Chapter 46: The Goddess' Apprentice: Karin Masumi and Artemis

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*Bear McCreary: Overture*

Long ago in Greek mythology, mount Olympus was known for many things. It's Rich Greek/Roman history, the many battles at the Colosseum, but the ones who are above them were none other than the gods. From Zeus all the way down to Hades, from Athena all the way down to Hera. Some goddesses are known for their beauty, their wisdom, and all-around strength. But for some there is none greater than, Artemis, the goddess of hunting.

Kratos: There are no good gods, boi.

Where the fuck did you come from?!

Kratos: *points to open door*

Go back to God of war, Kratos!

Kratos: *walks out*

Anyway, Artemis was the daughter of Zeus, king of the gods, and the Titaness Leto and she has a twin brother, the god Apollo. Not only was Artemis the goddess of the hunt, she was also known as the goddess of wild animals, wilderness, childbirth and virginity. And among the others, she was the favorite goddess, eat your heart out Athena.  I hope I don't get struck down for this..AnyWho, Artemis embodied the sportsman's ideal, so besides killing game she also protected it, especially the young; this was the Homeric significance of the title Mistress of Animals.

Her love life left much to be desired, because it was one of the her many flaws she had as a goddess. According to Hyginus,a Latin author in 64 BC-70 AD, Artemis once loved Orion, but was tricked into killing him by her brother Apollo, who was "protective" of his sister's maidenhood. Talk about being overprotective.

Heartbroken that she lost her beloved, she still kept her role. But where does Artemis stand now. With the rest of the Gods or goddesses at Olympus or, somewhere else? The answer to that question happens now!

*Op plays up top*

?'s PoV

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*Hit's Theme: FighterZ ost*
It was a day like any other, I was going around town minding my business, doing what I always do. I'm hired to kill a certain group of people, then I steal what's left. A lot of weird things have been happening in this city lately, like I saw this weird alien girl wreck another girl who used some dark magic, this blonde who shot up an entire park, and also the notorious Yoko Kyanite being blown to bits. Oh well, not my problem. Time to do what I do best.

I saw these two guards at the front door and I incapacitate them with a tranquilizer I had on my arrow. While they were knocked out, I quietly sneaked my way into the museum. There was a reason I was assigned to be in the museum. This group of mafiosos wanted a rare artifact to sell on the black market. The curator asked me, well demanded I exterminate them so that the thing may be protected. Me being the mercenary I am, I decided to take on that job. And much like hit from Dragon Ball Super, I'll never let the job go unfinished. Unless I get cocky and blow the whole thing up.

I'm not like most hitmen who uses gun and knives. I have my own ways of hunting. The vintage way. By using arrows and bows. Think of me as more as a green arrow fanatic. And much like the said Robin Hood, I use trick arrows. One that has dynamite, others with poisoning, and just gag arrows for the fun of it. Enough about that, let's focus on the mission at hand. I hid beside the wall and watched the two groups of men carrying the artifact. And I saw two of the leaders.

(Characters Used: Chuuya Nakahara And Osamu Dazai. Anime: Bungo Stray Dogs)
Their names are Venice and Antonio.

Venice:* New York accent* Just a few more boys, and the money is as good as ours!

Antonio:*Italian accent* I still don't understand why the boss wants an ancient Greco-Roman artifact, as old as time.

Venice: What do you think, shit for brains? This type of stuff is worth a fortune nowadays. What better than to sell it on the black market. We Will be rich.

Antonio: I understand that "get rich quick" part but wouldn't it be more sufficient to sell it on eBay or something? I mean who goes to the black market anymore?

Venice: Do not question the will the mafiosos!

Once they were finished talking I cut the lights off, and hid in the darkness.

Venice: The hell... What is going on with the lights?

?: Hey boys... Didn't your mother ever tell you not to take shit that doesn't belong to you?

Venice: *pulls out his pistol* Hey! Museum hours are closed! Get outta here before we bust a cap in your ass! Step into the light so we can see you!

Antonio: Who are you? And why have you come here?

?: I could ask the same thing about you! The hell do you think you're doing robbing a museum? Have you no respect for culture?

Venice: Yeah, we don't care about culture you dumb broad! We just want money!

?: Oh really, because it looks to me I see a couple of jackasses pretending to be members of the mafia with pride as little as their penises. However that doesn't really matter since you never had one to begin with. Where did all that masculinity, that manly pride of yours go. Did it die? Probably! Oh I know,  it was when you first arrived here that your pride die. So I suggest you put that artifact back, before things get ugly.

Antonio: Why that little..

Venice: Antonio, don't get your panties in a bunch. It's just some dumb broad pretending to be a hero, what she gonna do? Give us a deadly lap dance?

Antonio: Heh or do our hair?

Venice: Matter of  fact... Let's get a closer look..*walks close to her* Che bella signora, per non parlare di un bel culo! (What a beautiful lady, not to mention a nice ass!) *grabbed her ass but it sets a trigger*

Antonio: *walked behind her* non è necessario per te coprirti. Togliti i vestiti e dacci uno spettacolo. Insisto! (There is no need for you to cover yourself. Take your clothes off and give us a show! I insist) *groped her breast*

Venice: *used his knife and slashed her shirt* Ecco, lascia che ti aiuti. (Here let me help)

?: Non sono un oggetto fottuto ... Soprattutto per pervertiti come te!(I'm not a fucking object... Especially to perverts like you! ) *grabbed both of their heads and slammed them on the ground*

If there's one thing I hate worse than thieves, they are perverts. And by the way even though I'm Japanese, I'm also Italian. My mother was Italian and my father was Japanese. I'm bilingual, I think that's what it's called. Anyway after I slammed those two tickets on the ground the group of men surrounded me in a circle before the two got up.

Venice: Since you do not want to be cooperative, we'll just have to kill you!

Antonio: It's too bad. Your Italiano is really good. I will ask again, what is your name?

Karin: It's Karin, Karin Masumi.

Venice: There's no way you're Italiano! Italiano are proud of their family names! You're part of Japanese dissent.

Karin: *ran to Venice and swung the bow at his nuts* I'M BILINGUAL YOU JACKASS! *shoots her crossbow at him*

Antonio: Why are you idiots just standing there? Waist the broad!

The mafia men fired their bullets at me but I just spun my bow around and reflected them. Then there was this one guy who tried to aim for me but I Aimed my crossbow at the poor foul, and when he shot his gun, I retaliated with my weapon. Thanks to It's exterior, the arrow was sharp enough and fast enough to cut through a bullet and it did. And the arrow jammed right through its neck however it wasn't the only thing it did.

Mafia man 1: AAAAH! *felt himself getting dizzy and sick and he fell to the floor*

Antonio: Damn you! *ran to Karin*

Karin: Just what do you think you're doing? Stop and look around!

Venice: What are you on about?

Karin: While you guys were in the middle of your little heist I've managed to set a couple of booby traps here and there. And all the cross bows I've put up or hidden around this very room! The question is, where are they?

Venice: So what if you planted booby traps in this room? Forget about it! That doesn't mean we won't blow your damn brains out! *shoots his guns*

Karin: *sighs* Yup. *pressed a button and arrows showered down on them*

Most of the arrows were explosive, others carried noxious gas, and my personal favorite one with a punching gloves in it for comedic effect.

And while the two mafiosos try to escape I put some rope around my crossbow and shot it. I then used it to wrap it around them.

Venice: Heh, someone's into bondage!

Karin: *shot an arrow on his balls* Where is your pride now?

Antonio: You're impressive. *felt something go on his knee*

Karin: Looks like you took an arrow to the knee. *snorts And chuckles*

Antonio: Terrible joke...

Karin: The cops will be here in one minute. That should give you some time to jack your shit because you ugly as fuck. You get no ladies, I don't even want you. I just pray that your assholes are protected in jail. Good day..*walks into the dark*

*5 minutes of investigation later*
The police took them away and I stayed inside of the building for... Reasons for example.

Karin: Now then..*walks to the artifact* Just what was it they were trying to steal? What was so special about this?

As I was questioning this, the artifact started shaking and glowing, it revealed something... And it turned out to be...

Karin: A KEY?! I NEARLY BUSTED MY ASS FOR THIS?! THE MAFIA WANTED A KEY?! *got a closer look and it says*

"She Who is worthy to touch the ancient stone will use the key to unlock the ultimate prize.."

Karin: Type of shit?

Then another flash of light appeared from the row, and it revealed a statue of some sort.

Karin: Wow... That's a massive statue. Am I supposed to stick the key in there? *puts it in a keyhole and it glows* Why is everything glowing in this damn place?

But then the statue started cracking and The light was shining so bright that it bursts into millions of pieces. The impact of the blast knocked me down, and when I got my vision back  and stood up straight, I saw that the statue is completely gone, there was not a single trace of it left! Crap! I am so so fucked! Hit girl destroys ancient statue, that shits going to be all over the news! I have to get out. I shot my cross bow that had rope on it and crawled the scene undetected. However I was unaware that a puff of smoke was following me.

?: The mortal has freed me from that stone prison... I have to show her of my gratitude..

*timeskip brought to you by Chibi Karin watching Arrow, also by Chibi Adam eating donuts and Chibi William drinking tea*

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*Thank You, My Twilight: The Pillows*

It's been three days since the incident of the Gust corporation. And they held the funeral of those who have fallen...

(Art work by Asaroth-Origins/Gaachan)

Jamboree: 'Melody.'

Jamboree: MELODY, DON'T DO IT! *ran to her*

Melody: *raised her hand out and smiles at Jamboree with tears in her eyes* This was my greatest performance yet.. and I'm glad you got to see it. I'm sorry for everything that I've done to you... I love you, Jamboree Ryken...

Jamboree: N-No! No!!!

Melody: Goodbye...*strummed her guitar and it caused an explosion*

The most horrific sight ever seen, was just all Jamboree could think of. He lost a friend... there was nothing left of Noel Hajime, but what really got him crying, was Melody's severed head along with the former singer's final words...

Melody: I..Love you... Melody Hajime..signing...*voice fades* off...*closed her eyes*

*cuts back to present*
Jaylin: 'Lilith..'
*flashbacks again*
Jaylin: OK. Since this is your first time, I'll make it easier for you.


Lilith: No matter what you throw at me I can take it, no matter how big or how small I am working with.

?: Hehehehe...

Jaylin: Well, better get used to the easy part now, because it will get rougher later, I will literally have you sweating in pain.

?: Hehe..


Random Pervert: 'Twas I! *laughing silly with red face*

Lilith throws Jaylin's ax and it strikes a tree.

Lilith: Damn it!

Jaylin: Sh sh sh sh sh. Let's see where this goes. By the way you just hit a weak tree.

The tree was cut off from the stump and it falls on him.

Jaylin: Let's check to make sure he's dead. *walks to him and saw him still breathing* Shit...

RP: It's not every day... I get taken out... By hot girls like you!

Lilith: *yanks the cord of her chainsaw and sliced up his whole body and blood was splattered on her face* Enjoy the ride to hell and back bitch! *slammed her foot on his head and licks the blood from her lips*

Jaylin: Not bad, for an amateur. *pats her shoulder* but there's more to come. For example,*points to the campfire* We will strike there next! Let's see how much head we can get!

*cuts even further*

Lilith tried to run but was stopped by her own body, and she experienced side effects?

Lilith: *shaking furiously and sparks were flying* I don't good..*faints*

Jaylin: Lilith! Are you ok? *grabbed her and shook her*

Lilith: Jaylin...

Jaylin: Why don't I take it from here? You stay out here and rest?

Lilith: O..Ok..

Jaylin: *holds her and sits her by a tree* I'll be back ok?

Lilith: *nods*

Jaylin: *slid her mask on and waves*

Lilith: *winced in pain*

*cuts back into present*

Jaylin: 'why did I just leave her there... I should've just took her home!'

Jamboree: (Y/N...)

*cuts back a bit*
Jamboree: Though I'll admit. that was impressive.

(Y/N): Yeah. It was, clearly, I did all the work.

Jamboree: No, you didn't! If it weren't for me you would've been fried!

(Y/N): Yeah. You're half-right. *heard a branch snap*

Jamboree: What was that?

(Y/N): Probably just a deer.

*more branches began to snap*

(Y/N): Yea, I think we should leave.

Jamboree: Yea...Wait no! We came here for Jaylin and Lilith and, we're gonna walk out of here alive. I'm going to the source.

(Y/N): Dude, don't go to weird noises you know absolutely nothing about! That's horror-movie 101!

Jamboree: Yeah, you're right we should probably find another route.

(Y/N): Maybe. We should split up.

Jamboree: If that's what will get us to our girls. *ran to the noise*

*cuts even further*

Jamboree and (Y/N) are at cross roads of the building.

Jamboree: The road forks here. Looks like we have to be on our own

(Y/N): I hope that one of these roads is the way out of here. I'll take the one on the left you'll take the one on the right.

Jamboree: Sounds like a plan... I guess...

(Y/N): Oh and if I die... Here's where I leave you with. My Wattpad account, my desire to play the guitar, and the amount of harems I left behind.

Jamboree: OK...

(Y/N): May the best rival win!

Jamboree: Huh. Oh yeah. *gave him a fist bump*

*cuts back to the present*

Jaylin/Jamboree: Tsk..*held hands and teared up*

Jamboree: Same..*felt something wet on his feet* What the...*looks down and saw it was red* This is paint right...Right? *tears up*

Jaylin: No..No..*shakes head* I'm cutting this open...*starts chainsaw and starts cutting it while crying* Help me split this up!!

Jamboree: O-Ok. *lifts one half of the pillar while Jaylin grabbed the other half*

Both: *gasped and started shaking*

Jamboree: It's blood...His blood...

Jaylin: As well as...her...Lilith...

Jamboree: No...*clenches fist*
*flashback over*

Jamboree: Damn it,(Y/N!) Why did you have to go and act like such a badass!

William: *clears throat* Thank you all for coming. We are here today to honor the lives of (Y/N) (L/N), Lilith Akumu, And Melody Hajime. We have lost two of our most greatest heroes. They endured the inevitable and I respect them for it. And Melody, she had the willpower to pushback against the odds of her Android self and realized the error of her ways! She and Lilith were more human than any android. Not her sister or her creator. We couldn't have brought down Shiva without them. Their deaths or sacrifices will never be in vain and will always be remembered.Rest In Peace, you three souls..

*timeskips to Ryken House*
William: Jamboree, Jaylin. I know you two are angry but we need to calm down. Everyone dies, and everyone passes over to the next life, it's just how life works.

Jamboree: Why did he have to play the hero? Why do I have to play the hero? And if I swear to god if someone says plot convenience I am going to slaughter them!

Jaylin: I have no idea what you're talking about and I'm sure it's not relevant to what's going on now. And Jamboree. As much as I hate to admit it, he's right. We have to accept the fact that they're gone and they will never come back. They're still with us just not physically, but in your heart. Like I am with my mother. I know she's dead but the memory of her still exists inside me and I still hear her voice. And I bet, that we still hear the voices of those three. And right now they're telling us to move forward. That's what we need to do. Move forward.

Jamboree: *was about to protest then sighs* Alright... I hear you.

Jaylin: Anyway since Amaya's Robo bitches are down what's our next enemies.

William: No doubt she's trying to make others join her cult. Like she did with Hana and Maki. Speaking of Hana where Is she?

Jamboree: I have her trapped down her basement

Dan: Oh so that explains the screaming I hear every time I walk through the hall way.

*cuts to Dan walking down the halls and looked at the door shocked, then walked away from it*

Jamboree: I haven't talked to her ever since the battle... Right now I feel like it's time.

William: While you guys are doing that. I'm going home, I had enough excitement for one day. *opens up a portal and steps inside* Bye. *closes it*

Jaylin: 'Can never read that guy sometimes..'

*cuts to Basement*

Hana: *opens her eyes* What's going on... What is this place?

Thoth: We're in the basement of Jamboree's house.

Hana: Oh I see..Well might as well wait for someone to talk to me.

*timeskips to 5 minutes later*

Hana: 'Thoth...Hey Thoth...'

Thoth: 'Yes, young Hana'

Hana: 'I'm bored..'

Thoth: 'Hmm..We could tell jokes..'

Hana: 'That could be fun..I guess?'

Thoth: 'What do you call a gay dinosaur?'


Thoth: 'A mega-sore-ass'

Hana: 'Really?'

Thoth: ' OK I know that was cringy. Why do some people call it a shotgun wedding?'

Hana: 'I don't know, why?'

Thoth: 'it's a matter of wife and death'

Hana: 'Heh'

Thoth: 'Oh I got one more. What's the difference between your wife and your job?'

Hana: 'Oh'

Thoth: 'In five more years, your job will still suck.'

Hana: '*laughs sweetly* You make me laugh sometimes. I love you, Thoth'

While they were talking, the door opened. Jamboree had some food on a plate.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*The Pillows: Hybrid Rainbow*

Jamboree: Hello Hana..

Hana: Jamboree?

Jamboree: That's my name, don't wear it out.

Hana: *got up and hugged him* It's so good to see you. But wait,  How long have I been down here?

Jamboree: *hugs back* My estimate is about a good two weeks.

Hana: *gets out of hug* WHAT?! Two weeks?!

Jamboree: Yep. You were put in some sort of coma, William must've knocked you out that hard. And so we decided to put you inside our basement for safety. Do you feel murderous?

Hana: I'm not sure.. I really can't remember. But my brush?! What of my brush?!

Jamboree: Oh and your paintbrush..*shows her snapped brush*

Hana: Oh man... I really went over the edge didn't I?

Jamboree: Yeah, you did.

Hana: I'm guessing I'll have to stay here until you guys confirm me as not a threat anymore.

Jamboree: It's not really my decision, but if that's what you think is right, then I respect it. *walked up to her and kissed her forehead* I'll get you some stuff OK.

Hana: Sure. "I'm sorry for acting crazy, my love. Just a few adjustments of my brush, and I'll help you fight against Tsukiko."

Jamboree: Feel better ok? *opens the door and leaves then closes it*

Hana: Oh Jamboree. 'You already made me better already. And this is not the murderous me talking, It's me, the real Hana Manabu. I'll promise to stay by your side, even if it means my own death.. I'll gladly die for you! Screw Amaya! I'm now fighting to live another day! Now, where's my artist hat!'

Name: Hana Manabu
Soul: Thoth
Kanji: 預言(Prophecy)
Now: Alive and Kicking! Filled with Determination!

*timeskip brought to you by Chibi Hana drawing a picture, also of Chibi William and Adam running from a Chibi version of William's girls*

Location: William's Apartment.

Adam: Hey bitches, I'm home!!

William: Adam, you don't have to announce that every time you come here.

William: Well since Samantha isn't bugging us for the time being, we won't have to worry about paying any rent.

Adam: And I should care why?

William: Because, it's a matter of life and death. It's not just Samantha, it's the rest of my girls that may now have my location because of her. Sometimes I feel like they love me too much, and that love can lead to the destruction of this world. That's why I have to avoid them at all cost because I wanna rest myself or others getting hurt because of my fuck ups.

Adam: Yeah well here's the thing I don't care. It can go crash and burn. I was talking about rent why should I care about the rent money. We have no landlord.

William: Hey, I'd like to see you come up with a better idea. And by that I mean living wise. Where do you think would be a good place to live in this apartment thing doesn't work out?

Adam: I think I know an old mansion across the street?

William: We can move in with jamboree.

Adam: But why? Why are you so determined to help that mortal?

William: He and his friends are not like most Mortals, he is... Different. He achieved the power of the gods and are now using it to fight against the demon. And he has my loyalty and respect. I train him every now and then?, like you have with Dan?

Adam: That's what he is? I thought he was just Jamboree's punching bag.

William: Dude!

Adam: What, it's not like he's here anything. I can say whatever I want about anyone I want. I don't give a damn about the consequences.

William: Just saying man, your actions have consequences.

Adam: Oh that's just a crock of shit and you know it!

While they were talking, a familiar arrowhead was watching from the distance.

Karin: Is that him, teach? 

?: Yeah, That's him.. That's the cute face!

Karin: They should be easy... Now they have you on my side, Artemis.

Artemis: Pleasure's all mine, young Karin.

*flashbacks to Karin's hut*

Karin: Another day, Another kill. Am I a great mercenary or what! Still I hope those mafiosos got what's coming to them. *sat down and puts feet on her desk* God I'm tired..I suppose I should take my ass to sleep..*closed his eyes and slept*

But then a bright light appeared in her room and it showed a speck of the light taking the form of a woman.

?: There she is. The one who broke the statue. She Who has awoken me from my sleep, arise from thy slumber, and venerate the goddess you see before you!

Karin: *still sleeping*

?: *confused* 'Ok, not cooperating here. Perhaps I should shorten my address?' *clears throat* Awaken child. For you have freed me from that stone prison, and I now wish to offer you my thanks.

Karin: *still sleeping*

?: *got angry* 'Such Insolence!! What a rude child! Are all mortals this impolite?! It seems a lot has changed during my slumber. I'll have to try a different approach..' HEY! MASKED GIRL! WAKE UP! YOUR GODDESS IS SPEAKING TO YOU. *breathes in* WAAAAKE UUUUUUUUPPP!

Karin: Oh bloody hell! *covers ears and pants* WHAT THE FUCK?! *grabbed her weapon*

?: There is no need for your weapon, child.

Karin: God? Is that you?

?: Compose yourself, for I will not harm you.

Karin: Who is speaking to me?

?: Perhaps I should reveal myself.

Karin saw a beautiful woman with brown hair and beautiful eyes. She was wearing a white toga, with arrows strapped on her back.

Karin: Who are you?

Artemis: Hearken Mortal Child, for thy soul is in the presence of the goddess of hunting, childbirth and chastity, Artemis.

Karin: What?

Artemis: You are now meeting with the goddess, Artemis.

Karin: Huh?


Karin: Oh, why didn't you say so?

Artemis: How was it so hard to understand, please tell me?

Karin: Well, for starters, your a grown woman standing before me in my own house and is glowing. So why have you come to me if all people? Is this a future proposition.

Artemis: You, mortal child, have liberated me from the sha-Ok you know what. No I'm not doing this, no. You-You gotta be either-either stupid or oblivious to not understand how I talk. Like I have met, mortals like you in my time, but you out do them all. Like, oh my Zeus! That's just. Wow! I. wow! You mortals are just.. *sighs* Felt good to get that off my chest. Score one for Artemis.

Karin: Y'done.

Artemis: Ok listen up. You have destroyed the statue from the museum and have released me from that stone prison. I am here to offer you my thanks and give you aid and assistance in your upcoming battles.

Karin: Oh, that makes sense.

Artemis: Good. Now I see you are good with an arrow and bow. I can teach you to be better!

Karin: Nice!

Artemis: But be warned that your training will not be a walk in the park. It'll be hard and long. So what do you say mortal? Do you want to accept my righteous power or not?

Karin: H-H-H-...*hot excited* OH HELL YEAH!!

Artemis: Alright then. 'Sure this mortal is annoying but at least she's determined. Maybe I'll learn something new about the mortal world'

*cuts to present*

Karin: Alright, i'm tired of listening to them talk, do you want me to strike now?

Artemis: Not yet, I just want to look at this handsome face just a bit more..*drools a bit*

Karin: Artemis, I didn't expect you to be the drooling type.. You have some sort bond with him?

Artemis: *blushed and looked away*

Karin: Oh my God.. You like him?! No, YOU FUCKING LOVE HIM! Aw, the Cupid struck her arrow and it landed on him..

Artemis: *breathed in and smacked Karin's head* For your information, I wasn't drooling, and you better watch your tone, not many people can handle the might and glory that is the goddess of hunting, Artemis. And you will not compare me to that baby with wings! And these clothes..

Artemis: I am not too fond of these. Such indecency. Are you sure this is what mortals where?

Karin: Oh Yea. All the time. Now that makes you look like a true warrior!

Karin, I think we're done with this conversation. Focus on our target.

Karin: Right.. *aims it at his window*

Artemis: pull back...

Karin: *pulls string back*

Artemis: And release!

Karin: *lets go of the string and the arrow went inside*

William: Hm..I should really update my-*heard the window crash and saw an arrow with a bomb on it*  Oh shit, DUCK! *gets down as it explodes*

Adam: Who the fuck puts a stick of dynamite on an arrow? What is he,Green arrow?!

A girl in a hood came inside the exploded part of the building and stood in front of the two boys.

Karin: Aww..I missed... no matter. I always love to play with my prey.

Adam: Who the fuck are you supposed to be?!

Karin: Karin Masumi. And the hunt has begun!

William: 'Hunt, What dose she mean by that? Wait.. is she.. a huntress? Can't be. But if that's the case, I gotta keep my guard up!'

Adam: Bring it, arrowhead! I can't wait to burn you into a crisp! *got into battle stance*

Karin: Fine then! *shoots her arrows and Adam burns them all*

Adam: Heh! Try harder!

Karin: *smirks* Those has gasoline in them, gasoline is flammable!

Adam: *felt the impact of the blast and got knocked through the hall ways*

William: Adam! *flies to him but was knocked back by Karin* You Little brat! *flew to her and kicks her through the hallways* Time To spark a little magic! *gets his grimoire and conjures a water spell* Aqua: Typhoon!

Water comes from Willam's hands and it flooded the halls.

William: Most of your arrows are made of metal! Water rusts metal! Rusty arrows, no use. *smirks*

Karin: Oh? * points to the crossbows above* I have placed crossbows on the ceiling and these arrows are laced with a poison, one that can kill a buffalo, just as a silver bullet could kill a werewolf! So unless you want to end up in the morgue, you will surrender.

William: Whatever, I can take it!

Karin: Your choice! *snaps fingers and bows came at William*

He blocked it with a barrier but an arrow pierced through it and he was bound to the wall.

Karin: *laughs and snorts* Oh my god! That was the first time anyone has surpassed my bullets. Congratulations. But alas our fun must come to a close.Now that I have you bound to the wall, I shall take my prize. Hold still, Mr. Penn!

William: What are you..Hmph*got kissed by her*

Karin: Just to be fair, I only did this for her..*summons her soul*

Artemis: Hello, sweetheart, I missed you so much.

William: Oh hey Artemis...WAIT ARTEMIS?! ARTEMIS IS YOUR SOUL?!

Karin: Yeah, and we know everything about you, William~. Everything~. That's why I was able to beat you so easily!

Artemis: Now then, this reunion has been fun, but *has a tight grip on his hand* It's time for us to leave. Come on William, let us leave.

?: Not so fast! *a black fire ball came by and hits Karin's face*

Karin: AAAAH! *held her face* Shit, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! What even are you?!

?: I suggest, you keep your hands off the boss. I don't care who you are Artemis, because the one who's kicking your crooked arrow ass..

Adam: Is this motherfucker right here?!

Amaya: *reads a book on Greek mythology* Artemis, excellent choice. She has such amazing feats with her bow and arrow and is great with nature! Hm, I wonder what will happen now in this gripping epic now that (Y/N) and Lilith are dead.. Hm. Hera? No...Athena...I love war but no... Hmm what should I read about next..hmm, how about... Aphrodite~


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