Review of Chapter 29

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*Play song to set mood*

On the next chapter of The Mysterious Life of Jamboree Ryken.

Jaylin and X were fighting each other inside the house damaging everything in their path.

Jaylin: Damn was I always this crazy?

X: Yes you are. *rushed at her with her machete*

But before she could teach her, Jaylin teleported to her in lightning speed.

Jaylin: Forgot I can do that. *gave X a straight punch to the face*

X: God fucking damn it! *rolled on the floor and gave Jaylin a punch*

The impact of the punch was so huge that it vaporized their clothes off leaving them nude.

X: Say, Love's outside! How about I give him something worthwhile! *teleports and laughs*


Jamboree: Um repeat that one more time?

William: There are 2 killers trying to kill each other, and their strength and powers are big and scary. They will make your friends and house, and probably everything in this area go boom.

Jamboree: Ok you didn't have to talk to me like I was brain dead.

Then while they were talking X appeared in front of them and she was nude from head to toe.

X: Found you~

Jamboree: *got into battle stance* Kai Tsukiko!

Kai appears behind him and got his swords out and ready l.

X: That fighting stance won't work when you're around me remember. I know all your moves and abilities. It doesn't matter how I figure you out, whether it's by fighting you or loving you, I will never ever, never ever never ever, NEEEEVEEEER EVER, *ran to him and smiles* Looose!

Jaylin: Surprise bitch! *was naked too and tackled her to the ground*

The two were fighting each other and were staring at Jamboree.

Jamboree: Stop!

They both stopped fighting then looked at both Jamboree and William.

Jamboree: Oh god, not these scenarios! *facepalms*

William: What?

Jamboree: I've seen these so many times in movies. Since their naked we can't tell the difference. They look exactly alike and we have to do one of those cliché test to see which ones real.

William: Oh fuck..

Jamboree: Took the words right out of my mouth...

Jaylin: I know how we should decide this!

Jamboree: How?

Jaylin/X: Hehe. What do you think Baby~? *licked her lips*

Jamboree: William help me out here.

William: *disappeared*

Jamboree: Goddamn it!

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