Chapter 30: Coming Out

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*Amaya's PoV*
I was sitting in my throne enjoying a Well deserved glass of wine. With every step I take, with every tasty experience I get, I can feel my powers slowly returning! Back to when I was very very young,  I was very weak. Lacking these powers made me vulnerable. If I haven't been driving to hell and swipe that bitch's immortality right from her!  If it hadn't been for her energy, along with the rest of the Yandere souls that I've collected, I couldn't have survived all this time. But now the time is already come for me to fill my purpose.

These powers have a bond like a mother and a child. And the stronger the bond, The longer it will hold. Now that I have become a god among men, I shall stand tall. All shall kneel at my feet. Me and my one and only Jamboree will be the only ones left alive while the rest of this world perishes in an endless abyss, and i'll make  his loved ones die a slow and painful death. But do that, I'm going to need a bit more help.

I need to form an organization, I need to form... A cult! It's heartbreaking to see a tyrant like myself ask for help, but assistance is necessary for the great purge that is about to come. I can see it now, me and my minions causing all kinds of destruction and mayhem in our path. It won't be long until we all get what we want. Jamboree Ryken, this little game of hide and seek has come to an end! I should probably stop monologuing. *snaps fingers*

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*This plays -Fades at 1:20*

*Y/N's PoV*
While I was walking around town preparing for the death of the boy, I decide to go to a old bar with Lilith. I went inside and there is nothing but beer bottles, Puke, rednecks.

Bartender: Hey kid you can't be in here! No one under 21 is allowed!

Lilith started up her chainsaw and swung it at him.

Lilith: Now, you may wanna have to rethink that policy.

Both me and her went up to the booth and got our drinks ready.
(Y/N): Did I say stop playing?!

*imagine a sad western version of your favorite song*

Lilith: *sips drink* We're gonna die... We're dying... You know that right?


Lilith: We're not left for this world. Amaya's power is on a whole different scale than ours.

(Y/N): I will imagine so... why do we fear her so much?

Lilith: In our timeline, she ruled our dystopian land with an iron fist, and she finally killed those who opposed her, and captured her love, with that she erased the entire universe and rebuild it. Sure no one believes it, but who would?

(Y/N): I'm aware of that...

Lilith: So... What now?

(Y/N): We can't go back to normal... Not with all this going around, like she said... This will end sooner or later.  It's just a matter of when... And it starts with killing the boy.

Lilith: Isn't there an alternative? Does he have to die?

(Y/N): To be honest I don't know... Why does anyone do anything anymore. It's like with puppets, and the puppetmaster is probably up there right now laughing at our defeats .

Lilith: Well whatever happens... I'll be happy because I have you on my side. *kissed me*

(Y/N): *kisses back*

Lilith: Let's get out of this trash heap. Too many wandering eyes here..

We got up and payed for our drinks then left. I got a sheet of paper and wrote down the boy's address. (You're like 16)  Maybe elimination isn't such a good idea after all.

But as we were walking I began to get a little tense.. like someone was watching me...

?: How did that old saying go? Curiosity killed the cat? *saw a cat on the middle of the driveway*

Cat: Mew :3

?: How adorable..*used her tail to grab the cat* You know what'll make you even more adorable...With you dead! *squeezed her tail and killed it and ate the cats head* Yum~. I think it's time for elimination, starting with, with the enemy, then, I take the prize, and then Lady Amaya will rejoice! Man am I lucky! *her hands turn into razor sharp claws*

*timeskips brought to you by Chibi William levitating and reading a book*

*William's Pov*

?: *knocks on the door*

Jamboree: *opens it* Oh it's you, William. Glad you came.

William: What up. Can I come in?

Jamboree: Sure. Mi Casa es su Casa. *bows*

William: ?

Jamboree: It means come in.

William: I know that. What I don't know is why are you bowing?

Jamboree: Just thought It would be formal.

William: You don't have to be so formal around me. But I am coming into your house though.

Jamboree: Now when we enter. I'm gonna when you, It will be crazy...

William: Eh, I've been through worst stuff. Like walking through a lion cage.

Jamboree: Truly?

William: No.

When he opened the door I saw something I would expect but at the same time never really did. It was his friends either arguing or fighting with rock music playing. House looking like a complete mess, and scratches on the walls guessing from that Niko girl.

Jamboree: *sighs* Everyone come!

And just like that his team came up to us and then we introduced each other.

William: My name is William Penn. No need for introductions I pretty much know ALL your profiles. Jamboree Ryken, Immortal leader, Dan Ibuki, The hothead, Rocky Villers, the computer wiz slash hacker, Spiral Mangeyeko, hyperactive member of the group with an extremely high metabolism, Janai Sakura, The very shy girl in the group, Lazuli Sapphire, the magician, Niko, the wild animal.

Dan: What the fuck did you call me?!

William: It would be unwise to talk to me like that.

Dan: Oh yeah? And what are you gonna do about it doofus? (Who even says that anymore?)

William: Simple I can do this. *grabbed his fist and all of Dan's bones shattered*

Dan: Ah! The hell is inside this kid, titanium?!

Lazuli: I sense all powerful types of chakra inside this boy. It's quite obvious that he isn't human . More so like a God!

William: God is a strong term... However I am his attendant. He's basically my boss.

Niko: Nyah, but how can a little 14-year-old boy like you have so much power stacked in your arsenal?

William: Looks can be deceiving y'know.

Jamboree: True. So true That it hurts.

William: What about your other girlfriend? Where is she?

Jamboree: Mm... She had to go to work.

*in crystal lake*

Jaylin: *whistles (song of choice) And slices one of the heads off of victims* Still got It Jaylin, and now to loot their stuff. *steals his wallet* 2cents?! REALLY?! *went to another one and it has $100* Finally something worth my time

*cuts to bookshelf*

William: Uh.. Uh huh..

Jamboree: What's wrong?

William: Nothing it's just...You have a Lot of manga in your bookshelf. You got some classics too, The DaVinci Code, The Great Gatsby, Of Mice of Men,And grapes of wrath. You got some good stuff here, however, this book does rub me off the wrong way. What's "Big bad slutty kitties, issues 1-16" or "Manyuu Hikenchou" And especially "Monster musume?!"

Niko: *swipes it* Um no that's not mine, that's someone else's, I was just borrowing it for a while, know if you excuse me I'm going to return it to its owner... Hehe..*sighs*

Dan: Especially these two... yeah...

Takiko: "You need a girlfriend, a desperate one..."

Dan: Shut up Tak! *walks into the kitchen*

William: OK then..  Does this happen everyday here?

Jamboree: Yeah, welcome to the Ryken house. Where nightmares become reality and dreams are fulfilled as long as there is blood involved.

Janai: Not to mention, the most dangerous household in the city, no the world!

Elena: "Have you been digging in my documents?"

Janai: M-Maybe.

Elena: "Figures"


Jamboree: What the hell? *runs to kitchen*

William: Oh, Good grief. 'A crazy ass lady is after our heads and instead we're arguing over something so trivial. What did I do to deserve this?'

*flashbacks to all the times he almost and has caused the end of the world*

William: 'Oh, Right.' *teleports to kitchen*

Spiral: I was planning to make salsa with that! What the hell?

Ayumo: "We're Seriously Arguin about this? Wait were me and Takiko like this before?

Takiko: "Out of all the body's I get this idiot..Give me a damn break"

Dan: What Good would've it been if they were left out of the open. And besides I didn't see your name on it!

Spiral: *gets angry* Oh I'll show u were my name will be on next! *was about to punch him*

?: That's enough.

Spiral: Huh? Rocky, he ate something that was important to me! And now I'm gonna kill him!

Rocky: Stop it. Raising your fist at him won't change a thing dear-I mean *blushed* Dude...

Dan: Yeah, throwing a tantrum about ur food isn't gonna cha-Wait What?! What'd you just say?

Rocky: *sighs* Alright jackass, we've been keeping this a secret for years, but if you're that desperate to know, *grabbed Spiral's face and kissed him*


Rocky:' Might as well come out...hope that they still accept me'


Jamboree: 😱 'OH MY GOD!"

Girls: 😲 'OOH~ Secrets~'

William: Meh..

All except William: WHAAAAAT?!

William: Would I sound like a dick if i knew this was going to happen.

Jamboree: E-Explain please. Y-Y-You two are Gay?! Not that I have a problem with it, I'm just shocked!

Rocky: OK we have a confession to make..

Spiral: Me and him... we're dating...


Spiral: To be honest...

Rocky: For 2 years! *puts him in a headlock*

*Inside of Rocky's Head*

*Inside of Spiral's Head*

Spiral: We didn't tell you about this..Because we didn't know how you would know respond to this.

Rocky: We are not sure if you want us to be around you guys.

Jamboree: Dude, of course we want you around. You're, like, my best friends. Who cares if you like sausages. We still look at you as you.

Spiral: Thanks. Means a lot to us.

Rocky: Yea. *headlocks Spiral and scratched his head*

William: These are the people I'm working with? *sighs* Meh, could be worse.

?: Hey Everyone I'm Back!

Jamboree: Oh hey Jaylin. How much did you make today?

Jaylin: $100.02. Pitiful Really. Like they wanted to die.

William: 'I still can't believe this. That boy managed to win over one of the most vicious serial killer's of all time. I've heard some insane stuff about him and his group, but this does come to me as a shocker. What the hell is this kid?'

Jaylin then went up to Jamboree and kissed him.

Jaylin: *looks over at William* Oh hey William.

William: Oh. Did you say something I zoned out for a second.

Jaylin: All I said was hey. Nothing serious. Let's remind me I never really did thank you for saving our asses last night.

Jamboree: Yea, we never did.

William: No need. Just looking out for people. It's kind of what I do, that and ...other stuff...

Niko: Other stuff? Like what?

William: Use your imagination...

Jamboree: Boy you must got some demons.

William: Exactly...Demons! And Angels, mostly demons. I have a horde of them who want my head for all the trouble I've caused. From Universe universe from worlds multi-verses, you name it.

Jamboree: Sounds like a heavy burden you have to carry. But don't worry whatever happens we'll kick all of there asses so bad, they won't sit right for weeks.

Jaylin: No, years at best.

All But William: No eons.

William: 'what a strange book I've e been sucked into'

<-To be conti-

?: WAIT!! What about the mystery girl?

(A/N: This was the girl from earlier, her name will be revealed soon)

Oh her.. Well..

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*DBS OST: Dystopian Future*

?: Jamboree's so cute. *sighs* He has 4 Girlfriends though... Quite the lucky man. *shrugs* I wish I got a chance to talk to him. I don't have his number though so Maybe when he's alone. Decisions, Decisions..

While she was talking, a blade flew right past her and it stuck to the wall. She looked back and saw Amaya in all her demonic glory, and she had a gun on one hand and a syringe on the other.

Amaya: I was looking for another pin cushion, And congratulations. You're the lucky winner! Now then, how would you like to die? Gun, knife, hands, syringe, The list is endless! But since you even had a glimpse of my precious precious boy, make sure your death is slow and painful.

?: No! Stop! Don't do it! I'll never talk to him again, I SWEAR!

Amaya: Aww, you should've thought of your options before you decide to try and take what's mine. You disobey you get punished.

?: No stop please! I'll do anything! Please!

Amaya: Well since I'm feeling merciful today... so I guess, I'll spare you. Only because I need you. First I need the name and Kanji of the woman who decided to swipe from me!

Maki: My name is Maki Hotaru and my kanji is 星 meaning the star.

Amaya: All right Star Child. If you promise to devote your life to me, to serve me and do whatever I say for the rest of your pathetic life, all that you have ever wanted will be given to you. Even our precious Jamboree Ryken!

Maki: *flashes To all the girls in her group* Janai...Kill...Lazuli..Kill...Natalie...Kill...Kill...Kill! *smiled insanely and hissed*

Amaya: Good Girl. Now this will only hurt for a second.

she grabbed her syringe and stabbed it in her arm and injected a strange chemical inside her.

Amaya: Do you feel The transformation? Do you star child?

Maki had grown claws and had a tail grew from her backside and she was spewing acid from her mouth. Luckily it was a partial transformation because she still had human features just her claws and the tail were the only things that were different. Amaya was just laughing at it.

Amaya: Who do you serve?

Maki: *voice deepens* Amaya Tsukiko..

Amaya: *licked lips* Good girl. Now put this hoodie on, don't want your identity getting loose now would we? Hehe.

Maki: As long as I get my, I mean our prize, I'll be happy.

Amaya: You remind me of those Xenomorphs from the alien movie!

Maki: Hehe. You may be right..*gave a sharp toothy smile*

Amaya: And right I am. This power, our goal, our future?!! The hunger and pursuit of it!!! It''s...

Insatiable!! Ravenous!!!! RAPACIOUS! I WAMT MORE MORE MORE! Ryken, I don't know what you are making me do to myself... but if it's your heart wanting to come to me, or my lust yearning for your irresistible body! For me to tear up! For me to claim. For me... For me... to.... TO...Rape you...Hehehe heheh HAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHA! Ha HAHAHAHAHAHA! *closed her eyes* Jamboree Ryken! Mark my words my love! THIS IS THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF YOUR WORLD! AND THE BEGINNING OF OUR NEW LIFE! SO YOU'RE SAFE FOR TODAY. BUT YOU BETTER WATCH YOUR BACK, for tomorrow, then the next day, then the next day, then the next day!!! OH IT GETS ME ALL WET THINKING ABOUT IT! Soon... Sooon...soon~.

<-To be continued

Amaya: You may rest easy now author. I'll be taking over this book from here on out.

(A/N): Like Hell! This is my story! I created you, you psycho bitch!

Amaya: *puts gun at my head* Yeah but I'll be the one pulling the strings this time.  I'm through being your puppet! Now it's my turn to be the puppeteer!

(A/N): *felt a sharp pain in my neck* I... feel... sleepy..*closed his eyes and fell asleep*

Amaya: That should keep you out till I don't know when the final chapter starts. Well you stupid foolish readers, you know what to do. Be patient and wait for the next chapter. I promise I won't do anything to change the storyline, however I will edit some parts out. And as long as I have this,*has my phone* I have complete and total control. And there's nothing all of you can do to stop it! Oh and spiral and Rocky, it's Cannon now! See you next time! Hehehe HAHAHAHAHAHA!

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