Chapter 55: Burning Sparking Darkness- Jeff, Jack, Ben, Toby Part 2

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Jamboree: *screams in agony as Kai pushed him off*

Toby: Well well well! Did you boys see it?!

Jeff: I don't follow.

Toby: Some sort of fighting spirit came out of him. And it pushed off Jack. Wait, check the other boys!

Rocky: You mean us?!

Rocky Spiral and Dan were now in the front entrance.

Dan: Jamboree, are you OK?!

Jamboree: Oh yeah I got my kidney ripped out- what the fuck do you think?!

Ben: Heh, If you boys are looking for trouble, you found it! *cracked knuckles* 

Jack: What do you know,  more meals!

Jeff: *cracks neck* I'm going to enjoy this!

All three of the boys got into a battle stance as well as Jack, Toby, Jeff, and Ben.

Jamboree: Not what I pictured what would happen on a boys night..

(This story is fiction, The characters, groups, place, laws, and names used have no real connection to anything in real life. )

Jamboree: Be careful everyone... This isn't your typical run-of-the-mill opponents we been facing. These are actual killers.

Jeff: Enough talking. The sooner we get this done the sooner our lives are better. Or in this case my life.

They all ran to each other and clashed.

*cuts to Hana*
Hana was sketching on the patio.

Hana: So William, other than your dark alter ego, is there something you fear more than anything.

William: As a matter of fact, there is. Other than my alter ego, it's my so called girls. One of them dressed up as my landlord just to get me.

Adam: That was until I blasted her into the sun a few months back. But I have a feeling that she won't go down so easily. Demons are unpredictable and complicated, unknown to the human eye. We have ways of coming back from the dead. It's scary.

Hana: Whoa. But who's to say that there are a lot more to demons then we see.

Adam: The day humans understand demons is the day Boku no pico becomes illegal. But no one understands me better than William. You, Karin, and Zoe are nothing more then mere humans. Though you have the power of the gods, that doesn't mean you have the knowledge of the universe.

William: And besides, I have a feeling that after the creepy pastas over and dealt with, something evil may be roaming on this planet. Catastrophic danger may be closing in as we speak. You are to keep Zoe far away and let you and Karin to all the fighting. But until then *points to Zoe playing on the apartments playground* Before darkness clouds this world once again, for now Let there be light.

Hana: Amen to that. And my drawing is finished.

The drawings showed William, Adam, Hana, Karen, Zoe, and vixen, Artemis and Thoth, sitting on the patio with smiles on their faces.

Adam: Looks good.

William: Nice.

They then heard a scream and it showed Karin being chased by Vixen.

Karin: WILLIAM, HURRY UP AND GIVE THE CAT THE STUPID FISH! *was screaming and crying*

William: Now why would I do that when you two are becoming such good friends already? *chuckled a bit*

They both stopped running and Vixen went into William's lap.

William: Good Little Vixen. Good girl. *pets her and she purrs*

Karin: Oh she's not a girl anymore, she's a man. Because she just beat me like I was a child!

Vixen was now speaking to where only Karin could hear.

Vixen: 'You think you can back that up?'

Karin: Listen to this girl, can back that up, I got bruises to prove it.

Vixen: 'No I mean my William. Back up off him!'


Vixen: 'Looks like someone wants to get tortured again.'

Hana: Come on, Karin, she's a cat. I'm not even sure that she can learn the English language.

Vixen: *smirks and meows* 'Yeah, all I know is yarn and fish and good... And ToRtUrE!'

Karin: Oh you smug little bitch. Yeah go ahead go ahead and play that dumb cat routine, I know what you're really about. And believe me when I tell you that this is war little girl, W.A.R! War!

Vixen: 'Heh. Now, watch this' *whimpers and hid under William's shoulder*

William: Karin, you're scaring vixen. Why don't you cool down?

Karin: But she...she..*spoke in tongues*

She went inside her room frustrated. Then William looked deep into vixens eyes.

William: Now, Vixen That was a rotten move. I don't know what driven you to go into the ranks of torture, but torture Karin you surely did. Now I don't expect you to like anyone in this house, but you can't help but to respect her. Try and be a little bit more considerate and nice to Karin. I promise no one is going to take me away from you.

Vixen growled for a bit but purred in agreement. She then nuzzled in his neck and William pets her.

Vixen: ' I guess it won't kill me to be a little bit nice to her, however I'm not fighting for their sake, I'm doing this for you'

*timeskip brought to you by Chibi Karin and Vixen arguing with each other. Also by Chibi Jamboree fighting the creepy pastas*

*cuts back to Jamboree*

Jamboree: You're going to pay for what you've done. I'm going to defeat you here now. That way your girlfriend will stop bothering me!

Toby: Clockwork? You mean the backwater homosexual shrew. Nonsense. I'm going to beat you to a bloody pulp then take you to Slenda. Pray that she not try to kill you of course.

Jamboree: Tsk. Cut the bullshit already and let's do this. *ran to him*

Toby: Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey. How many times do I got to tell you that I cannot feel no pain! *ran to him and brought his axe down upon him but he countered it*

Jamboree: You're not aiming for my blind side or leaving with your body intact got it? *went to grab him and flew up* I'm going to slam you now. *descends at a fast speed and slams him to the floor*

Toby then gets up and started swinging. Jamboree kept dodging and dodging then drop kicked him to a wall. When Toby got up, it was like the bruises were never even there.

Toby: Seriously that's all you got? All you did was gave me a couple of love taps. Those are nothing.

Jamboree: For the life of me I can't seem to figure out why people like you are so stubborn.  'So he really is invincible. This might be a little bit tougher than I thought. Better kick it up a notch. I just hope the rest of my team are all right.'

Kai: Look out! He's preparing for another attack!

Jamboree: What?!

Toby: I c-call this, Caber Spin! *got weapons out*

Toby spins in place with his hatchet out.
*cuts to Dan*
Jeff: Come on pussy boi! I haven't got all damn day!

Dan: HERE I COME! *went in for a punch but was dodged*

Jeff: Too slow too slow. I'm faster than you idiot. Jeff holds both his knives and dashes forth doing a slash.

Dan was trying to punch Jeff but he kept on dodging him.

Dan: 'His movements, I can't connect! This guy is super human. He's too fast!'

Jeff: 'I have to admit the pussy boi can box. I'll grant him that. However, he's never had to punch his way through the slums and thus I hold the advantage!' Take this!

He punched him at the right moment.

Jeff: 'your suffering isn't over yet, Danny boi! I'll jab a thumb in your eye for good measure, lest you forget who you're dealing with!'

His hand was then grabbed by Dan who then shot a purple fireball at his stomach causing to knock him back into a wall. Then Dan started beating the crap out of him, but was then pushed back from Jeff.

Jeff: Not a bad attack, honestly I think you might've bruised me. But how about this. *tried punching him again but it didn't do squat* The hell?

Then His soul appeared from thin air and shot a huge fireball at him.

Takiko: Still being a coward Dan?

Dan: Not this time. I think we may have found someone who's just as afraid of me as we are of him.

Jeff: How, how were you able to block that? That was one of my strongest punches.

Dan: Exactly. It was just the punch. What do you expect was going to do? So like you said, I wouldn't really call that a punch. More so like a love tap or a pokeZ

Jeff: Well yeah... But they were really hard punches!

Dan: *tauntingly* Not as hard as my dick.

Jeff: What was that?! *got pinned by Takiko*

Dan: When I fucked your girlfriend. And your mother at the same time!

Jeff: GRAHH! *slashed through him* I'LL TEACH YOU TO TALK ABOUT MY MOTHER AND MY FUCK PUPPETS LIKE THAT! *started swinging his knife at him*

Dan: *lights a blunt and smokes it* There's plenty more of that, bastard. *clashed with him*

Jeff: He. Just know that you ask for this, pussy boi!

Dan: You don't scare me.

*cuts to Ben and Rocky*

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*Sprint-Stardust Crusaders*

They were zipping around the electrical grid. They were giving each other rapid punches and kicks. It was basically Dio vs Jotaro. They were going at it for a long time but then they reached an impasse.

Rocky: I admit your pretty fast. However this is getting us nowhere.

Ben: I agree. How do you suppose we settle this?

Rocky: There's only one way I can beat you!

Ben: And what's that?

Rocky: *Grabs phone* Flame war!

Ben: Futile! *breaks his phone* I know all your quirks, Rocky Villers. I know that you always post a status update every five seconds. I know about all your little fights with Dan, and these little sausage fest you have with your precious little spiral.

Rocky: Bro WTF?! That phone cost $600, and it was an iPhone too. Now I'll have to fight you! You're lucky we're not online because I would be saying some things that are not suitable for children right now.

Ben: Aw two bad! I know a perfect place where we can settle our dispute! *went inside the electrical grid* Keep up!

Rocky: Hmph. *charged up and his kanji glows* Let's jet! *ran after him at lightning speed* 'My kanji is スパーク Meaning Spark. Not only do I have the power to manipulate lightning at my command, I'm also very fast! It's like the whole world slows down in front of me every time I run. It's also like Za Warudo. It has been sometime since I've learned how to master my skills.'

Rocky was only 10 and was stuck in the middle of the woods away from civilization. He thought time alone would do him some good. But then when he was getting all nice and cozy, a familiar face had approached him... And it just so happened to be Amaya. Her malignant malicious odor was roaming the air and it made Rocky so terrified of her. He knew not of what he would expect just that she's taunting him. She walked up behind him and whispered-

Amaya: Easy young Rocky. There is absolutely nothing you should be scared of. I'm just a girl talking to you, but you're not into girls are you? However, I do not like the way you were making googly eyes at my beloved little bitch. And so I just decided to take it upon myself to end you while you're all by yourself. But today I'm feeling merciful, I need a strong bodyguard like you. *whispered* Let's be friends, shall we?

Rocky had pushed her off and started backing away from her.

Amaya: Your valiant bravery. It's just proves that you want nothing more than to be my servant. And I'm sensing a spark inside of you... One that's unlike anything I've ever seen before... It would be wise if you would give me a little demonstration. *licks lips*

Rocky: Why would I. What you showed me is that you are psychotic bitch who's in love. I know what about the Ryken Massacre back in 08'. And how you were the ringleader in all of it. I don't want to be a part of your crime syndicate. *ran away* Stay away from Ryken and me.

Amaya: How disappointing. I could've given you everything you ever wanted and more! *gave chase*

Rocky kept running away but on the bright side he had the advantages of speed on his side. However they made back to an electrical grid.

Rocky: What the hell?

Amaya: To be honest your death seems a bit morbid with A touch of overkill. I'm going to impale you then you'll be shocked from the inside out! You shall die as you lived, a fucking loser. Yuno!

Yuno: *had a handful of knives and throws them at him*

Rocky felt the knives going in his body as he was pushed back into one of the electrical pillars.

Amaya: *threw a knife* Die. *gave it strong swing and it exploded leaving his body bloody and bruised* And that is that. *flew away*

*Rocky's PoV*
To be honest I should've been dead by that. It was clearly obvious that no human could survive a bunch of knives while at the same time being shocked. Damn that bitch... She's clearly not human. My systems and my body stopped working and I can feel my own heartbeat reaching its climax. But then a glimmer of light had reached out to me and I felt my whole body shaking and moving a rapid pace.

My leg started moving on their own... And then I started running. I will understand. I don't want to understand. But I didn't care one bit. Because I am alive. And what did that bitch mean by googly eyes at her beloved. Did she mean Jamboree? Haven't heard from him in like years. Not since what happened. But what I knew is that he's in danger. And so with my newly found blessing and my second chance at life, I made a vow that I, Rockwell Villers, Aka Rocky, vowed to train to my fullest and not lose to the likes of her. And I'll be able to protect the ones I love, including jamboree.

*Present Day*

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


Rocky: The Chase is on bastard.

Walter: Your motives are good young Rocky. But we need to lead him where there's no electricity at all. There needs to be no spark between you, reminds me of me and Elena sometimes.

Rocky: I'm surprised you two aren't divorced.

Walter: Don't worry about it. And besides it's our arguments that bring about the fun we have even though we do go over the top we just have different ways of loving each other.

Rocky: Whatever you say.

Ben saw him from behind and summoned a sword and attacked him with it. Rocky then counters it with a fist to his face. Rocky then grabs Ben and throws him out of the grid and into the woods.

Rocky: I want round one. But what will you do for round two?!

Ben: Doesn't matter if I don't have electricity or not, there's always the winner and a loser. And you're staring at the winner.

Rocky: Let's test that game theory shall we? *shocked a bit* Hmph.

Ben: You're not too bright are you? Din's Fire! *creates a fireball and shoots it.*

Rocky kicks it out of the way and laughs.

Rocky: Try harder!

Ben: Needle Storm!

He throws slim, translucent-looking needles. They can either go straight or at an angle. They aim directly to Rocky but he shocks them all. Ben then raises one arm and summons a blue bolt of lightning, trying to strike Rocky.

Rocky: Spark: Bolting Ball! *shot a gigantic ball*Static Shock! *increased it and it hit Ben*

Ben: Well executed. But it's not game over yet!

'I'll chase you'

*cuts To Jack and Spiral*

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*Litch Und Schatten*
Jack: *licked his mask* I wonder if you'll satiate my appetite...*walks to him* Spiral!

Spiral: Oh. You want to fight me? It seems pigheadedness runs in your faction! How ungrateful can you be? Your friends are giving their life just to have my master, and for what just so your boss won't stick a tentacle up your ass or church are you in the most grueling way possible. Surely you're pathetic ignorance warranted a bit of consideration. I'll give you the option to walk away with your tail between your legs with your pride intact.

Jack: I need to move closer if I want to gut you from the inside out!

Spiral: Oh? Well then by all means come closer. I was in the mood for another meal. *his teeth went sharp*

Jack and Spiral were punching each other and then it turned into clawing.

Spiral: How you have fallen, Jack. You were a straight-A college student. Correct?

Jack: You don't know anything about me!*claws his stomach and reached for an organ but was flung by Ayumo*

Spiral: You didn't really have any friends did you. There was one am I correct, Greg? *started punching him*

Jack: G-Greg? * went for another stab but spiral kicks Jack*

Spiral: Eventually, you found a sort of friendship with another student by the name of Jenny, and a small group of her friends. *grabbed his head and punched him* You later then discovered that the group was their own little cult.

Jack started getting flashbacks of what happened that day.

Jack: How do you know this?

Spiral: That's the thing about a mind like mine. And besides like you I am also a cannibal, we need to stick together you and me. However I can't do that if you're working with the enemy... Maybe I should continue the story so that you know that I am not one to be trifled with.

Jack: SHUT THE FUCK UP! *stabbed his chest* Yes! I win.

He saw him disappear into nothing but darkness and then faded into nothingness.However to his dismay, Spiral was behind him.

Spiral: What you cut was my shadow double. I control the darkness around me. Shadow bind.

Spiral made Jack's own shadow hold him in place while at the same time cutting him open.

Spiral: Jenny and her friends had then proceeded to blind you by pouring a hot, tar-like substance into your eyes.

Jack: AAAH! *felt the cuts going deeper as his ptsd worsens*

Spiral: thus killing you in the process. But unfortunately for all involved your execution didn't stick. You body was soon possessed, and you butchered Jenny and the others; ripping off their masks, slashing their throats, and disemboweling them. You then their kidneys afterward presumably as a sort of prize, or the fact that it was in some way related to the cult. It's a damn shame he had to go down like this. You and I could've been best friends. We would've eaten a lot of food together. you fought valiantly but alas your light has come to the dark end. Goodbye. Eyeless jack, your life and all you once were has ended.

Jack then got out of the the binds and he healed up.

Jack: *coughed up* Impressive. Very impressive, Spiral Mangyekou. I did not expect you to be this entertaining. And what's even better..*licks his hands* I heard you are a ghoul, and much like me, you eat humans, well mostly their organs, the crows, maggots, and vultures usually go after the flesh. I got to say chomping down on your bosses' kidney give me so much satisfaction, I wonder what other sorts of organs I must search inside him when we take him to our manor! But before I do that! *jumped and slashed at him* I NEED TO DISPOSE OF YOU! *repeatedly slashed him and chunks of Spiral's skin flew out*

Spiral: Not on my watch..

His right eye turn black and red, but when he brushed the left side of his head he revealed a yellow eye but it blew out and black stuff was leaking out of it. And his right side turned black. And his kanji was gleaming and dark purple.

Spiral: Darkness be with me!

A dark aura was flowing through his veins and was spread across his body.

Spiral: You looking to see some blood today, you cannibalistic mongrel?!

Jack: *smirks and slid his mask back down* A ghoul that controls the power of darkness, interesting. I have something much more sinister than that however it's similar to what you have there.

Spiral: Just so you know I don't give a rats' ass about you or your mistress.

Jack: Shall we continue this little dance!

Spiral: Heh. What do you think?

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*Unravel Plays*

Spiral ran to him and started slashing him more intense than before.

Jack: You're pretty fast I'll give you that. But-

He then poofs in a puff of black smoke and either appears behind him.

Jack: I'm faster! Tentacle Spear!

He emits a tentacle from his palm and pulls Spiral towards him.

Spiral: Darkness: Claws of The Devouring.

His hands emit a dark aura and became razor sharp. He then starts ripping him apart bit by bit.

Jack: *blocking with little strength he had left* Perhaps I was a bit too gentle with you! *went to grab his side but was bound by his shadow*

Spiral: Shadow Bind. Now stay there while I devour you from the outside in.

Ayumo: *grabs a scalpel and made deep cuts on his body* That should give you some advantages.

Spiral: Thank you! Now then...*grabbed his shoulders and looked him dead in the eye* Head, eyes, face, pancreas, kidneys, lungs. So many snacks, so little time. *bites his neck*

Jack: Get off of me, you homo!

Spiral: *held his head* I will eat both your arms and then both of your legs and I will eat your face right off your head. You will be this armless legless thing, rolling down the street. Like a the wind. *proceeds to eat his kidney*

Jack: What the hell are you?

Spiral: I..*teeth grew wider and so was darkness* Am Spiral! Now time to tear you up!

*cuts to Jamboree and Toby*

Jamboree kept dodging his Axe swings and he counters it with a punched even though it didn't do shit.

Toby: ' with every hit I take, I laugh at my sheer burden, feasting on my own perfection!!' How many times what I tell you that you cannot hit me! *swung axe down* Immortal or not, I AM A GOD!

Jamboree:...Really? Really?

Toby: Really.

Jamboree: Really?

Toby: Really?

Jamboree: ReAlLy?!

Toby: Really!

Jamboree: Ok.. 'Kai, I need some ideas. Toby suffers from CIPA (Congenital Insensitivity to Pain), which makes him immune to pain, super human speed, super human strength, regeneration'

Kai: 'Have you tried hitting him really really hard?'

Jamboree: That sounds like something Dan would say...

Kai: 'but hey who knows it could work.'

Toby: I admit, you are the funnest of my opponents. Too bad, we won't have moments like these because Slenda will have you. And now, you submit! *swung it down but was hit by the but of his gun* AAAH! SON OF A BITCH!

Kai: 'And that is why you listen to a Tsukiko...Oh wait..'

Toby: How?! HOW DID YOU HIT ME?!

Jamboree: I realized hitting you with lite attacks won't do much of any damage, regardless if I'm strong or not. Punches and kicks won't do me any good. I needed something blunt. Just because you're numb that doesn't mean you're invincible! Your boss may be, but you sure as hell aren't.

Kai even though Toby couldn't see him grabbed him.

Jamboree: Do you understand? Listen, I'm tired of hearing that cocky ass stuttering Tourette's Syndrome mouth of yours. OK?! I'm just the type a guy who takes these things to heart! *gives him a very hard kick*

Toby: D-D-Damn you... ' I understand what the girls see in that boy. He's perfect for the big boss' But how did you make me feel pain?

Jamboree: I just had to hit you really really hard.

Toby: That sounds like something Jeff or your idiot friend would say-

Jamboree: Right! *grabbed his sword and rammed it in his stomach* You should be more careful, you're losing quite a lot of blood there my friend. I think this is blatantly obvious, but I could care less about you, your friends or about your boss. You got a couple hits on me so I say you did a pretty good job. What do you say we called it a draw, and we fight again another day. Just name a time and a place and I'll be there. I already have enough on my plate.

Toby: T-T-That's where you're wrong. I still have a bit of luck on my side! *licks blood from his wound and spits it out* You must not know who are mistress is.

*cuts to Dan*

Dan: Your beaten. Give up.

Jeff: Hehe hehe...hehe..

*cuts to Rocky*
They were burnt up and bloody.

Rocky: Never come near my friends and Dan again!

Ben: I refuse..*coughed up some blood* To face the game over screen just yet.

Rocky: What do you mean? *got ready for another fight*

Ben: You and your party have met a terrible fate, haven't you?

Walter: Get Ready! He may be up to something!

*cuts to Spiral puking*

Spiral: Your skin is foul! Do you bathe in tar?!

Jack: Fuck you...*coughed up more blood* I'm not done yet!

TBJJ: None of us are!

*cuts back to Jamboree*
Jamboree: What the? Who does this guy think he is? Hey, are you deaf, didn't you hear me? I said I'll fight you another day! Let's stop this OK?

However Jeff, Jack, Ben and Toby felt something control them and they heard a demonic feminine voice. That's when a portal opened up at the spots they were in and tentacles went around them and stabbed their necks!

Slenda: 'Take me inside you, my precious boys. I now bestow upon you a part of me, that will definitely help you with your mission. Use it wisely, and don't hold back!'

All four of them screamed and it made them more psychotic than before.

Only Dan Rocky and spiral saw what the voice looked like while Jamboree was having his head down trying to process what was happening.

Dan/Rocky/Spiral: That's what your boss sounds like? What are we gonna do now?!

Slenda: Daniel Ibuki, Rockwell Villers, And Steven Mangyekou, give me Jamboree Ryken And your lives are spared.


Spiral: Not for sale.

Rocky: Never.

Slenda: Hmph. Just know that I was merciful. Oh and do tell Jamboree that I love him and he will be my proxy no matter what he says or does. Boys, attack!

The voice disappears and the changed versions of them started to chase the boys.

Dan: Crap! He has me in his crosshairs, especially with the new boost of power he has!

Jeff: Come here little boy!

*cuts to Rocky running away*
Rocky: This is more than just sheer determination, this guy is a fucking killing machine!

*cuts to Spiral running*

Spiral: And when Jack catches me, he won't just kill me, he'll eat me alive!


Ben: We have gained new unbelievable power! And I cannot wait to use it against you!

Rocky: Tsk...Damn you!

They were fighting each other again but it lead to the same room it all started and Rocky was knocked back into a wall.

Jamboree: Rocky! *ran But was stopped by an axe to his foot*

Toby: And where do you think you're going? We have unfinished business!

Dan and Spiral were both inside the room but were knocked out by Jeff and Jack.

Ben: You boys are gonna die. It's a shame...*walked up to Rocky and grabbed his master sword*  We could've been friends. But in the end it didn't even matter.

Kai quickly got the Axe out of Jamboree and he swung it at Ben and it left a hole in his side.

Ben: W-What?!

Something inside Jamboree start to change... Something dark. And Kai punched his skull causing it to crack.

Jamboree: I got to tell you, you really put us through hell in here. You're not using your powers are leaving with your bones in tact, got it?!!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


Ben: You're not too bright are you?

Jamboree: *powered up but his kanji started to change from 希望(Hope) to 悪意(Malice)* Leave my friends alone!

His eyes went from blue to red and a malicious aura came from Jamboree.

Toby: Ooh! Let's do this! *ran to him and swung his axe but was snapped in half*

Jamboree: I could've sword I've axed you something!

Toby: That pun doesn't even make any sense! Oh...I get it now..*got stabbed repeatedly and

Jamboree swung the axe between his legs. Toby screamed as he was then grabbed by a black tentacle and dragged to a portal.

Toby: Not bad kid....I'll keep you around...Punk...

Jeff: Take this! *went for a stab but his knife was kicked out of his hand*

Jamboree: Angelic Flight...*grabbed Jeff and flung him to the sky while slashing him repeatedly*

Jeff: Shit! *blocked him and counters it with slash to his face* Got you!

Kai grabbed his wrists and fists him. No not like that.

Jamboree: Looks like I made the donuts.

Dan got up and lit a flame.

Dan: Allow me to bring the heat! *blows on the flame as it burnt Jeff to a crisp*

Jeff got dragged yet again by a black tentacle.

Jeff: Nice!

Jack: Ben with me!

Ben: Yes!

They opened up the palm of their hands and they shot a light and dark blast from it.

Ben: Burning Shocker !
Ben levitates Jamboree, then sets him aflame whilst electrocuting him/her at the same time.

Ben: Game over, kid. *made it explode*

Jamboree: Not yet! Angelic Arts: Heavenly Pierce! *shot a spiritual spear at the blast*

Ben and Jamboree were both struggling.

Ben: YOU WILL NEVER BEAT ME, JAMBOREE RYKEN! *increased the power of the blast*

Rocky: Not by himself! Spark-Static Shock. *shot rapid lightning bolts from his hands*

Spiral: *bounds Ben with his shadow* Decomposition.

Ben: What?! *felt his body splitting apart by the darkness* you bastards.

Jamboree: Full Power!!

Dan: Inferno-Flame burst! *shot a gigantic blast from his hands*

They all combined their attacks and the impact of it overpowered Ben's shot.

Ben: HOLY CRAP! THIS ISN'T OVER! *was disintegrating in the blast*

Jack: You might have defeated him but you will not beat me! *rushed to him*

Spiral: Darkness-The Void....*opens a portal as his shadows and Jack's shadows dragged him down* Drown into the abyss...

Jack's body was ripped apart and was dragged into the abyss. They heard a seductive laughter coming from the other side.

Slenda: Not Bad, my soon-to-be proxy~ But I have to know; what will your next move be?

Jamboree: *tried running to voice but got tripped by the tentacle*

Slenda: Hehe...Aw...I find it cute that you think you're going to win. *wraps him up with her tentacles*

Dan: With the amount of hentai I've watched I have a pretty clear way of knowing where this is going...


Slenda: But all that aside...*whispered in his ear* I always get what I want, and that is you. So know that I'll always be one step ahead of you. *bit his ear* I might even manage eating you if you resist.

Jamboree: I will find you and kill you one day...

Slenda: Hehe...Good luck. *lets him go but not before poking his neck* Just a reminder that I'll never leave your mind and you're mine. *closed the portal*

Jamboree deactivated his eyes and fell and landed on his head.

Spiral: Are you ok?

Jamboree: Yeah, flesh wound. Good job, boys. You fought like hell, and I'm proud. I hope you guys learned something from all this.

Rocky: That we did, Jamboree. That we did.

Jamboree: Does that mean you and Dan will stop fighting?

Rocky: Can't make any promises.

Spiral: But that was cool how you used your electricity.

Rocky: Not as cool as your darkness.

Spiral: You're fast~

Rocky: I don't get it, and I don't want to. Come here. *grabbed Spiral and ran out of the electrical grid*

Dan: And so begins the sausage fest. By the way, Jamboree. What was that all about?

Jamboree: I'm not sure. But let's just get out of here.

Jamboree and Dan warped out of the electrical grid and went home. But not before getting watched by someone.

Reigo: Yeah, It's Reigo. I've gathered more intel on Jamboree Ryken. He might be a more formidable opponent than I bargained for. So when should I strike?

?: Not yet. We have to wait until he's done with those Creepypasta guys. Until then, don't and I repeat do not engage.  You're our best member and you could die.

Reigo: It would seem that I'm being underestimated...but I shall accept your provocation. I shall not strike the boy...yet.

?: Good. Now good luck. *ends call*

Reigo: Let me examine you more, young Shōnen! Because after you finish your fight with the pastas, your next challenge will be me! *disappears into the night*

*cuts to the Ryken House*
Jamboree: I didn't see her face because I didn't wanna die.

Kai: That's a good thing. Who knows what she would've done to you.

Janai: Anything else?

Jamboree: Spiral is now interrogating Jack.

*cuts to Jack and Spiral*

Jack: Now, I may be eyeless Spiral, But I don't fear death. But what I do fear is the woman you're trying to protect Jamboree from. Mistress Slenda. He's so bold... so profound! Her skin was as smooth as silk. Her body glistening in the sunlight. Her slender figure is that if an Adonis. Her hands arms and legs are-.

Spiral: Okay! I'm gettin' a little uncomfortable...

Jack: Boy, shut yo' ass up! Slenda's a sexy woman. .

Spiral: By the way can you tell e about her abilities.

Jack: Fuck that shit man, she'll straight kill a motherfucker for snitching her powers, shit. But what I will tell you. Is my life story. I was born in northern Florida, I had a younger brother. He died, drowned in my mother's washtub. When I-

Spiral: *interrupts* Ray.

Jack: What?

Spiral: Dude, that— that was a flashback in Ray. And we've established your backstory already. You got trick by your college buds, and you got tar poured into your eyes.

Jack: ... boy, you tellin' me that An eyeless man like me saw Ray?

Spiral: Well, you know, you could have read the autobiography.

Jack: Are you tellin' me that a blind motherfucker like me read a BOOK? With WORDS in it?

Spiral: Well, you could've used Braille. Or you could've read it before you lost your sight.

Jack: Boy, what the fuck is Braille?

Spiral: It's what blind people use to read.
*awkward silence*


Spiral:...*stabs him with his kagune*

Jack: That's... what I... thought...*passed out*

Spiral: Well...that happened. *took a kidney from his body*

Then his body dragged him out of the scene.

*back to Jamboree*

Jamboree: Well. That's all that happened.

Janai: *hugs* I'm just glad you're safe.

Jamboree: Thank you. I'm going to bed...I had enough fun for one day.

Janai: Night.

*timeskips to the night*

4 figures were watching from the back woods.

?: That boy has beautiful eyes...I want a closer look...*silently giggles to herself*

?: Jeff does not even compare to the Prince Charming I see before me now.

?: I want him...and I will have him...

?: We all do...How about we make this fun. Attacking all at once won't do any good. Let's make this a contest. Whoever can claim him, gets to have their way with him. But, whoever loses...owes the winner 300 dollars and have to do all of their chores for a week.

?: Make it a month!

?: Deal...But...I wanna be honest with you...I always hated you three.

?: Well that's a bit rude...

?: It's then. One of you will meet back here tomorrow. May the best girl win.

All: You're on!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


Amaya: (A/n)'s really tired so sorry if this chapter isn't as up to peak as expected. But other than that, as if things weren't crazy enough, more girls have entered the fray determined to capture my beloved. Nina the killer, Zero, Cherry Pau, And for a special friend...Lulu. Which one will succeed? Which one will fail? How much blood will be spilled how much guts will we see splattered all over the walls like a sack of rotten meat! Find out what happens in the next chapter. See you guys next time.

Word Count: 6283!

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