Chapter 47: Burning Blondies

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Karin: Your choice! *snaps fingers and arrows came at William*

He blocked it with a barrier but an arrow pierced through it and he was bound to the wall.

William: 'Shit! How did it get through?!'

Karin: *laughs and snorts* Oh my god! That was the first time anyone has surpassed my arrows. Congratulations. But alas our fun must come to a close. Now that I have you bound to the wall, I shall take my prize. Hold still, Mr. Penn! Or should I say,*voice changed* Sweetie?

William: What are you..Hmph*got kissed by her*

Karin: Just to be fair, I only did this for her..*summons her soul*

Artemis: Hello, sweetheart, I missed you so much.

William: Oh hey Artemis...WAIT ARTEMIS?! ARTEMIS IS YOUR SOUL?!

Karin: Yeah, and we know everything about you, William~. Everything~. That's why I was able to beat you so easily!

Artemis: Now then, this reunion has been fun, but *has a tight grip on his hand* It's time for us to leave. Come on William, let's get out of here.

?: Not so fast! *a black fire ball came by and hits Karin's face*

Karin: AAAAH! *held her face* Shit, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! What even are you?!

?: I suggest, you keep your hands off the boss. I don't care who you are Artemis, or how you got here.  Especially that green arrow Wabi bitch... I don't care about both of you, because the one who's kicking your crooked arrow ass..

Adam: Is this motherfucker right here! *cracked fingers*

Artemis: You May be more powerful, but you're still not a god! *shot a bunch of light arrows but Adam blocks it with his flames*

Adam: Try harder than that!

William: *snapped fingers and made the arrows disappear* 'Adam always goes berserk when he's like this. Behind the cold exterior he has on the outside he's a raging demon on the inside. Just what I expect from one of the demons that's  been exiled from hell'

Karin: *sighs* Buon dolore(Good Grief)

Amaya: *currently fighting a training dummy* Now that I feel that my strength this back, i'll be able to crush them with a flick of my wrist.*flicks it as it got knocked back and explodes* Bring me the next dummies!

Rosetta: Yes mistress. *pushes the button*

Amaya: *transforms into her cat form and rushed the targets* 'Thanks to my new cat ability, I'm able to move much quicker stronger and faster, my powers now rival that of Natalie Suzumiya herself. After all it is her mother's power. A power that I So  graciously deserve.' *slashed all of the targets and blood came out of them and she was cleaning herself with her tongue* Hmm~.

All of the male operators who were running the training facility put their hands between their legs.

Amaya: I think that should suffice for today. Shut down production!

Rosetta: *turns it off*

Amaya: *sighs and giggles* That was a good work out, wouldn't you agree Yuno?

Yuno: Hehe. I believe so. Your skills alone did wonders for you, my dear Amaya. But would you like to go higher... Say human wise? Kill human girls? Beg for their allegiance to you, to us!

Amaya: Hm. What a wonderful idea.

Yuno: You know it~. *held her head in place and caressed her cheeks* Shall we alert the others of our new plans?

Amaya: *licks lips and smiles* Yes, Let us! *walks to the living quarters* Everyone change of plans! Due to the recent events that have transpired up till now, I've decided a new ultimatum. We've already kidnapped a whole number of unfortunate souls and woman, however We're gonna need more of them. And also in the past, some other people wanted my love's harem dead, and as a result, they failed because they weren't introduced to our plan. Our goals will remain the same, and we will still have order, perfection. And most of all the heart of Jamboree Ryken still. Though we have failed many...*kept on monologuing*

Raven: Hey Crow, Have you seen my beauty products, I want to look good for when Jamboree tries to challenge us.

Crow: I could say the same thing about my brass knuckles, my gag, and my whip! You know those are my dominator weapons!

Amaya is still talking but doesn't care...

Raven: Well it's not my fault you keep losing them after you torture someone!

Crow: How about you shut up, you stuck up prostitute!

Raven: No you, you shemale!

Crow: It was a one time thing where I used that thing, so do NOT call me that!

Yuno: It appears they're not listening to you at all, my dear Amaya.

Amaya: I don't care... I'm just so intoxicated with myself that I don't need an audience. And the sides, I explained this so many times to them that they don't need me repeating it. Reason I do is because I love hearing myself talk.

Yuno: I see...Well good for you then. I just resort to straight up murder when people are paying attention to me. I think I tortured Yuki, maybe once or twice. I remember that I held him hostage at the time and forced him to drink soup. It was funny watching him squirm.

Amaya: One of the many things I plan to do with my lovely husband.

Yuno: I'm sure you do. That is if your brother isn't such a pest.

Amaya: Don't worry about Kai. He's a weakling. He wouldn't hurt me, his lovely big sister.

Yuno: Whatever you say.

Tanya: Mistress Amaya, I have found a new recruit to join us!

Amaya: Is that so? Well bring it in. Let's see what our new play mate will look like.

Tanya: Get out here little one!

?: W-Where am I...

Amaya: Hi there little one...*walks up to her and held her face* What a cute little one.

?: W-Who are you?

Amaya: I'm Amaya, and I'm a good girl, and so are you. *points her finger on nose* I bet you're a good girl too. What's your name?

?: Z-Zoe.. Zoe Hiraki..

Amaya: So you're name's Zoe? Attagirl~. So do you like Ice Cream?

Zoe: *nods lightly*

Amaya: Ok..*gives her a tub of Chocolate* I can give you more. All you have to do is listen to me, and I can give you ice cream every day? Ok? Little one?

Zoe: *nods* Ok...

Amaya: By the way, Tanya how did you find this?

Tanya: Well-

*flashbacks to a playground*

Zoe: *reached for her toy*

Bitch-1: No way! *held it up so she won't reach it*

Bitch-2: We love seeing you cry. Can you do that for us? Come on you baby cry!

Bitch-3: *pushed Zoe on the ground and kicks sand in her eyes and held her face down* Come on, CRY FOR ME!

Zoe: *cries really hard*

Bitch 1: Hold up, *gets camera* Hold her face up to the camera. I want us to see her pitiful reaction.

Bitch-3: *holds her head up*

Bitch-2: And To add insult to injury! *grabs her stuffed doll and rips it apart* Oops..I'm sorry, my hand slipped...

Bitch-3: *smokes cigarette and blows it on her face* Yea Good one, although...*grabs lighter drank alcohol and blows it on the ripped doll*

All 3: *all were laughing at her while Zoe was still crying*

Bitch-1: Hehe! *takes a photo of Zoe crying* That's it! That's the face I'm looking for! I think we should go for her hair next.*grabs a razor blade but was stopped by a certain loli nazi*

Some mud got on her pants, that she just got clean!

Tanya: Hm? *Looks at the three girls* Well well. You three girls are fearless, No? You three bumped into me and didn't even get startled once. Attagirl.

Bitch-3: Who are you? You friends with Zoe.

Tanya: Can't say that I do because I don't know her... Also what are you doing to her?

Bitch-2: We are creating a documentary.

Bitch-3: Would you like to be our director while we be the actors?

Tanya: you guys are filming something? Attagirl! Not bad not bad. So how old are you three?

Bitch-2: 7

Bitch-1: 13

Bitch-3: 10

Tanya: And how old are you?

Zoe: S-Six...

Tanya: 6 years old? Attagirl. And as for the rest of you three, where is your daddy?

All 3: At work...

Tanya: Cool... and what about Mommy? Is she at work too?

Bitch 1/2: Yes

Bitch 3: Mine is a stay at home mom.

Tanya: So you three came here all by yourself?

All-3: *nods*

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*Los los los! Plays*


She did the same thing they were doing to Zoe and she was still crying while Tanya was just enjoying it!

Bitch-3: *screams as a couple of her bones were cracking*

Bitch-2: Stop! Stop! *sand got thrown in her eyes*

Bitch-1: MOMMY!

Tanya: If I ever see you three bully a young girl again, I will kill you! You got that?!

All 3: *nods and cries*

Tanya: Good, now delete that video and get your thottie loose pussy asses out of here before I make it worse!  And if I ever see you again, you should already no the answer to that..Now out of my face!

The three girls ran away crying and Zoe was still on the floor.

*Music stops*

Zoe: *tears were still flowing down*

Tanya: Hey. Little one, are you ok?

Zoe: *looks up and whimpers*

Tanya: Hey, you're ok. *holds her hand and helps her stand* I take it you're Zoe?

Zoe: *nods and wipes tears*...

Tanya: Are you scared of me?

Zoe: *nods*

Tanya: Well Don't Be. You have nothing to fear from me. They did a number on you didn't they? *took her to her van* Don't worry, I got a friend that can patch your wounds up real good. But first do you want to get some ice cream?

Zoe: *nods and slightly smiles*

Tanya: Ok. *walks to car and placed her in the front* Seatbelt, put it on.

And she did. They passed the ice cream shop and went straight for Tsukiko manor and the rest is history.

*present day*

Amaya: You're not much of a talker are you?

Zoe: Mm..Mm.

Tanya: Here. *gave her the exact stuffed bear that was ripped apart but is good as new* I made it just for you.

Zoe: *hugs it and smiles*

Amaya: Let's do something about those wounds..Tanya, restrain your new friend. *grabbed a needle and pink and purple liquid was inside of it*

Zoe: *tried to run but got held by Tanya*

Tanya: I'm sorry, Zoe but.. You'll be serving us now.

Amaya: Hold still..*sticks it in her arm and laughter was heard*

?: Hehe haha!

Amaya: Say hello to your new friend!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*Kill la Kill: Nui Harime theme plays*

(Goji's gonna kill me for this! I don't own this character. Nui Harime And Kill La Kill are owned by Studio Trigger, Hiroyuki Imaishi, And Ryō Akizuki)

Zoe: A..May..A. Amaya. Tsukiko..Must...Kill.

Nui: Sense Lady Ragyo has kicked the bucket, I'll be more then happy to assist you little one! Let's see how much blood we can shed! And that Amaya girl, she reminds me of Ragyo.

Zoe: *raised her hand and points at one of the guards*

Guard: Huh? AAAH!! *felt a shock in his body and was turned into a doll*

Amaya: Oh, my me! She can turn people into toys? That is actually pretty fitting, maybe because she's so adorable. Now then! Zoe Hiraki! It's nap time for you now. But let's get you to rest. *puts her to sleep* Good night little one.

Zoe: *went to sleep*...Mommy...Amaya...

*timeskip brought to you by Chibi Tanya and Zoe eating ice cream. Also by Chibi Tanya shooting the FBI agents, and William watching in the distance*

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*Hunter X Hunter: Hegemony of the Food Chain*

Adam and Karin are fighting each other in a forest and they reflected every attack they threw at them.

Karin: *shoots her arrows at Adam but her arrows got burned*

Adam: *reflects them while they were burning* Here you go!

Adam: *shoots black fire from his hands* I have to admit she's a very skilled marksman. She relies mostly on strategy. Who needs that type of shit anyway, when I can use brute strength!  *fires rapid black fireballs*

Karin: *dodges his attacks* This is pointless for you to try and beat me. In case you haven't noticed I have a goddess on my side.

Artemis: You will not strike me with weak primitive attacks, mortal! *shoots her arrow and it lights up*

Adam: I know, but that don't mean jack shit! *knocked her into the trees* Like I said, I don't give a fuck if your a goddess. *punched her so hard two of her teeth popped out of her mouth* That's not it! *face got burned too*

Artemis: bratty little runt, isn't he? *knocked him back*

Adam was flying back wards and was knocked into a tree.

Karin: *puts on brass knuckles and rapidly punched him* Take this! *punched him again but was knocked on the ground*

Adam: You slut! *was preparing for another fireball but sucked up the trees around it* Heheh! *fireball got bigger and was about to launch it* Ashes To Ashes!

William: That's Enough! *kicks the fireball away as it went to the sky and exploded* I will no longer suffer for your intolerant behavior.

Karin/Adam/Artemis: *looks at William*

William: Now then. It seems that we are at an impasse.

Adam: Oh come on, are you serious? I was just getting ready to turn her into a flambé.

William: You could have gotten people killed! Control your temper.

Karin: Yeah, listen to your boyfriend!

Adam: Why you-*got restrained by William's magic*

William: COOL IT!

Artemis: Oh William, my lovely adorable Hunter, I understand that you want us to stop fighting, but that does not mean that I'll stop trying to take you back to Olympus with me. But before I do that I have to ask. Why have you come to this world? What do you hope to gain from these mortals? Why leave us?

Karin: Why are you being an unreasonable bounty?

William: Isn't it obvious, I came here because not only do I need a break from you girls, apologies that was mean.

Artemis: For you, I'll let it slide. However for swinging your fist at me, I think you do require punishment.

William: I don't remember you touching me?

Artemis: I know~

William: *sighs* Why...Anyway, It's because this world, is almost at the brink of extinction. I'm helping a boy named Jamboree Ryken. He has obtained God given powers, as well as the rest of his friends. They're a bit more supernatural.

Karin: Jamboree Ryken? The one with the 希望 kanji?

William: Yes, how did you-

Karin: *has a list of people his mother wanted dead or collected for bounty* I was his mother's bounty hunter.

Artemis: But all formalities aside. who is the demon that we must slay?

Karin: What?

Artemis: *sighs* Who do we have to kill?

William: Amaya Tsukiko.

Karin: That bitch... Her father was my bounty, he was wanted for drug trafficking and people had hired me to injure him and bring him into the city so that he may be trialed by a jury of his peers which by the way they aren't because justice is bullshit! But that was a bust. I guess it's a story for another time.

Artemis: As valid as that reason is, you shouldn't run away from the people who love you. That hurt me Y'know, *walked closer to him and trapped him in with her hands on a wall* so I need something in return.

Adam: I don't like where this is going..*gets a fireball ready*

William: *sighs* What do you want?

Artemis: OK rude. #1. I'll allow you to stay in this world for the time being, but only if I can live with you. I'm sorry, Karin and I have to live with you.

Adam: *increases the heat and darkness in the ball*

William: I don't see other options so why not. There's plenty of room in my apartment, and what's your second reason?

Artemis: I demand satisfaction from you. I want us to become one. I'm feeling rather tired of the "virgin" title. And In other words, I want to be intimate with you, and who knows, *whispers* perhaps start a family. *kissed him* So how about it? Will you do that for me?

William: Hmm Hmm. Tsk...K, bye! *warps back to the apartment*

Karin: Was that a yes?

Artemis: Heh, it wasn't a no~.

Adam: THAT'S IT! *throws the fire ball*

Karin: Oh that's it! *shoots the crossbow and arrows exploded with the fireballs*

William: *facepalms* This is gonna be a long day... *stops the fight and held both of them in place* I don't care... You too don't have to like each other but for God's sake, will you stop fighting?

Karin: Hmph..Fine.

Adam: *sighs* Alright..

William: *nods* Good.

*Timeskip brought to you by Chibi William, Adam, Karin, and Artemis playing Dad of Boi-I mean God of War. Also by a Chibi Jamboree and Hana hanging out*

It was 10:00 Jamboree wakes up and got ready for the day. He had plans with someone, question is who? But while he was getting ready, Kai was talking to him.

Kai: Ever thought about getting a job?

Jamboree: Oh sure let me get to that with all the millions I already have.

Kai: Are you sure your friends haven't blown it already?

Jamboree: They got money of their own.

Kai: How much?

Jamboree: As much as I hate saying this, but it was enough to fuck your sister with.

Kai: *breathes in and slaps him* I know you don't love her, don't mention her name.

Jamboree: God, I was joking geez!

Dan: Talking to your soul again, master Jamboree?

Jamboree: Yes. Hello to you too, Dan. *fist bumps him*

Dan: *returns it*

Jamboree: *brushes hair and teeth*

Rocky: Nice, nice. Very Nice Jamboree!

Jamboree: What?

Walter: Son, if you're gonna go somewhere with a lady you gotta look amazing.

Jamboree: Dad, you're not exactly a man of fashion yourself.. One day during your birthday, you wore your underwear and a horse mask while doing the gangam style, and when mom said what the fuck are you doing you said this is what kids are wearing.

Walter: I swear I'm gonna kill Elena whenever Rocky visits Janai.

Dan: You sure look dapper, master. What's the occasion?

Jamboree: I have plans with someone today.

Dan: One of the girls?

Rocky: By yourself?

Spiral: Training with William?

Jamboree: Ok...But if I tell you, promise you won't tell the others. Don't want them Yan-Mode..*opens the basement door and it revealed* You can come out now.


Hana: Hello to you to, Steven.

Spiral: WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE?! You trying to kill us? Oh it is on! I WILL CHEW YOU UP AGAIN GIRL! *ghoul eye activates*

Rocky: Yo. You hurt him?! *got into fighting stance and hands were shocking*

Hana: Relax, Steven. It's all in the past. *ruffles his hair* I'm no longer a threat to you. William dispelled that evil from me. I'm back to normal. And as for Jamboree, *blushed* He and I are just hanging out.

Dan: So you're not gonna go batshit insane, tie him up and bring him to bitch tits right?

Hana: If I were planning to tie him up I could've at least taken him out to dinner first. Although..*hugs Jamboree* The dessert is always better. *traced lines on his chest*

Jamboree: Uh huh...

Spiral: Whatever. Just don't do anything crazy. And if you think about spelling off any other information to Amaya, I will end you!

Hana: I will slice your head off and put it on my fireplace if you Dare lay a hand on me.

Spiral: Is that a fact?

Hana: It is a fact, jack!

And like every other anime cliche, lightning was between their heads.

Jamboree: Enough, you two! Come on, Hana. Let's go.

Hana: Later.

They both held hands and left the house. While they were getting in the car, Dan was watching In the distance.

Dan: Hmmm..I don't know about her.. It may be something more than that... I better follow him..*turns into a puff of smoke and disappears*

Rocky: Well now that we're alone-

Spiral: Not now. *plays God of War*

Rocky: Aw, you're no fun.

However while the boys were talking...a certain mage was listening in his closet.

Kanako: You're watching your love go out with her?

Lazuli: Oh maliciously!

Kanako: Bitchin' let's do it! *brought some soda and booze*

Lazuli: *opens up her grimoire and watches Jamboree* Give me a show my love. You'll get your punishment later.

Kanako: Lovely Lazuli. Name of a beautiful gemstone, strength of a mountain!

*Final timeskip Seriously!*

Jamboree and Hana were walking on a boardwalk and started enjoying themselves. They started with going on a roller coaster, and Hana was close to throwing up, and Jamboree brought a bag for her to puke in. Hana and Jamboree also went to see Deadpool 2.

Juggernaut: "I'm gonna rip you in half now"

Deadpool: "That is such a juggernaut thing to say!"

Jamboree: OH! OH! He actually did it!

Hana: He was right! That is a juggernaut thing to say! *laughs*

After the movie they went out of the theater, Hana was leaning in close to Jamboree's face but was interrupted by a flame in between them. And when he saw the man who did it he was mad!


Dan: I'm being your third wheel. Every couple Needs one especially a best friend who's going out with his date. I mean you two are going out on a date are you?

Jamboree/Hana: NO WE AREN'T!

Hana: And for the record we aren't a couple. Besides it's not like I like him or anything, We are just on a  friendly outing. Nothing more, you stupid idiot.

Jamboree: You're a very stupid idiot. On God You are.

Dan: Fuck you... Fuck you both.

Jamboree: So What do you want to do now?

Hana: Oh! Let's go to a club!

Jamboree: But we're not 21.

Hana: *opens her sketchbook and draws three cards and they were..*

Dan: Fake Id's?

Hana: Did you already forget about my power? Whatever I draw comes to life.

Jamboree: Well What are we waiting for? Let's do it!

They showed the bouncer their ID's and they were granted access. It was crazy inside the club's dance floor. A lot of people were fighting, puking at a bar and dancing. It was pure awesomeness they thought and got ready to dance as well. But then a certain song played. One that makes you walk..Was it an American? Middle eastern? No it was..

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*Walk Like an Egyptian-The Bangles play*

Hana: Oh I love this song! *dances to the path* Come on boys, Dance.

Jamboree: Heh, why not? *danced with Hana and sung a bit of the lyrics*

Jamboree was using his martial arts moves as his dance moves and Hana did a few Egyptian dances. Hana grabbed his hand and spun him around while flying.

Pothead: Whoa dude..I think I really am high. Those two righteous dudes are flying...awesome..

Pothead 2: Awesome indeed... pound it.

Random jock: Who dose that guy think he is? Dancing with a hottie like her? She should be dancing with me!

Valley Girl: They are,like totally, killing our vibe,. Like, we need to do something. They need to leave, like, now.

Jock: Yea! We should kick their asses!

Dan: I wouldn't do that if I were you. None of you will get nowhere near him.

Jock: Or what? You'll call the cops?

Dan: No I'll kick your ass from one side of this place and down the other!

Jock: Let's see you try it then. *pushed him*

Takiko: OH! YOU MADE DANNY-BOY MAD NOW! *charged up his flame*

Dan: 1st rule of Adam's training. Don't talk about Adam's training. 3rd rule, burn first..*hand bursts into flames* ASK QUESTIONS NEVER! *knocked the group of jocks back*

Jock: Um, we were just kidding go ahead and enjoy yourselves!

Dan: *flame goes out* Pathetic.

Jamboree: *dances while dodging a few attacks from the crowd*

Hana: *did the same*

They both were doing graceful moves and were dodging the blows faster than ultra instinct. And when one of the girls where trying to hit Hana, she accidentally hits her. Hana just shrugged it off and went back to dancing.

Bangles: 🎶Walk Like an Egyptian~🎶

Jamboree: That was awesome, Hana.

Hana: Yea!

Dan: You two were amazing. Maybe I misjudged you Hana. You can get down girl!

Hana: Thanks!

Jamboree: Let's get out of here. I'm bored.

Dan: Yeah, this place got boring anyway.

The trio walked out of the club and made it to the car. But they were unaware that a little kid was watching form inside a toy store. And that little kid was Zoe.

Zoe: Jamboree...Play date..Want...Dan...Big meanie...Hana...Meanie! Jamboree...Need...

Nui: Dan and Hana are going to be a bunch of menaces in the way of our mission. And it looks like little Zoe has found his play mate. Her permanent one at that. And..*licks lips* He's so...Oh! I am going to have so much fun cutting those two into pieces, like I did to a certain edgy girl's father! *has a fake innocent smile*

Zoe: Mi..Mission...Do..Need...Complete.. *had innocent smile* Zoe's play date..mine.

(A/N): I wasn't mad when you brought Yuno in the mix...I wasn't mad when you brought Eto, hell not even, Ayano...BUT NUI?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!

Amaya: Who's writing this?

(A/N): Bitch me!

Amaya:...I'm too tired to shock you today. I'm gonna take a nap, see you later.

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