Chapter 33: Child of Prophecy-Hana Manabu Part 1

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(Y/N's PoV)
I was getting my gear ready for the fight between me and Jamboree. Soon I will finally smite him.

(Y/N): It's about time... Jamboree Ryken will be destroyed.

Lilith: Don't you think there's a better alternative to this? We're killing an innocent boy. Who's done absolutely nothing wrong!

(Y/N): May I remind you that he's the cause of everything that's happening? He killed everyone I held dear, and for his sins he will pay, with his very life!

Lilith: You're not thinking straight!

(Y/N): I'm sorry what happened to that crazy ass woman that I fell in love with? Where the hell was she?

Lilith: You've changed...

(Y/N): Tsk, whatever I don't care. Now come on, we're burning daylight.

Lilith: 'Y/N, what happened to you?'

Y/N): Just a little further until I kill him!

Lilith: Tsk.

(Y/N): Why the "tsk?"

Lilith: Nothing Just *felt pain in chest* 

(Y/N): Are you ok?

Lilith: I-I'm, *coughs up blood* Ok. Let's just keep going..

(Y/N): Can you move?

Lilith: W-What?

(Y/N): I'm asking if you can move?

Lilith: I-I think..

(Y/N): I'll carry you if you cannot.

Lilith: O-ok..

I carried my dead weight girlfriend. She's grown weak...If she's gonna be this slow.. Then I'll leave her to die.. After all she was a burden to begin with... What am I saying.... but while I was talking to myself, I saw a portal come out of the sky. And the figure looks like... Him.... Probably just seeing things...

?: Filthy Human, So this is where you were hiding... today will be the day where I finally snuff the life from you,(Y/N). If you came looking for me, then I'm right here. Courtesy of Jamboree Ryken! *had sadistic smile*

Jamboree (Y/N's Timeline): I cant wait to watch you die! (Y/N).

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Same intro as last time, same scenario, you can come up with one yourself)

*Hana's PoV. *
I love drawing and sketching. It's a wonderful and beautiful feeling. I draw anime, flowers, self portraits, everything from A-Z. I can't get enough of the exhilarating lovely work I made, however I'm a lot defensive when it came to my work. My parents told me to put away my art tools when I was getting ready to work are you important project. I have to admit, I did time went overboard when I splattered red paint on my mom. The neighbors reactions were priceless. They had to call the police to make sure that it wasn't actual blood. Hey at least no one got hurt. whistles "Pure Imagination"* Just a few more finishing touches and... It's done! *sketch shows Jamboree holding her hand* What a beautiful start to my new Fanfiction.

Title shows: Jamboree Ryken X Hana Manabu.

I should really work on the title though...

Hana: *looks at Camera* By the way I'm Hana. My Kanji is 預言 Meaning prophecy. My soul is based of one of the Egyptian gods, the god of knowledge, Thoth.

?: Hello there.

Hana: Yes, do you need something?

I turned around and I saw a girl looking either 18 or 17 with black hair Crimson red eyes red lipstick and a devious smirksmirk on her face. I then noticed the Kanji on her neck. And then I realized what that meant, she's from the Tsukiko family. I've heard awful stuff about them mainly her!

Hana: You're Amaya Tsukiko right?

Amaya: Someone in this city has heard of me. I assume you know what happens next.

Hana: You want me to sketch you? Sorry to disappoint but I'm out of paper for today. So come back, maybe never.

Amaya: I beg your pardon?

Hana: Yeah, I've seen you around school. I saw what you did to that boy, Jamboree, was it? The Ryken kid? My love interest! I've seen the future through my soul Thoth. You have a villain lurking inside of you and you let it take control. You are a force for evil and must be stopped! I'm calling the police! *runs from the park*

Amaya: I love a good game of cat and mouse. Very well you harlot, i'll play the cat and you can be the mice! *gave Chase*

I kept on running and running and running for my dear life. I didn't even catch a glimpse of her and I already know what she's capable of, my soul has a great philosophy of things, and whenever I try something comes to life, wait... I draw something and it...That's it! And I saw that she was coming right behind me while laughing!

Amaya: I found you~!

I grabbed my sketchpad, Drew a paintball gun and it came to life. Though it may not be powerful I made a few adjustments some of the paintballs are color bombs!

Hana: Eat lead, or in this case, PAINT! *shot it at her*

Amaya: *got hit multiple times* You really thought you catch me with that weak weapon, you'll have to try harder than that! *saw the paint glowing and heating up* Oh shit...

The paint explodes and just like fireworks colors were shown up from above. With a triumphant smile on my face I got out of the alleyway but I soon as I was walking home I realized my mistake...

?: The soul of Thoth huh? *licks lips* you'll do nicely! Raven, Crow! Nab her!

Both: Got it! *knocks her out and placed her in a bodybag*

Amaya: No one has the guts to oppose me like you have. Congratulations. But you'll be serving me now harlot!

*No one's PoV*
Amaya then enters the scene with in such an unsatisfactory matter.

Amaya: Child of Prophecy! Is my painting done yet?!

The scene showed Hana in the cage crying and painting a picture of Amaya, with her kanji on the background. What she wanted to draw was just her defeated by Jamboree Ryken.

Hana: Just a few more minutes...

Amaya: It better be done, you whore! This is your punishment for making heart eyes at my love.

Hana: Fuck you! You can't imprison me in here forever! Love isn't something you take! And as far as I'm concerned he doesn't love you, no one does. I hope you die!

Amaya: *slaps her leaving a mark* How dare you talk back to your superior? I was gonna give you your freedom but you know what? *injects her with a syringe*

Hana: AAH! What? What the hell...Did you do to me?!

Amaya: There. This drug will help you tap into your animal instincts revealing the true destructive nature you have been keeping a secret for so long, And just a tiny teeny-weeny peace of my dna. And on top of that, your true feelings of Jamboree Ryken!

Hana: *screams in pain but then it turned into a sadistic laugh* Hehehe HAHAHA! WHAT A BEAUTIFUL FEELING THIS IS! SENPAI RYKEN WILL BE MINE NOW! *draws a photo of him*

Amaya: I think I overdid it but oh well. Don't forget, he's my prey too. Now go! And complete your mission! Remember to kill his friends and anything else that poses as a threat, And if you fail, you die.

Hana: *sinister aura was around her and had her voice deepened* Yes Mistress. *her sketch pad or notebook was glowing red* Anyone in our way will be deleted! *draws a group of girls and used her brush to draw an X on their faces*

*cuts to a group of school girls*

Girl1: So what do you guys think of Tokyo Ghoul: Re?

Girl2: I think it's off to a bad start. I don't know why but I think they should have done more with-*head was sliced off*

Girl3: Oh my god, Samantha are you ok?! *had multiple gunshot wounds all over her body and fainted* (she's dead btw)

Girl1: Angela! *head exploded*

Girl4: I'll dial 911! *whole body melted*

*cuts back to Hana*

Thoth: 'Stop This, Young Hana! This isn't you!'

Hana: I'll be fine! Now, give me the current location of where my love is hiding.

Thoth: As you wish... young Hana...

*Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Hana painting a beautiful rose, also by Chibi Spiral eating a tub of ice cream*

*Jamboree's PoV*

Me and Spiral were running for our lives! Why were we running, well it all started this morning.

*cuts to Boys playing Mario Kart 8 Deluxe*

Dan: Come on, reach the finish line...

Rocky: Nope! *hits him with the blue shell*

Jamboree: Rocky, that's cheating!

Spiral: It's ok, master. It's a video game, try to have a little fun.


Spiral passes finish line!

Jamboree: Why!!

Rocky: Son of a BITCH! *punches wall*

Dan: Fuck!


Rocky: SPIRAL! Let me give you your winning present~ *crawled to him and drew lines on his chest*

Spiral: Uh, I just remembered, we have that thing that we need to do! Right, Jamboree?

Jamboree: Oh yea, THAT thing! Yea. So we're just gonna leave now..

Rocky: No you're not.. *had electricity glowing from his hands* You are getting that present!!

Spiral: *is already gone*

Jamboree: *same*

Dan: *same*

We went inside the kitchen and we got a quick drink before we could hit the road. Spiral got outside but I was stopped by Janai on the way to the door.

Janai: Where are you going?

Jamboree: Out, Janai.

Janai: Is Spiral going with you?

Jamboree: Yes.

My mother's soul came out of her and she looked at me suspiciously.

Janai: Y'know my dear, if you are lying to me, you are also lying to your mother!

Rocky: Yea, and I could tell u and Spiral are lying about that thing you guys are goin to do!

Walter: 'Young man, are you aware that your parents are watching your every move?'

Elena: 'WELL ARE YOU?!' *got belt*

Jamboree: Y-Yes sir, and yes ma'am! Janai and Rocky, is that a clear enough answer for you?

Janai: *kissed my lips* I knew you just needed a little interrogation!

Elena: *grabbed Kai by the neck* 'You make sure my son and little Steven are safe or else!'

Kai: 'Y-Yes, Chief Ryken'

Elena: 'Good. Your lucky I'm merciful to you than your sister!'

Jamboree: Yea, I'm just gonna leave now..*speeds to car*

Spiral: Shit! They're staring at us act like your waving bye at them!

Both: *waved awkwardly and laughed*

We started to drive off and tried to forget all that had happened..

Janai/Elena: They're in for punishment when they get back!

Rocky/Walter: Big Time..

*present day*

And here we are. And after a few moments of awkward silence we decided to stop at the park, for just a quick walk and talk.

Spiral: I figured I need a walk to the park after this morning's craziness, Master Jamboree.

Jamboree: Yup. By the way, Where are all the chips, dude?

Spiral: In my belly. *pats his stomach*

Jamboree: Of course because of

?: 'Plot convenience! '

Jamboree: Dammit Josh!

Spiral: Who's Josh?

Jamboree: Nevermind..*was embarrassed* Wait, Who's the blonde chick over there? She's got a sketchpad out and up for display. I think it's a scam.

?: Step right up for your very own self portrait! I can assure that this is no scam. Ah, Hello there, my two good sirs!

Jamboree: Uh, Hi?

Kai: 'Wait, there something I don't like about her.. be on your guard Jamboree'

Jamboree: 'Yea..'

Ayumo: 'This chick seems like trouble, wanna release it?"

Spiral: 'Not yet.'

Jamboree: Sure. But what's your name?

Hana: Hana Manabu! Nice to meet ya!

Jamboree: I'm Jam-*was shushed by her finger*

Hana: Shh shh shh shh shh...Shush, my client. I already know who you are. Jamboree Ryken and..*looks at Spiral* ...Hello Steven...

Spiral: The Fuck You just call me? *looks at her* Hana...

Jamboree: You know each other?

Hana: Yea.. Good friends...*grits teeth* Right? *dark aura was around her* So... Can I interest you both in a drawing?

Jamboree: *nods* Sure, Hana, I'll take a drawing.

Hana: Goodie! Let's have some fun! ^_^

She told us where to sit and asked us how our poses needed to look like, and I just held up a peace sign while Spiral had his tongue out. She kept looking mostly at me for some strange reason...she was even licking her lips at the sight of me, especially when she was comparing me to the drawing. After a few good minutes, we got our results and the drawing actually looked pretty well. Except it wasn't what I asked it was a picture of me crying...I it's something.. but what was it?

Jamboree: It's me...And all my friends they've been X'd out! It's just me.. all alone... Just what the hell is this?!

Hana: That my client...Is YOUR FUTURE! *smiled insanely*

Jamboree: What the hell?! How is this my future?

Spiral: Yeah! How come I or anyone else isn't in it!

Hana: Because you are dead, and I killed you! Leaving my love alone and useless, that he'll have me to turn too! *laughs* You'll have me to think about and I'll erase all of the errors of this masterpiece! For you see, this is destiny! And we are destined, *walked up to me and groped me* TO BE TOGETHER FOREVER, Jamboree Ryken!

Thoth: Your fate has been sealed!

Her beautiful blonde hair turned into gray and her blue eyes turned into red eyes! The Hana that we met before is long gone now...


Jamboree: Oh shit! *got into battle stance*

Spiral: I'm guessing Tsukiko sent you? *got into his fighting stance*

Hana: Yes, and in case you haven't figured it out yet, I have a soul and a kanji! I have the kanji of 預言 Meaning prophecy and the soul of the god of knowledge, Thoth! And now to do something about you Spiral! *grabbed her sketch book and drew a full body sketch of Spiral then used a magic brush and drew a line over his leg making it broken.*

Spiral: *screamed as a red slash appeared on his leg and knocked him down on his knees* W-What!

Jamboree: Spiral! *ran to him but was bound by Hana*

Hana: Ah Ah Ah~! Don't fucking move! *drew Herself and Jamboree kissing*

Jamboree: What? *was suddenly brought to her and was unable to get out of her grip* Let go! *spat on her*

Hana: *punched him and caressed his cheek* You're not my client anymore. You are now my husband! Now pucker up and kiss me! *kissed him while red paint was keeping him still* That paint will restrain you until I say so! Lady Amaya wants you in one piece and I'll make sure we both get what we want! So stop struggling my precious client. *kissed his cheek* It'll be alright..

Jamboree: Kai-*was stopped by her brush*

Hana: Don't even think about it! *held me from behind and puts her brush at my neck* One swipe of this and you die. This magic brush can create but also destroy. I have this in destroy mode so I suggest you obey me if you know what is good for you! Do I make myself clear?!

Jamboree: *nods*

Hana: *pats head* Good boy!

Kai: *tries moving but was also covered in red paint and was greeted by Thoth* Let me go, so I can kill you! *tried breaking out of it*

Thoth: Stop it! This is destiny! You can't escape your fate! It's inevitable! *rapidly punching and kicking Kai*

Kai: *gasp for air*

Then while the two of them we're having their fun with us, Spiral looked at her with spite and anger...

Spiral: *healed up his leg* Hands off the master..

Ayumo: Hands off my boss!

Hana/Thoth: Not a freakin chance!

Spiral/Ayumo: Very well. Just know that you asked For this!

Spiral: Say Hana...When you're defeated... I'm gonna enjoy...Hehe...


Jamboree: 'Spiral is a fuckin ghoul... Holy shit!'

Ayumo: Well it's time..*released his eye patch and eye changed from black to red*

(Character used: Ciel Phantomhive-Black Butler)

Spiral/Rocky: Time to die, You pharaoh bitch!

Hana:*let Jamboree go and got ready to fight!* This will be a wonderful masterpiece, let's give this place a new shade of red!

Hana: I'm ready!

<-To be continued
Amaya: *looks at Hana's sketches* What beautiful drawings she has. What a very talented person, I should ask her to draw me after we're done. What do you think (A/N?)

A/N:*is mute and asleep*

Amaya: Oh right, you're asleep aren't you? Well what do you think, readers? Do you like Hana's cringey ass artwork?! *shoved it at screen* You know what, this is trash.. and like all trash... THEY NEED TO BE THROWN AWAY! *threw all of Hana's work in the trash and burned it with her fingers*

(A/N): *woke up and looks at what happened* What have you done!

Amaya: Just crushed the dreams of a beautiful talented no, wasteful ugly harlot like her!

A/N: You just wait..

Amaya: *cranked the shock level to 20* I never get tired of playing games with you A/N. And as for you Fools, see you in the next chapter! *threw a fireball at the screen and her laugh was heard*

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