A Game

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"...I like you Jaehwan."


"W-What do you mean Hakyeon?" I asked him.

"It may sound weird and all, but from about the second I met you, I knew you were going to be someone special in my life. I didn't know how before, but I've just developed feelings for you."

"Oh..." That's all I said, I didn't know what to say!

"Sorry if I just made things difficult or awkward between us. I just wanted to ask you when I got the chance. Here goes, Jaehwan could you be my boyfriend?"

Oh no! What do I say? I don't want to lose him as a friend, but then again I don't want to break his heart! Why me...

"I-I-I'm sorry Hakyeon. I can't."

"Oh... Alright. That's okay." He had such a disappointed look on his face, and it hurt to break his heart.

"Can we still be friends though?" I asked him.

"Of course! Since I can't be your boyfriend, I'll be your brother." He broke his disappointed look and put on a smile.

"Thanks Hyung." We both chuckled.

"Anytime. So what did you need to talk to me about?"

"Oh! I forgot already!!! When it comes back to me, I'll let you know." He nodded his head and I forced out a laugh.

How am I supposed to tell him that I'm dating Wonshik? Oh gawd, I need to talk to someone about this.

"Let's go back to our cabin now?" He told me, then I started following him back. When we got in the cabin, Taekwoon was still on his bed and Wonshik looked like he had just gotten out of the shower. He looked into my eyes and tried 'mind-talking' with me.

W: "Did you tell him?"

J: "nooo..."

W: "GAHHH!!! ok"

And that's pretty much all I understood before one of us finally spoke.

"So um, I'm going to go have a shower and well, yeah." I said out loud.

"I'll have a shower when you're done." Hakyeon said after.

"I'll be sitting on my bed, and yeah." Taekwoon joked around.

"Okay... WAIT!"

"What Wonshik?" Hakyeon asked him.

"Do you guys want to play truth or dare after your showers?"

"S-Sure?" I stammered.


"Aight, when y'all are done.."

After both Hakyeon and Jaehwan's showers......

"Well, I'm done showering." Hakyeon stated.

"Yeah same here." I said.

"Alright. Let's play." Wonshik told us.

"Okay!!!" Hakyeon exclaimed. He seemed really excited to play.

Taekwoon jumped off his bunk and came to sit on Wonshik's bed. Since the beds were actually somewhat big and spacious, we could all fit and be comfortable.

"So who wants to go first?" Wonshik asked us. None of us answered. "Fine then, I will. Before we start though, you have 1 chicken, where you can back away from a dare/question, and you can't be asked the same thing more than once. So now, Hakyeon. Truth or dare?"

"Umm... Dare?"

"I dare you to kiss Jaehwan."

Oh gawd Wonshik! Why?

"W-where?" Hakyeon stammered.

"Anywhere." Wonshik gleefully said.

Hakyeon turned to me, and I turned to him. I just nodded, and his face came closer, and closer, until he completed the dare. He kissed me, on my cheek.

"Okay! Let's never speak of that again!" Hakyeon exclaimed. "It's my turn right?"

"Yeah, go Hakyeon!" I replied.

"Alright. Truth or dare, Wonshik?"

"Hmm... Truth." He answered.

"Who do you like?"

Oh shit. Is he going to tell or not?

"I-I. Alright, I've got a confession to make." Wonshik started saying.

"Go ahead." Hakyeon said.

"I-" No Wonshik, don't. "I'd like to use my chicken."

Thank goodness Wonshik, thank gawd.

"WHAT? Really? You won't tell?" Hakyeon asked.

"It's a secret that I'd rather not say, not now." He said.

"Okay okay... Well Jaehwan? It's your turn!"

"Umm..." I wanted to ask Taekwoon a question, but I know I couldn't, since Wonshik and Hakyeon were around me. So I looked at Taekwoon, making sure that he knew this question was for him, but I asked Wonshik. "... Wonshik, truth or dare?"

"Truth." He answered.

"Who was your last girlfriend/boyfriend, and how long did you two date?" I asked.

Taekwoon answered, "Wonshik, and around a year or a year and a half."

However, I was the only who could hear him.

"Umm... Leo and um, maybe a year? A year and a half? I-I can't talk about this anymore. I'm sleeping."

"Yah! Wonshik! Come on!!!" Hakyeon encouraged, but Wonshik was too stubborn to continue playing.

"Nah, I'm sleeping." He replied.

"Alright then, night Wonshik!" Hakyeon told him, then went over to his bed.

"I'm sorry Wonshik." I whispered in his ear.

"It's okay, have a good rest Jaehwan." He whispered back.

I walked over to my bed and nestled myself in my covers. It was a little cold, but I could manage. Hakyeon and Wonshik fell asleep pretty fast, but it was hard for me. I tried closed my eyes, hummed a little to myself, but then heard someone speaking.

It was Taekwoon.

"I know you're not asleep right now Jaehwan, but the other two are. I'm coming down to your bed." He climbed down the bunk bed ladder and crawled in the blankets with me.

"Hey Taekwoon?"


"How come you can touch me and other objects?" It was a question I had, which needed answering.

"Well, that I don't exactly know. Don't worry, I'll answer that question eventually. Oh! By the way, I'm sleeping with you tonight."

"In the same bed? Won't that be cramped and tight?"

"Sure, but you'll be warmer, am I right?"

How did he know I was cold?

"So um Taekwoon..."


"Maybe tomorrow or the next day, I can bring up you in conversation with Wonshik. Then maybe then, you can appear to him for a few seconds or something, talk to one another and then your mission with be completed. Then you can finally rest in peace. Or maybe when we get back from the trip."

"Thanks Jaehwan. We can do it tomorrow or whenever. I still have no idea when though... And I'll make sure I come and see you often. It may not be like now, where you can touch me and whatnot, but I may be able to see you in your dreams."

"You can do that?" I asked him.

"Yeah... Well, I'll learn. Alright, have a good sleep Jaehwan."

"You too Taekwoon? Wait..."

"Yes Jaehwan?"

"Do you really need to sleep?"

"Ah Jaehwan... You're really curious aren't you? Well, I can if I want to, but I don't need to. Any more questions?"

"Nah... Have a good sleep, if you decide to sleep, Taekwoon!"

"And you sleep well too Jaehwan! Night!!!" He faced one direction, and I faced the other. There I felt warm, and fell asleep super quick.

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