Chapter 42: The Girl With The Chainsaw: Lilith Akumu

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?: Have you ever told (Y/N) the reason why you were taken away all those years ago?

Lilith: *gasps and tears up* They never did... tell me.. why..*shook a bit+

?: I'll take that as a no..*strokes Lilith hair* Do you want to know the real reason why? *slams her head on the tree*


Lilith: *was shocked* W-What do you mean?

?: The men who took you away were part of the gust corporation! And after they took you away...We injected some chemicals in your bloodstream... then we killed you. And to make sure we made sure no one else would dare to intervene we killed all ties you had, all but your precious Y/N.

Lilith:'re telling me I a zombie?! *tears up* AM I DEAD?!

?: I said you're one of us...You are an Android, Lilith Akumu!

Lilith: *was shocked and teared up even worse* N-No...You're lying...YOU'RE LYING!

Noel: *moves her hand around* If I were lying, why would I be here right now?

(Y/N)'s PoV.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*The Pillows: Ride on Shooting Star plays*

(Y/N): *was on his phone* What's the hold up? Jaylin and Lilith should be back by now.

Jamboree: Same. It's not like her to stay out for a long time. You think she might have had a run in with the enemy?

(Y/N): You could be right. But still, I think we should look for them. Do you remember where they went?

Jamboree: Where else could they have gone? They're at Crystal Lake obviously.

(Y/N): Ok...But if things get rough on the way...I know a couple guys...they saved my tail from thots.

Jamboree: *got up from the couch* You're friends with thot slayers?

(Y/N): Yeah, And sometimes...They can be a walking JoJo reference..

Jamboree: Like posing?

(Y/N): Sometimes. But any way..*gets out of the couch and warps in his car* Let's go.

Jamboree: *got inside* Yea..Step on it (Y/N).

(Y/N): And another thing. Don't think I owe you because you saved my life last time.

Jamboree: I don't owe you shit, and neither do you. I'm not expecting you to safe my life either.

(Y/N): Fine!

Jamboree: Fine!

Both: FINE!

Jamboree: Well that's just fine by me because as of right now we're rivals!

(Y/N): Good! I'm glad we are! I can't wait to see you crash and burn!

Jamboree: Shake on it! *hand sparked blue fire*

(Y/N): *takes his hand and shakes it* May the best man win.

Jamboree: And May the worst guy lose!

He drove the car onto the road ahead. But unaware that they were watched.

Melody: Be safe, Jamboree. I'll be following you in case something happens. And as for you, (Y/N), Since Nocturne And Requiem are "busy", *held the heads of both her brothers and crushed them with her hands* I Melody, shall be going solo on this grand tour! *summons her guitar*

Melody: I don't want to damage Jamboree but I can't let (Y/N) roam free. Give me a break.

*Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Jamboree and (Y/N) playing (favorite game), also by Chibi Lilith and Chibi Jaylin cheering at the dead bodies*

Lilith: Who...Who are you?

?: Ny name is Noel Hajime, The assassin of our creator Shiva Gust. I am also the same  person you and (Y/N) escaped from when you hopped to this  dimension. My original objective hasn't changed, I still want to kill you but not before telling you about your past!  You know, childhood memories, learning how to drive, KIDNAPPING YOU AND MADE YOU INTO WHAT YOU ARE NOW!

Lilith: You know about my past? Why...Why was I taken?

Noel: Oh...I see..But I don't want to do this alone, please come out and tell her...

Kilo Laguna.

Laguna: With pleasure, but how does one begin such a gripping tale?

Noel: How about when we abducted her, and left our (Y/N) alone in the dust.

Laguna: Ha, very well.

*flashbacks to 16 years ago*

(Y/N): Lilith...Why are you acting so...*felt her hands wrap around his waist*

Lilith: Mommy and Daddy were practicing this. I thought it felt really nice...I wanna try this with you...

(Y/N): But are you sure? I don't want to get in trouble

Lilith: *whispers* they won't find out? It'll be our little secret.

(Y/N): I suppose...

When they were about to do what there about to do what she planned, a group of men in Black came and yanked her.

MiB1: Little Girl, you have been selected for our new program. Now are you gonna comply, or do we have to resort to force?

While he asked her, something inside her triggered her...And snap! Her eyes were bloodshot red and she brought out an axe.


She then used it to slice his legs off and then she tackled another guy and scratched his eyes out.


More men came and had tried restraining her, but only to get slaughtered in the process. One of them succeed and strapped her up to a metal bed.

Lilith: *tears up* (Y/N)! I don't know where they are taking me...And I don't know if I feel too good... But I'm gonna get out of here, and then we can go back to playing with each other. Just like we used to! That is a promise, (Y/N) (L/N)! THAT'S A PINKY PROMISE! *held her left pinky out*

MiB: All right, let's go.

(Y/N): I'll miss you..*teared up* YOU BETTER NOT DIE,LILITH AKUMU!!
'I could have done something to stop them...But what could I do..Why am I so weak..'

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*Making of Cyborg: Composed by Kenji Kawai plays*
Lilith was now bounded and chained on top of a metal bed. Then a woman in a lab-coat came and smiled at her.

Scientist: Lilith Akumu, do you know why you are here?

Lilith: *shakes head no*

Scientist: Well, you're here because we need young girls like you for an army we are building.

Lilith: Why me?

Scientist: We have been watching you for some time now and you Are a ravenous beast on the battlefield. With your primal urges, and our technology! We shall become the new age! Humans are obsolete, and more than that, unfit for the future. Men. Unstrap the girl and Hook her up to the chamber and don't even think about freeing her!

The men did exactly what she said and hooked her up into an electric chair and was wearing a helmet.

Lilith: What are you people going to do to me?! 

?: *smirks* Sorry, But we can't let a precious test subject like you go to waste! We're always looking for young girls like you, innocent, pure, fresh and ripe! OH I CANNOT WAIT TO HAVE FUN WITH YOU! PUSH THE BUTTON!

Lilith: No.. NO PLEASE! STOP IT! *felt shocks coming from her body and felt parts of her body being split*

Nothing but Lilith's screams and cries were heard and blood was gushing everywhere. All that remained on the ground..was her beating heart and her head.

Scientist: Tell me, how long will it take to create a new body?

?: We are not sure.. it may take months even years for it to be fully functional. Sure, we have a few of the schematics, we just have to put them into motion.

Scientist: I suppose we can wait... of course global evolution takes time.

?: Ma'am, if it's ok, I'd like to say that, it's been an honor working with you.

?: Yes, ma'am. That as well...

The scientist just looked at them and suddenly her hand turned into a laser cannon and shoots right through their hearts.

?: I don't need your Approval I know my genius is far from flawed! And I swear to all of you humans.

Shiva: All shall bow before Shiva Gust.

*timeskips To 8 years later*
Sounds of mechanical wiring were heard, and sparks were flying as well. The scientist had made a brand new robotic body with Lilith's head attached to it. (Note that she's aged, at this time, Lilith is 16, She's 24 now.)

?: *grits teeth* Is it ready now?

?: Yes.

?: Do it!

One of the scientist pull the lever and put some finishing touches on the robotic body. And when it was finished, the confused white haired lass opened her eyes. And for the first time in 8 years, she spoke.

Lilith:What...What is this... Where am I..Who am I?

?: You're Name is Lilith Akumu. And that is your new body, little one. To be honest, It took us years to finally put you back together. But it was all worth it. There, I just made you a member of the Gust Corporation! *held out her hand*

Lilith: 'Ok. My name is Lilith. But what happened? Why can't I remember anything...and who is this (Y/N) that keeps popping into my head' Tell me... Who are you?

Shiva: I am, Shiva Gust. Your Grim Reaper and your savior!

Lilith: I don't understand this... But how?

Shiva: 'Time to lie a bit' Many years ago I saved you from abuse... But it came at an awful price. The man who gave you the abuse took your very life in front of our eyes. We had to make sure that you are alive to see tomorrow. So we graciously made a sacrifice for you to keep on living. We gathered up all your body parts and nervous systems and patched them up into this suit of metal. You can thank me in many ways that you can.

Lilith: You... *felt a spark in her head and her eyes went dull* EXTERMINATE THE COMPETITION. KILL ALL OBSOLETE LIFE FORMS. *her hands also started glowing and it merged with a chainsaw*

Shiva: Yes...Yes! I AM A FUCKING GENIUS!!!

Years later she started working for Gust and destroyed anyone who interferes with their plans. They started using her 'spark' as a weapon while they treated her useless mode like crap. But all that changed when she saw a person from her past..(Y/N).

She saw the poor fool locked up and the spark she had triggered a memory...She saw herself and her friend playing together but then she saw the men in black taking her to the van. Another spark had showed her being electrocuted and ripped apart by scientist, talk about overkill. And the final spark showed both Shiva and Laguna destroying innocents. She cried for a while and fell down to her knees.

Another group of androids came to her and then started insulting her.

?: Hey, sparky! *kicks her in the face* Why so sad huh? *punches her in the gut and the fiat went right through her*

?: Hey... What was that for? I think you might have killed her..

?: That was the idea..Melody, when you care about the weak, it makes you weak!

Melody: But still... Noel.

Noel: I don't want to hear it. What's done is done..And besides..*spat on Lilith's face* She never belonged here to begin with. She's a disgrace to both androids and humans. *kicks her again* Useless. Let's go Melody. You'll be late for your 'concert'.

So they left the sad Android to rust away...or so they thought...The whole in her stomach was held back together by wires on the inside of her body. And the head trauma Noel gave her had put another spark into her head. And then...

Lilith: I remember now.. I remember everything! *got up and cracked all her knuckles* So you think you could just take away my freedom! Use my body as your own toy?! You know what your biggest mistake was Shiva Gust, *grabbed her chainsaw and puts on new clothes*

Lilith: You kept me alive!

She then ran into city and into the prison that (Y/N) was held at and when she was there she slaughtered all of the guards and androids that were running the facility.

Lilith: *screams as she kept on slicing* WHO ELSE WANTS SOME?!

After she finished up she saw something extraordinary. (Y/N), nothing but a human kid, fighting with Laguna. But he lost and was about to receive his punishment from her.

Laguna: That's What happens to bad boys!

And when she was leaning in close and getting ready to kiss him, she was then sawed in half by the girl herself. (Y/N) didn't recognize her of course, but in Lilith's perspective, she knew he never forgotten about her.

Y/N): Why are you saving me?!

Lilith: 'I come back to see you after all these years and that's the first fuckin thing you say to me?' that doesn't matter now, dear.. just come with me and everything will be fine..

He quickly backed away looking scared...

Lilith: what's that? you don't want to go with me. That's too bad. Well you have two options, 1. You could get your ass plugged by androids, or you come with me.

(Y/N): The not dying option. So I guess option 2.

Lilith: Good choice. Oh by the way, it's not like you had an option in the first place...*grabbed his arm*

While he was distracted She grabbed him and pulled him into a dark alleyway.

He let go of her grip eventually but was blocked by her weapon. Not knowing what else to do, He backed up slowly into a wall. And when she was walking towards him she turned off her chainsaw and tossed it to the side.

(Y/N): Please don't hurt me. I can't take anymore pain!

Lilith: I may be psychotic... But there is no way that I would ever hurt the person I love...It's been a long time, (Y/N). I told you I'd come back to play with you. You didn't break our promise now did you?

(Y/N): Um what?

She leaned in closer and gave him a long hard kiss which lasted about two minutes. Every time He tried to get out of her grip, she would tighten it making him bleed...

Lilith: *hugs him* I missed you so much... I never.. want to lose you... not again not ever!

*Cuts to Back to Lilith*

Lilith: *tears were flowing down* ...

Noel: Look Who has it all figured out now. *smiles* Your parents didn't kill you... We snuffed you out, using nothing but our brains and wires!

Lilith: *felt something cut deep into her side* What are you doin? *was then stabbed and electrocuted, and crying*

Laguna: Just like I'm doing right now!

Laguna stabbed through Noel and shocked Lilith.

Lilith: Damn you...And what about my family? Mom...and my little sis?

Laguna: Oh surely you must know by now, failure. *dug deep into the cut and heard her scream* After we collected the main attraction, it was time to deal with the tourist traps!

*Cuts to Shiva looking at Lilith's mother and sister*

Shiva: *smiles insanely and got her gun* I'll be back.. I gotta take out the the obsoletes!

Lilith's Mother: *tears up and grabbed the little girl*

Shiva: As they say,*runs to them and then...* No witnesses!

Both: *screamed*
Rapid gunfire was heard and so was Lilith's screams.

*cuts back to Lilith*

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*Making of Cyborg: Kenji Kawai(Steve Aoki remix)*

Lilith: *teared up and cried...* You monsters! You're gonna pay..*shook a bit and spark* Exterminate the enemy...*glitched* E-EXTERMINATE!! *wound instantly healed* You took my freedom, you took my life, you took my (Y/N) away from me, then you even killed my family!! You are gonna wish you NEVER rebuilt me... Because now I'm pissed. I'm really fucking pissed! *got her chainsaw ready and had a robotic echo in her voice* And now it's time... TO PAY!! *screams as her hands merged with her weapon*

Noel: *gets out of her way and laughs* Come one you leatherface wannabe!!

Lilith: *hand now has chainsaw blade* Bitch destroyer mode activated. Main objective: DESTROY NOEL HAJIME! *rushed to her and slashed her face but was blocked by her sword* HERE'S WHAT I THINK OF YOU CYBORGS! *dug the blade deep into her body as oil and sparks her flying*

Noel: Yes, Yes~. Hit me more~. Come on baby~. I can take it! *laughs and moans* IT FEELS SO GOOD!

Lilith: *screams*

Laguna: *rushed to her but was stopped by an axe*

Jaylin: Sorry, but that girl is mine. Go get your own!

Jaylin: Didn't you idiots hear the rumors?

Lilith: Jaylin! Why are you here?! Get away from me! It's too dangerous.

Jaylin: No! I've been through way worse stuff than this! I'm not gonna just stand by and have you get hurt! You act as if I'm not a killing machine! Now then, *grabbed Laguna and threw her on the sharp end of a tree branch*

Lilith: You do realize that this isn't gonna be easy? These are androids you're dealing with!

Jaylin: Bitch please, I wasn't expecting easy! *runs to her and counters Noel's attack* And I've dealt with their creation before.

Noel: Ugh. This bitch, why don't you go back to the 1980s', You trailer trash whore! *slowly* Shed junkie...

Jaylin: *twitched and pupils got smaller* You know what? Why don't you just go to Hell?! *kicked her down and got ready to stab her*

?: Oh yes.. please do go to Hell. It's wonderful around spring time.


Jaylin: Oh shit...Not you.

The figure walked into the moonlight and revealed herself to be Jaylin-X. Though she died a while back she came back to life.

?: *smiles* It's like I Said before, there's more of us coming for you! LOOK IDIOTS! *points behind her*

Jaylin: *looks and saw a horde of androids*

All: Time to die real thing, courtesy of Jaylin-X!

Lilith: Um... Can you explain the fuckery that's happening right now?

Jaylin: This is my counterpart, Jaylin-X. She was made by the same people who made Slut 1 and Slut 2. She's also the inspiration of that god awful F13 movie.

Lilith: Jason X? That god awful movie?! 

Jaylin: Don't even get me started.

Lilith: Sucks. Now anyway.. We have a fight to go and win. Shall we strike, curse of Crystal Lake?

Jaylin: Ready when you are, (Nickname for Lilith.) Serial killer tag team?

Lilith: Serial killer tag team!

?: Make that triple team! *came out of a cabin with blood all over her body* Don't tell me you were gonna start a bloodbath without me~.

Lilith: F-F-Frieda! Oh my goodness... Oh my goodness... 'I cannot believe that is actually her!"

While they were talking a certain boy with a book in his hand was watching from the distance.

William: Nice. Let's see where this goes. But if something happens, I'm gonna jump in! But until then, *drinks coffee*, this is gonna be awesome.

They three girls ran at the Android horde and the rest of the story goes on from there. And where is (Y/N) and Jamboree? They were on the move but was being followed by another group of androids, and their leader was holding a guitar.

Melody: All right boys... It's time to rock your world! *grabs her guitar pick and gave it a strong strum*

Amaya: *tears up*

(A/N): Are you crying? Over Lilith?

Amaya: No, it's just allergies...What will it take for you to make this all go away?

(A/N): Give me back my book? Untie me?

Amaya: Oh Hell no. We aren't doing that..

(A/N): Well can I get a coca-cola?

Amaya: Deal. You all saw nothing! See you next time.

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