TMLOJR Bloopers/Outakes

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Amaya: Ok you can do this. You got this. *clears throat* Ma ma ma. Ok. Let's do it! I will destr-*laughs* I'm sorry! *laughed some more and tears were coming out*

A/N: It's ok. Just relax.

Amaya: Ok. Ok. Jamboree Ryken will be mine! *laughs triumphantly* How was that? Was it good?

A/N: Yeah. Yeah that was good.

Amaya: Awesome! Victory! *holds up peace signs*

*cuts to Jamboree*

Jamboree: *plays Air guitar* Powerful being! *hums* Edgy stuff! Rage!

A/N: Jamboree!

Jamboree: Huh?

A/N: You're up at the next scene.

Jamboree: Ok. But you interrupted my session!

A/N: Please no one wants to hear you play air guitar.

Jamboree: You forgot that I have powers you know?

A/N: I created you though.

Jamboree: Touché. You may have won the battle author but you haven't won-

A/N: Get in the next scene please.

Jamboree: Heh. Well that's all you had to say man.

*cuts to Dan's room*

Dan: *eats ramen noodles*

A/N: So Dan. You control fire is that it?

Dan: Yea man.

A/N: Think you can give me a demonstration?

Dan: Psh. Come on dude. *the flames appear around him chants ancient spell and destroys room*

A/N: Dude! What the hell?

Dan: Exactly! Hell! *starts laughing crazy and dances in the flames*

A/N: Someone call 911!

*cuts to Spiral's room*

A/N: Spiral. You're up for the next scene. Spiral?

As A/N walked to the room he saw clothes scattered all over the floor, and it lead to a closet.

Spiral: That felt so good~

?: You bet~

As he walked to the closet, he opens it and it revealed both SPIRAL MANGEYEKO AND ROCKY VILLERS NAKED AND WAS KISSING EACH OTHER!


Spiral: Oh shit!

Rocky: What's wrong Du-OH MY GOD! *covers himself with Spiral*

Spiral: Uh.. I can explain. We. Are-Wait, are you writing this?

Rocky: You better not make this canon!

A/N: *pushes publish on his phone* And it's canon!

Spiral: You son of a bitch! *runs after him with Spiral*

A/N: Nope! It will be official, It Will be like tweak and Craig from South Park!

Spiral: You wouldn't dare!

*cuts to Crystal Lake*

?: No, stop, don't kill me!

Jaylin: Oh you should've thought of that before entering this site. Now you pay the price. *grabbed his body and slammed it back and forth, gouged his eyes out, ripped out his organs and burned his corpse with the campfire*!

A/N: Goddamn!

Jaylin: There's no such thing as a painless death. Death is death no matter how you bring it!

Jamboree: That's what made me fall in love with her.

Jaylin: You know it Baby! *grabbed Jamboree and started making out with him*

A/N: I'll just see myself out.

*cuts to when Lazuli stopped time*

Lazuli: Tempus subsist-*laughed and others laugh too* I can't speak all this Latin stuff.

Kanako: I know right?

*cuts to Janai at the gun range*

Janai: OK. Keep your shoulders up. Aim must be precise. You got this. Just follow what Mrs. Ryken taught you.

She shot her gun but misses the target.

Janai: FUCK! *shoots up the entire shooting rage and detonates the place while laughing*

A/N: Damn that was brutal.

Janai: And Jaylin's wasn't?

A/N: Touché.

*Cuts to Niko watching cat videos*

Niko: What are you doing? Don't run from the dog! You are the descendants of lions! Tigers! Panthers! Show dominance! Rip his guts and his heart from his very chest and make him watch! Eat his head. Eat it! Nyah!

A/N: What the hell.

Niko: Da fuck u lookin at?

A/N: *whistled and closes the door* Crazy bitches.

*Cuts to Kanako knocked out drunk*

Kanako: I'm a pretty princess... Look at my dress... Ayumo~ Ravage me, my love...*burps* Fuck! I'm so fuckin drunk. *pukes a bunch* I need to stop this before my kidneys fail... oh wait I'm dead so it doesn't matter.

Kai/Takiko/Ayumo: *sighs* What are we gonna do with her?

Belarus: Oh Kai~

Kai: Crap...Coming Babe. *walks to her*

*cuts to Elena and Walter*

Elena: So, we got to see our lovely son again. God he's grown into quite the lady catcher.

Walter: Yeah. He's even one over the Crystal Lake killer! I got say props to him. I told you he's going to be fine.

Elena: That's not what you said to me when we conceived him..





Walter: You!

Elena: ...

Walter: ...

Both: *kissed each other and ripped of their clothes*

Elena: I love you.

Walter: Tell me something I don't know baby.

Jamboree: I don't understand half of what's going on right now~

Elena: Your child Jamby, you won't understand.

Walter: Got that right babe.

Jamboree: -_-. Trust me I do...

*cuts to everyone in the same room*

A/N: Ok. Everyone we're about to take a picture! Say, hope!

All: Hope!

A/N: *Takes photo!* See you all next chapter!

(Chapter 28 coming either tomorrow or Monday? Or later.)

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