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"Are you done reading it?" Taekwoon said like he was ashamed.

I don't really know what to say about him being a spirit though. Is there something wrong with me for being able to see spirits? No, there can't be... It's a good thing right?

"Y-yeah I'm done. I-It was-"

He cut me off and said, "You're nervous aren't you? You're stuttering... I'm sorry." His face expression was down and he just looked out the window.

"It's just Taekwoon, I have a bunch of questions to ask and I'm trying to process it all in."

"Ask any questions. I'll answer all of them." He quickly told me.

"Well, what happened between you and Wonshik?"

He was silent for a while, then then took a deep breath in. "The issue we were fighting abut, was him being an alcoholic. Yes, even though we were in junior high, he was an alcoholic. He wasn't raised in a good family and he wasn't living with a good one at the time. Now he's probably adopted or something... I tried asking him to stop and trying to get him to go to a support group or something, but he just kept doing it and not quitting. One day I got tired of his crap and yelled at him. We fought once more, then I stormed out his house and that's when I got kidnapped."

"Oh damn... Ummm... How can I see you?"

"Certain people have special abilities. You and Seokjin, have the same ability: being able to see the wandering spirits, have contact with them and talk with them, as if we're real people." He scoffed.

"You are! I mean, you were... Here's another one; do you still love Wonshik?"

"Of course I do! And I regret all the pain and suffering I've caused him. However-"

"What about the kiss you gave me? Was that just for no reason or is there a reason?"

"I love you Jaehwan." He softly said.

"C-Come again?" I asked him. Did he just confess to me?

"Jaehwan, I love Wonshik, but I don't love him like I used to before. My somewhat of a heart, belongs to you now."

"W-what? I-I-I like you too..." I blushed a little. Did I just say that I liked him back? Oh jeez....

"Mmm..." He smiled at me and looked into my eyes.

"We can't be together though, can we?" I asked him. A spirit and a living person? Is it possible?

"We- no. We can't. Well, we could, but it would be too complicated."

"I know, I know... What's your mission?"

"Excuse me?" He said.

"What is your mission? I'll help you fulfill it."

"Really? Thank you!!!" He wrapped his arms around me and I felt as he was still alive.

"It's the least I could do."

"My mission, is to let Wonshik's heart become free and for him to finally be properly happy. Sounds interesting right?"

"No no!!! Aight, I'll help you with that, so you can rest in piece."

"Thank you so much Jaehwan." He smiled.

"Just don't forget me okay!?" I quickly said to him.

"How could I? You gave me another chance to fall in love and you've helped me so much. I will never forget you Jaehwan. And I promise, I'll even come and visit."

I smiled at him, not saying any words. I didn't want him to leave, but he has to.

"Okay Jaehwan, two more things. 1. Now you will be able to see other spirits because you are aware that some wander the earth, and 2...." He gave me another kiss. His lips stayed there for a while, then he disappeared again.

Taekwoon: "hey, srry 4 disappearing again.... It just happens when I kiss someone. 😥😥😥"

Me: "it's ok. 😁👍🏻"
I know what I have to do to help Taekwoon and his mission. I have to give Wonshik a chance. At least then, he might forget about the bad things and he'll have another chance to love. It may ease his pain as well.

"Wonshik!" I called him.

He perked his head and quickly left the seat he was sitting in.

"Yeah Jaehwan?" He said, now sitting beside me.

"Remember how you said you'd always try and steal my heart? Well something like that anyways...."

"Yeah? Why?" He looked so confused.

"Well, you finally have. I like you Wonshik." I silently blushed, but just sat there in silence.

"Y-you do?" I nodded my head. "Okay then... Jaehwan?"

"Yes Wonshik?"

"Will you be my boyfriend Lee Jaehwan?"

"Yes. Yes I will." He threw his arms around me and squeezed me tightly. "Wonshik?"

"Yes my jagi?" He smiled.

"C-can we not tell anyone yet? I want to tell everyone when we get back to school. I-if that's okay with you..."

"It's fine with me, but you're bunking with me in the cabin."

"Okay..." I slightly yawned and rubbed my eye.

"Are you tired? Rest your head on my shoulder."

"Aniya... I'm not.." Another yawn. "...tired."

One of his eyebrows raised and I guess I didn't have a choice. I laid my head on his shoulder and slowly closed my eyes.

Am I doing the right thing, or am I just toying with his heart?

After the bus ride, at the place they were staying at...

"Jaehwan.... Wake up..." He whispered as he poked my face.

"Mmhmm...." I said still half-asleep.

Oh! We're here! I guess I must've slept the whole way here then.

"Come on, let's go get our bags." He stood up and grabbed my hand, pulling me off the seat. I made sure I had all my belongings, then I walked out the bus with him.
There's one thing that's bothering me though....

Do I tell Hakyeon, or wait till I tell everyone else?

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