Chapter 7: Arrival And Departure-Raven and Crow

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OK, so this is where I'll be spending my week. Oh well, it's not every day I get to get away from the city. And what's even great is that I have the whole camp to myself,  just me myself and I. Who knows maybe, I'll find some girls. But if anything happens I got my machete on me.  I heard rumors about this place I sense something evil and probably my damn paranoia...
Me: You know what.  I'm gonna go skinny-dipping

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*Coda Bloody Stream Music Plays*
OK now, who is on my killing list today? Huh? Who the hell is that? He appears to be the only one here. A part of me wants to kill him but most of it says I should Spare him! Oh my God... that must be it. He is the one! That must be who Freida was talking about! And all how is hair flows through the wind... I must have him and I must take care of him. I'll protect him. I love him!  He's mine! And if anyone hurts him, if anyone takes him away from me, they're going to regret it! My little killer...
But wait I hear 8 more voices. There are five girls and three boys. I'm sensing two of them aren't good. The six of them appear to be his friends. He must really care about them and they must really care about him.  I'm not gonna kill them not yet but if those girls get close to him then there's going to be a problem. If that boy comes inside the woods, I'll have to take him away.
I heard voices so I decide to get out of the lake. I put on my clothes in the back of my cabin and I decided to go inside but that's when I was surprised by a certain group of people.

?: Surprise master!
Dan: Hey!
Janai: Hi Senpai!
Rocky/Spiral: Master.
Lazuli: Hello my friend.
Niko: Jambo-Chan!
Me: What are you guys doing here?!  I thought I told you that says stay at the dojo.
Dan: if by Dojo, you mean backyard then you're entirely wrong.
Lazuli: And besides we were worried about you. We want to make sure you're OK. I mean what kind of friends will we be if we let our master get hurt?
Me: You know what? Fine,  I'll let you guys stay but we will be training harder than ever.
Janai: The harder the better senpai.
Dan: That's what she said!
Boys laughed.

But we stopped when the girls were staring at us!

We all screamed..
Me: Sorry Girls!
Girls: We're not going to hurt you master, but we will hurt Rocky, Dan, and Spiral!
Me: This is gonna be a long week. All right, before y'all start killing each other we should probably rest up and everyone will have separate cabins. Is that clear?
All: Yes master.
Me: Now disperse and good night.
All: Good night master.
They're all going to each one of their cabins. Luckily for me, that boy picked the only one with one bedroom. That should give me an advantage! I sneaked into his cabin and saw his cute face drifting away into sleep. Just seeing his face up close makes me want him more ...  I laid down on his bed while hugging him.... I don't know what this boy is doing to me but I am enjoying this so much. He looked behind and saw me.
Me: ssh, Just go to sleep. It's just a dream.. A wet dream.  Have you heard of ASMR? If so, this may feel weird in your ear.
I began to kiss his ear. He then fell asleep again. That was surprisingly easy... He must've been really tired and oh my God the bruises on his face and body... he must of went through a lot... I kind a know that, struggle people taking you for granted, abusing you... Oh man I'm really beginning to care about him... this is a first for me....

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*Jocelyn Flores plays*
Me: My love... you are going to be in good hands from now on. I don't know how long you will last but I want you to be by my side for a very long time, maybe even forever. And your skin feels so soft, and your lips so kissable.  Oh my.... you're hurt.... Don't worry baby, I will heal you... I will heal all of your wounds... I love you so much and I don't want anything to happen to you...
I kissed his cheek but saw no reaction.
Me: I have to go now but we will meet again soon. I love you, and I promise I'll take care of you. I won't let anyone else have you, all right. Sleep well, good night my love.
And I left a kiss mark on his head.  Well I guess it's time to go back to the shack. By the time he wakes up tomorrow, he'll think that's all a dream. But when I see him again, There will be much more. so much more! He's hurt but I will fix him!
The next morning, Jamboree
Wow. That was some dream I had last night. My ears kind of wet and so is my face. Why is there pink lipstick on my head.? Wait a minute! I know the only people here are me Dan, Spiral, Rocky, Lazuli, Janai and  Niko. I need to get some fresh air. Thank God I'm in the great outdoors. 'but When, I got out I saw a girl wearing a gas mask.

?: Jamboree Ryken?
Me: Yeah and who are you?
?: You don't remember me from when you were 12? That's a shame.... no matter I love you anyway...*brings out knife... and you're going to come with me whether you want to or not!
Me: Oh no!
Raven: Oh yes!!! She starts laughing insanely!
I tried closing the door as fast as possible but she grabbed a part of it with her hand. I also try to make a run for it by using the back door but another girl with a gas mask came inside the cabin!
Me: Who the hell are you two?
Raven: My name is Raven, that's Crow, and we're here for you.
Crow: We were originally planning to bring you to our mistress but she was a real bitch. We decide we want nothing to do with her and focused with our own tasks. It has been quite a while since the last time we seeing you though. You've grown into a real man Babe... *walks closer to me and takes of her gas mask*
Me: What exactly are you planning to gain?
Raven/Crow: For you see our sweet Jamboree, we want you to be a part of our lives and will kill everyone in your life until the only person left is us. The time is nigh for us to keep you as our new boyfriend forever and ever and ever:*whispers in both of my ears... and ever. Like it or not you're going to enjoy this!
Me: What? Boyfriend these nuts!
Raven/Crow: Gladly!
Raven: Let me see your face!
I tried to run but Crow was holding me from behind...
Crow: Where do you think you're going... We were about to have a party! *bites my neck....
Me: No no stop!
Raven: Stop being a fucking tease your sweet little Twatt! *kisses me forcefully*
Crow: Stop fighting us and let it happen! *rips of my shirt rubbing all over my body*
Crow: Wow what tease.... no matter we'll find him and when we do we'll punish him...

Me: Guys wake up!

Dan: No need! We heard everything! We'll keep them at bay you just focus on running.

Lazuli: I knew there was something messed up about this camping trip and then Amaya sends her goons after our friend.

Crow: You stupid bitch, we're not working for her anymore! She's dead now... WE killed her!

Raven: We have our own motives now and that is to keep your master to ourselves! He kept resisting us so he needs to be punished!

Crow: Give him up and there will be no problems!

Janai: The hell you will... *spoken in a soft tone.

Crow: Oh what's wrong? Can't speak.
Raven: Say it with your breast! You are a weak girl who has never been able to confess because you are afraid!

Crow: And we got a lesbo over here.... no wonder why you are wearing that... just come out of the closet already. We'll still judge you!

Raven: a little girl who's watched too much anime... just because you like Nekos that doesn't mean you have to look the fucking part... grow the fuck up!

Crow: Don't even get me started with you you weed smoking, always having munchies every five minutes... fat ass looking Choji... I can go on and on but....
Raven: I don't even want to know what the hell you're supposed to be. And a metal-head punk who doesn't know his place.... Your master is the strongest but you all are still weak.

Everyone got upset but then they remembered what I  taught them!
Me: Now remember team, I know we've all been insulted! We all had pain in our lives but we have to suppress our emotions and learn channel that anger. Only by sealing away your deepest darkest fears or anything that makes you angry, release that power and transform it into something good.
Present day
Niko: Everyone made fun of me and called me a freak because my cat years till after the torment, the humiliation I am so much more than that I was born with these!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*Stand proud plays*

Dan: everyone saw me as a punk but Jambo enlightened me to be something more than I am! If I'm a thug so be it! I'm more then my appearance!

Lazuli: I may be a girl but, I'm just not a pretty one. If I want to wear boys clothing, let me do so. That doesn't mean I'm gay. That means I'm unique and different and no pretty dress is going to change that!

Spiral: I'm eating healthy so what's the problem with that? If I have a eating disorder I'm damn happy I that I do. Even though I eat a lot I still work out. Don't judge me because of what I do!

Janai: Everyone's always protecting me. They always call me ghost or ring leader because of my hairstyle from the ring! At least the girl from that movie killed her victims in seven days but I'll kill you right now!

Rocky: Don't assume that I would be this chill guy. No one ever said Rocky Villers was a chill guy. I beat the crap out of people in video games and IRL. Right now this is not a video game. This is life or death! And you're choosing death!

Janai: I'm gonna kill you bitches!
Other 5: Right behind you.
Raven/Crow: This is going to be fun!

The battle begins! Jamboree's number seven versus Crow and Raven of the immortalS! Will Jamboree make it out in time will his team prevail well I keep getting ideas from fans who are reading this story but we're actually not because I only got like a few views but that's besides the point. Next time on The Mysterious Life of Jamboree Ryken: Chapter 8: Jamboree vs Amaya!

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