THE TRUTH OF WHAT'S GOING ON! Last chance!

I shook my head no, that only caused Lilith to grab a dirty cup, and when she did she gave it one more jerk and I came inside of it. Sweat was dripping down my face and Jaylin was just laughing at my defeat.

Jaylin: Bad bad Boy. You just boosted up your punishment!

Lilith: That was a good work out. Now drink it!

(Y/N): I'm sorry, WHAT?! Excuse me?!

Jaylin: You heard her, drink it!

She forced my mouth open and Lilith put the cup over my mouth and it was rolling from the tip of it!

Jaylin: WHAT. IS. GOING ON?!

And the semen entered my mouth and afterwards they made me swallow it, then I threw up... a lot, for like 2 minuets... It was fucking embarrassing.

*lemon over*
(Y/N): Ok...Ok...I'll tell you. Amaya plans to recreate the plan you And Jamboree's harem tried to stop!  But in order to do that she needs the soul's of the angels of heaven. And even those souls have souls of themselves. And the powerful soul there is...Is the souls inside of Jamboree, Janai, and Spiral.

Jaylin: And what about the souls inside of the others?

(Y/N): Out of the other 4 souls, that cat girl has the strongest. She has the white snow devil.

Lilith: White snow-*gasps*

(Y/N): Yes, Belarus.

Jaylin: And Amaya?

(Y/N): She has the soul of Yuno, the queen of Yanderes! Everyone else in her squad has the souls of the Yanderes and criminally insane. That's all I know so far...

Jaylin: Good boy now,  that wasn't so hard was it? *threw a towel at me* Now clean yourself up. I shall take my leave! *disappears*

Lilith: Hey Y/N. So who has broken nuts right now and is a total bitch?

(Y/N): What are you talking about? My nuts aren't bro-

Lilith: *kicks him in the balls* This Guy! We should probably take you to the hospital though.  Sorry for going off on you. But sometimes worthy people need to have a worthy punishment! Your suit will Heal your nuts but for everything else... Not a chance. *grabs me a carries me to the hospital*

Meanwhile-unknown location.
Amaya: I knew that traitor wasn't any help for me! But that's ok. Because I hacked into his suit, that means I can keep track of what's happening in the process! Hehe.hahaha! This can't fail! This WONT fail!

<-To be continued.
(A/N: Oh god what have I written. I think imma need therapy after this, while I do that, stay tune for the next chapter! Bye, *pukes*)

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