New friends

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My name is Jaehwan, Lee Jaehwan. Today is my first day of high school, which I am very excited for and scared at the same time.

I got up, showered, and changed into my uniform. Then I went down the stairs and ate breakfast, just a piece of bread. "Well bye Umma! I'm off to go to school!"

I stood up and grabbed my bag. I was just about to leave my house, until my mom said to me, "Bye Jaehwan! Have fun today!"

She's really a great woman and a strong mom. My dad left us back when I was a baby, causing her to fend for the both of us. All I want for her is to be happy, because I can tell she's still struggling. Everyday I try to cheer her up and one day, I hope I can meet my dad again. Not to lecture him or tell at him, but just to say my final farewell.

So I stepped out the house and was finally on my way to school. After about 15 minutes, I reached the school and took a deep breath. "First day?" Someone asked me.


"Me too. I'm Hakyeon." He stuck his hand out for me to shake. He also had a big smile on his face, which kind of made me feel more calm.

"I'm Jaehwan." I shook his hand and smiled back at him. "Let's go step in now, okay?"

"Mmhmm." We both took our first step into the yard and began walking towards the entrance of the school. "I hope we are in the same home room."


"You seem kind of, shy. You okay?"

"I'm just nervous, that's all." It was a new school, to make new memories. To make new friends, to just be new. It was frightening, but a good kind of frightening.

"So did any of your friends apply to this school?" He asked me. What a curious guy....

"Oh... I just moved from Seoul and well, all my friends are there..."

"Oh wow! So everything is new to you! Don't worry, I'll introduce to you to a couple of my friends."

"O-okay?" I shrugged my shoulders and just followed him. He looked like he knew where he was going. He led me to a large tree, where 2 people were sitting down and talking.

"Hey Hongbin! Sanghyuk! I want you to meet someone!" He yelled to them. Their heads immediately turned and they sprung up from the ground. Then they started walking towards us.

"Hey, I'm Hongbin, but you can call me Binnie if you want."

"And I'm Sanghyuk! Pleased to meet you!" He held his hand out and I shook it.

"H-hi? I'm J-Jaehwan. Pleasure to meet you both."

"Ummm... Jaehwan?" Hongbin looked confused. "Are you cold or anything?"

"Oh... No. It's just, I don't do well meeting people for the first time."

"Well you did sort of fine when you met me!" Hakyeon exclaimed.

"You kind of remind me of my best friend, back in Seoul..."

"Oh.... Well we're all friend here Jaehwan! Don't worry, you can be yourself around us!" Sanghyuk told me after. I'm sort of, kind of happy that I'm already making friends already. I mean, back in Seoul, it took me years just to make the close friends I had there.


"Oh! That's the first bell!" Hongbin said.

"We better get going guys!" Sanghyuk yelled.

We all started running inside the building and into our home-rooms. While we were in the hall, some guy bumped into me. "HEY! Watch where you're going, blind-boy!!!" He screeched at me.

"S-sorry!!!" I apologized and quickly made my way to class. I finally made it, and went to sit down in an empty seat. It was in the second last row, beside the window. Beside me, sat Hakyeon, in front of me was some girl and behind me was some guy. He had a hoodie on, and his hair was all over his face, covering it. He looked like he was sort of asleep or just day dreaming. I was just about to snap him out of it, but the teacher came in and I quickly turned around and looked at the front. I feel bad though, he may get in trouble.

"Hello class! I am Mrs. Choi and I will be your home-room teacher for this year. I have some rules in my class, which are; no daydreaming, 3 strikes and you're out, and well, we'll get to the other rules later. Anyways, I hope you like where you're sitting, because you'll be sitting there for the rest of the year you are with me. Any questions?"

Some guy raised him hand up. "Umm... Are we going to have to introduce ourselves to the whole class?"

"No, you can do that on your own time. Now, let's start doing...."

After first period...

"Ugh... That was a struggle, right Jaehwan?" Hakyeon asked me.

"Um, yeah." I packed my things and shoved them in my bag. Everyone was making their way out of class, and I looked to see that guy who sat behind me. He wasn't at his desk and I didn't see him at the door. He must've left already... As I looked on his desk, he left his black pencil-case there. He must need it for his other classes!!! So I picked it up and saw something written on his desk. Leo... Also, on his pencil-case was the name too. Was Leo his name?


"Yeah?" He replied.

"Do you have any idea of who this 'Leo' person is?" I showed him the pencil-case and the desk.

"No.. Sorry, doesn't ring a bell."

"Oh, okay then. You go on ahead, I'll meet up with you at that tree."

"Kay!!!" He ran out the class and now I was left alone in the classroom. I wonder what kind of a person this 'Leo' is. I walked to the lost-and-found at the office and dropped the pencil-case off there. As I was exiting the office, that rude guy showed up again, but this time, he didn't run into me. Instead, he was talking to someone threatening them. As stupid as I am, I marched up to him, with my blood boiling hot.

"Hey!" I tapped his shoulder. "Leave him alone!"

"And uh, who do you think you are, kid?" He questioned me.

"I'm the same age you are, JERK." I stared into his eyes, and saw hatred and anger.

"Ugh... I shouldn't have to waste my time on you, ASS. Oh wait, that's not your name, we've met before. Yeah... BLIND-BOY." He pushed my shoulder, which got me even angrier.

"MY NAME IS JAEHWAN." I yelled at him. Right after I yelled at him, someone came running to me and laid their hands on my shoulders.

"AHHHH!!!! Jaehwan!!!! Come, we've been looking for you!!!" It was Sanghyuk.

"I'll catch up with you later Sanghyuk. I need to teach this one some manners."

"Teach me manners?" He scoffed. "Pfft, I don't need to be taught unnecessary things."

"Hehe... Excuse him Wonshik, he's a crazy guy..." Sanghyuk said timidly. "Come on." He whispered.

"Fine..." I rolled my eyes and began walking with Sanghyuk.

"Hey," that 'Wonshik' person said. "Where's that guy that was just here?" It seems that while we were talking and stuff, that victim-guy slipped away, unnoticed. Good for him, he escaped. "Oh whatever.."

Sanghyuk and I reached the tree, where Hakyeon and Hongbin were sitting down. "What took you guys so long?" Hongbin asked.

"Some jerk..." I said.

"Well, to be specific, it was Wonshik." Sanghyuk said after.....
SURPRISE!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉 I'm writing ANOTHER book. Hope that you will like it and give support to it as well. Anyways, sorry if I'm being ANNOYING ALL THE TIME... Hehe.

Well, enjoy!


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