Chapter 54: Boys Night Out-Jeff, Jack, Ben, Toby

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*Dark Rebirth plays*
One night at slender mansion, Sally walked into the library and there was the devil herself reading a book. And she was on her laptop looking at the Yelp reviews and the rotten tomatoes she had for the Slender Man movie.

Slenda: I am disappointed with that performance...Sally... What is it?

Sally: It's Mistress Slenda... 'what is this feeling... And why do I feel every time I'm around her... I see no reason to be afraid of her and yet I am! Just looking at her is enough to put chills down my spine'

Slenda: *closed her book* I won't ask you again. What is it... Don't make me stick a tentacle up your-

Slenda: Or I'll be forced to punish you.

Sally: I just came by to update you about something. We have officially cut our pact with Amaya Tsukiko.

Slenda: And your point is?

Sally: Homicidal Liu, Judge Angels, the puppeteer, and the bloody painter have all been defeated by a group of people who are not exactly human. Clockwork has been defeated by Jaylin as well as Jane and Jeff.

Slenda: I see, and where does that leave you?  Jeff and Jane carried out their mission  quite well.

Sally: I-

Slenda:  It seems you've misunderstood my question, I want to know what you're going to do. You seem to be rather caught off guard, I simply wish to know when you're going to kill them, and finally capture that boy so I can make him into one of my proxies, and my lover.

Sally: *was now shaking*

Slenda: While it's true you have pledged your loyalty to me, you have yet to adequately prove yourself in battle! In this day and age, any simpleton would leave out information for me, but you have yet to bring up your metal to the fight, for you to commit your end of the bargain! Twice you failed me, and here you are again crawling back.

Black tentacles grabbed her and Slenda, despite the fact that she has no eyes mouth or face in general, was giving her a death glare. Sally was gripping to her teddy bear and Slenda pulled an eye ball from it and crushed it in front of her. 

Slenda: However I can't stay mad at you forever because you did fight in your last two turns. The others have been hospitalized but you, you stayed strong regardless of your stature and of your abilities. *puts her down and went back to reading* Now there is nothing else, run along and destroy my enemies. For I am ill-equipped to fight them all at once, fight on my behalf. Failure to do so will result in your untimely demise.

Sally then grabbed her knife from her Teddy Bear and gripped it.

Sally: ' as if threats are going to make me roll over and do whatever you want, on your behalf my ass! I'm no fool, I'm smart enough to be  with whoever strongest! I don't give a shit who or what!  And the strongest right now is me! Everything you've said to me was nothing but lip service, no way in hell did I promise you my undying loyalty! Store mannequin you're not so tough are you! *gripped her knife* I almost feel sorry for you, I guess being a big star in a movie made you go soft.  This is perfect, my love in the rest of his friends along with his whores don't need to fight the big boss, now that I have her in my crosshairs!' DIE SLUT! *swung it down couldn't*

Slenda: What's wrong Sally, you seem to be hesitating.

Sally: 'Come on, break out of your stupid fear! I'M ABOUT TO SPLATTER YOUR BLOOD ALL OVER THE FUCKIN FLOOR'

Slenda: Are you sure you really want to go through with stabbing me.

Sally: What?!

Slenda then reappeared behind of Sally.

(Warning, especially when you go to prison, when a tall woman, or man is behind you and tentacles sprout behind his or her back, or anything else that is long and Bendable, you know it's time to clench them cheeks)

Slenda: Fascinating, as you were up how to swing the knife, your breathing was relaxed, you were composed. Perhaps that was a revelation, a sign. A reminder of why you should not mess with the best of the best. Now then get out of my room before you get consequences. Other than that, very impressive Sally.

Sally: 'I don't understand, this doesn't make a lick of sense. Fast or not, I should have noticed her move! Even a human would've suspected something coming from behind. I guess this means I have no choice... I have to swear my undying loyalty to you...'

*Opening Song-Loser: Kenshi Yonezu*

Jamboree: Shit! Shit! Shit!


*cuts to Jamboree*
You're probably wondering how I ended up in this little predicament. It all started when I was watching the news.

News Reporter: The fall of the gust corporation is a mystery to everyone, if you know anyone who was involved in the disappearance of Shiva Gust, please contact the police.

NR2: In other news with slender man now in theaters, the rise the creepy pastas has never been more high. There have been multiple reports of arson, rape, murder, basically every crime we can think of. For more information please follow our social media. That is that o'clock news and we will see you tomorrow, have a good day.

Jamboree: *cuts tv off* How inaccurate the news is.

Suddenly, a gun was pulled on his head and he just sighed.

Janai: M-Make a move and...I put a b-bullet in your head!

Elena: It's a work in progress but pretty good. Also morning~

Jamboree: *gets gun out of her range* Planning a surprise attack on me?

Janai: *hops on the couch and hugged him* Sometimes you just have to expect the unexpected. I'm just using what your mommy taught me.

Elena: So what are you up to?

Jamboree: Just watching TV.

Elena: Kinda hard to do that when the TV is off now is it son?

Jamboree: Touché... Well I just want to sit by myself for a while give me some me time.

Janai: Not today because we have plans! *hugged him tighter* I need you to go to the lingerie store with me. I need protection.

Then Lazuli came out of nowhere and grabbed me.

Jamboree: Hi.

Lazuli: Jamboree, there's a new skate park that opened up, why don't you come with me, we'll have a hell of a time there! *puts him in a chokehold* Then after that we'll go to a bar. I still got the fake IDs that Hana made for us~ *kissed him while ruffling his hair*

Jamboree: Uh...

Niko then tackled him to the ground and was grinding against him.

Niko: My heat is acting up again~ Satisfy me will you? *clawed of his Jacket*

Jamboree: Hey! That was my favorite jacket!

Niko: Don't care! *drags him upstairs* And just for that we're gonna be going nonstop until I'm satisfied.

Janai: *shoots a blank at her* We already had plans! *swiped him* He's coming with me!

Lazuli: Legare!(Bind)

Niko And Janai were bound and grabbed Jamboree.

Lazuli: Sorry ladies, I already have him! *hugged something but it was pillow* After him! *undos the spell*

Jamboree: ' One day, just one day, I would like some space!' *was running through the halls and was inside of a closet*

Niko: Come out come out wherever you are. If not we're gonna punish you~ *sniffs the hallway and saw the closet door* FOUND YOU LOVE! *slash the door* Huh? *saw it was his jacket* Rats...

Jamboree was now in the shower washing of his cologne.

Jamboree: 'I need a break. Is this what William went through every time he has his girls around, or Y/N, God rest his soul. For once I wanna do something by myself... Or hang out with other guys, no Homo. Wait that's it! There are guys who live in my house. I'll just hang out with them! Good thinking brain and Kai!'

Kai/Brain: 'You're welcome'

He dried himself off and quickly ran to another closet.

Niko: *still sniffing* His scent has left the house. He's not here.

Lazuli: He left without us?! Unforgivable!

Janai: Let's go out and find him! *ran outside*

Jamboree: Luckily I know three bonehead friends who would definitely hang out with me.

*cuts to Dan*

Dan:  I'm telling you horses are superior animals!

Spiral: I find that hard to believe, Daniel.

Dan: What makes you so sure, Steven?

Spiral: Horse has many flaws. Sure it's long legs make up for speed, but we need to look more on the offensive style. Speed makes up for its defensive. If you wanna argue we can settle it on Tumblr.

Takiko: That boy smart. How come he doesn't always blow a fuse when Steven is around?

Ayumo: Yes but brains aren't everything my friend. Sure I'm the soul training a homosexual teenager but it has its own rewards I guess. *reading something* And because Dan knows not to break his mouth off to someone like him. Out of all the people in Jamboree's Harem, he is the most likable.

Takiko: I see.

Dan: You make a valid point Spiral.

Rocky: Yeah, and besides, everyone knows that lions are the kings of the beasts. If you had the strength of a lion, you'd be pretty hardcore. Excellent hunters, and they're the embodiment of courage, which you have none.

Walter: Oh that must've set him off.

Dan: The lion is so overrated. And I do have courage.

Walter: I guess not.

Rocky: Your face is overrated! And there you were the one who was running away crying when you had to fight Sally.

Dan: Ow, I'm so hurt. *sarcasm* And by the way that joke was old and speaking of old. Why do you still have a Nintendo 64? Name one person you know has that system anymore?

Rocky: I don't know, why do you still have your virginity? And between you and me vintage is better.

Dan: Oh so you like MILFs? Is that what you're trying to say?!

Rocky: At least I don't jack myself in the closet!

Spiral: Guys stop fighting. *ate a bag of chips*

Dan: Shut up Gaylord!

Rocky: Don't you talk to him like that!

Dan: Oh yeah and what are you gonna do about it?!

Before they were about to fight a hand pulled them inside the closet.

Dan: A closet. Perfect, no one will hear you scream!

Rocky: Why you!

Before they swung in their fists at each other.

Jamboree: Wow take it easy, Training practice isn't until 11:00 PM. I don't care who started what so stop with the argument.

Rocky: Oh Jamboree. What's going on why are you trapped in the closet?

Jamboree: Hiding from the girls. After the experiment me and Jaylin had the other night, I just thought that I needed a little bit of me time want space for myself that's all. Also I brought you guys here because, we haven't hung out in a long while. I was thinking we have a boys night. What do you think?

Rocky: As long as I'm not without that buffoon, I'll be happy to participate.

Dan: Who you calling a buffoon you silver haired dick muncher?!

Rocky: Cowardly asshole! *shoved him*

it turned into a full on fight. But that's when Jamboree and Spiral hits them both in the head.

Spiral: Stop it, both of you that is quite enough.

Rocky: But he-

Jamboree:I don't give a shit who started it. Both the two of you are ending it.

Spiral: Listen I know you both have your differences against each other, and we're at that age now that were prone to fisticuffs, however, just because you hate each other's guts doesn't mean you have to fight every five seconds! What point would prove that you're better than someone? I mean what the hell do you have to Hate each other for? Your brand of cologne? You're fighting style? What chair to sit in while we do everything?!

Dan: Well Jamboree, you don't make it so easy. He's always a jerk to me, and now he has Rocky to kiss his ass! Literally!

Rocky: Me? What about you?! I've been friends with him way longer than you have, you're just jealous that he has more fun with me than you!

Dan: You wanna go again Faggot?!

Rocky: I'm ready you punk bitch!

Jamboree: You're both a bunch of idiots! Now I see what's going on here, you're both young, you're both unsure of what your place in the world is, you all want to be jamborees favorite friend. I got a solution for that.

Dan: Well whatever it is, I hope it helps me come out the closet.

Rocky: *mutters* Well it's about damn time.

Dan: Fuck you.

Jamboree: See that that's what I mean, now come on we're going to my room.

All the boys went inside and sat down.

Jamboree: Now listen up both of you, I know you two think you're very different in the whole lot of ways, but as far as master Jamboree's concerned, you're both pieces of shit!

Spiral: Yeah. The constant paying you to do, we're not sure if you were different or the same, light or dark, potato pota-to. I can prove it mathematically. Both of us can, let me go get my whiteboard. This has been a long time coming anyway.

*timeskip brought to you by Chibi Dan and Rocky fighting while Jamboree was breaking them up, also to Chibi Spiral eating chips*

*cuts to William's Apartment*

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*The Pillows: Bran-new Love song*
Every room in the apartment was beaten up  broken. Everyone was recovering their injuries and we're just sitting down.

Adam: They went in my room... Nobody shouldn't be near 12 feet of my room!

Karin: My weapons!!  oh God I work so hard.... I can't look..*looks away*

Zoe: *grabbed a broom* Well... Place won't clean itself...

William: No need Zoe... Repair! *opens palm*

The whole apartment was back where it was and everything was returned to its original proper state.

Hana: Impressive.

William: Everyone come inside the living room I want to talk to you about something.

They did what William told them to do and went inside the living room. In there,  William discussed something very serious to them.

William: Everyone, I would like to apologize for my actions last night. That was the dark half of me. I won't go into further detail about it. Adam and Artemis knows too.

Adam: What you saw last night was the embodiment of Williams and your demons. Dark version. An r-rated movie. That William is a sadistic killing machine, with the instincts have a wild animal. And animal but refuses to be detained.

Artemis: Thanks to that darkness, countless universes and worlds had been scattered in the plague of hate and war and most of it led to its distractions. The only people who were standard other than me and Adam are the gods. And one day you  Karin and Hana, even jamboree, will have to face that evil very soon.

Hana: How?! How do you know for sure!

Adam: Tomorrow is not promised to any of us Blondie, and what if the world so happens to end tomorrow and it could be William's fault. Someone would have to step up and face that evil, and who knows it may be you.

Zoe: Wow...What about...Zoe?

Artemis: It's a matter of adults Zoe, you have nothing to do with his sins.

Zoe: I see... do you think I will ever get a soul?

Adam: Kid, we're not the ones who decide that. Who knows maybe a soul will come to you.

Karin: Or just do it I do, break into a museum grab the ancient relic which is supposed to be a key, read the fine print, hook it up to a God statue twisted watch the statue break in half and it'll come to you.

Hana: You broke into a museum?!

Karin: Some gang leaders were trying to steal something and I had to stop them, how was I supposed to know that they were stealing a key that unlocks gods?!

Artemis: And yet you did.

William: Are you guys finished?

All: Yes.

William: Yes! Because now I can give out some good news, I know this place is packed enough as it is but we have a new member joining us. She may be harsh first but I'm pretty sure she'll come to love you guys soon.

Artemis: Um, excuse me?! Who's the girl?

William: Artemis, you know her!

Karin: Oh wow! I can't wait to see.

Two men came from a portal and had a huge box. They were both wearing long black cloaks and looked extremely menacing.

Man: Master William, we have arrived. We have the guest you wanted. However she was a bit harder to detain. But as soon as she heard your name, she was able to listen to reason.

Hana: 'Are one of these guys the new members'

William: She's been a close friend of mine and she was very upset that I left to this dimension. Her kanji is the same as mine, and just like me it changes depending on whatever mood she's in.

Karin: Well, if it is true, I don't know why you're getting so worked up over it. And I don't understand why they needed this huge box. *walked closer to it*

Artemis: Don't get cocky Karin. This is not your typical run-of-the-mill opponent. You can't beat her.

Karin Opens the box covers but felt something wet on the covers of the box.

Karin: Ew what is this stuff?! *sniffs* Oh God it's piss!

Adam: Like Artemis said you can't beat her. Trust me I've tried many times. I almost want to kill the little bitch. Count your blessings that she's on our side.

Karin: Oh yeah, and where the hell do you get off making the rules? Don't forget my accomplishments on this little journey?

Adam: *sarcastically* Oh yeah, how could I forget. You beat up a group of mafiosos, and hospitalized the bloody painter, you're real hot shit, Karin! Won't want to run into you in the back end of a bowling alley!

Karin: That's right I'll kick your ass!

Zoe: What if she's another meanie...*went behind William* What if she hurts Zoe?

Karin: Oh come on! Why are you being so paranoid! Nothing bad will happen to you.

William: Yeah, don't worry about it, I think you'll love what you see. 'I hope..'

But then something came out of the box and charged at Karin. And it was...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*Shockwave And Xyron-Sodapop plays*

?: RAWRRR! *yowls and scratched her face*

Zoe: *gasps* Kitty!!

Hana: Don't tell me this cat is?

William: Mhm *smirks*

Name: Vixen
Occupation: Pet/Best Friend of William Penn. Sorceress
Kanji: 魔法の猫

William: Her name is Vixen. She suffered the same fate I suffered years ago. She's been my steadfast companion, but she doesn't take strangers too lightly though. And even though she doesn't look like it. She's really really strong! But sometimes when she sees someone she really hates she doesn't just scratched them she.

Vixen bites Karin on the nose, and Adam just facepalmed.

William: Bites them. It's pretty disrespectful.

Karin fell over and was pissed.

Karin: You little menace! I'll teach you to mess with me!!! Get off of me! *threw her on the ground but she lands*

Hana: Huh, cats do land on their feet.

Vixen: *meow*

Karin: What she just say to me? Oh you're just asking for an ass whooping aren't you?!

Zoe got out from her hiding place and went to meet Vixen. She was scared at first, but when she went to pet her, Vixen allowed her to do so. They both smiled at each other.

William: See, Zoe. Nothing to be afraid of. *walks to Vixen* Come here girl..*kneels down and she fell in his arms* It's ok. *baby-talks To her* She's a Bad Lady Isn't She? *rubs her head*

Vixen the nuzzles his neck and purrs.

Zoe: Confused...What happened... to William

Adam: This is the guy who destroyed universes everybody. Our god.

Hana: Dibs on not petting her without permission.

Vixen then smirked at Karin.

Vixen: Tonight...You... *points to her*

And the funny thing is only Karin heard that. 

Karin: Hey guys, what do you think she meant by that? Tonight, you?

Adam:  Who in the hell are you talking about, Karin?

Karin: The cat! She looked at me and said tonight, you. Like she's threatening me or something.

Hana: Karin, she's a cat.

Vixen hopped out of his arms and bathed herself.

Artemis: See?

Vixen: Yeah...I'm just a cat...*evil smirk*

Karin: *sighs* I must be imagining things. I've got to meet she is kind of cute.

William: Well I should probably put her in my room so she can rest. Come on now Vixen. *walked into his room*

But then Vixen talked to Karin, once again, only she could hear it.

Vixen: Remember... Tonight...

William: Vixen.

Vixen: *meows and ran to him*

Zoe: Cute kitten.

Hana: Yeah. I should've predicted something like this would happen. But I think that having both Vixen and William around, could lead to something greater than the situation. But I'm not gonna focus too much on the future and focus on now. I mean it's not like my predictions are precise anyway. Anything can happen.

*cuts to Jamboree*

Spiral: So in conclusion, you are both sensitive, emotional, clingy, arrogant embodiments of the human soul. And we can't even tell the two of you apart most of the time, because we don't go by high or age, we go by amount of pain in our asses!  And not in a sexual way, Rocky.

Jamboree: So is everyone clear now? Everyone certain about their place in my world?

Rocky/Dan: Yes...

Jamboree: Good, however this can change my mind, because if you can't like each other, then at least respect one another. You don't have to, but at least try to make some sort of agreement with each other. You both are my best friends, however if this sort of dysfunction continues in this group we're going to fail, and not only that, I'm kicking your asses out!

Walter: That's cutting deep son, that's cutting real deep.

Jamboree:I'm sorry Dad, but Rocky can't stay here, and neither can Dan, if they continue to behave like this.

Dan: Tsk.. I guess it won't hurt to get a little bit of understanding with him...

Rocky: I suppose I haven't been the best friend either... Fine. I'll do it. I'll try, but anything happens he better not expect any mercy for me.

Dan: Same.

Jamboree: Excellent, now that that's settled. Shall we get on with our boys night?


But then rapid knocks were coming  from Jamboree's door.

Niko: HE'S IN HERE! I CAN SMELL HIS INSATIABLE AROMA IN HERE! *was clawing through the door* Jambo-Chan...You should know better than to run from your beloved!

Jamboree: Oh shit. Everyone grab onto me!

The boys they were he said and jamboree warped out of the room. Niko sliced through the door and sniffed the entire room.

Niko: Rats. He got away.

Janai: Now What...

Lazuli: Want to sniff his dirty clothes?

Niko: HELL YEAH! *grabbed his hamper* This is going to be a fun night!

*cuts to the boys*

The boys are now currently outside and we're just now about to get inside his car. While they were getting inside the car four more figures were watching him.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


Jeff: Brother and his little posse were busy fighting William and the others. So I, Jeff the killer, shall be giving the great honor of finishing off Dan, Spiral, and Rocky. Their tenacity and fighting skills are a bit more off then mine. I have the advantage of stealth. I'm Basically the ninja the creepy pastas! I think I'll enjoy killing Dan!

Toby: J-J-Jamboree, I-I-I know the secret of your powers and of your soul. The brother of the woman who asked us to take you, but we betrayed her trust because we serve no one but Slenda! Jamboree, you live, but your soul shall be sent back to his g-g-grave!

Ben: Rocky Villers! You were one of the most top gaming champions back in 2016. I also know about your Facebook, your Wattpad, your Twitter, Instagram, everything you've done on the Internet and your gaming life. I am electricity incarnated, I am the Internet incarnated,. You have a chance in hell. You are next on the chopping block.

Jack: Humans are so frail. And yet so delicious. Those organs swimming around the temple we call our bodies. But you Steven Mangyekou, you are beyond the boundaries of human! I know about your powers I also know that you are a ghoul. It would be a shame if your little boyfriend would see your Head, organs and bones on my plate! You're just another meal... Worthless meal that I can nibble on!

I CaN't WaIt To RiP yOu To ShReDs! I'm going to devour you bit by bit, then feed the rest of your remains to smile dog.

JJBT: We shall not fail you Slenda. Will make sure the boy is captured and at your grasp.

*cuts back to William's house a couple hours later*

Everyone was sound asleep but Vixen was wide-awake. She got out of William's arms and burst through Karin's door.

Karin: Hey what are you doing here! You belong to William, go sleep with William. If not bad girl, you're a bad girl.

Vixen once again talked to her.

Vixen: Who are you calling girl? My name is Vixen.

Karin: Wait did you... Did you just talk?!

Vixen: Not anymore. *closed the door* We're done talking. *charged up her magic*

Karin: Wait why is it suddenly cold here? *looked and saw ice coming from her paws* Vixen, nooo!

Vixen was shooting ice from her paws and it stuck to her clothes.

Vixen: Look down your nose at me and you'll regret it! And believe me we're just getting started with torture! I'm going to enjoy the abuse I'm about to bestow upon you!

A night full of screams were in store for both Vixen and Karin!

*cuts to the boys*

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


Jamboree: So much to do so little time. So where do you boys want to go?

Spiral: A bowling alley?

Dan: A club?

Rocky: And arcade maybe?

Jamboree: We can go to Dave and Buster's.

Rocky: Bitchin' let's do it!

They drove up to the city Square.



Kai: 'I have a bad feeling about this...'

Takiko/Ayumo/Walter: ' something bad is definitely gonna come out of this'.

However, Rocky was looking at some sparks flying across the city, and just stand all four of them fell on murderous rage.

Jamboree: Guys? Did anyone change the station to the radio?

Spiral: I'm not touching it?

Radio(While changing): us...

Then two hands from the radio screen grabbed Jamboree and pulled him inside.

Jamboree: I know some bullshit like this would happen! It's like no matter where I go, troubles going to find me at every turn!

?: Aw, Don't be such a worry wart. Think of me as your new gaming bud.

Jamboree: Say whaaa-*got sucked inside the screen*

Spiral: How is that even scientifically possible?! He got dragged into the screen like he was in some transparent see through cage.

Dan: And this time it wasn't a girl... It was a fucking dude?! This is getting crazier and crazier! Normally girls would go after him, but why would there be guys?!

Then the radio stopped moving and another voice was heard.

?: Graah! Tell me, does it hurt being that retarded?!

Dan: What did the music box saying to me?!

Then the radio screen was all black and bloody but that's one the voice that pulled Jamboree in began to talk again.

?: Oh for the love of God... We're saying you're slow on the uptake, Dan. And by the way you should probably want to check your phones. All of you should!!

They did what the voice and it was exactly the same background as the radio. Then a text appeared in front of them all at once.

Ben: Allow me to take you to a wonderful place, full of despair and nightmares beyond your comprehension! You are my world now, and I am the Grim Reaper!

Spiral: Wait... Who is driving the car?!

The car crashed into an electrical grid and it exploded. The impact of the explosion knocked all 3 of them out.

Ben: And I thought the blue haired one would be the smartest of the bunch. Oh well. Time to separate them.

He takes them all at once and throws them into the control room.

Ben: Jeff Jack and I will be back soon. But for now we have to introduce ourselves to your friend. Do be on your best behavior. *disappeared into the grid*

*cuts to a basement*
Jamboree was now tied up.

Jamboree: This makes... The sixth time I've been kidnapped... What is wrong with me sometimes.

Kai: It's not your fault man. It's not your fault.

A door opened up and four mysterious figures appeared in front of him however one of them stepped into the light.

Ben: Jamboree Ryken. A pleasure to meet your acquaintance at last. My name is Ben, and these are my associates.

Jeff came into the light and waved his knife around his face.

Jeff: So you're the guy the girls are getting wet for. You know, I thought your girlfriend. She didn't put much of a fight though. Just what I expected from a used up old hag. But what the hell does she see in you? I guess we'll find out soon, won't you my friend!

Jamboree: Um who fuck is the smiley face clown?! What happened to your eye lids?

Jack: *walked up from behind and puts his hand on his mouth* You talk too much, that alone is only gonna make you gamy. So I suggest you shut up before things get rough. I really don't want to hurt a perfect meal ike you.

Jamboree: *bites his hand and Jack was bleeding*

Jack: Shit!! That hurts like a bitch! Feisty little one isn't he?

Toby: *walks in front of Jamboree* Forgive m-my Friend, J-J-Jack. He's a cannibal. Sometimes when he sees a meal, he c-c-can't help himself. Name is Ticci Toby by the way.

Ben: But with all introductions aside. Let's get down to business. You are brought here for a reason. We're going to rough you up a bit before we take you to our humble abode.

Jamboree: Wait? Am I being punk'd, shanked, or some shit?! And I got a question for Toby?

Toby: What?

Jamboree: Is it true that you used to date clockwork or something?

Toby: What?! No. Why does everyone think that? Why does every person on the Internet think that I used to date clockwork?

Jeff: I don't know? Isn't she a lesbian or something? Oh yeah.

Jack: I don't think she is, she just doesn't want to date people.

Jamboree: Yeah... You guys aren't too good at your jobs are you?

Jeff: Oh my god, this has become tedious. We're going to kill your friends and take you to slenda mansion where you will become a proxie to Slenda. I'm sorry but he was asking too many stupid questions.

Jamboree: *clearly annoyed* Can we wrap this up now? Or are we going to fight?

Toby: You know what... Get him out of the rope. I'm gonna give him a fight.

Jamboree: Yeah, already out.

Toby: What?! How in the hell did you do that?!

Jamboree: Don't worry about It. *got into fighting stance* Come at me bro!

Toby rushed into him with axes in his hand and Jamboree went in for a punch but nothing happened. Toby didn't even react to it.

Toby: What's wrong? Am I supposed to be hurt?!

Jamboree: How?! How are you-

Toby: A while back I got into an accident that made me into what i am today, and thanks to that I feel no p-p-pain. I wonder, can you do the same! *swung the axe to his side and Jamboree screamed* I guess you can. But you're immortal are you not? So you can just re-heal!

Jack then tackled Jamboree and dug deep into his room and grabbed a kidney from his body! He then proceeded to eat it in front of him.

Jamboree: *screams in agony as Kai pushed him off*

Toby: Well well well! Did you boys see it?!

Jeff: I don't follow.

Toby: Some sort of fighting spirit came out of him. And pushed off Jack. Wait, check the other boys!

Rocky: You mean us?!

Rocky Spiral and Dan were now in the front entrance.

Dan: Jamboree, are you OK?!

Jamboree: Oh yeah I got my kidney ripped out- what the fuck do you think?!

Ben: Heh, If you boys are looking for trouble, you found it! *cracked knuckles*

Jack: What do you know, more meals!

Jeff: *cracks neck* I'm going to enjoy this!

All three of the boys got into a battle stance as well as Jack, Toby, Jeff, and Ben.

Jamboree: Not what I pictured what would happen on a boys night..

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*Persona 5 Op: Break in to Break out plays*

Amaya: What is there to say except see you next chapter? All right, this whole thing next chapter is going to be one big sausage fest. Serial sausage fest if you will. Yeah that would be a good title for the chapter. Anyway yeah, see you next chapter.

Word count: 5714

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