Chapter 52: Brutal Bloody Brunettes: Clockwork Part 2

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Clockwork: *finished licking his eye but did the same to his face* Mm~. Did anyone ever tell you how good you taste? I wonder what other fluids you have in your body would taste like. However, just for reassurance, so that everyone knows you're mine... I'm gonna need to take one of your eyes! *grabs a knife from her holster and is about to slash it*

Jamboree: Kai! Get up!

Kai: *snores then woke up* Huh, wazuh? What are we dealin-HORY SHET!

Clockwork: This won't hurt much dear. *wounds her fist back* I love you, boy toy! *swung it forward but was stopped by a flaming axe?*

Clockwork got angry at what she saw but Jamboree got even more afraid because of what she saw. A flaming car came from the backwoods of the house and on top of the hood stood a flaming Jaylin Voorhees with a cocky grin on her face.

Clockwork: Ugh..You. *kissed him one more time* I'll be back dear. Better keep your eyes safe for Clocky~*knocks him out and jumps from the window with her knife in hands*

Jaylin: And that is how you make a bad ass entrance. *steps out of the hood and the sprinklers extinguished the flames* I expected you to come here, Clockwork.

Clockwork: Heh! The shed junkie of Crystal Lake! Hehe! What do I owe the pleasure of you being here? I hope you... I hope you...... Weren't planning to steal my man again!

Jaylin: Your man...hehe...are you kidding me?! *stomps on the ground and grabbed her machete while burning* YOU BROKE INTO MY HOUSE AND TRIED TO STEAL FROM ME. Oh and just so you know, you're stepping on a graveyard. The last person who broke into the house and try to take my love away was a copy of me, and I've buried her right where you're standing. And what do you know, she's going to have a new friend!

Clockwork: *cracks neck and the clock struck 12* Soon as the clock strikes 12... I send my victims to hell!!! *grabbed her knives and smiles*

Come on Crystal Slut! Make me cry!

Jaylin: *puts hand on mask and smiles* Oh bitch, I'm gonna do much more than that. *slides it and cuts her hand* Just so you know that I'm not fucking around. *wipes the blood on her face*

Thunder was rolling around them and Jamboree was still knocked out cold. The battle of the brunette killers had began, whose blood will be shed? Who will die?



They both rushed at each other and clashed their weapons.

Jaylin/Clockwork: I'm gOnNa EnJoY tHiS!

*Op-Sign-Flow(Cover By Nathan Sharp)*

*William's apartment*

Everyone in apartment were sound asleep well all except one. They heard a banging coming from the attic of the apartment.

Hana: What the devil is that noise?

Karin: We should check it out, Artemis.

Artemis: *snores* William~...*snores then woke up* Huh?

Karin: We gotta take care of something.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*Naruto Ost-The rain stops plays*

They went upstairs and saw Zoe with stuffed animals around her and she was kicking a pilar while blindfolded. And they were powerful kicks too.

Zoe: Turn Real...*spun around and turns the three dolls into real beings*

They begin to rush Zoe but she was beating them all up like a pro. And she ended up snapping one of the Doll's neck and ripped it's head off. She even punched through a teddy bear so hard the hand went through her.

Zoe: *does a war cry* GO BYE BYE!

Karin: Ok ending this...*shoots her cross bow at her but Zoe suddenly grabbed it and snapped it*

Zoe was about to punch Karin And the wind from the swing blew past her.

Karin: OK, I admit it! I drank all your grape juice because I thought it was so good the first time, and one time I tried on your bra because I wanted to see how it would look on me and I realized that it was a stupid idea because it snapped the minute I put it on! and I got slapped in the head by Artemis which is kind of what I deserved. And I recorded my Animal Planet show over your Pokémon tape. day because I don't feel like I'm losing my shows! And that time I use your teddy bear for target practice for when we are facing  one of the jamborees enemies! *cries* Please don't hurt me. I'm sorry!

Zoe: *takes blindfold off* Hm? What doing?

Karin: Uh...Wha?

Zoe: *sighs* Get up. *helps her up* Zoe won't hurt you... Not mad at you either...

Karin: Oh good...Abort! Abort!

Hana had a metal pipe in her hand but puts it down.

Hana: So if you aren't mad at Karin, who are you mad at?

Karin: That Meanie Amaya...Bad Girl, BAD GIRL! *keeps beating up toys*

Hana: *holds Zoe back* Zoe. Zoe...It's ok...It'll all be ok..

Artemis: I understand your anguish child but you cannot let that consume you and cloud your judgement.

Zoe: What if...she hurts...Zoe? Or..Any of you? Zoe wants*was crying*

Artemis: I promise you that it will never happen..*hugs Zoe* Not While I'm around. Ssh..It will be ok.

Karin: Yeah, Don't worry. We'll kill her, and we can go back to being happy.

Hana: I promise, it will all work out.


Artemis: Now go get some sleep. You'll wake up the neighbors. Mortals such as yourself need it.

Neighbor: Hey can you shut up?! I'm trying to sleep?!

(Yes the joke is back, Don't like it? Fight me!)


Then the whole neighborhood was in an uproar.

William: *woke up in his bed* Oh for the love of*snaps fingers*

The whole neighborhood went back to sleep and Artemis and Karin carried Zoe back to their room and fell asleep.

Zoe: Nighty night..

Artemis: *kissed her forehead* Night.

Karin: You're good with kids.

Artemis: Mortal..You haven't seen half of it. I am the goddess of childbirth after all.

William: that's better. *goes back to sleep* 'I'll be training them tomorrow. Then we might visit Jamboree. It feels weird not having a threat. But I fear that something bad will come'

While they were sleeping, five figures were watching in a distance.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*Dark piano-Hate*
Sally: We meet again, Zoe!

?: Hey Sally, can I kill them now?

Sally: Easy, Liu. Your time to strike will come.

Name: Liu Woods
Nickname: Homicidal Liu

Liu: Look, I don't give a fuck! I want to kill them now! Especially the head honcho. Adam was it? Yeah, I'll go for him! I bet he's as arrogant as my own brother.

?: I'll give that blondie bitch a new shade of red.

Name: Helen Otis
Nickname: Bloody Painter.

Sally: Same with you Helen. Me and Zoe have a personal play date. A very personal..*licks knife* Play date~

?: But how long must we wait...I'm getting bored. How about I just control you and get it over with?

Name: Johnathan Blake
Nickname: The Puppeteer.

Sally: How about fuck you. Since Clocky is busy killing Jaylin, we have to kill the rest of his worthless friends. I'll go to Zoe, and have a little fun with her. You'll feed off of her despair, Puppeteer, and then we both shall finish her off.

Puppeteer: Ah, I see. But how do we know for sure that this will work?

Sally: Oh, it will, it has to!

Puppeteer: You girls lately have wanted nothing more then to capture that Jamboree kid. You crave him, since you were fawning over him last time.

?: But seriously though that William kid seems like trouble and so does Karin and Hana. Regrettably we have to stay clear of those three.

Sally: Oh that's quite alright. Spoken like a true puss. When Slenda found you, were your balls still in tact? I don't care if you are afraid. You are going to kill those three and that's final! Anyway you have Adam, Judge Angels

Judge Angels: I understand Sally...William. What a soul, his judgement is now upon him! His sentence to death was long overdue! As well as the Mercenary, Karin! Then after that, we'll swipe our main prize right?

Sally: Yes, Jamboree. All the girls are goin Gaga for him. As am I. I believe it's time for the attack! Let's hide in the shadows and give them what they deserve... 'You're all mine soon Jamboree Ryken!'

However they were unaware that inside the apartment Willam was smirking.

William: They have no idea who we are!

*timeskip brought to you by Chibi William on top of the bodies, also by Chibi Clockwork and Jaylin fighting*

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*Mystery Skulls-Losing my Mind!*

Jaylin and Clockwork were now swinging their blades at each other. Jaylin grabs Clockwork by the hair and throws her up into the air and bicycle kicks her to the wall. She then ran to her with the Ax in her hand but Clockwork blocks it!

Jaylin: It doesn't matter how's many of you fakers throw at me, you're all the fuckin same!

Clockwork felt her arms getting weak and head-butts her causing Jaylin to fall to the ground.

Clockwork: Just so you know I'm not like Jeff or Jane! And besides I'm the most prettiest girl whoever talked to you, let alone fight you! *ran to her*

Jaylin:You're right, *stands up* you do have a rocking body but can your words back up your actions?! *slashed her body and went for a punch*

Clockwork: *sidesteps out of the way* You're so predictable, Shed Junkie! *grabbed her by the head and slams her on the floor* That was too easy. I'll hurry up and make this quick so that I can take my love's eye!

Jaylin: *got up and ran to her* Why do you want his eye?

Clockwork: The answer to that is quite simple! His power mixed with this clock and adrenaline, I'll be un-fucking-stoppable! *grabbed her head and slams her head against a tree* He's my boy toy and i'll do what it takes to get what I want! *stabs her*

Jaylin: *got the knives out and yanked her by the hair* Predict this!

She puts her knee in her stomach while Clockwork was coughing up blood, then she lifts her up on her back!

Jaylin: *fake Russian accent* I break you now!

Clockwork: Wait What are you talking about?!

Jaylin got on one knee and she brought Clockwork down and ends up breaking her spine! Clockwork lets out an inhumane scream then Jaylin laughed.

Clockwork: *screams* YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY?!

Jaylin: The way I see it...*slams her on the ground* yes, yes I do. You hear that, you fucking posers! Your valiant "heroine" has bit the dust! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Now to spend time with my lovely adorable...*sensed something* baby?

Clockwork: Well...It's not as funny...AS YOUR FACE WHEN YOU SEE THIS!!

*back at Slender mansion*
Jeff: Hehe! I knew it! Clockwork is gonna lose! She broke her back meaning that she might die!

Jane: Oh? Well,that's just one...What about 2-11?

*cuts back to Jaylin*

Jaylin: *confused* Come again?

Clockwork smiled, and surprisingly stood up.

(Yeah like that)
Clockwork: You dun goof'd!

Jaylin: How in the skull fucking soul burning hell did you survive that?!

Clockwork: Fuck you, that's how! *cracks spine and looks at Jaylin* Aw, what's wrong? Where's that raging fighting spirit you were showing before?! ARE YOU AFRAID?! *ran to her with knives still in hands* Admit you bitch! You're afraid of me!

Jaylin saw what she was planning and decided to come up with one herself. She ran to the garage and grabbed a familiar weapon. It was a memento left behind. It was Lilith's chainsaw.

*Flashbacks before the infiltration to the gust corporation*

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*Man of the World-Naruto ost*

Lilith: Listen, Jaylin. Worst comes to worst, if I die a tragic death or something, I want you to have my chainsaw.

Jaylin: You sure? I mean that weapon is your baby.

Lilith: Jaylin, though it's true that you're weapon is your best friend, it can also be your enemy. And besides, that alone doesn't make you a true strong woman, *points to chest* this does.

Jaylin: My breasts?

Lilith: No, your heart. Strength in heart prevails all, the stronger the heart, the powerful you are. Now put your hand on my chainsaw.

Jaylin: *does it*

Lilith: and close your eyes.

Jaylin: *closed them*

Lilith: Through strength love and courage, in this dark cruel world we're living in. My soul is with you, now and always!

The chainsaw glows and so did Lilith's body.

Jaylin: What did you do?

Lilith: I put a little bit of me inside this chainsaw. Just a reminder that, I'll be with you guys. Alive or dead. *smiles brightly*

Jaylin: *had tears flowing from eyes and hugs Lilith*

*cuts to the tragedy*

Jaylin: GET OFF OF ME! Lilith, Damn it! Why did you have to jinx it?! Why did you leave me with this damn chainsaw! You knew you were gonna die, and yet you had to play the tragic hero!! *lifts up the debris from the destruction* I'll find you, Lilith, I'll dig you up! *was crying but saw something glow* What the?!

The glowing object was Lilith's chainsaw and a voiced told something familiar to her

'My soul is with you, now and always'
*Cuts back to Jaylin*

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*Living Dead Girl-Rob Zombie*

Jaylin ran to Clockwork and dodged her knife swings, then when she saw the perfect moment she went behind her and dug the blade deep into her back.

Clockwork: YEAH! That's better! But NOW what?!

Jaylin: You should split. *pulls the cord and raised the blade up slowly and Clockwork was screaming but she managed to slide out of it* SON OF A WHORE!

Clockwork: *sighs and stitched up her wounds and kicks her down a wall* THANK YOU JAYLIN! *felt her energy rise* My adrenaline is feeling incredible!!

While this was happening someone's watching from the distance but he was ticking.

?: O-Ooh, N-Nice. Y-Your A-adrenaline H-has K-kicked in, but what shall you use!

Clockwork: Get ready, Crystal Whore! Here's a Clockwork Origin!

Jaylin: Huh?

Clockwork grabs Jaylin's head and twists it all the way around.

Jaylin: *screams in pain*

Clockwork: I haven't even gotten to the fun part yet and you're already screaming?! God, I knew you were weak! I don't know what my boy toy ever saw in a worthless ugly sagging shed junkie like you!

She then kicks her to the floor and slashed her body and the cuts formed a x and blood gushed from it and Jaylin's eyes went white. Then her body fell on the floor and it just laid there unconscious.

Clockwork: *laughs* Look who's predictable now? Didn't see that one did you bitch?! MY BOY TOY IS MINE! MINE MINE MINE!

Clockwork: 🎶I killed Jaylin, I killed Jaylin, ha ha ha ha ha ha🎶 FUCKING BITCH! *kicks her in the face and it snapped her neck*

*cuts to the mansion*

Jane: Well it looks like I was right and you were wrong! *snatched 200 dollars from Jeff's wallet* Bitch!

?: N-Nice d-display, Clockwork. T-Time t-to r-report t-this to the mansion.

Clockwork: Now then, time to steal what is rightfully m-*got grabbed by someone* Huh?

Jaylin: *stood up and turns her neck all the way around* GOTCHA BITCH! *gave her a strong ass punch* YoU jUsT mAdE Me, HaTe yOu EvEn MoRe!

Clockwork: Damn you. I knew you would be difficult. Which is why I am doing this! *pulls out a thread from her body and Adrenaline kept on increasing* I'M READY FOR MORE BITCH!

Jaylin: How the fuck are you getting so strong?!

Clockwork: *ran to her and whispers in her ear* Adrenaline bitch~.

Clockwork's power-Adrenaline. Clockwork rips out a stitch from her body sending a surge of Adrenaline through her body. This speeds her up and gives her a huge power boost. But only for a short amount of time making her previous attacks stronger and faster!


*cuts to Spiral's room*

Spiral woke up and sighs.

Spiral: I don't know why, but I think I'll kick Jaylin's ass tomorrow. Nah she'll kill me, Dan would be a good substitute.

Ayumo: Yeah. Let's just go back to sleep.

*cuts back to Jaylin*

Jaylin kept on dodging and blocking Clockwork's attacks as well slashing her a bit.

Clockwork: I'm surprised, you were able to survive this long! *got sliced in her stomach* What!

Jaylin: Say goodbye! *punched her straight through her chest and had her heart in her hand* Any last words?

Clockwork: *cough up a lot of blood and laughed* MORE ARE COMING FOR HIM, WE're not giving up! Jamboree WILL be mine! WE WILL HAVE HIM ALL FOR OURSELVES! *looked behind her and saw a portal open up* Right on time, *pushes her off and gave her a scar on her neck*. Get my boy toy..*coughs* while your at it, *faints and was still laughing*

The black tentacle tried to grab Jamboree but it was cut in half by Jaylin's ax and Clockwork was dragged back into the portal. Status-Tactical Retreat! The portal went away, and even though she didn't actually kill her, Jaylin knew...she'd won.

Jaylin: Yes! My baby is safe for another day. Which means...*grins crazily and ran into the house and into the bathroom*

She removed her pants and began to put something on her. Then she grabbed a gag from the bag and ran into Jamboree's room. He was still knocked out. 'Perfect' she thought as she slowly crept on the side of his bed and licked her lips. She slapped him with just enough force to wake him up!

Jamboree: Huh?! Oh hey, Jaylin. What's up?

Jaylin: The underpants...lose them.

Jamboree: Um...It's a bit late at night for some sex...

Jaylin: TaKe ThEm OfF!

Jamboree: Yeah ok...

He sacredly removed his underwear and began to experience fear as he saw something between her legs..

Jamboree: Babe...What the hell is that?!

Jaylin: I want to try something...I want you to know how it feels..+•*rips her pants off* When your back is arched up against the wall! *grabbed him by the feet and arched his ass up* Just so you know, it's just a sex toy. Don't you worry about a thing, my sweet precious little baby. *bit his ear* I'll be gentle. From beginning to end..

*cuts to Slenda Mansion*

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*Dark Piano-Psycho plays*
There was an awkward silence between Jane and Jeff as they were on the phone with each other.


Jeff: Hehe...

Jane: *gets angry and grits teeth*

Jeff:...Say it!

Jane: Fuck you!

Jeff: Not in a million years, but after you say it!

Jane: You're really gonna force me on this?

Jeff: I was fully erect a moment ago...I am nearing my climax! I need to hear this!!


Jeff: *made a perverted noise and got wet under*


Jeff: *sighs* Houston, we have zero problems! *got outside of the bathroom and walks into the living room but was stoped by him*

H-Hello J-Jeffery

*cuts to Jamboree on the couch wrapped up in a blanket drinking coffee*

Dan: What happened to you?!

Jamboree: Go away Dan. I had a rough night...

Spiral: *walks in and saw the state Jamboree was in* Hey bud...What's wrong...

Jamboree: *tears up* Last night...Jaylin was..The man! *was crying*

Spiral: Same...well. See you later dude. *ruffles hair*

Kai: *walked to Jamboree all messed up too and sighs* Fuck.

Jamboree: *cries louder*

Kai: Ugh...*screams* FUCK! FUUUCK! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh...Oh,.


Kai: That was seriously fucked up, she rammed him hard! It's supposed to be the other way around! So you think that this is a curse?!


Kai: *screams and cried again*

Jamboree: *looks at hands* Look at my hands, Kai. Look at this shit!

Kai: Why do you, keep doing this to us?!

Jamboree: I don't know, Kai. Maybe I was born with this, maybe it's your sister's fault, I deserve this? I-I don't know!

Kai: *screamed one last time*

Jamboree:...We need a break...*wipes tears* And I know just what we need to do.

*Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Jamboree hiding in a cardboard box*

Toby: boys, and Jack..

Jack: Go fuck yourself.

Toby: I g-got a c-crazy i-idea. O-Only q-question i-is..a-are y-you  in on t-this? 

Jeff: What is it, Toby?

Toby: J-Jaylin is busy doing battle C-Clocky, so we shall h-have the great honor of t-taking J-Jamboree R-Ryken!

Jeff: What are you, fuckin gay?

Toby: What? No! G-God no, why would you, no! I think he's cool but not like that.

?: *comes out of tv* Are we talking bout kidnapping someone?! If so I'm in!

Toby: The more, the merrier, Benny boi!

Name: Ben drowned

Ben: Nah...Don't you ever say that shit again. Don't you ever say that shit, mater fact, go outside. We're throwing hands!

Toby: WELL L-LET'S DO IT THEN! *went to attack him*

We may be savages but at least keep this place classy!

Jeff: *sighs* Yes...Slenda... Chill out.

Ben: *sighs* Fine... 'Why is our boss a woman, not that I have a problem'

?: While all this is good, Do we get to eat something on this crusade? Say, I don't know blood wise?

Jeff: Hehe Oh course Jack. Once we're done with the opponents, go fuckin nuts with your meal!


Toby: Then it's official. Time for a gore fest! *smiles under mask*


Toby: By the way, Jeff, how is your brother Liu?

Jeff: Oh him...I...I don't talk about him... to be honest, I kind of fear for him. Who know's What the hell's going on in that head of his?

Jeff: But enough of that fucker, let's do what we plan to do!

As they were about to head to the door, they were stopped by Clockwork.

Clockwork: And where are you dunces going?

Toby: F-Finishing doing what y-you c-cannot! *smiles* Do not worry, we simply wish to 'talk' with J-Jamboree. Am I right boys?

Jack: *nods*

Toby: So if you'll excuse us, we'll be going. *got hand stabbed by Clockwork*

Clockwork: You hurt a single shred of hair on my boy toy's head, I will kill you. *got knife out of hand* Your lucky you can't feel pain. Now get out!

Toby: Y-Yes ma'am... 'Bitch you don't scare me!'

Jeff: 'Clockwork seems determined on getting Jamboree...what is about this kid that makes him so attractive to them? It's unreal!'

They went to their car and drove off from the mansion.

*cuts to William's apartment*

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*Combichrist: Pull the pin plays*

Zoe is sound asleep and holding her teddy bear stuffy. However she was woken up by a familiar presence.

Sally: Zoe~... oh Zoe~. Wake up~.

Zoe: *opens eyes and jumped* S-Sally! What doing here?!

Sally: Aw, still the same adorable little Zoe. I just came by to play with you again...I missed you Zoe.

Zoe: *crawled away* Mm mm! You mean! You mean! Go away!

Sally: Go away...That's not something nice you say to friend Now is it?! *crawled to her* I always get what I want, that includes spending a little bit of time with my best friend!

Zoe was backed into the closet but was bound by something or someone!

Zoe: Zoe..why can't..Zoe move?! *cries and screamed for help*

Sally: shut up. No one's coming to save you. *grabbed her face* Now then, little Zoe..*grabs her knife* It's play time!

Zoe: *screams for help*

Hana and Karin woke up to her scream and ran to her room but it was blocked by a knife.

Helen: Uh oh, did I throw that? I guess I did. Sally and Zoe are in the middle of playtime and I will not let you interrupt them. The innocence of child's play is beautiful is it not?!

Hana: You must be those creepy pastas Jamboree was talking about! *grabbed her book and brush*

Karin: Hmph. *readies crossbow* Get our of our way!

Helen: Well then...I guess we have to fight... *grabs knife and ran to then* Come on!

Adam: *woke up to a sword at his neck* WHAT THE HELL?!

Judge Angels: WELCOME TO YOUR JUDGEMENT DAY, BITCH! *swung her sword but was dodged by Adam*

Adam: Try harder bitch! *threw a giant fire ball at her and knocked her back* You two! explain now!

Artemis: It would seem that these sinful evil heathens have invaded our sanctum and are now preparing for our execution!

Adam: Short version please?

Karin: Bad scary people broke into our home and are now trying to fucking kill us.

Artemis: Yes, precisely.

Helen: You know you two are just waisting time talking, you know.


Adam: GLADLY! *rushed to her*

Karin: We need a plan first you idiot! *rushed to the both of them*

Hana: I guess it's just you and me? The bloody painter I presume?

Helen: Correct, And I'll remember your name as I carve it on your tombstone! *ran to Hana and began to slash but was parried by Thoth*

Thoth: How dare you strike her, mortal?! *hits him with his staff*

Helen: Hehe! Try harder than that. A LOT HARDER!

Hana: *drew a staff* Yes! *grabbed the staff and got into a fighting stance*

Helen: You think a little stick while save you from me?! *swung it down at Hana and blocked it back at him*

*cuts to William meditating in the woods*

William: *sighs and closed his book* I knew you'd be here, Liu Woods!

Liu: Is it true that you've got my brother, Jeff?

William: Yes...You here out of revenge? Pity?

Liu: Neither, I came here to kill all those close to Jamboree Ryken! Starting with you! *rushed to him with knife in hands*

William: I see, you act without thinking too? You're just like Jeff.

Liu: Oh I...can assure you that I am...nothing like my brother

*cuts to Amaya*

Amaya: I felt like this was a tad bit rushed and if it is, me and the author apologized. Anyway. They better get the job done because if not...there will be fatalities...several fatalities. Anyway the author is asleep so see you next chapter.

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