A letter

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"T-Taekwoon?" I stood in the empty hallway, turning around to try and find Taekwoon. He was nowhere to be in sight though. At least he'll be coming on the trip. I have to ask him, about the kiss though. Where did that come from?

I shook out of my daze and went into the music classroom. The teacher told me I was extreme late, so I apologize and found a seat next to Hakyeon.

"Where were you?" He whispered to me.

"Just, walking around, I guess..." I whispered back to him. I wasn't really paying attention to him or anyone else. I was just staring out the window in my own dreamland.


"And that's the bell class! Take notes of what you learned today and we'll continue talking about it, in the next class." Our teacher told us. We all walked out, then Hakyeon and I rushed over to 'the tree'.

"Hey guys! How was music?" Hongbin asked us.

"It was okay I guess, except SOMEONE decided to skip this period." Hakyeon told them.

"And no Wonshik, I didn't bump into Seunghyun while I was skipping." I told him. He was going to ask anyways.

"I- okay..." He softly said. Hah! I knew he was going to ask that...

"Aight guys... Let's get ready for the next period. I have this class where I'm trying to, impress someone." Sanghyuk said.

"Oh!!!! What's their name?" Hakyeon squealed.

"You'll find out when I ask them out. I'll find a time to ask them, sometime."

"I have mathematics with you this period Sanghyuk! Can you point them out to me during class?" I eagerly asked him.

"Maybe, maybe..." He started saying. The 5 of us got up from 'the tree' and went back inside the school. We all
went to our lockers, then to our lockers.

"Hello students! It is now time for all freshmen to go home and get ready for the trip!!! Your teachers will call whoever is going and allow them to get their belongings and go. Make sure to be back at the school, at 6:00pm, so we can board the buses and count how many are going. Thanks and have a wonderful day!" The secretary said on the school announcement system.

As soon as the announcement went on, the teachers started calling each freshman who was going. I was finally called and I went to my locker to collect my things. Then I walked outside and saw Hakyeon and Wonshik waiting.

"Jaehwan! I couldn't tell you before, but I pick up the stuff your mom packed later? I just have to get my face wash and a different pair of shoes." Hakyeon asked me.

"Yeah yeah! Of course!!! I'll see you later then!!!" I waved to him, then he waved back and started walking home.

"Um Jaehwan...." He started saying, "I'm sorry."

"Sorry, why're you sorry?" I asked him. He didn't really do anything wrong, well except act like he controls me.

"I've been a fool today, but then again, I'm always a fool right? Anyways, you can sit with anyone you want to sit with, or even by yourself. I don't control you..."

"It's okay Wonshik. Can you walk with me home?"

"Yeah...." We started walking home and just talking about random things. Basically, the interesting things that happen at school. When we finally reached home, we said bye and that we'd see each other later. I walked up the front door steps, and opened the door.

"Umma! Seokjin! Hello!!!!" I yelled throughout the house.

"Hey Jaehwan," Seokjin began saying, "Umma isn't home right now. She went to go buy some food. How was the half-day?"

"It was okay... Um, Seokjin?"

"Yeah Jaehwan?"

"Let's say hypothetically, someone gave me a gift, but they said not to open it right now. They said to open it later, and that I'll know when to open it. Would you open it or not?"

"Hmmm.... Well hypothetically, I'd just be patient and wait a while, but eventually I'd want to open it and see what's in it. Wait, how come?"

"No reason, just curious." So is that what I should do with the pencil case Taekwoon gave me? Maybe, maybe not....
Taekwoon: "R u home alone? Or with Seokjin?"

Me: "I'm w/Seokjin, y?"

Taekwoon: "I kno ur wondering abt the pencil case, and I rlly want 2 tell u something, but I just can't.😔 Open the pencil case on the bus w/me. Sit in the back, I'll c u l8r."

Me: "ok?"

Taekwoon: "Let Seokjin c wht it is first tho. He'll understand."
I was so confused right now. Open it later? Give it to Seokjin? What the hell is in his pencil case?

"Seokjin, remember how I spoke hypothetically to you about that gift? It's real. Here." I handed him Taekwoon's pencil case. "Taekwoon said to give it to you first, but not to show or tell me."

"Okay?" He slowly opened the pencil case and pulled out a paper. He quickly read it and put the paper back inside. "Yeah, you should read the paper with him."

"What was it about?" I curiously asked him.

"Can't tell you. You'll find out later." I just shrugged my shoulders and walked to the kitchen to get some food. As I came back, Hakyeon was sitting with Seokjin on the couch.

"Hakyeon, the bag with all the stuff Umma packed for you is by the door, along with my stuff. When do you want to head back to the school?"

"Maybe in about an hour? I just want to have a power nap."

I nodded and he laid his head down on the couch. Seokjin said goodbye to Hakyeon and he gave me a hug before he went back into the guest room. I sat on a chair, setting an alarm on my phone, to wake us up later. As I set my phone down on the small table, I got comfy in the chair and faded into light sleep.

About an hour and a half later...


"GAH!!!" Hakyeon exclaimed as he rolled off the couch. I woke up from my small nap, and turned the alarm off.

"Hey Hakyeon, want to head to school now?"

"Sure, do you want to ask Wonshik to come and walk with us?" Hakyeon asked me.

"Who said you boys are walking there?" My mom came out nowhere and was swinging her keys on her finger. "I'll drive you boys there." We both agreed with her and brought our bags to the car.

"Can I ask Wonshik to come with us also Umma?" I asked her.

"Yeah sure, why not? We have enough space." After she said that I went to Wonshik's house to ask him to come. I knocked 3 times, but realized he had already left to go to school. So we just drove to school, the 3 of us. When we got theRe, Umma helped us with our bags and the teachers counted us, name by name. When we got called, we put our bags in the bottom of the bus and went to go sit on the bus. I went to the back and sat down, just like Taekwoon said. After a while, I put my headphones in and sort of fell asleep again. When I awoke, we were already driving and going to wherever we were going. As I opened my eyes, I saw Taekwoon beside me, staring into space and also listening to music.

"Hey there Jaehwan. Did you bring the pencil case?"

"Y-yeah..." I softly said.

"Come on, let's open it together."




The paper which Seokjin read at my house, was inside the case. We both took it out and it read....
Hi there!!!! Sorry if I'm moving the story line too fast or something... Anyways, since I didn't update this, even though I promised, I published 3 chapters to make up for it. Hope you like the 3 recently published chapters!!! Don't worry, there will be more chapters to come!

That's all for now!

xlklct 😁😁😁😁

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