Preview of Chapter 35

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Jamboree: On the next chapter of My Mysterious Life.

Alt. Jamboree: *smirks and sees Jamboree* Hehe, you must be Jamboree?

Jamboree: Yeah I am. Who are you?

Alt. Jamboree: You don't know. Unfortunately I am you! Who else could it be? *eyes were glowing blue*

Jamboree: You're me?

Alt: That's What I said.

Jamboree: You seem pretty strong, mind giving me a demonstration?

Alt: That would be an honor! *charged up his energy*

Jamboree: Ok. Let's start with a few handicaps, then after we do that, we get serious!

Alt: Can we skip all that and just get down to actual business?


Alt: I'm on a mission and I don't have time to play games, so just get to your Eye mode or whatever.

Jamboree: *sighs* All right, but if you're near me you'll be dead in seconds. *Activated Leo's eyes*

*time skips after the fight(because it's a preview)*

Kai: *sighs* This guy, his energy feel similar to Amaya's! *gasps* WAIT JAMBOREE! Don't let him touch you! It's an ambush!

Jamboree: *looks at him* What?

Alt: Keep your eyes on the ball!

Alt tried punching him but Jamboree dodged it.

Jamboree: What's your kanji?!

Alt: 悪意 (Malice) duh! What's yours?

Jamboree: 希望 (Hope) 'The only person who has that kanji is... Oh no'

Alt: *looked at him and laughed* Oh that kanji. I destroyed it a long time ago, what's the point of hoping and dreaming when all it does is blind your true goals and ambitions? Amaya killed my parents on cold blood and after that I had to fight to survive everyday. Where I'm from, the city slums are full of the worst of the worst, and I had to blend in with the shadows. It was a dog eat dog world, survival of the fittest, killed or be killed, that sort of thing! But as my Kanji began to fall apart, and when there was no one who is able to help me, I turned... to her..

Jamboree: Who?

Alt: My Love, Amaya Tsukiko!

Jamboree: Huh?!

Kai: WHAT?!

Jamboree: So you think Amaya is your girlfriend?

Alt: Yes, because of not for her, *red aura was around him* I would've never been who I am now. Still the stupid pathetic weakling that you are!

Jamboree\Kai: *laughed while tears were coming from their eyes*

Alt: What's so funny, me?

Jamboree: Let's just say your out of luck.

Kai: Sorry But she's not gonna be interested in you.

Alt: And What makes you say that?

Jamboree: But understand she's not gonna fall in love with you. Sorry. I mean I'm trying to resist her for years and still she's like a step ahead.

Alt: Well you'll see. *poked Jamboree's eyes* I wonder what'll happen if I pay her a visit?

Jamboree: Go ahead and try, I'd love to see you crash and burn. Like I said she doesn't love you.

Alt: Hmph, Can't hurt to try. I'm out of here anyway. And for your sake I hope we never see each other again.

Jamboree: Cocky Bastard! *stood up*

?: I see you're already weak,*a blade was on his neck* That just makes my job so much easier. Today will be the day I take your life, you son of a bitch!

Jamboree: *looks behind him* Oh, it's you.

(Y/N): Yeah. Now, how do you want to die, slow and painful or quick and painless?

Lilith: (Y/N) stop it! He's damaged enough! And he's not the one we are looking for! You dunce!

(Y/N): Just stay out of my way! *slapped her very hard that she fell to the ground* I don't care how many Jamboree's there are! I'll kill them all!

Jamboree: You'll have a tough time trying to do it though!

Alt: On second thought, I'll stay, after all, He's not even worth your time! I'm the one your fighting! *rushed at (Y/N)* And to add insult to injury,*dropped the ashes of his brother and sister on his head*  Weakling! *punched him*

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